Silken Embrace (The Drakes of California)

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Silken Embrace (The Drakes of California) Page 15

by Zuri Day

  “I take it the call didn’t go very well.”

  “Not as I’d hoped. I wanted he and I to calmly, rationally discuss a plan of action for introducing him into Kyle’s life, which, for me, begins with his seeing a therapist.”


  She laughed again. “No, silly. Kyle. Although on second thought the both of them being seen is not a bad idea. Maybe even the three of us in some type of family counseling. I just know that these types of situations can go really good or really bad depending on how they’re handled. So rather than just jumping in with no forethought, I want us to have rules and a game plan, and having been the steady parent in his life until now, I believe I have the right to decide how this happens. Am I wrong?”

  “I wouldn’t say that you’re wrong, however, I wouldn’t be surprised if you aren’t being overprotective, maybe more than is necessary. I also know that women sometimes use the kid to get back at the father. This isn’t something I think you’d do consciously happens.”

  “I want Kyle to know his father. With all the craziness associated with how he and I ended, the three years we were together weren’t all bad.”

  “What was it about him that you found attractive? Because from everything you’ve told me so far, I don’t see how he even got your number, let alone a date.”

  “This guy I’m dealing with now isn’t the Ernest who approached me on campus. That guy was polite, intelligent and sure of himself in a way that a then nineteen-year-old girl hadn’t seen before. He was my first real boyfriend—heck, my first real date. The boys in my neighborhood were focused on sex, hip-hop and easy money. Nice enough guys, but they could have cared less about calculus or the political climate or weightier topics that I thought about. Ernest and I could talk about anything and he wouldn’t just listen. He’d actually have an opinion. I was so enamored that it took a while to realize that his became the only opinion that mattered even in relationship-oriented conversations where both viewpoints should have mattered. I didn’t have anyone to measure him against and was too focused on school to give it much thought. Until that last year, when I met his parents. Their abject displeasure at his dating choice changed our dynamic immediately and completely. Once I got pregnant, and his inheritance was threatened, I saw a side of him that I didn’t know existed. Or maybe it’s just that I took off the rose-colored glasses.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Apologize, for one thing. No progress can be made if this becomes war. I’ll also schedule the therapy session as soon as possible. I’m really not trying to keep Ernest away from his son. The sooner the therapist gives the green light, the sooner their meeting can happen.” She looked at her watch. “Thanks for listening. I feel better just having talked all of this out.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I always want to make you feel good.”

  She smiled, opened her car door and headed back to the hospital. “Stop it with the sexy talk. You know what that does to me.”

  “Exactly why I’m doing it, babe. See you after work tonight?”

  “You are so bad.”

  “I thought that’s what you loved about me.”

  “I’ll show you what I love about you, a little later on.”

  Chapter 23

  Both Terrell and Aliyah had busy weeks so they had to settle for face time on Friday at the center. It would be brief. Terrell would only be there to sign a few documents and she’d be on her lunch hour, which by the time she arrived would be forty-five minutes because she was running late.

  Her cell phone rang. Terrell, no doubt, who was as punctual as a Rolex. She pressed the car’s answering device. “I know! I’m on my way.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Oh, uh, Ernest. Sorry about that. I’m on my way to a meeting and running late.”

  “Something for school?”

  “No, it’s a community center that Kyle attends.”

  “A community center?”

  Determined this time to stay upbeat and on the high road, she ignored the slight sound of derision in his voice. “Yes. It’s a wonderful, state-of-the-art facility in Paradise Cove, not far from Davis. They offer a variety of programs and activities along with tutoring, mentoring and just having fun. As an only child, it’s been a great place for Kyle to learn interactive skills as well. He loves it there.”

  “What’s the name of this place?”

  “The Drake Community Center. Check out their website.” Said because she knew that’s exactly what he’d do. “I think you’ll be impressed. So, you got my messages—the apology, about Kyle’s progress in kindergarten and the appointment for counseling being scheduled?”

