Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 7

by A. M. Hargrove

  Chapter Eight

  When Gabby walked in the door, she kicked off her squishy shoes. She hoped they weren’t ruined. They’d taken a good drenching and a new pair was simply not in her budget right now. Her clothing stuck to her like glue and made her skin clammy. What she needed was a hot shower.

  The warm water felt divine as her body returned to its normal temperature. The shower relaxed her tension, but then her thoughts soon took her back to Kolson’s sensual kiss. It fired her up, making her hyperaware of the fact that she really couldn’t remember the last time she’d had an orgasm. She would have to remedy that by taking matters into her own hands, and soon.

  She opened the shower door and the cubbyhole bathroom boiled with steam. Bumping against the door, she flung it open and went to get dressed. A thrill passed through her as she thought about working at the clinic. She adored the nurses there and while other people mentioned that it seemed depressing, she didn’t look at it like that. Gabby thought of it as a way to give back to the community and help others in need. The patients there were resistant to her help for the most part. Most were forced to see her. But if she could get through to one or two, then she walked on cloud nine for a week after.

  After a quick dinner of the remains of her earlier lunch, she grabbed her purse and coat and headed out. It was dark, but she took the subway anyway. The cost of a cab made it unaffordable for her. Constantly scanning for any sign of Danny, she was happy when she exited the train station.

  The security guard scanned her badge and she passed through the metal detector when she entered the hospital. This was a huge medical center in New York City, so they didn’t take chances.

  She found the clinic standing room only. Roberta, the head nurse on duty, said, “Hey, Doc, I hope you wore your comfy shoes tonight ’cause it’s gonna be a rough one, I’m afraid. We got ’em coming in from everywhere.”

  “We’ll get it done. Just like we always do, Roberta.”

  Gabby hoped they would find a way for a better intervention. She knew that many of these patients needed help before they started on drugs. And there wasn’t a way to make that happen. You could preach until there were no more words left. Even when she counseled teens whose friends had died of unintentional overdoses, they still went out and did recreational drugs. And most drug use started in the teen years. Most, but not all.

  Some of the patients she would see tonight would’ve started using because they’d been in an accident and couldn’t get off the pain medication. Whatever the initial problem was, Gabby’s focus was to get those patients clean and into therapy. There was usually one big underlying issue that kept them involved with the drugs: escapism. She was surprised she hadn’t gone down that path herself.

  By midnight, Gabby’s replacement had taken over and she was finalizing her paperwork.

  “Dr. Martinelli, are you about finished?”

  Gabby looked up at Roberta. “Yes.” She sighed.

  “Told ya it was gonna be a bad one.”

  “You know, I think I persuaded one patient to go to NA. So it was a success for me.”

  Roberta smiled. “That’s what drives you, isn’t it?”

  “Yep. Gotta get ’em cleaned up before anything else. It’s the same with sexual abuse and domestic violence victims.”

  “Anyone ever tell you how much we appreciate you around here? You come because you want to, not because you have to. That’s a huge difference.”

  “Thanks, Roberta, but I come because I want these people to get better. That’s it. I can’t imagine living my life dependent on any kind of substance, day after day.”

  “Sad, isn’t it?”

  “And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. What about those poor patients with schizoid personality disorder? People are so frightened of them because they don’t understand them. Mental illness is a terrible disease but there’s just not enough help for sufferers.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Right, Roberta, I’m preaching to the choir here, aren’t I?” Gabby laughed.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

  “Hang on a minute. I need to check on a patient.” Gabby made a quick call to see how Juliana was and discovered she was doing as well as could be expected for the first day in rehab.

  The two women headed out together and rode the subway, but Gabby was unaware that she was being watched. And she didn’t know that Danny followed her all the way home. He grinned as the doorman opened the door for her. He took note of the address, the number of security measures, and how many men were in the lobby once she’d entered the elevator. Danny was no slouch. He walked around the block several times until he satisfied himself that this place could be a possible entry for him. He could rest easy now that Gabby was back within his reach. Soon she would be his.

  # # #

  Gabby was back at work the next day, but she felt achy. She missed her morning run, all because of Kolson. He’d made her feel unsafe. She analyzed the situation and felt silly about it now. She’d been in Manhattan for a while and never felt uncomfortable about her early morning runs. That was the only time she had to get her stress-relieving exercise in. Why did he make her feel guilty about it?

  She needed the exercise and couldn’t afford to join a gym. Her hours after work were usually taken up with volunteering at NA, the hospital, or the women’s shelter, so the mornings were her only option. She’d get a big can of pepper spray and be done with it.

  Her phone rang and she was secretly happy to hear Kolson’s voice.

  “Are you free for dinner tonight? I promise not to be annoying.”

  She could sense the smile behind his words. “I’m afraid I’m not. I’m volunteering at NA tonight,” she said.

  “Hmm. What about tomorrow?”

  She smiled. “Tomorrow would be nice. Does that promise extend until then?”

  He laughed at her question. “Yes, it does. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  She shivered when she hung up the phone, thinking about the way he’d kissed her.

