Mike and Jennifer Johns were on there way home from a South African vacation. They had two weeks in South Africa and they were ready to go home. They were American citizens and they were tired of unstable issues in African countries. It was a good vacation but too risky.”Never again,” Mike exclaimed. “Ever minute you’re looking over your shoulder whether to trust people or not in these unstable countries.”” I agree,” said Jennifer.” Let’s relax now dear,”she continued. “We’re almost there.” They both tried to sleep. Some of the other passengers were loud and restless, but Mike and Jennifer were tired. They started to dose off.
A small child in the back started to point at the window. The flight attendants just ignored him. They thought it was typical curiosity and play. The captain noticed a black cloud off the horizon to the left of the plane. The copilot estimated that the cloud was two miles away. The captain was concerned. There had been reports of swarms of locusts in parts of the continent of Africa. He ordered them to go off course a bit to avoid the swarm.The captain got on the intercom and announced this. The boy in the back still pointed. Jennifer rolled her eyes. “More time on a plane, wonderful!” The captain was relieved at first and they kept on their regular course that was just altered a bit. The copilot noticed the cloud getting closer to them. It was about a mile from them now and it was huge. That’s why they had trouble avoiding it because it was massive. The people that had window seat were now pointing at the massive black cloud. It was getting closer. The captain tried to alter their course again.The cloud stretched for miles. It was no good, the cloud kept coming towards them. The captain got binoculars to confirm his assumption,”Locusts,millions of them.””They will clog the engines sir,”the copilot assured the captain.”I know,”the captain replied. Two minutes passed before the locusts started smashing against the cockpit windows. The passengers watched them smash against the other windows also. They kept going on hoping for the best. Then the engines all of them, crackled and caught fire. Locusts were small, but because there were millions of them they clogged the engines quite efficiently. The captain came over the intercom and told the passengers to assume crash position. Mike and Jennifer were in disbelief. They were in shock. The plane was at an altitude of 5,000 feet. The oxygen masks came down for those who needed it. Mike didn’t put his on. He knew he was a goner.”Bye Jennifer I never thought it would be this way.” Jennifer just looked at him and smiled. They unbuckled their seat belts and got in each others arms. The plane was going down fast. The captain tried to do everything possible. Then the fourth engine exploded and crippled the plane. Fire went through the plane by the wings and some passengers were dead or on fire. It was Hell. The plane kept going down.As the plane was going down the locusts moved on their course at 5,000 feet elevation towards the East. The plane eventually exploded on the ground. There were no survivors. There was just wreckage littered along the ground.
Okobe looked outside his hut in a nearby village. He saw the fire come down from the sky. He heard the thunderous sound a few minutes ago. He knew it was something bad. He organized a group to search the crash site for survivors. It was about 300 yards from his village.When the natives got there they found nothing except fire and debris.They looked up at the sky for anything else and they noticed multiple streaks across the sky for five-seconds and then they were gone. They stood there looking up at the sky...
December 26,2012, Rio De Janeiro Brazil Galeao Airport 3P.M.
It was the annual after Christmas air show at the airport. This show was going on despite chaos in other parts of the world. The is what captain Raynoldo was thinking to himself at the time. There were thousands of people here and they were ready to be entertained. Captain Raynaldo got his group of pilots together. General Martine was sending off all the pilots and other entertainers for the air show. He was going past every act and saluting them. There were all kinds of acts along the airfield borders. The majority of the people were along the borders close to the main terminals outside. The planes and acts flew over the far outside of the airfield. No one was in danger from the show. It was a sunny day with a temperature of 85 degrees. The Blue Angels were a jet show group from the United States that were the main feature. There were many jets on display on the infield close to the terminal. There were also many venders along the terminal borders.The venders were big on selling liquid refreshment on such an ideal, warm afternoon. The show started at 4:00 P.M. The gates were open at three for people to get in position and browse the infield near the terminal. There was music playing and the crowd was enjoying themselves. A local barnstorming plane took off on the far side of the field.It was decorated in Christmas colors.
