Vanquished (The Hidden Planet Book 2)

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Vanquished (The Hidden Planet Book 2) Page 7

by Sophie Stern

  “What is that?” I ask, glancing around.

  “Shhh,” he whispers, sounding excited. “It’s fereers. They’re close.”

  The noise comes again and he nods, then holds up four fingers. Four fereers. I’m guessing we’ve somehow stumbled across a nest, which is great news. It means that in just a few minutes, Ezra is going to get the creatures he’s been hunting. He’s about to get his win. He’s about to complete his mission.

  I’m silent as he pulls the bow out. He presses a button and the little cylinder-like object expands into an extraordinarily huge, amazingly fancy bow. How will he even shoot that thing? I’ve never seen a bow so huge. It’s almost as tall as me, yet Ezra makes holding it seem easy and simple.

  “It’s lighter than it looks,” he explains in a quiet whisper. Then he motions for me to follow him. He moves stealthily, steadily through the grass. He moves with the grace of a dancer, which is incredible for someone of his size.

  Who am I kidding?

  It’s incredible for someone of any size.

  He moves past a few trees and around a corner. I follow closely behind, trying not to be too loud. When I round the bend, I see what he’s looking at. Down a small hill is, as he described, a huge nest. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The nest is more like a small hut with an opening at the top. Inside are four large, long creatures.

  They look like a large snakes with legs, but they’re furry: not scaly.

  Then I notice something that’s strange.

  There are Myrkky berries all around the nest. They’re everywhere. The fereers are eating something inside their nest. Are they eating the berries? The berries that are poisonous to humans? The berries that almost killed me?

  “What are they eating?” I ask quietly.

  “They’re immune to the poison,” Ezra whispers. “Now, do you see why so many hunters won’t even bother coming here? No one wants to risk someone on their team accidentally eating those damn things.”

  I can certainly understand it. If these berries are as dangerous as he says, losing a team member who wasn’t paying close attention would be easy.

  Much too easy.

  Ezra suddenly lets out a long, low whistle, and the fereers stick their heads up. He snaps his fingers and they instantly start running. He raises the bow and shoots off his arrows at a rapid pace. They’re so fast that before I realize what’s happening, all four fereers hit the ground at the same time. Ezra didn’t even break a sweat.

  “How the hell did you do that?” I ask. “And why did you whistle first?”

  “I wasn’t about to shoot into a nest,” he says. “And as for how,” he pats the bow. “Apparently, this really is the best.”

  “New toy?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Something like that.”

  I reach for it and he hands me the bow. It’s light, as he said. It’s so light that despite its enormous size, I can hold it easily. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before. It’s a deep purple with white stripes on it and I raise the bow, pretending like I’m aiming.

  “Careful, love,” he says. “It shoots easily.”

  Cautiously, I lower the bow back down and hand it over. I’m comfortable with knives, with daggers, but bows and guns are another thing altogether. Those are weapons I’m not entirely comfortable with, perhaps because I haven’t spent much time with them.

  “What do we do now?” I ask, looking at the fereers surrounding us.

  “We need to pack up the animals and head back to Diamond,” he says. “We’ll take Stremon’s ship. It’ll be faster than walking back through the jungle. This is a good haul and the meat will fetch a reasonable price. Getting back faster means the meat will be fresher and the price will be higher.”

  “And then what happens?” I ask. The question comes out a whisper, and I hate the way I sound needy when I speak.

  I hate the way I sound like I’m begging for him.

  I hate the way I sound like a high school student.

  “What do you mean?” Ezra turns and looks at me.

  “Do I…do I go back to Mars after that?”

  Is this the end?

  Chapter 15


  There comes a time when every man must make a choice.

  Will he be brave or will he be scared?

  Will he be bold or will he be weak?

  Will he press forward or will he give up?

  What he chooses will determine who he is for the rest of his life. The way he makes that choice, that major decision, will impact how he makes his other decisions. The thing he chooses will determine his future.