  That night at NA when she saw Case, she decided to ask his opinion about the running thing.

  “Do you think it’s unsafe for a single woman to run alone in the early mornings?”

  “Of course it’s unsafe. Don’t you dare do it.”

  “But Case, it’s the only time I have.”

  “Then you need to carve out time somewhere else.” He stared intently at her. “Gabs, you’re playing with fire. Honest to God, I’m not fooling.”

  “Ok, ok. I won’t. Got it.” She groaned.

  “I’m only being protective. Besides, I used to be ...”

  “A cop. I know. And I appreciate you looking out for me.”

  “You sound more annoyed.”

  Gabby looked contrite. “I’m sorry, Case. I’m just being snarky and I shouldn’t be. You’re only looking out for me. I’m just frustrated that I can’t run and it’s the only time I have. I’m sorry I’m such an ass.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He hugged her and rubbed her head with his knuckle until she laughed.

  “Hey, can I ask a favor of you?”


  “Um, can you look someone up for me?”

  “You mean run a background check?”

  “Sort of.” She didn’t like asking him to do this but she needed to know more about Kolson. “I want information on someone.”

  “How much and what kind? Basic background stuff or more in-depth? You know I can pretty much get you anything you need.”

  She blew out a long breath. “Okay, here’s the deal. I met this guy a couple of weeks ago.”

  Case perked up and asked, “Did he mess with you?”

  “No. Nothing like that. Actually, he did the opposite. Helped me out.” Gabby smiled when she saw Case’s stance ease. “Hey, don’t get all big bro on me.” They laughed.

  “Okay, so what do you need?”

  “He’s kind of a … well, I’m not exactly sure. He�
�s wealthy and I’m sure he’s prominent, but there’s something mysterious about him. I just want to know more and I don’t think he’s the type to share.”

  “Have you asked him?”

  “No, and I don’t want to.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  Case rubbed his forehead. “I don’t really like the sound of this.”

  “Yeah, I figured you’d say that. But I know what I’m doing.”

  “Okay. You want financial records? Work history? Education? That sort of thing?”

  “Yeah, and family stuff too.”

  “You got it. But Gabby, I need one more thing. His name.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I guess that would help. Kolson Hart.”

  Case whistled. “The Kolson Hart?”

  “Um, I guess so.”

  Case shook his head. “You really do need to get out more. Kolson Hart is considered the most eligible bachelor in all of New York but he’s also the most elusive. He stays completely out of the limelight and refuses to be photographed. He’ll even hire a decoy if he has to make a public appearance. He’s the hard-driving business dealer who walked away from his father’s multi-million dollar business to start up his own. His company is called Hart Transportation Service and has contracts for the world’s top entertainers, millionaires, royalty, —you name it.”

  “I do need to get out more. Or run in the opposite direction.” Gabby smiled. “So, you think you can do this? I can’t pay you much.”

  Case flashed her a look that said it all. “Like I would charge you.”

  “But …”

  “But nothing. You do so much for me and my NA group. There won’t be any charging. And if you insist, I won’t do it.”

  Gabby held up her hands. “You got me. How long will it take?”

  “I should have something for you in a week.”

  # # #

  The following night at seven o’clock, Kolson Hart took Gabby to Le Chatelaine, one of the finest restaurants in Manhattan. It was said that reservations were impossible to get, but they must not have been for Kolson. The menu was in French, so Gabby had no idea what anything was, and Kolson, being the gentleman he was, took care of ordering for her, though only after checking with her over his choices. Gabby was glad—she’d worried she would make a fool out of herself.

  “So tell me, Gabriella, what do you like to do?” His mouth turned up as he grinned.

  “I love to volunteer at the women’s shelter and I also help out at Narcotic’s Anonymous. I moonlight at the substance abuse clinic at Bellevue too. I did my residency there so it was hard for me to move on.”

  “You’re a very busy lady. Why all the volunteering?”

  “I want to help those less fortunate. I think they sort of get lost in the shuffle.”

  He nodded. “That’s an admirable quality. Not many people give up that much of their time.”

  Her cheeks warmed with the compliment. “Thank you, but I love it.”

  “No need to thank me. You’re the one who needs to be thanked. At least that’s how I see it.”

  “I don’t know, there are a lot of lost souls out there. Those that need direction and love. And maybe if they get a helping hand, it can make a difference in their lives. You know?” she asked.

  “I do.”

  “So what about you?”

  “I’m pretty basic. I get people from point A to point B and that’s about it.”

  “Any volunteer activities?” Gabby asked.

  “Afraid not. My only activity is writing the check to the charity.”

  Gabby grinned. “Well, checks are very important.”

  Their meals arrived and their conversation became minimal as they ate. The food was delicious, the wine extraordinary. She’d never had a culinary adventure quite like it. And she laughed because she couldn’t even begin to pronounce what she was eating. Kolson enjoyed watching the expressions of delight pass over Gabriella’s face even more than he enjoyed tasting the food.

  “What?” she asked as she caught him eyeing her.

  “The look on your face. It’s exquisite. I don’t think I can remember seeing anyone enjoy a meal like you have.”