  “Yes, I did. But I’m afraid your schedule isn’t going to work for me and my family.”

  Aliyah tensed immediately, her hands gripping the wheel. She took a deep breath and relaxed her fingers. Getting upset again was not an option. “I totally understand, Ernest, and when making the appointment asked for the very earliest date. She came highly recommended and is one of the top child therapists in the country, which I’m sure is why she’s booked three to four weeks out.”

  “I’m not going to wait that long to meet Kyle, or introduce him to this side of his family. We’re going to Martha’s for Christmas and plan for him to join us.”

  She pulled into the center’s parking lot and turned off the car. “I’m sure Kyle will love spending time at the Vineyard with your family, but there is no way that can happen in three weeks. Ernest, please know that I am not trying to be difficult nor keep you from your son. The two of you will spend lots of time together. But that’s after he gets to know you, and feels comfortable enough for me to leave him alone in your care. Yes, you’re his biological father. Yes, I am pleased that Kyle will get the chance to know his dad. But the truth of the matter is right now, in his eyes, you’re a stranger. Can you understand that from his point of view?”

  “Did you take him to see a counselor before leaving him at the center? Huh? Did you drag out the process and set up a bunch of roadblocks before those strangers took care of your kid?”

  She exited the car and walked to the entrance. “My best friend’s son, Conner, goes to this center. That’s how I found out about it. Conner and Kyle are best friends and I knew that with someone familiar around him, he’d be fine. Even so, I did due diligence regarding their programs and faculty before he joined.”

  She reached Terrell’s office, tapped his open door and entered.

  “Good afternoon, Ms. Robinson. You’re looking lovely today.”

  “Good afternoon!” She motioned for Terrell to hold a moment. “Ernest, I’m at my appointment. Can I call you later this evening?”

  “You’re at the Paradise Cove center?”

  “The Drake Community Center in Paradise Cove, yes.”

  “Okay, then. No problem, sweets. We’ll talk later.”

  She scrunched her brow as she ended the call. “That was odd.”

  “Talking to a knucklehead usually is. Have a seat.” He reached behind him, took a carryout bag from the credenza and began removing its contents.

  She sat. “Actually, believe it or not, that conversation with Ernest was relatively civil.”

  “Now, from what you’ve told me about him, that is odd.”

  She laughed. “I know, right. But more than getting along, he called me a pet name I haven’t heard since before we broke up.”

  Terrell’s hands stilled. “What did he call you?”

  “Down, tiger,” she joked, noting his change in demeanor. “Nothing bad. In college, I was known for always having some type of candy in my purse, book bag, pocket, wherever. He started calling me sweets.”

  “I knew it,” Terrell said with a feigned sigh. “I’m going to have to beat a brother down for trying to step to my w
oman because she’s the baby mama of his child.”

  “Ernest and I reconnecting romantically is the absolute last thing you’ll ever have to worry about.”

  “For his sake, that’s a good thing.” He handed her a wrapped package. “Your gourmet lunch is served.”

  After wiping her hands with a sanitized cloth, she pulled the tape securing the paper. “Roasted turkey? With mayo and mustard?” Terrell nodded. “You remembered my pickles, too?”

  “Just as you requested.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I bought us sodas from the cafeteria. Is cola okay?”


  He handed her a covered, plastic cup filled with ice and soda. “Thanks, babe.”

  After a couple of bites, Terrell reached for a napkin. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


  “In our family, Christmas is a big deal. We don’t choose names. Everybody gets something for everybody.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “So what do you want?”

  “Me? You don’t’ have to get me anything.”

  “I know I don’t have to. But what do you want? Or let me word it a different way. When out shopping, what types of stores are you drawn to?”

  “Usually the kind that allow me to go in, get what I want and get out in as little time as possible.” She took a sip of cola. “I appreciate you asking but really, finding out what’s really on Ernest’s mind and then getting him to leave my life as quickly as he came will be gift enough.”

