Sentry: 2-Influence of a Drowsy God

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Sentry: 2-Influence of a Drowsy God Page 10

by Thomas Shaw

  Mrs. Hadfield: Well, we always poked fun at each other, and sure, my humor was a lot darker than his, but I never thought that he would react the way he did.

  Dr. Wright: What happened?

  Mrs. Hadfield: He came in, from god-knows-where, looking like he had been fighting or something. Well anyway, I wasn’t in the mood; our washing machine decided to stop working, I had an argument with our phone service and I couldn’t get a hold of Charlie.

  Then he comes in, dragging muddy footprints all over the floor. I just turned to him and said, “Oh look, you’re not dead. You could at least call me so I know where you are”. He mutters to me to "go to hell" or something like that and I respond with “Well you’ll be there before me won’t you!”

  Dr. Wright: And that’s when he went for you?

  Mrs. Hadfield: Normally, I would’ve expected a middle finger or some rude, but playful, response. He knew my humor, he would’ve normally known I never meant any harm in that. But for the first time in all our years together I saw him see me. He grabbed me and threw me on the floor, hands around my throat. I’ve never seen him so angry, never seen him use so much strength. I eventually passed out. And when I came around I had a police officer kneeling beside me. They called me an ambulance, and here I am.

  Dr. Wright: I’m glad you’re ok. If we can do anything for you...

  Mrs. Hadfield: I was wondering if I could see him.

  Dr. Wright: I’m afraid that’s not possible, you see... whilst transporting him here, he proceeded to attack our officers and he had to be subdued. Unfortunately, lethal tactics were used, and he was killed in the struggle.

  Mrs. Hadfield: Wha- (Mrs. Hadfield broke down in tears. Dr. Wright passed a handkerchief over to her) He’s gone? But he was...

  Dr. Wright: At least you can feel safe knowing there won’t be another attack.

  Mrs. Hadfield: I felt safe anyway. Charlie worshiped me, I knew that. And I felt the same about him, not that he’d truly believe it whenever I told him, but I did. It’s the stuff that you put in him that turned him against me!

  Dr. Wright: It's what your husband agree-

  Mrs. Hadfield: Yes, he agreed to healing, not to be turned into some sort of monster! Anyway, I came here to take Charlie home, and since I can’t do that, I’d like to speak to your manager please.

  Dr. Wright: My boss?

  Mrs. Hadfield: Yes, your boss. And not just the person the runs this place, the company director.

  Dr. Wright: Mrs. Hadfield I’m afraid...

  Mrs. Hadfield: If you’re not willing to help me that’s fine. I’ll find this person myself.

  (Mrs. Hadfield proceeded to get up and leave. Due to myself being called away urgently, Mrs. Hadfield was never stopped. Her location and status are currently unknown to DarkWatch)

  Transcribed by Dr. E Wright

  She was alive! I hadn’t killed her. And she forgave me. The week flashed through my mind. The things I had done, all of it, the attacking, the transforming innocent people.... the lives I had taken. All of it, for what?

  I had to get out of here, I had to find her! I got to my knees, using all the strength I could and moved enough debris off of me to get to my feet, when there was a groan all around me. The ground below me collapsed and I tumbled down through the foundations of the building and into a cavernous tunnel. I landed on my front in a shallow pool of water, rubble landing all around me. I stood but was hit in the back by a large piece of steel. I struggled to move my legs. In front of me I felt an intense heat. I looked up and saw a large metal machine. It had grating all around it with flames spitting out. This must’ve been the furnace that Five was talking about. I dragged myself towards the wall and lent against it. I looked around but couldn’t see much in the dark. The furnace illuminated its surroundings, but the light didn’t reach me. There were faint crashing and smashing sounds coming from above and the odd creaking noise. I laid my head back against the cold stone wall and looked up again at the furnace. There was some kind of liquid dripping into the top of it. Green, almost fluorescent, it looked exactly like the Cure All drug we had synthesized. How much had they made whilst I had been gone? The droplets fell into the fire and went up in a bright green flame, bigger than the red ones that were already burning. The leak was coming from a large tank, suspended above the furnace by only a few cables. It must have fallen though the building during the explosion. My eyes widened, and I thought about what Five had said about the chemical being highly flammable! I threw my body to the ground and dragged myself across the floor, pulling with all my might, the green muscular mess that my body now was. But I wasn’t strong or fast enough.

  I watched, as if it happened in slow motion, the cables on one end snapping, and the whole barrel landing into the furnace and a second later exploding. The last thing I saw, was a wall of bright, green fire charging down towards me.

  With a tremendous heat, an explosion that must’ve been heard for miles around a scream came from my throat that didn’t sound right. My body felt wrong and I curled up trying to protect myself, but it was no use. Two seconds of intense, agonizing pain and then everything went black.




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