Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1)

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Freeing Her (A Hart Brothers Novel Book 1) Page 17

by A. M. Hargrove

  But as he spoke, Gabby got the feeling he was holding something back. “You don’t really feel that way, do you?” She turned to face him, but in the dim light, she couldn’t read his eyes.

  “You doubt me?”

  “Not doubt. I think you’re holding something back.”

  “Come. Let’s go inside.” He ushered her to the elevator and used the security pad to enter his code. They rode in silence, but Gabby’s mind churned with thoughts of what Kolson was doing and how he was handling this.

  When the elevator doors opened, they headed to the den, but Gabby ran right into the wall of Kolson’s back when he suddenly came to a halt.

  “Hello, brother. Surprise,” a deep raspy voice that Gabby didn’t recognize spoke. “I hope you don’t me letting myself in.”

  Gabby peeked around Kolson’s shoulder. A tall, dark and menacing-looking man stood in the center of the room. Not menacing as in run for cover—menacing as in sexy as all hell … hang-on-to-your-panties menacing because this man would certainly be going home with them. Coal-black hair and eyes the color of jade, he no doubt had left a trail of broken hearts wherever he went.

  He grinned and winked at Gabby. “You don’t have to hide. I promise not to bite.” He extended his hand. “I’m Kestrel Hart. And you are?” His danger level increased exponentially with his grin.

  “Kestrel, you know you can let yourself in any time. But what are you doing here?” Kolson’s tone was exasperated.

  “Are you going to be rude to your guest, Kol, and not introduce us?” he asked.

  “I’m Gabby Martinelli. Nice to meet you.” She shook Kestrel’s hand. It was smooth and warm as he clasped hers. She returned his smile and found herself charmed by him. Though he was quite the handsome thing, he wasn’t nearly as attractive as Kolson, in Gabby’s opinion. When he released her hand, she automatically reached for Kolson’s and he took it, lacing his fingers with hers. That gesture wasn’t lost on Kestrel.

  “So?” Kolson prodded.

  “Yeah, right. I’m here to run interference for Mom.”


  “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

  Gabby felt Kolson’s hand tighten on hers. “Go on.”

  “Dad’s sixty-fifth birthday is next month and Mom is throwing him one of her special dinner parties. She wants you to be there. It’s in six weeks. It would mean a lot to her, Kol.”

  “You know that’s not …”

  “Do it for her. Not him. When was the last time you saw her? Or spoke to her? She adores you, Kol. Always has. It would make the party for her if you were to show.”

  Gabby watched the interchange with interest. Kolson’s twitching jaw made it clear he was not happy with his brother’s request.

  “I need to think about this.”

  “Fair enough. Let me know something, though, so I can relay it to Mom.”

  “Yeah. How’s Kade? Have you heard from him lately?”

  “Kade’s Kade. Fucked up as usual. Won’t stay clean. Mom still sends him money on the sly.”

  “So do I. When I can find him. He’s MIA again. Do me a favor and keep me posted on his whereabouts. I don’t want him on the streets.”

  “Mom keeps a place for him. I thought you knew that.”

  “I did. But like I said, he’s gone. Disappeared and I can’t find him. He called me about a month ago and we got into an argument over money and him going to rehab. My men haven’t been able to locate him. He hasn’t been there in weeks.” Kestrel’s face told Kolson he hadn’t known.

  “Then where’s Mom’s money going?”

  “No idea. My security team is on it.”

  “Hell. I didn’t know. I’ll get on that too. If I find him, I’ll let you know. Will you do the same?”

  “Yeah. And I’ll let you know about that damn party.”

  “Thanks, bro. You’re looking good these days.”

  Half smile. Then a nod. “So are you.”

  Then he turned a megawatt smile onto Gabby. “Nice to meet you, Gabby. I hope to see you around.” He bent toward her and said, “If you have any influence on this guy at all, will you try to talk him into that party?”

  She chuckled and said, “Nice meeting you. I’ll do my best.”