  And right now, I have to make that choice.

  I am different from Dagger.

  Some of our differences are huge. We’re from different planets. We’re different sizes. We’ve had different life experiences. We’re different species.

  We’re from different worlds, but I can’t imagine going back to who I was yesterday. I can’t imagine going back to who I was before she fell into my life. I can’t imagine going back to a life without Dagger.

  I can’t imagine it.

  I don’t want to.

  I want her.

  The question is whether or not I’m brave enough to tell her.

  My brother has always been the brave one. Quinn has never had a problem going after what he wants. Hell, he and his mate are traveling the stars together right now. They’re doing what most people only dream of and they’re doing it together.

  Hayden, my sister, has always been the strong one. She’s been through hell and she’s still kicking. She’s been tortured and hurt and she’s still alive. She’s still hopeful. She’s still sweet. She hasn’t let her wounds hold her back.

  But me?

  I’ve never been either of those things. I’ve pushed women away because I didn’t want to be hurt. I’ve turned down relationships because they weren’t worth the risk to me. I’ve cancelled plans and broken hearts and been a terrible person, but now?

  Now I don’t think I mind taking a risk.

  Now, even if Dagger hurts me, I don’t think I mind.

  She could break my heart and crush my soul, but as long as I have a chance with her, I’ll be happy. As long as I have the opportunity to love her, to take care of her, to be with her, then I’ll be content.

  The idea of her going back to Mars is horrifying to me. I don’t want her to leave. I don’t want her to go. I want her to stay, to be with me, to live with me. I want her to help me hunt and cook and fish and explore. I want her to have adventures with me on Sapphira. I want her to have adventures with me everywhere.

  I just want her.

  “Please don’t go back to Mars,” I finally say.

  Her eyes go wide. “You don’t want me to go?” She sounds a little surprised.

  “I’m not the best man in the world, Dagger. I make mistakes all the time, but I don’t want you to go. I know I’m not good enough for you. I know you deserve better and it’s selfish for me to ask you to stay, but I-”

  I don’t finish speaking because Dagger presses her lips to mine. She silences me with her mouth. She soothes me with her tongue. Her body feels perfect next to mine, like it was made to be here, like it was made to be with me, like it was made for me.

  She kisses me and I forget about everything I’ve been afraid of. I forget about everything I’ve been scared of. I forget about the fear I felt when she was facing off with Stremon. I forget about how scared I was that something would happen to her.

  I forget about everything except for Dagger, except for the way she touches me. I forget everything except how brave she is.

  And then she kisses me a little more.

  Chapter 16


  It doesn’t take us long to find Stremon’s ship. He left it close to where he found us, although I’m still not totally sure how he was able to track us through the jungle. Ezra thinks he tracked my ship and then followed our footsteps. While we were taking our time crossing t
he rocks over the expansive water, he somehow got ahead of us. It’s the only explanation that makes sense, and I’ll accept it.

  I’m just happy he didn’t bring an army of goons with him like I expected. I’m just happy that Martin thought he could handle me on his own. Obviously, he couldn’t. I bested him, and I’ve never felt stronger, bolder, or braver.

  We load the fereers onto the small ship. It’s not huge, but it’s bigger than my pod, and it’s got enough room for all of the animals, along with Ezra’s pack. There are two seats up front, but before we climb in and prepare to return to Diamond, Ezra turns to me.

  He grabs me and kisses me hard. It’s not a goodbye kiss or a hello kiss or a heat-of-the-moment kiss. No, this kiss is something more. This kiss is a promise.

  This kiss is the type of kiss that means we’re both going to try.

  This kiss is the type of kiss that means we have a chance.

  This kiss is the type of kiss that means we’re going to give this thing between us a shot.

  So he kisses me and he lifts me off my feet. I wrap my legs around Ezra as he holds me, gripping my ass. I grind against him and he groans when I do.