  Gabby’s hand touched her warm cheek. “Well, it was the best meal I’ve ever had.”

  Kolson chuckled at the mischievous look on her face. “I’m happy you liked it so much. Later this week, I’ll take you to La Taverna so you can enjoy some Italian fare. It’s a marvelous place in Little Italy—you’ll fall in love with Giuseppe.”


  “The owner. On second thought, he’ll fall in love with you.”

  Gabby laughed. “I’d love to go. Italian is my favorite. Of course, how could it not be?” She sipped from her wine and sat back in her chair. “I need to thank you.”

  “For what? Your company made the dinner much more enjoyable than anything I’ve done in ages.”

  “That’s not what I wanted to thank you for,” she said, eyes sparkling.


  “You kept your word to not be annoying.”

  A rumble of laughter burst from his chest and he eyed her with amusement. “I am so right about you.”

  Now it was Gabby’s turn to be curious. “How so?”

  “I can see you’re going to be a handful, Dr. Martinelli.” Kolson had already decided that Dr. Gabriella Martinelli was quite a remarkable woman. She was stimulating, witty, and bright.

  Gabby hated for the evening to come to an end because she couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed herself so much. When Kolson dropped her home, he walked her up to her door, and when he departed, she was disappointed that he only gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek and a promise to see her again very soon.

  A few days later, Gabby was lost in her thoughts of Kolson when her phone buzzed. She was between patients and was happy she was able to answer.


  “Hi yourself. I was wondering if you were up for some Italian?”

  “That depends. Is he nice?”

  “Very funny.”

  Kolson kept his promise and the following evening they found themselves seated at La Taverna, sipping a lovely Chianti. Kolson had been right. Giuseppe had fallen head over heels for Gabby.

  “Signor Hart, you must bring Dottore Martinelli in with you more often. I shall spoil her and fatten her up, si?”

  “No,” Gabby said, laughing. “I don’t want to get fat!”

  “Ah, but Giuseppe will bring you all his special dishes tonight, si?”

  “Yes, Giuseppe. Spoil the lovely lady for me, will you?”

  And that’s exactly what he did. He brought out dish after dish of pastas and meats, until Gabby thought she would explode. The food was every bit as good here as it had been at Le Chatelaine. Kolson had to stop himself from rolling his eyes at the way Giuseppe fawned over Gabriella.

  “So, tell me a little about yourself, Kolson. What do you like to do?”

  “I enjoy watching you eat. I am enamored with you, Gabriella. And I am jealous of Giuseppe.”

  Gabby let out a nervous laugh. No one could be enamored with her. She was unsure of every move she made and had no finesse around men. “You didn’t answer my question. I find you like to deflect a lot. There must be a reason for that.”

  Kolson’s expression flattened. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about himself. He would rather endure waterboarding. Well, maybe not. But opening up to others was not an option. Then he flashed her a disarming grin. “Yes. I have a great reason. When I’m sitting next to a gorgeous woman, why in the hell would I want to discuss me when I can talk about her? There’s nothing more intriguing than uncovering the mysteries of a beautiful woman. And you, Gabriella are much more interesting than I am.”

  Kolson was turning on the flirting game with her. She wasn’t very good at it for she’d never been flirted with or played that game before. She bit the inside of her cheek and frowned.

Ah, there it is again. That doubt is clouding your eyes. You don’t believe me, do you?”

  She squinted at him. “I suppose I have no reason not to.”

  Finally, Giuseppe presented the grand finale, his specialty dessert, tiramisu. He didn’t make just any old tiramisu. His was made with a chocolate layer of custard and Gabby knew she’d found heaven at first taste.

  Kolson eyed her with interest, because he knew what was about to happen. He watched as her mouth closed around her fork, pulling the semisweet concoction inside. Her lids fluttered, closed, then opened wide as she hummed and moaned and Kolson got his first inkling of what she would sound like in bed. His hand closed into a fist as he felt his dick grow hard.

  Gabby grinned and said, “Oh my God! This is better than sex.”

  Kolson quickly swallowed his bite of dessert and in a voice thickened with lust, he said, “Then, my beautiful kea, you’ve never had sex with the right man because I can promise you this: there’s not a dessert in the world that’s better than sex with me.”

  Gabby could only gape at him as he stared back at her, smirking.

  “Is that a challenge?” she finally asked.

  “Not at all. It’s a promise. But if you care to test the waters …”

  “Th-that’s not necessary.” But Gabby wouldn’t mind testing those waters. She wouldn’t mind at all. Maybe she wouldn’t even mind going for a swim. A nice long swim.

  “If you change your mind, let me know.”

  The temperature in the room had risen, and so had the tension between them. The undercurrent had grown heavier with passion. Gabby couldn’t look at Kolson without picturing him naked, kissing her. And Kolson’s thoughts ran much darker than that. He wanted to fuck her, he wanted to hear her moan like she did when she tasted her tiramisu, and he wanted to make her scream when she came.

  They both knew one thing: it was only a matter of time before that happened.

  Chapter Nine


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