Bill and Nancy Narod were watching from the crowd. They were on vacation and heard this was the place to be at this time in this city. They knew they would enjoy it. They had enjoyed other air shows stateside. Nancy pointed to the plane and it’s exotic Christmas colors. She thought to herself it must be the start since nothing else had started flying since they got there. Some of the other planes and other acts started warming up their engines on the far side of the airfield. The barnstorming plane flew by with loud Christmas music. It shot out colored smoke behind it and continued down the elongated runway from the air.The smoke was green white, and red.It was gorgeous Nancy thought to herself. People were clapping and a voice came over the speakers.” Let the show begin,”the voice said.The voice was in Spanish and Bill and Nancy knew Spanish. It was also broadcasted in English after said in Spanish. Bill noticed some movement from the control tower in back of them next to the airline terminal.”That must be where they are running the show,”exclaimed Bill. “Must be,” Nancy concluded. They kept watching.
The barnstormer landed and tallied into the far side runway. He was ranting and raving about some bright lights in the sky that he’d never seen before. The other pilots and acts ignored him. He was a local and some of the visiting acts thought he was crazy and eccentric. He still kept talking about the lights. The next act was on the ground. The fastest semi-truck with jet engines. It taxied onto the far side of the airfield.Tex was the drivers name. He’s done this act too many times. He was waving his arms out the window egging on the fans to cheer. The fans were starting to cheer more.He started to get into position. They had seen this act before and knew what was in store for them.”Sonic Boom,”was the trucks name even though fans knew it didn’t break the sound barrier otherwise it wouldn’t be in the show. It started down the far side of the runway. It started to rev up it’s engines. The fans were cheering very loudly. The voice over the intercom encouraged the fans to be loud. The truck itself was very loud as it revved up it’s engines more! The truck was at the North end of the air field and it was going towards the South end at a top speed of 225 miles per hour! The fans couldn’t wait. By this time the Blue Angels were up in the air. They were the next act. The manager in charge Monte Gemmano, had planned this show perfectly that the Blue Angels would fly over doing their stunts while the truck finished. He was smiling because there were no major incidents except the barnstormer rambling. Everything was going perfect! Little did they know...
It was now 5 P.M. and the show was moving nicely. Bill and Nancy were enjoying themselves very much. They were waiting for the truck to go! Trillions of ants started marching onto the airfield from the South. They were army ants. The ants that are the most dangerous to people.One of the Blue Angels noticed a black cloud towards the South as they were forming up into position. The black cloud was enormous. They kept going the Blue Angels had six members. They were experienced pilots from the United States. They were in formation now. The leader Chip Scot was veering toward the South. The cloud was getting bigger. Justin Blogere the back wing man on the left noticed some bright lights high in the sky towards the North. He thought to himself that they were beautiful and then he ignored them. He could also see the cloud to the South. Ben Digger the right back wing man noticed a big brown blob on the airfield below them. “Something is not right,” he radioed the othe
r pilots. “This is highly irregular for a routine air show,”Chip agreed. They still continued.Chip thought they were in no immediate danger.
