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The War of the Roses: The Children

Page 14

by Warren Adler

  “I don’t understand,” Alphonse said. His face had reddened. “Dom said the purpose of this meeting was to finish the deal.”

  “That’s exactly correct,” Victoria said. “And I intend to do just that.”

  “So where the fuck’s the money?” Dominic sneered.

  “Oh, we’re prepared to make a settlement, gentlemen,” Victoria said, “but not on your basis. I’ve prepared my own letter for you both to sign and, of course, Angela Bocci.”

  She had pulled out a letter from her briefcase that she had written on her computer the night before. Alfonse took it, opened it, and read it.

  “You outta your fucking mind?” he shouted at Victoria, tossing the letter to his brother. “Read it, Dom. She wants us and Angela to sign it. Angela denies any sexual harassment and admits that she seduced this jaboni, and we sign as witnesses to money passing hands in lieu of any future harassment suits on Angela’s part. Hey lady, you people are at risk. Not us.”

  “Wrong,” Victoria said crisply, smiling slightly, staring directly into Alfonse Bocci’s beady eyes. “You people are at risk. You’re the blackmailers.”

  “Why waste time, Al. Let’s go to the firm.”

  “No one is stopping you,” Victoria said. “Go ahead.”

  “He’s history there, lady. You want that?”

  “Doesn’t bother me,” Victoria said. “We’re getting divorced anyway.”

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Alfonse Bocci asked.

  “Blackmail,” Victoria said. “That’s what’s going on.”

  “Listen to this broad,” Dominic said.

  “I don’t think you can get away with that characterization, Mrs. Rose,” Alfonse said, assuming a lawyerly role. “As my brother’s lawyer, you could be in real trouble with that allegation.”

  “Sue me.” Victoria said.

  “You mean that? You know what it will cost you if you have to go to court.”

  “Time, Mr. Bocci. Time. You, too. Lots of time.”

  “You know what your legal fees will cost you?”

  “I’m a lawyer, Bocci. You fuck around with me, I’ll keep your brother and his bitch in court for the rest of their lives if I have to. I’m good at it. As a matter of fact, I’ll make it so that you won’t have room on your schedule for any other cases.”

  “Are you threatening me?” Alfonse Bocci said. It was, Victoria concluded, a macho knee-jerk reaction. She noted that Josh had remained, as she had instructed him, totally silent.

  “Now you’re getting the message.”

  “Why you lousy bitch,” Dom said, jumping from his chair, reaching out to grab Victoria.

  Josh stood up protectively and pushed Dom away. Alfonse rose swiftly from his chair and restrained his brother.

  “Don’t be an idiot, Dom,” he cried, wrestling his brother back to his chair.

  “Let him strike me. Give me more ammunition,” Victoria said.

  “Who the fuck does this cunt think she is?” Dominic cried, his face flushing beet red.

  “You’d better watch your language,” Josh shouted.

  Victoria cut him a glance that silenced him, then addressed both brothers in turn.

  “As I told you, I really don’t care if you go to Josh’s firm. True, Josh could lose his job. Tell you the truth, I wouldn’t want that to happen. He makes good money, although I’m sure they’ll give him a great severance package. But it won’t help your wife, either. Nevertheless, I’m willing to be reasonable, providing the two of you and she sign that document.”

  She paused, looking silently from one brother’s face to the other. “If you don’t, I am going to take you to court. Great country, America. Due process. Anybody can sue anybody. Believe me, I’ll find the statutes that apply. Who knows, maybe a complaint to the District Attorney’s office might be appropriate. Up to you. I’m willing to make a deal.”

  “Talk about blackmail. This is a holdup,” Dominic sneered.

  “How much are we talking about?” Alfonse said, maintaining his lawyerly pose.

  “Fifty thousand,” Victoria said without pausing.

  “Fifty thousand? That’s 10 percent.”

  “If you don’t sign, you get nothing but trouble. Fifty thousand will be small potatoes after I get myself charged up.”

