Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3)

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Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3) Page 11

by Fletcher, R. J.

  “Before you were my lover,” he explained, “you were Sasha’s friend. And while my feelings for you are no longer romantic, I came to respect and see you as a friend as well and that hasn’t changed. You wronged me, sure. But a broken heart heals eventually. A broken family is a bit harder to fix. I know that more than anyone. And the most important victim in this would be your daughter. ”

  Despite knowing he was doing the right thing, Dominic left Dina with an even heavier weight upon his shoulders. He mindlessly returned home with his thoughts overcome by the drama he had placed himself. He almost laughed at the thought of what his mother constantly warned him of. Since he was a child, he had constantly sought to be others’ savior. From rescuing stray cats and dogs in the neighborhood to befriending the downtrodden, his mother stated simply, “Being there for everyone, while noble…you’ll eventually need saving from yourself to keep your sanity.”

  And Dominic felt that more than ever now. From Adaline’s secret reveal the other night to Dina’s crushing secrets, Dominic’s shoulders began to slump more and more as he went home. Eventually, he found himself opening his door and falling onto the couch. He needed something. He needed someone. The first face that popped into his mind was no real surprise. At least it hadn’t been since that fateful night.

  Making the decision to leave her that night had not been an easy one. Quite literally, she had rocked his world. He had never realized how much chemistry existed between the two of them before, and now it was hard for him to forget. But he wasn’t ready. He felt when he awoke with her in his arms that he couldn’t possibly give her everything that he knew she wanted. Adaline had been infatuated with him from high school, and it had been no secret that her feelings hadn’t disappeared since then. But, being the ass that he was, he didn’t address it. Instead, he had started becoming confused by his own feelings as well. It was hard not to recognize how beautiful she was and how desirable. But he had made the mistake of acting out on these feelings before he was emotionally ready to commit to someone else.

  And most troubling of all was that he wanted to see her again. If only just to talk to her. He fought with himself for several minutes until finally giving in.

  The phone rang and her face popped up on his screen. He gave her a gentle smile.

  “Hello, Addy.”

  “Dominic? What’s wrong?” She was obviously surprised to hear from him after their night together. And he couldn’t blame her.

  A genuine grin spread across his handsome features though. Leave it to her to be able to see something was wrong with him within five seconds. Despite the way he ended things that night, she was still concerned for him. It was just further proof that she was too good for him.

  “Can’t I just call a friend to talk?” Each time he described her as such, Dominic knew he was intentionally reminding himself of their relationship.

  “Well, of course you can. But I always know when you’re upset.”

  He couldn’t argue her point, so instead he asked, “How was your day? I’d rather talk about something else if you don’t mind.”

  Adaline gave him a curious look through the phone, but eventually gave in. “It was great actually! I went to an archery lesson with a friend.”

  “Lucille?” he supplied. Dominic could remember the slim Asian woman at the party.

  To his surprise however, she shook her head “No, I went out with Murphy. He teaches adult sign language to parents with deaf children. It is an amazing program he runs! He not only taught me how to get a bulls-eye, but he told me all about the sports he played growing up. It was fascinating! You know, I never did sports because coaches often felt burdened by having someone like me on their team, but Murphy was really lucky. He…”

  As she continued going on about this man he had never heard of or met, Dominic felt himself holding back more than one sarcastic remark or eye roll. He didn’t like the way her eyes lit up as she relayed to him what essentially had amounted to a date. And leave it to Adaline to not even realize she had been on a date! It seemed that she really had no clue how beautiful she was.

  “That’s great and all,” he interrupted her, “but how much do you really know this guy? Boston is a big city; you shouldn’t be going out with people just for the heck of it.”

  A little put-off by his tone, Adaline took a moment before she replied to him. “Murphy and I have known each other since I basically moved here, Dominic. In fact, I see more of him than I do you. He’s a good guy.”