  And he was gone.

  When they were alone, she said to Kolson, “Well, it looks like I’m not the only one with family issues.”

  “Kea, you have no idea.”

  “Is your brother a drug addict?”

  “Yeah. Sad situation with him.”

  “Do you have a picture?”

  Kolson looked at her oddly.

  “Maybe I can help locate him, or even show his picture around. Someone might recognize him. I have a ton of experience working with addicts.”

  Kolson nodded. “That was one of the things that impressed me about you, in your background investigation. Because of Kade. I’ll dig up one of the photos I have of him and email that to you.”

  “Do you know his drug of choice?”

  “All of them. Whatever he can get his hands on.”


  “Can’t say for sure. I’ve never seen needle marks or seen him inject, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Truth is, I’m surprised Kestrel and I aren’t addicts too.”

  “Because of your dad?”

  “Yeah. Long, ugly story.”

  “If you ever want to talk about it, I know a good psychiatrist.”

  He faced her and said, “It’s not about want. It’s about ability.”

  “I can help. I remember sitting in here with you, and you telling me the same thing.”

  A pained expression passed over his face, but he quickly shuttered it. “I was protecting you, kea. I needed to know what happened so I could protect you from Danny. I can protect myself. I’ve done it for years and will continue to do so.”

  Forcing someone to do something was not one of Gabby’s usual methods, and like she’d told him before, she wasn’t into psychoanalyzing her friends. However, she wanted to impress upon Kolson exactly how much he had helped her. Grabbing fistfuls of his shirt, she hauled him close to her and explained, “You can’t understand how freeing it is to release the burden until you do it. I never knew. Couldn’t have known. And it’s all because of you. If you hadn’t persisted.”

  As he stared at her face, he saw honesty and sincerity pouring from her. He wanted to let her in. He did. But it wasn’t possible. The memories were so disturbing, he didn’t dare visit them. He placed his hands over hers and loosened them, then kissed them before releasing, softening the gesture.

  “God, Gabriella, I want to. I do. Maybe someday. But not now.” Then he headed to the bar to pour himself a drink.

  Gabby knew he needed to be alone so she walked to her room and prepared her clothes for work in the morning. She located her briefcase and checked her schedule and charts for the next day. After she was finished, she sent Sky and Cara texts, letting them know what was going on with her. Just as she expected, she got immediate responses. She promised them both all was safe and secure at Kolson’s and she would bring them up to speed the next day. She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when Kolson appeared behind her.

  “Are you sleeping in here tonight?” he asked hesitantly.

  She pulled her toothbrush out of her mouth and answered around the foam, “Only if you want me to.”

  Shaking his head, he said, “No. I want you naked, next to me. Finish up here. Then join me in my room.”

  It didn’t take her long before she was climbing into his bed and he settled her on top of him.

  “Why are you wearing this?” he asked, tugging on her cami.

  “It’s what I usually wear to bed.”

  “Not in here, I always want you naked next to me.”

  “Well, then—” she sat up and slipped the cami over her head—“that takes care of that.”

  “Don’t move.”

  She straddled him and he cupped her breasts. Sliding his thumbs over her ni
pples, he circled them until they hardened. She slanted toward him.

  He raised his knees and said, “I want you to lean back and make yourself come for me.”

  “You what?”

  “I want to watch you masturbate. You’ve seen me, now it’s my turn to watch you.”

  “But I don’t …”

  “Gabriella, you know how to masturbate, don’t you?”

  “Of course. But I usually do it with a vibrator.”

  “Go get it.”

  “My vibrator?”

  “Yes. Your vibrator.”

  “But it’s at my apartment.”

  “No, all of your things are here.”

  “All my … even that?”

  “Yes, even that. Now go find it and bring it in here.” Kolson grinned.