  “You’re lookin’ for trouble lady,” Dominic said menacingly, looking toward his brother. “We got connections.”

  “Please. Don’t pull that Mafia macho shit on me. What are you going to do? Hire somebody to break my kneecaps?” She paused. “As for trouble, you haven’t got a clue.”

  Suddenly Dom turned toward Josh.

  “Ain’t you got nothin’ to say? Got any balls left?”

  “Apparently enough to do your wife for six months,” Victoria snapped, looking Dominic Bocci dead in the eyes.

  “Maybe he wasn’t getting enough at home,” Dominic said.

  “Could have been the same problem over at your house,” Victoria said. She turned toward Alfonse. “What will it be, Counselor?”

  She watched Alfonse Bocci grow thoughtful, rubbing his chin, wetting his lips.

  “Bitch has us by the short ones,” he hissed, a remark meant for his brother’s ears alone. Then, louder, as he put up his hands and looked pointedly at Victoria, “I don’t think we can fuck with her, Dom. Broads like this get you by the cojones. They squeeze until they crush you. I seen enough of them in my life.” He turned toward his brother. “You got a big problem back at the barn, brother. Your Angela can’t keep her legs crossed? You know what I say. Take the fucking fifty grand. Sign the goddamned paper. Get her to sign it. She ain’t gonna use it.” He turned toward Josh. “She’s keeping your job for you, buddy. Maybe she’s doing you a favor dumping you. I couldn’t live with a hardass like her for two minutes.” He turned toward his brother. “Take it, Dom. We overreached is all. Better get what you can.”

  “Good advice, Counselor,” Victoria said.

  “Fuck her,” Dominic said morosely.

  “Here’s the game plan. We don’t have to meet again.” She reached into her briefcase and pulled out an envelope. “The check I post-dated for a week from now. But if I don’t get the letter back signed by all three of you and properly notarized, I stop it. Understand?”

  Alfonse shook his head and looked toward his brother, who was obviously fuming. Dominic snarled and nodded.

  “I’ll have a messenger pick up the paper tomorrow. If it’s in order, you can cash the check. And I’d appreciate if you henceforth eliminate yourselves from our lives. Capisce?”

  “Fuckin’ bitch,” Dominic mumbled as Victoria and Josh stood up and, without another word, left the office.

  Chapter 12

  The children sat together on the couch in the den, wide-eyed and expectant. This was the usual place of family conferences, the truly serious stuff, and their father knew they were concerned and somewhat confused. Josh studied them, his progeny, Michael and Emily, two beautiful children, his hope and his future. Mustn’t show his pain, he implored himself, trading glances with Victoria, whose cool visage, he knew, hid her own consternation. In the brief time since yesterday, she had shown him the full extent of her determination. As a husband, he had been unceremoniously amputated from her, body and soul.

  “We have something to announce, children,” Victoria began. He noted that her cheeks had reddened and he could hear a reedy tremor in her voice. The children looked from one parent to the other, still unsuspecting, although it was clear that they could read in their parents’ expressions something ominous.

  Emily reached out for Michael’s hand. Josh understood their need to touch for solace. He had experienced a similar reaction following his parents’ demise. The urge to touch his sibling’s flesh was overpowering.

  “Nothing is going to change for you children,” Victoria began, then
hesitated, looking imploringly toward Josh. For the first time since she had been informed of his betrayal, she was vacillating.

  “What your mother is trying to say,” Josh said, taking courage from her faltering voice, “is that we, your mother and I, are planning to divorce.”

  He watched the expression on his children’s faces run the gamut from confusion to disbelief. They exchanged stunned glances. Michael’s face became ashen and frown lines appeared on his forehead. Emily’s eyes glazed, then moistened.

  Josh continued, barely able to find his voice. Droplets of sweat were heading down the sides of his body and sprouting on his back. “Nothing will change for you guys. We love you both very much.”

  His words sounded trite and foolish. Nothing will change. It was an outright lie. Their lives were going to be changed forever.

  “Daddy and I are just unhappy living together anymore,” Victoria said.