  Dominic grew frustrated at her words. First Dina, and now this. He wasn’t going to stand by and watch as someone else whisked her away too! He bit his lip and it almost physically pained him to say it, but he did. “I’m happy you had a good time with Murphy.”

  “Thanks, Dominic,” she mumbled.

  “But if I can’t do a background check, at least let me meet the guy,” he added with a small grin.

  Adaline rolled her eyes even though she knew it was his attempt at getting her forgiveness. “Sure…but you’ll need to brush up on your ASL first.”

  “Fine, but only if you’re my teacher. Why don’t you come over so I can practice?”

  Adaline was taken aback by his invitation. To anyone listening, it would have seemed like a normal request, but it was the expression in his eyes, the way he flirtatiously bit his bottom lip and tilted his head that put a heavy undercurrent to his words. She took in his sharp jawline and the plush pink of his lips through the small screen. Despite the innocence of his invitation, dirty thoughts sprung to mind about what he did with those luscious lips and how much she would enjoy feeling the vibration in his hard and defined chest as he spoke to her up close again.

  At her lack of response, he continued, “I mean, you did just say you spend more time with him than me. So…why don’t we change that?” Dominic paused but then added for his own benefit and memory, “And I could really use a friend right now, Addy.”

  Exactly, a friend. So he shouldn’t be replaying in his mind how soft her body had felt against his hard one. How he could almost feel from memory the heat that had emanated from her center and how it felt to be inside of her when she came around him. Dominic reminded himself even after she agreed to meet him that he shouldn’t think about wanting to do it again, because they both weren’t in a place where they could consider more. But even as he reminded himself of this, a slight wave of panic ensued at the idea of another player entering this game between them just as his feelings toward Dina had finally begun to settle into the distance. Because now, he was more than certain of whom he really wanted.

  Chapter Ten

  Adaline knocked on the door of Dominic’s home with a slight tremor running through her body. She questioned why she was there. Why had she agreed to come when she knew that in spite of herself, she couldn’t forget the memory of that night? Even as she had come to accept that their relationship would remain platonic, her dreams at night were still haunted by the feel of his lips and the touch of his hands as they explored her body. It had almost been like an out-of-body experience. She had never intended to kiss him, but the urge had simply overtaken her. And that exhilaration had quickly turned into absolute horror and embarrassment.

  Though there had been a few dates here and there, Adaline’s young adult life had been mostly characterized by perennial singlehood, excluding some unsuccessful relationships. And now she was nearing thirty. It wasn’t a thought she often entertained. In fact, she had been the one to look on humorously at Carla’s rush to marriage based on some invisible social clock. Recovering from her attack had definitely put a hold on her desire for anything romantic. But, most of all, she had been more scarred by her history with Dominic to find anyone else. So, in the moments she wished to be more than a friend and recalled the memory of their night, she reminded herself of another memory and how this was all a repeat performance…

  Adaline had been waiting for him by their planned meeting spot. Tomorrow Dominic would be leaving to go to college. She still had a
few years left in her high school. After the unfortunate moment in the hallway, where he listened on as his friend insulted her, Adaline had not heard much from Dominic. But since he was leaving, she tried one last time to contact him. It was now or never. She knew she wouldn’t see him ever again unless she finally revealed to him how she felt. And she was even more excited to do so when she heard he had broken up with her cousin Carla.

  There had been outrage throughout the school when word spread that Dominic had called it off right after the prom. What was normally a time for couples to rent a hotel room and make memories that they could then tell their friends the next day became a night of heartbreak for Carla. According to the rumor mill, Dominic had callously dropped her off and simply said that he didn’t want to see her anymore. Adaline knew her cousin had a hand in making the story seem much more dramatic and intense to garner sympathy from her friends and peers. Dominic wasn’t the type to maliciously hurt someone. Right?