  She scrambled off him and went to her room. She checked the nightstand because that’s where she kept it at her place and, dear God, there it sat. She grabbed it and returned to Kolson’s room. Her breath caught when she saw him lying in the tangled sheets. His erection was thick and straining toward his belly and his nipple piercing begged for her tongue to lick it.

  “Quit stalling, Gabriella.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t stalling. I was enjoying the view.”

  His eyes smoldered. “So where is it?”

  “Here.” She held up her bullet.

  “That’s your vibrator?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “I imagined you would have some fancy phallus with an extended vibrating appendage.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “I thought all women had those.”

  Gabby laughed. “Not me.”

  “That doesn’t look very exciting.”

  “You know what they say, don’t you?”

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  “Big things come in small packages.”

  He glanced down at his cock and then at her tiny bullet and said, “Hmm, I think you’re going to have to prove that to me.”

  “All right. Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said with a wink. She climbed aboard and leaned back. “You ready?”

  “Whenever you are.”

  Gabby turned the dial on the bullet and it started to hum. She placed it on her sex and grinned. Kolson eyed her with interest, but soon, her head fell back and she arched her spine as she moaned. Her thighs fell apart as her pussy opened for him, and he watched as her pelvis slowly gyrated against her hand. It wasn’t long before his own desire overpowered him, so he took his hand and grabbed the bullet, taking control of the thing. Moments later, he tossed it aside and impaled her on his stone-hard cock.

  “Don’t you dare come yet, Gabriella.” He flattened his legs and said, “Lean back on your hands and ride me.” He watched his cock slide in and out of her and groaned at the sight. “You are perfect. So fucking perfect.”

  “I need to come,” she cried.

  “Not so fast.” He stopped and lifted her up and turned her around so she was facing away from him. Then with aching slowness, he sat her down on him again and she let out a long moan.

  “Pleeeeeease. Let me come.”


  His strokes were controlled and lazy. He watched her ivory cheeks as he lifted her up and down. Her slit called to him so he took one long finger and ran it from where he was joined to her and smoothed her moisture around the rosebud that spread slightly open before him.

  She mewled in response.

  “Yes or no, Gabriella.”


  He pushed his finger in just a tiny bit and she stopped breathing, fearing its invasion.

  “Relax, kea.”

  He kept up the motion of his cock to distract her and soon she was again caught up in the rhythm. His finger nudged deeper inside, until he passed the tight ring of muscles that relaxed and let him enter.

  Gabby never felt pleasure like that before, unusual but heightened and beyond unbearable. “Oh, Kolson, I can’t hold back,” she cried.

  Kolson felt both sets of muscles contracting around him, and he quickly followed her climax. Still deep inside of her, he pulled her back so she lay on top on him and kissed her neck and cheek.

  “You are so beautiful, so amazing when you come, kea. Did you like that?”

  She turned her head to look at him. “Yeah. It was … wow.”

  He gave her a lazy smile. Then he moved her aside, excused himself, and went to the bathroom to return a bit later with a warm cloth. He gently wiped her clean and tossed the cloth on the floor. Gathering her in his arms, he said, “Now, sleep time, don’t you think?”

  “Hmm-mmm.” She loved the feel of his arms around her, the way they made her feel so safe and sound. “Kolson, I want you to know I never knew it could be this good.” She lifted herself up so she could look into his eyes. “After everything, you know, I pretty much figured that sex would always be kind of icky. But it’s not. With you. It’s … I think you know how it is for me.”

  His hand was wound up in her tresses and he smiled. “I’m glad. It’s the way it should be.” His mouth touched hers, first on each corner, then on the upper and finally the lower lip. “I worship your mouth. Now sleep. Tomorrow begins a busy week.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Just as they were settling in, it started storming outside. Lightning cracked and thunder boomed, sending vibrations rolling through the room. Pictures rattled where they hung on the walls and vases shook on tables.

  “Jeez, this sounds like a big one,” Gabby said. She got out of bed and moved to the window. “Is it always this loud up here?”