  “Are you in a rush to get back to Diamond?” I ask. “Or do you have some time?”

  “For you? I have all the time in the world, baby,” he whispers. He runs one of his hands up and down my spine, then pulls me closer to him. My breasts rub against his chest. The touch ignites a fire in me, turning me on more than I thought possible.

  Then again, Ezra does seem to have that effect on me.

  Ezra keeps kissing me as he carries me a short distance from the ship and lowers me to the grass. It’s soft beneath me: so soft it could be a bed. Then he keeps kissing me.

  And kissing me.

  And kissing me.

  And kissing me.

  Somehow, Ezra strips us both down so gently, so quietly, that I barely notice it. He strips us down and then he kisses me from my neck to my toes and everywhere in between.

  He glides his tongue over my skin, taking care to nip gently at each of my hips. He bites me, then soothes the little pain with his tongue.

  When he reaches my pussy, Ezra isn’t shy. I didn’t think he would be. Men on Mars are as different as they come, but I’ve never been with a guy who wanted to touch me there.

  Not with his mouth.

  Not with his tongue.

  Not like this.

  Ezra sweeps his tongue over my core and I shiver at the sensation. Oh, is this what I’ve been missing out on? Fuck. This is incredible. This is amazing. This is everything I need in this moment.

  He is everything I need in this moment.

  He licks me until I can’t handle anymore. He holds my hips firmly in place and kisses me, sucks on me, nibbles on me. He licks me over and over and over again, and then the orgasm I’ve been waiting for sweeps over me like waves rushing onto a beach.

  I’m floating, flying.

  I’m exploding.

  I’m crying out with pleasure and then he slides inside of me, filling me. As I come down from the greatest orgasm of my life, he’s there kissing me, touching me. He’s inside of me.

  “Wow,” I murmur.

  “That was so fucking sexy,” he groans, sliding deeper into me. “So damn beautiful, baby. You’re incredible.”

  “I like it when you call me that.”


  “Baby. I like it when you call me your baby, your darling. It makes me feel like a fucking goddess,” I whisper.

  He kisses me, then sweeps his tongue over my lips.

  “I want you to be mine, Dagger. I need you. I can’t live without you.”

  “I feel the same way,” I whisper. I shouldn’t. I know that. We both know that. We both know that an Earth girl and a Sapphiran shouldn’t be forging some sort of relationship in the jungles of the Hidden Planet, yet we are.

  We’re throwing away the rules and we’re going for it.

  We’re casting aside the expectations other people have set for us and we’re giving this thing a try.

  And oh, we’re giving it a good, good try.

  “I’m going to come, baby,” Ezra whispers. “Darling.”

  “Do it,” I slide my nails down his back and grip his ass, pulling him closer to myself, pulling him deeper. “Come in me, Ezra. Fill me up.”

  That’s all it takes.

  He groans as he fills me, as he comes deep inside of me. He whispers my name and closes his eyes as the orgasm rushes over his body. I feel him pulsing inside of me as his body wrings the last bits of pleasure from his climax, and then Ezra kisses me again.

  He kisses me over and over and over.

  We’re hot and sweaty and so very tired, but he kisses me like there’s nothing more important than showing me affection right now.

  I hate that I’ve been through so much this week. I hate that I’ve almost been killed, that I’ve been chased across the galaxy. I hate that I was so hungry, that I left so quickly I didn’t pack a bra. There are so many things I hate, but Ezra makes all of those feelings fade away.

  He makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. He makes me feel like no matter what happens, he’s going to be by my side. He makes me think that maybe, just maybe, this thing between us could work.

  He makes me believe.

  He makes me hope.

  He makes me fly.

  Chapter 17


  A few days after we return to Diamond, my sister Hayden stops by to see me. She bounces in the door, bubbling with happiness.

  “Let me see her!” Hayden shouts as she drops several bags by the door.

  “See who?” I ask innocently, entering the living room.