  She was hoping that was the case as she continued to wait for him. She had left a note in his locker and a text on his phone to meet her at a park bench that evening. It was officially summer so she knew he had the time off. After twenty minutes passed, her heart began to race a little bit faster. She played with her fingers to pass the time.

  Until she heard the sound of giggles and laughter. At first, she thought it was her own imagination. Then, she figured it was another group of friends playing around in the park. Finally, however, she turned and looked for the source. The hairs on her neck and arms were raised in warning as she saw Carla and her group of friends watching and pointing at her. One of them had her phone out, seemingly video recording or taking photos of Adaline sitting in desperation for someone they all knew wouldn’t look at her twice romantically.

  Adaline felt a wave of embarrassment overcome her. Dominic wasn’t coming.

  Carla made her way over with a cocky sway in her hips. “Did you really think I’d let you try to take what’s mine?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Listen, you bitch! Dominic doesn’t want you. He just pities you. Plain and simple. Take a hint. Everybody in school sees how you drool over him. It’s creepy and sad, considering who he’s with.”

  Adaline could feel her claws come out. “I think you’re using the wrong tense there. Don’t you mean was with? If anything, it seems like who he really doesn’t want is you.” She could tell that her words had struck a chord.

  Carla’s hands fisted at her sides. “Watch your mouth! Who would ever want someone like you? You can’t even talk properly.”

  Adaline rolled her eyes at that. “Oh, pick a different lane, why don’t you? I have accented speech. Everyone knows. So what?”

  Seeing that her words hadn’t gotten to her cousin as she thought they would, Carla acted without thinking and pushed Adaline down onto the ground. “Stay away from him!” she screamed, crazed.

  Before Adaline could get back to her feet, they both turned at the sound of the very person they were arguing over.

  “What the hell is your fucking problem, Carla?” he yelled at her, running over to help Adaline stand.

  Carla looked at him like a deer in the headlights. Adaline couldn’t help but to grin smugly. Finally, Dominic could see her cousin for who she truly was. Carla could no longer hide behind the veneers she always put up for others.

  Knowing that she couldn’t justify the situation, Carla attacked instead, “Don’t pretend I didn’t see you two together on the bench all those times. You were cheating on me! And then you had the nerve to break up with me after I was willing to forgive you!”

  “I don’t need your forgiveness. I didn’t do anything. I’m not interested in your cousin, Carla!” That was a slap in the face. Adaline took a step back from them both, avoiding the look of triumph she would surely see on Carla’s face. “But I’m also not interested in someone who can be so cruel and vindictive. Stay away from me. It’s over, and that is the last time I’m going to tell you.”

  Her cousin glared at Dominic for a moment before tears formed in her eyes and she ran away from them all, ignoring her friends that stood in wait. After Carla’s departure, Adaline wanted to do the same- run away.

  Dominic let out a huge sigh. “I’m sorry I was late. I didn’t know if I should come or not.”

  “Why?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer.

  “Because I knew what you were going to say.” Dominic took a seat on the bench and motioned for her to do the same. “Listen Addy…” he began.

  But Adaline cut him off. She wouldn’t stay and listen to this. “You know what? It’s fine. No hard feelings. You were just trying to be nice, and I misinterpreted your actions. I get that now. I wish you the very best with college and the rest of your life. Goodbye, Dominic.” Quickly, she walked off and didn’t look back. Like her cousin, she retreated with tears forming in her eyes. Dominic had been her first friend, and now she had lost that as well.

  She was afraid of history repeating itself. She was afraid of her feelings ruling her behavior and causing her to humiliate herself once again. And so she hoped that there wasn’t an answer to her knock, but eventually the door swung open.

  Dominic stood on the opposite end of the threshold with his familiar warm gaze and inviting smile. “Addy!” he greeted.