  “It has nothing to do with you children,” Josh added quickly, clearing a lump from his throat. Huddled together on the couch, the children looked pitiful and forlorn. This was much harder than he had expected.

  “Is Daddy going to leave us, like Bobbie’s father?” Emily asked. Tears began to stream down Emily’s cheeks, and she tried wiping them with the back of her little hands. It was heartbreaking. Josh turned helplessly to Victoria.

  “Is this worth it?” he whispered.

  Victoria ignored him and turned to the children.

  “No, darling,” she said. “Daddy is going to stay here.”

  “Does that mean you’re going away, Mom?” Michael asked, desperately trying to hold back his tears.

  “That’s not the way it’s going to be, children,” Victoria said. “We love you both too much to hurt you in any way. Actually, the way it will work is that Daddy will be here with you for two weeks, then I’ll take over and be with you for two weeks. You see? Nothing is going to change for you.”

  “Where will you go, Mommy?” Emily asked nervously, her eyes shifting from one parent to the other.

  “Oh, I’ll be fine. I’ll be staying in Manhattan during those two weeks, but this will be my home. I’m also going back to work as a lawyer.” She looked toward Josh for help.

  “It’ll be like your Mom and Dad will be taking a vacation every two weeks.”

  “But it won’t be a vacation, really,” Michael protested.

  “I said like a vacation,” Josh said, feeling foolish.

  The children once again exchanged glances. It was obvious that they were dissatisfied and uncomfortable with the explanation.

  “It will work out fine,” Victoria said. “I promise you.”

  Josh looked at her and shook his head. Promises? How could she possibly promise such a thing?

  “The important thing,” Josh said, hesitating, knowing he was being a hypocrite. “Is that we’ll still be a family.”

  “Absolutely,” Victoria said.

  He could tell that the children were buying none of it, going along, trying to cope with this new impending reality. He wished he had the guts to tell them the truth. You’re getting screwed, kids. It won’t ever be the same for you.

  Emily insinuated herself into Josh’s arms. He held her on his lap and kissed her tears away.

  Michael remained seated on the couch. He was putting on a good show of bravery, but it was obvious that he was devastated.

  “Is it because you don’t love each other anymore?” Michael asked.

  Victoria shot a confused glance at Josh and shrugged. He saw it as a wordless cry for him to answer the question. It did, after all, go to the heart of the matter. The question was an honest one, but he knew he would have to give a dishonest answer.

  “You might say that, son,” Josh said, caressing his daughter’s thighs, holding his cheek next to hers. “It happens to parents sometimes.”

  He turned toward his boy. “We’re not divorcing our children, Michael. Only each other. When you grow up, you’ll understand.”

  Another lie, Josh thought. They understand now. As grown-ups they would be confused.

  “There are people at Pendleton whose parents are divorced, Mom. I understand. Sure I do. It’ll be okay for Emily and me. You’ll see.”

  “Of course it will,” Josh said, his voice breaking.

  “Mommy and Daddy,” Emily said, her sobs had turned to hiccups. “Is this going to be for….” She hiccupped again, then said, “Always?”

  “Hold your breath, darling, and count to ten,” Josh said.

  She tried to do so, but it didn’t work.

  “Nothing is forever,” he managed to whisper, looking at Victoria, who avoided his glance. She knew the situation had not gone according to her expectations. He had hoped so. It was certainly worse than he had expected.

  “I promise you both, children. Everything will be all right,” Victoria said. For the first time since their talk had commenced, Josh detected a note of uncertainty in her response.

  “But will it be for always?” Emily persisted between hiccups.

  “I’m afraid so,” Victoria sighed. Josh averted his eyes and did not respond.

  “So Dad will stay with us first, Mom?” Michael asked, obviously trying to show his acceptance of their solution. It was a valiant try.

  “For the next two weeks,” Victoria replied. Apparently, her equilibrium had returned. “Then I’ll come home and take care of you guys. No problem. We’ve already worked it out, haven’t we, Josh?”