The truck took off. It gained speed as it went down the runway. The fans were all cheering. The voice on the intercom was roaring and Monte was yelling in the booth from the control tower. Verne, a navigator in the control tower, heard noises in the back. He ignored it. There was too much excitement down on the airfield. The truck reached it’s destination and put on the brakes. It just slid. It was skidding on the trillions of ants on that end of the field. Tex couldn’t stop. He was skidding at 200 M.P.H. It was horrible he was completely out of control! “What can I do,”he yelled.He kept skidding until the truck overturned.”Shit,I’m a goner,”Tex screamed.Then the truck blew up in a huge explosion from all the jet fuel. The people were in awe. Bill and Nancy had their jaws drop open. The explosion created a cloud of smoke up in the air. The Blue Angels were coming around but they couldn’t see.The only thing they saw was the black cloud in front of them. They forgot about the other cloud.The other black cloud was upon them in an instant. It was a huge swarm of bees. It was so thick they couldn’t see anything. Between the smoke in front of them from the truck explosion and the bees behind them they knew it wasn’t good. The bees started to clog their engines. They bursted through the explosion cloud. The bees followed them. Firetrucks and sirens started to go off. The announcers voice told everyone to stay where they are. The firetrucks came from a hangar north of the terminal where all the people were lined up.Bill pointed out to Nancy something coming through the smoke. It was Chip’s plane from the Blue Angels.People started to run. It was going to crash from being clogged and not being able to navigate through all the darkness. It crashed right into the South end of the crowd. It was a massive fast, fireball. Anybody around was incinerated.The crowd started to panic and tried to make it out to their vehicles.The announcer tried to get some order for people to exit. They didn’t listen.The ants started marching towards the people.These were the ones that made it through the truck explosion which still numbered in the trillions. Ben tried to gain altitude and flew into Chet’s plane who was the middle back man. They both blew up in another fireball. This was deposited onto the girth of the field.They were away from the crowd. The crowd was still running towards the exits.The other two planes engines were also clogged. They started to go down fast.The planes that were left were Justin’s and the two middle planes in the formation. They were flying too fast and furious. They went down in the middle of the crowd. There were more explosions and more people were incinerated. The bees started descending on the crowd now.The ants started to attack the people also.The announcer came over the intercom one more time and screamed,”Run for your lives.””We have mice in the control tower millions of them...”There was silence from the control room except scurrying noises.The people in the control tower were eaten alive!
The bees started stinging everyone in sight. They were the killer bee species. Multiple stings could kill a person easily. That’s how people were dying.Bill and Nancy were stuck right at the North end of the crowd. The ants were completely overwhelming the crowd and so were the bees. The ants had reached Bill and Nancy.People were dying around them everywhere.The ants were suffocating them by crawling in their mouths, or they were just eaten alive. The same fate happened to Bill and Nancy.The sight was an eerie one The ants and bees kept moving north and left behind a fiery mess from the airfield all the way to the terminal. Whatever the insects left behind the mice finished off. All you could hear over the intercom was static. The lights in the sky were there and them gone...
December 26,2012 Eagle Space Station U.S.A.over Africa 6 P.M.
Joe Ryan and Todd Leslie were watching out the space station window on this day after Christmas. They were dedicated to their jobs. That’s why they were not with their families this holiday season. They were both single but had older family members that they were close to.Joe was a tall man with blue eyes. Todd was a stout man with brown eyes. They had been friends for ten years now and knew each others tendencies.They had orders to stay in orbit and observe the earthly landscape. There were some weird animal incidents happening around the world and the president wanted a worldly view of what was going on. Joe and Todd followed through with their orders. They started with Africa. They were already over Africa anyway so they started with it. They both watched as the continent came under them. There were a few clouds but they could see most of the continent clearly. It was sunny. The sun was steady in that region of the Earth.They started looking more closely at the continent of Africa. They noticed numerous areas of dark clouds above various regions of the continent. They noticed large fires in some major city areas and rural areas on the continent.They reported that to the president. They aimed at the large clouds they were swarms of something. They also noticed white sporadic clouds also. The white clouds were recognizable and were concluded to be large flocks of birds. The swarms and flocks were all over the continent along with the fires.”That’s ugly,”Todd said. They warned the president of all they saw. They were acknowledged to continue on their orbit westward. They did.