  “Oh, for dragon’s sake. Don’t tease her!” My friend and lawyer, Gaz, enters the house behind Hayden. “She’s been insufferable the last few days. She thinks you’re up to something and she wants to know what.”

  “What do you think I’ve been up to?” I ask, turning to Hayden.

  She crosses her arms over her chest and glares at me.

  “Ezra Fox, you’re in love. I just know it. You haven’t returned my calls or holograms in three days. Something is up and I know what it is. You’ve met a woman. Now tell me before I tear your damn house apart: where is she?”

  I sigh and point to the stairs. Dagger is upstairs sleeping. She’ll be in for a surprise when my sister bounces onto the bed and starts hugging and cuddling her. Hayden isn’t very affectionate with people outside of the family, but once she accepts someone as part of our unit, she’ll love that person forever.

  “What’s with the bags?” I turn bag to Gaz and point at the pile Hayden dropped.

  “She went shopping for your lover,” Gaz raises an eyebrow. “Although, to be fair, I wasn’t aware that you had a lover. In fact, I also wasn’t aware that someone stole my damn bow until Hayden informed me of it this morning.”

  “Fucking Hayden,” I growl under my breath. I was hoping to return Gaz’s bow before he realized it was missing. Looks like my little sister beat me to the punch.

  “Don’t be too hard on her,” Gaz frowns my way. “She’s a good person, Ezra. She just wanted me to give her a ride over.”

  “What’s wrong with her hovercar?” I ask, but Gaz shakes his head.

  “I don’t even know anymore. It’s in the shop again. Seems like this happens every week.”

  “I offered to buy her a new one,” I tell him and he shrugs.

  “I did the same, but you know Hayden. She wants to prove herself, brother. She wants to prove she can do things on her own. It’s good for her, so I don’t push her.”

  “You two seem awfully close these days,” I point out the obvious. I don’t know what Gaz’s intentions with my sister are, but even if he wants to date her, I can’t complain. Gaz might be from Orchid, but he’s a good person. He’s been on Sapphira for many, many years, and he lives a solitary life. Being with Hayden would be good for him.

, it’d be good for both of them.

  I worry about my sister more than I should. Ever since her kidnapping, she’s kept a safe distance from men in general. She doesn’t date and as far as I know, she doesn’t sleep around. She just works and spends time with her girlfriends.

  And Gaz.

  She’s always spending time with Gaz.

  “She’s helping me on a case,” Gaz says, but he clears his throat and looks away. Interesting. I wonder what the “case” is that she’s helping him with, but it’s none of my business and I should respect that.

  A scream sounds from the second floor followed by incessant giggling.

  “Looks like Hayden found your girl,” Gaz says.

  “Dagger can handle her,” I tell him.

  “She’s something special, is she?”

  “You have no idea,” I tell him. “She’s incredible.”

  She’s perfect.

  She’s wonderful.

  She’s fantastic.

  She makes every moment worth living, every breath worth breathing.

  “Congratulations, Ezra,” a huge grin spreads over Gaz’s face and he smiles at me. “You deserve to be happy, my friend. I couldn’t be more pleased. Although I would like my bow back,” he adds with a frown.

  “Of course. Thank you for letting me borrow it.”

  “Ha! You didn’t give me much choice, my friend. You didn’t give me much choice.”

  I head into the kitchen and grab the bow off the table. I’ve cleaned it and Gaz won’t realize this until later, but I’ve added a few special features he’s going to love.

  “Did you catch any fereers?” He asks when I hand it back.

  “I caught more than that,” I say. We hear the girls storming down the stairs and then they barge into the kitchen, laughing and giggling. “I caught the woman of my dreams, Gaz. What could be better than that?”



  “Good morning, sexy,” Ezra rolls over and kisses me. The morning sun is streaming in the room and I grin. He’s so perfect. He’s my star, my moon, my sun. He’s everything to me. He’s changed my entire world and right now, I want nothing more than to stay in bed with him all day.


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