  “Get away from there! It’s dangerous,” Kolson commanded. “And yes, being up here with all this glass can amplify the sound if the storm is bad enough.”

  She spun back around, laughing. “It’s not dangerous. It’s only a summertime storm.”

  Another huge streak of lightning lit up the sky, followed by a deafening boom. A few more brilliant bands danced across the black sky and rain pelted the window. It wasn’t long before the sounds of hail were heard.

  “Oh my goodness.”

  “Gabriella, stay away from the window, please. It’s not safe. People get struck by lightning through windows.”

  Suddenly, the room and buildings surrounding them were plunged into darkness as the lights flickered off.

  “Holy fuck!” Kolson cursed.

  Gabby heard something crash to the floor. The lamp maybe?

  “Kolson, are you okay? What happened?” she asked. “Where are you?”

  “I’m trying to find the fucking flashlight. Candles. Anything. Goddammit.”

  She could hear more things breaking as he stumbled about the room.

  “Kolson, stay still.”

  “No! Goddammit, I need light,” he gritted out. “Where is the fucking flashlight? It’s supposed to be in here!”

  She scrambled across the floor, careful not the bump into any furniture herself, as she tried to locate him.

  “Motherfucker, where are the candles? I need the light.” Panic laced his voice.

  “Hey, babe, I’m right here.” She finally reached his side and put her arms around him. “It’s okay. Everything’s good. We don’t need a flashlight. We’re going to be fine.”

  “I need the goddamn flashlight, now!”

  She was surprised with how his body shook. She’d never seen him lose control like this. She wished she had night vision so she could focus on his eyes. He was panicking and she needed to ground him.

  “Kolson, come here, babe. Get in the bed with me. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. Remember when you promised me you’d believe me? Well, I’m promising you right now that I won’t let anything happen to you in the dark. I’ve got you, honey. I swear to you. Let me hold you and make it better, okay?”

  She felt his tension ease slightly.

  “Here, give me your hand and come back to bed. It’s safe in here, Kolson. I swear to you. You told me you trusted me. Trust me in this

  He finally relented and allowed her to lead him back to bed. She snuggled against him and pulled up the covers. Wrapping him in her arms, she talked to him in calming tones.

  “Gabriella, I need you to find the candles. Please.”

  “Can you tell me where they are?”

  He took a deep breath and said, “Nightstand. Check the nightstand. There should be matches and a flashlight too.”

  “All right. You’ll be okay if I get up?”

  “Yes. Just go get them. And hurry.”

  She scurried out of bed and fumbled in the nightstand. Her hand landed on a jar candle and she quickly found matches. Once lit, the candle bathed the room in a soft glow. She looked around for the flashlight and found it too, then flipped the switch and climbed back in bed. She was surprised to find she had to unclench Kolson’s fists to allow her back under the covers.

  “Better?” she asked.

  “Yes. Thank you.” Forcing himself to take deep breaths, he began to feel the bands of anxiety releasing. “Lie on top of me, please.”

  “Anything you want.” She crawled on top of him and covered him with her body. “Is this good?”

  “Yeah. The best. Gabriella, I can’t tolerate the dark.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Yes. No. Oh, God, I don’t think I can. Just don’t let go of me.”

  “Never. I’m here.” She rubbed her cheek against his. “Deep breaths, babe. In to a count of four. Hold for four and then out for four. That’s good.”

  “Jesus, I hate this. I’m sorry. I need light.” His voice wavered.

  “I know. Look at me, Kolson. I’m here for you.”

  He nodded and held on to her.

  “Keep breathing. Is that why you don’t have blinds?”

  “Yeah. I can’t bear to shut out the sun. It’s why the whole place is light.”

  “I noticed that you like cream and neutrals.”

  “Yeah.” He panted but his panic was beginning to ease as she talked him through it. “No dark colors in here. Can’t stand them.”

  “Talking about it can help, but you have to come to me.”

  “But I don’t know when that will be. Just don’t let me go until the lights are back on.”


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