In the hour they passed over South America. It was the same scenario as Africa.”This is ugly too,”Joe said. Most of the fires were closer to any areas on this continent. They were near cities or close to small villages. It was chaotic and it scared Todd somewhat. There were more clouds on this continent. They both started seeing bright lights near the horizon of the Earth. They contributed it to glare from the sun. They moved on westward.There were fires happening in the skies also.From reports earlier it was planes catching fire in the air from some kinds of animal attacks. There were fires all over the skies it seemed. They changed their trajectory towards the Northern Hemisphere. Within two hours they reached the continent of Asia in the Northern Hemisphere. It was dark now and they barely could see any clouds.Most of Japan had many fires in the bigger cities and smaller ones in the country areas. There were many fires in the skies over Japan and the rest of Asia. There were very few clouds due to the colder temperatures but they were still there. Asia was covered with fires on the ground, in sporadic areas all over Russia and China. India had clouds and flocks as well as sporadic fires in all areas.They could only see this vaguely since they were farther away from India.Joe and Todd’s mouths dropped. They thought it was going to be a routine day not something this chaotic and scary.”It is rare to see it from this perspective,”Todd said.They started approaching Europe when they started seeing more bright lights. They reported everything to the president and his staff. The bright lights were higher in the sky this time coming towards them. There were flashes and actual lights. They were speechless all they could do is watch. They saw some of Europe with its sporadic fires everywhere,on the ground and in the skies. In the dark it was kind of eerie Joe thought.Then the bright lights were upon them as fast as lightning. They gasped and then the space station exploded. It was completely incinerated and the bright lights kept going across the sky...
The presidents staff was receiving the transmission until there was nothing broadcasting information to them. It was gone on the radar station also.” It was like there was nothing there,” said the radar technician Allison. The president was stunned it was time to take action.
Chapter 4
Infestations and Disease
Bangkok Thailand December 27, 2012, 12:00 P.M. Mount Wongo Hospital
For a week now Dr. Dinah was getting many cases of malaria. It was overwhelming to her. They were getting more cases than they could care for. The staff was working double, and triple shifts to keep up with the cases, but it is hopeless. The staff was now getting infected. People were dying at alarming rates. Usually malaria takes two to four weeks to be fatal even in the underdeveloped countries like Thailand. This was fatal after a week. The lab technicians already did tests on it and it is the same kind of protozoan, but evolved much better to live off its’ host humans! There were outbreaks of mosquitoes up and down the c
ontinent of Asia. The hospital didn’t have enough medication to treat the hundreds of cases that were flooding the hospital this week. From December 17 until the present nine days the hospital had 5,000 cases of malaria, and people were dying fast. The staff and doctors were starting to treat the cases that had a chance to survive. The other cases that were hopeless they just piled up the bodies and shipped them to the morgue. By now, their morgue was getting full too. Regardless the doctors and staff kept plugging along.
“ Another case of malaria DR. Dinah,”said nurse Darice. “ That figures,” replied the doctor.The emergency room is full already, and we still have cases coming in like crazy.” Both people were sweating and chilly. They both had been infected with malaria mildly. It seemed that the whole hospital was now infected. “ What is the death count Darice?” The doctor was waiting for her reply as she got this new patient set up. “According to the last nine days record doctor, we’ve had 20 treated successfully.”” Those were the first ones that arrived.” “ After that we’ve had most people die.” “ Now the staff are getting infected, and we don’t have enough personnel or drugs to treat them.” “ We should call the authorities and treat this as a state of emergency,” the doctor exclaimed. Doctor Dinah got to the phone.She contacted her supervisor and told him the situation. She would have done it earlier, but it was just too hectic. They were trying to save lives and the staff thought they could handle it. Usually staff don’t call emergencies in a week. This was different and the whole staff knew it was serious.
Tsu Nuch Gnow was watching television in the main lounge on the first floor of the hospital. He saw some news stories on the television that intrigued him. There were reports of malaria breakouts and quarantine in hospitals all over the country of Thailand. He glanced out the window to notice most of the streets barren of people except the malaria cases.Chaos was swarming between people and animals if there were any people out on the streets. The animals were crowding the outdoors with their presence and winning any battles. Some people were fighting and losing outdoors. Most of what he could see most the people were indoors now.
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