  “Oh yes. We’ve worked it out.” He sounded tentative and quickly adjusted his response. “But you guys will have to help me through it.”

  “Your dad’s a very creative fellow. He’ll do the job just wonderfully,” Victoria said.

  “Betcha life,” Josh said.

  “And I’ll call every day and talk to both of you. I promise. Cross my heart.” More promises. It sickened him to hear them.

  “Me, too,” Josh said with forced enthusiasm. “When Mom is here.”

  “Will that be for always, too?” Michael asked. “Changing places every two weeks?” It was, Josh noted, a subtle abridgement of Emily’s question. It seemed more a question of process than a deeper look into the future.

  At that point, Emily wriggled out of Josh’s arms and went to her mother, who hugged her with equal fervor.

  “I love you, Mommy,” Emily said.

  “And I love you.”

  “How come you don’t love each other anymore?” Emily asked. Her hiccups had disappeared.

  “I don’t think I can explain it in any way that you’ll understand, sweetheart.”

  “I thought Mommys and Daddys are supposed to love each other always.”

  “Don’t be silly, Emily,” Michael said. “Remember what Gramma said when she came to visit last Christmas?”

  “Gramma?” Josh snapped, turning to Victoria. “What did Gramma say?”

  “Sometimes she says things she doesn’t mean,” Victoria quickly countered.

  But Emily was not to be thwarted.

  “She said that Grampa Stewart was a bad man and was very mean to her and left her all alone with Mommy.”

  “She told you that?” Josh said angrily.

  “Yes she did,” Emily persisted. “And she said boys could be mean like that.”

  “Christ, Victoria,” Josh cried. “I thought you were going to shut her up about things like that. That woman is a menace.”

  “She promised,” Victoria said defensively.

  “Promised, did she?” Josh muttered, hating to hear that word again. “Just keep her away from the kids. I will not have her poisoning their minds about me.”

  “She won’t. It would be contrary to my position.” She looked toward the children. “There’s no point in having this discussion now.”

  “It’s as good a time as any, Victoria,” Josh sn
apped. “She starts out with Grampa Stewart, then works her way through my parents, then to me.”

  “Was Grampa Stewart really a bad man?” Michael asked.

  “How did we ever get on this subject?” Victoria sighed. “My mother’s opinions have always been off the wall. I know her faults, Josh, but she is still my mother.”

  “And why did Gramma and Grampa Rose kill each other?” Michael asked. The question struck Josh as insidious, a dangerous time bomb planted by Mrs. Stewart.

  Explaining what had happened to his parents was always a sore point. “They didn’t kill each other. It was an accident.” He shook his head in disgust. “Gramma Stewart is dead wrong.”

  They were getting off the track, and he feared that he and Victoria would find themselves in a confrontation in front of the children.

  Victoria freed Michael from her embrace and drew Emily beside her, hugging her.

  “I’ll see you both in two weeks,” she said.

  Josh watched as the children again hugged their mother. He could see their reluctance to let her go, and he was certain that they were feeling the same sense of abandonment he was.

  “That was tough,” Victoria acknowledged after the children had gone up to their rooms.

  “Very,” he muttered.

  “We’ll just have to hope for the best.”

  “Any way you slice it, it stinks.”

  “Yes it does,” she agreed, shrugging.

  “It doesn’t have to be this way,” he said.

  “Unfortunately, it does, Josh,” she huffed, turning away. “I have to finish packing.”

  He was relieved when she left the room. He sat back in the chair, turned on the television set, and tried to eliminate all thinking, letting the flow of inane sitcoms and canned applause wash over him.

  Later, she called from upstairs and asked him to help bring down her suitcases, which he did as the ever-dutiful husband. She had packed three suitcases and a hanging bag. He brought them into the garage.

  Then she asked that he help her carry out her computer, screen, and printer, which he did. Knowing that the computer contained all the information about their joint finances, he resented the idea that he was participating in removing crucial knowledge from his own house. He made no comment as he loaded the baggage and electronic gear into the trunk of the Lexus.


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