  They continued chatting casually, enjoying their lunch. She was just about to leave when a young man dressed in a navy blue suit knocked on Terrell’s door.


  “Excuse me, sir. Are you Terrell Drake?”

  “Yes. Come on in.”

  The man entered, his attention going from Terrell to Aliyah.

  “How may I help you?” Terrell asked.

  “Actually, I think she’s who I’m looking for. Aliyah Robinson?” he asked with a smile.

  Aliyah turned to him in surprise. “Yes, I’m Aliyah Robinson.”

  “Okay, great. Then this is for you.” He handed her a white envelope.

  Taking it, she asked him, “What is this?”

  The smile left the stranger’s face as he answered, “You’ve been served.”

  Before she could think to ask a question, he turned and left. She looked at Terrell, at the envelope, and back at him.

  He held out a letter opener. “Only one way to find out what’s inside.”

  “I can’t imagine...” she began, before an image of Ernest’s face came to mind. Her hands stilled, briefly, before she gave the opener a forceful pull and cleanly slit the top. Displaying a calmness she did not feel, she pulled out the envelope’s contents and began to read. A few lines in, she got up and closed Terrell’s office door.

  The look on her face made Terrell sit up straight. “What is it, babe?”

  “It’s the answer to Ernest’s earlier behavior, and questions about the center.” She sat, shoulders squared, looking at Terrell. “He wanted to know where I’d be so he could serve me this motion seeking full custody of my son.”

  “Damn.” Terrell sat back in his seat. “Well, at least now you know what’s on his mind.”

  Chapter 24

  A stunned Aliyah returned to work but left shortly afterward. She was too upset to focus on grams and milliliters, and such focus was too important when lives were at stake. Lauren had offered the distraction of a night at the theater. She’d passed on the show, knowing nothing short of a resolution would take her mind off of Ernest’s special delivery. The invitation for Kyle to spend the night with Conner was gratefully accepted. Terrell had called twice. No, she didn’t want company or to go out. Yes, she was doing okay. No, she hadn’t been able to reach Ernest. Yes, she would call back later, and loved him, too.

  She sat, in the afternoon quiet of her living room, turning over the day’s events in her mind. Before the national exposure highlighting his intelligence, she couldn’t have paid Ernest to visit Kyle and now he wanted full custody? He’d have a better chance of turning water to wine.

  The ringing phone startled her out of her musings. After reading the ID, she snatched up her phone and tapped the speaker button. “Mom!”

  “What’s the matter, Aliyah? When listening to the message, you sounded upset.”

  “Upset is putting it mildly.” For the first time since opening the envelope, tears flowed. In between sobs and expletives, she told her mom what had been going on. “Two months ago is when I heard from him, out of the blue. And because I want to handle this in a way best for Kyle, he’s going to grow impatient and demand full custody? His son has waited five years to meet him. What should Kyle demand? That’s what I want to ask him if he’ll ever return my call.”

  “It doesn’t surprise me that since he’s famous and being touted as a little genius that they now want to claim him.”

  “Go ahead and say I told you so.”

  “Girl, I don’t have to state the obvious. Nor is there any joy in being right all along. I’ve been around people like that before. When push comes to shove, they cling to their own kind. Now he wants to bring his son into the fold, and leave you with nothing.”

  “It’ll never happen,” Aliyah spat. “I’ll do anything to keep my son with me. Anything.”

  “Well, I guess you need to start with a good lawyer. Do you know somebody who handles cases like this?”

  “I’m going to call the same attorney who handled the case for child support. If he can’t do it, hopefully he can recommend someone. Whatever happens, it has to be fast. The hearing is set for next month.”

  “So soon?”