  She took a moment to take in his handsome attire. Dominic had always been a stylish dresser. A slim-fitting white dress shirt with a black and grey vest accentuated his broad shoulders and slim waist and hips. His long legs were encased in dark jeans and a brown belt; his feet were bare for her to see how well groomed his toes were. She inwardly groaned. How could the man’s feet even be sexy? How was that fair? She took a step into the house trying to ignore his alluring scent as he motioned for her to enter with a grand sweep of his arms.

  It would be her first time over his place. And Adaline was more than impressed when she entered his two-story townhome overlooking the Boston Harbor. The kitchen was completely up-to-date with quartzite countertops, limestone floors, and a nine-foot island. She slightly regretted coming with food in her plastic storage container; the kitchen compelled her to make something from scratch just to use all of the state-of-the-art stainless steel cookware and appliances. For them both, she had brought over the leftover buffalo cauliflower and radicchio salad Teagan and she had made from the other day. Dominic, excited to see what was beneath the top, quickly took the container from her, lifted the lid and sniffed.

  “Mmm…this smells amazing!” He exclaimed with a voracious grin.

  With a hand on her hip, she shook her head and accused him, “I’m starting to think this was all a ploy to get me to come over so you can finally have a home-cooked meal.”

  “Hey! I didn’t know you were even bringing food! But…since Sasha and Dmitri got married, I can no longer take advantage of his cooking skills. He used to feed us every week. Now I’m lucky to get one meal a month. However….” He approached her with his signature sexy grin. “I also wanted your company.”

  Adaline couldn’t help the way her eyes closed and the wishful sigh that escaped as he pulled her into a friendly hug. When he released her, she thought to herself: “Hold it together girl…you’re just a friend. Just friends.” Did that also mean she could ignore the way his lips skimmed her jaw before releasing her? Or the way his lids were slightly lowered as he pulled away as if he too was overcome by a spell?

  Thinking it best to distract herself, Adaline walked away from him and entered the living room. Unbeknownst to her, Dominic released a pent-up breath as she walked away. He could feel himself harden even more at the sight of her plump behind in the skinny jeans she had worn. It was complemented by a casual deep U-neck tank top that displayed the top of her breasts and showcased the long elegance of her neck and shoulders. Even as he began to reheat the food she had brought, Dominic’s brow was furrowed with concern at the feelings she wrought in him again. His heated gaze took in the visible skin,
and his mind flashed with memories of how her skin had glowed from the moonlight that fateful night.

  Dominic eventually followed her into his spacious living room. From the dining area, they had to step down a few stairs leading to a sectional couch surrounding a stone fireplace with a large flat screen TV above it. Adaline was standing in front of said fireplace and looking at the array of photos decorating the mantle. There was several of him with his younger sister Nadia and a few more recent ones of him and Dmitri. But he felt his heartbeat quicken as he recalled the photo of Dina. It was in the far opposite corner of where Adaline stood. As she began to walk towards it, her eyes touching gently at each photo, Dominic leaped into action.

  Gently, he grasped her hand and pulled her around to face him. Startled, Adaline stumbled into his chest. To help keep her balance, Dominic found himself encircling his arms around her waist and almost immediately released a groan of pleasure at the feel of her soft breasts settling against his chest again. He could feel her heartbeat racing and the gentle caress of her breathing settling onto his exposed neck. His fingers tightened against the fabric of her shirt to pull her deeper into his embrace. All he could remember was how her body had been pressed against him as she rode them both to orgasm.

  “Dominic?” There was a hint of uncertainty as she called out his name.

  He struggled to find his voice before he croaked, “Yeah?”

  “You can let me go now.”

  It was as if being awakened back into consciousness. Quickly, Dominic took a step back and ran a hand through his hair in embarrassment. “Sorry about that…I was trying not to startle you.”

  Adaline merely shrugged. “I love the pictures of your family. You all seem so happy now.”

  “Yeah, things have definitely changed for the better on that front. It was partly Sasha’s doing to be honest. She really helped us see what was more important. My father has grudgingly accepted the fact that he can’t control our lives as much as he would want.”


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