Plantagenet 1 - The Plantagenet Prelude

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Plantagenet 1 - The Plantagenet Prelude Page 36

by Jean Plaidy

  Chapter XVII


  When the news was brought to the King he was filled with remorse and a certain terror.

  ‘I have done this,’ he said. ‘I am the murderer of Thomas Becket.’

  He shut himself in his bedchamber and wished to see no one. There he thought of all they had been to each other in the days of their friendship and how there was no man he loved as he had loved Thomas Becket.

  And he had killed him.

  They were calling him a martyr. They were calling him a saint. They said that at his shrine miracles were performed. The whole of Christendom was shocked by the murder and the whole of Christendom said: ‘Who has done this wicked deed?’

  It was FitzUrse and the others. Nay, it was the King. Had he not cursed them for not ridding himself of the man?

  All his life the memory of Thomas Becket would be with him. He might do a public penance but he would never forget.

  Thomas lay dead, his brains had been scattered on the stones. And his body they said was inflamed with the bites of the vermin who at his will had infested his hair shirt. Thomas, who had loved silk next to his skin and had hated the cold winds to blow on him! He was dead - killed by his one-time friend.

  There was not room for the two of us in England, thought Henry, because I wanted to be supreme ruler not only of State but of Church. And because of this he lies dead and I am to blame. I am the murderer who killed the martyr.

  But he was a king; he had his life to lead; his country to govern.

  His son Henry, whom he had crowned, he now knew unwisely, was eager to take his place. Thomas had been against the crowning. It was never wise to set up a new king while the old one still reigned.

  His wife Eleanor hated him. His son Richard had turned against him.

  Where could he go for comfort? To Rosamund? She would give him solace, but he could not talk to her of his troubles. She would never understand them. She would agree with everything he said, and that was not what he wanted.

  What was Eleanor doing? How long before she roused his sons against him? He was unhappy. He was afraid, for he was a lonely man and his soul was stained with the blood of one he had loved.


  Abbott, Edwin A., St Thomas of Canterbury

  Appleby, John T., Henry II The Vanquished King

  Aubrey, William Hickman Smith, The National and Domestic History of England

  Dark, Sidney, St Thomas of Canterbury

  Demimuid, Monsignor, Saint Thomas a Becket

  Duggan, Alfred, Thomas Becket of Canterbury

  FitzStephen, William (translated by George Greenaway), The Life and Death of Thomas Becket

  Guizot, M. (translated by Robert Black), History of France

  Henderson, A, E., Canterbury Cathedral Then and Now

  Hope, Anne, The Life of St Thomas a Becket of Canterbury

  Hutton, the Rev. William Holden (arranged by), Thomas of Canterbury and Thomas Becket

  Knowles, M. D., Archbishop Thomas Becket, Character Study

  Morris, John, The Life and Martyrdom of St Thomas a Becket

  Pernoud, Regine (translated by Peter Wiles), Eleanor of Aquitaine

  Robertson, James Craigie, Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury

  Rosenberg, Melrich V., Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of the Troubadours and the Courts of Love

  Salzmann, L. F., Henry II

  Speaight, R., Thomas Becket

  Stephens, Sir Leslie and Lee, Sir Sydney (eds.), The Dictionary of National Biography

  Strickland, Agnes, Lives of the Queens of England

  Thompson, Robert Anchor, Thomas Becket

  Wade, John, British History

  Table of Contents


  About the Book



  Praise for Jean Plaidy

  About the Author

  Available in Arrow Books by Jean Plaidy

  Family Tree

  Eleonore and Henry

  I: Duchess and Queen

  II: Petronelle and the Count

  III: The Lovers of Antioch

  IV: The Royal Divorce

  V: Queen of England

  Henry and Thomas

  VI: The King’s Will

  VII: Fair Rosamund

  VIII: The Rise of Becket

  IX: The Abbess Bride

  X: The Vacant See

  XI: The Rising Storm

  XII: The King’s Triumph

  XIII: Flight from England

  XIV: Rosamund’s Bower

  XV: Traitor’s Meadow

  XVI: Murder

  XVII: The King’s Remorse





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