  “I know, shocked me, too. Knowing how they operate, strings were pulled to make it happen quickly, probably hoping that I won’t have time to prepare a proper defense. But I’ll be there, lawyer or no. Even if I have to walk in there armed with nothing but the power of my conviction, the truth of his absence and the strength of a mother’s love, I’ll fight. And I’ll win.”

  “I believe you, baby. And your family will be supporting you every step of the way.”

  * * *

  “I’m worried about you.”

  Three days had passed since Aliyah received the summons demanding that she appear in court regarding her son’s custody. Terrell had tried to be supportive, and patient, but felt he was failing in both categories. Today, no matter what excuse she came up with to not come out, he wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  “I’m okay, Terrell. It’s just taken a minute for the shock of Ernest’s actions to wear off, and for me to mentally regroup and prepare for what’s next.”

  “Which is?”

  “Securing an attorney for the trial, which is happening this month.”

  “Whoa! How was the case able to get on a docket so quickly?”

  “Westcott money, no doubt. I contacted the one who handled my paternity case, but he’s not available. He’s given my information to a colleague, but I have yet to hear from him. When I do, the first thing I’m going to suggest to the attorney is that we request a continuance for time to adequately prepare.”

  “Perhaps you should request his contact information and put in a call first thing Monday morning. Unless the judge grants the motion for a continuance, you have very little time to lose.”

  “I can’t believe he’s pulling this crap! Making it worse is the fact that this is not about Kyle. It’s about prestige and control and image-building, and not having the world know that he has a son who forget about besides a small child support check has never take care of, but that he’s never even met!”

  “Baby, I can’t imagine how upsetting this is for you, but try and calm do
wn. The stress isn’t productive.”

  “I know. I’m just so angry.”

  “And rightfully so. But you’re doing everything that you’re supposed to be doing. You’ve got to trust the process, and believe that justice will prevail.”

  “If justice doesn’t, you can bet I will. I’ll disappear, take my son and leave the country. Change my identity and start a new life. Anything to make sure my son isn’t taken away and subjected to a life with the Westcotts.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  “Let’s hope not. But if it does, I’ll do it. I mean it. Protecting Kyle is all that’s on my mind.”

  “I believe that, which is actually why I’m calling. Mom and Dad have made reservations at the club. Some type of announcement. I want you to come.”

  “Thanks, Terrell, but I’m not up to that kind of crowd right now.”

  “It’s not going to be whatever type of crowd you’re thinking. This is a private affair, like the dinner we had. Only family and a few close friends will be there.”

  “Oh, I still can’t. Just remembered that Lauren and her family went out of town. Camping trip, I think.”

  “I considered that angle, which is why Betsy will be at our house taking care of the little ones. Kyle will get to have a play date with the twins. Next.”

  “Oh, don’t sound so smug. I still don’t want to go.”

  “I know you don’t. But being consumed by this situation with Kyle’s father isn’t good for you. It’s just a couple hours, babe. A chance to be distracted, if only for a little bit. Then later, I have some ideas for relieving the stress and tension from your body.”

  “Now that I can definitely use.”

  “I’m glad you’re coming around. This isn’t formal, but it is the club. Just put on something cute and sexy and be ready by six. I’m sending a car.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I know. But it’s what’s going to happen. I’ll see you soon.”

  * * *

  Aliyah was a woman of her word, but Terrell still breathed a sigh of relief when just after six his driver texted that he’d just picked her up and was on his way to the Paradise Cove Country Club. When she entered the private room thirty minutes later, his heart stirred. Not just because she looked stunning, which she did, in a deep red sheath-style dress with silver pumps and jewelry, but because just beyond the simple makeup, upswept do and polite smile Terrell detected the tenseness around her ruby-red mouth and the newly formed worry lines at the sides of her eyes. Worry lines that Kyle’s father’s callous actions had caused. In this moment Terrell realized two things. One, that he’d do anything in his power to take those signs of worry away. And two...he didn’t like Kyle’s father. Not at all.


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