Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3)

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Adaline (The Wallflower Series Book 3) Page 19

by Fletcher, R. J.

  “And we’re not going to until you dump him,” Dominic replied noncommittally.

  Adaline couldn’t fault his reasoning. So instead, she apologized, “I’m sorry I haven’t reciprocated.”

  Dominic looked at her through narrowed eyes. “Have I ever given you reason to believe that I need or want your apology?” At the shake of her head, he reached over and caressed her cheeks. His fingers spanned the curve of her face until stopping gently at the corner of her lips and tracing the soft skin there. “How much experience do you have, Addy?”

  She knew he was already aware that he was her first. But his question wanted to know more. He wanted to know how far she had gone with Murphy. “I’ve only ever been with you, Dominic.”

  “I would never force you into anything you are uncomfortable with. When I touch you, it is not with the ulterior motive to receive it in return. It’s because I want you to have pleasure. I want to see that adorable look on your face when you cum by my hand...” he leaned in closer until they were hair’s breadth away from each other. “Or by my mouth. And soon, you’re going to cum on my cock again.”

  Adaline closed her eyes in anticipation of feeling his lips on her. But when no such sensations occurred she opened them to see him leaning back with a grin.

  “I look forward to making love to you, but we are so much more than that. And I want you to know that as well.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The two of them sat gazing into the distance at Pegan Hill. The view of Mount Wachusett and Mount Monadnock was breathtaking and reminded her of all she had loved about growing up in Dover. They had been lucky enough to find two chairs beneath a large tree in a wide-open field before more visitors came to take in the sunset. It was one of the most romantic places Adaline had ever been, aside from the bench that constantly inundated her with their memories together.

  Dominic took her hands into his and leaned closer to her over the armrests of the Adirondack chairs. “I feel old,” he told her.

  Adaline couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her. Dominic still looked far from old with his unconventional hairstyle and his strong features. Placating him, she patted his hands, “I can see the wrinkles.”

  He rolled his eyes, “I’m serious. Here I am at one of the most breathtaking views, and I haven’t even made a move.”

  “A move?”

  “This place is a certified pussy goldmine. Every guy knew growing up that if he wanted his girlfriend to finally give it up all he had to do was take her here. And then like that,” he snapped his fingers, “her legs were spread.”

  Adaline wrinkled her nose at him. “You’re disgusting.”

  Dominic leaned over and chuckled slightly at her abject look of horror. “Why do you think I didn’t want to sit on the benches?”

  She gasped and stood to her feet. “Ew, Dominic!”

  He let out a roar of laughter and followed her as she took several feet away, her mind overcome by images of what had been done on the wooden surfaces. “But here I am, more content just sitting with you than thinking of ways to seduce you. I’m getting old, I tell you!”

  “Or,” she emphasized loudly as if he was the one who was hard of hearing, “you finally grew up and your every waking thought isn’t about what hole you can stick that thing into.”

  He paused dramatically as if considering her idea. Until finally, “Nah, that’s not it.”

  Adaline could only roll her eyes at his antics.

  Enjoying teasing her, Dominic threw his arms around her waist and pulled her toward his chest, “If spending moments like this with you is what it means to feel old, I’m ready for the geriatric life.”

  Closing the small distance between them, she kissed him gently on the lips with a smile. “You need better lines, Casanova, ” she teased.

  Because Adaline still refused to return to the wooden chairs, they both took their seats in the grass and continued to watch the amazing view of the mountains. Though he had been jesting with her, Dominic truly felt an inner sense of peace as they sat down next to each other. Adaline innately rested her head against his broad shoulder and cuddled into his warmth. For a moment, he looked down at the sight they made. As a teenager, he would never have believed he would be in such a position. He had been steadfast and determined to only see Adaline as a friend despite the slight stirrings of attraction he had felt for her. In truth, she was the exact opposite of her cousin Carla. In place of the honey-toned skin was a dark-chocolate that seemed to gleam in the sunlight. And instead of the straight golden strands were wild and unruly curls that formed an Afro around her head. He secretly referred to it as her halo because Adaline had always been an angel to him.

  Dominic wouldn’t deny it to himself. In their community, Carla was beautiful and Adaline didn’t exist. Not only because of her looks but also because of her disability. And now that Dominic truly understood the basis behind his refusal to acknowledge their mutual attraction in high school, he was ashamed of his weakness. Taking a hand to gently remove the curls that had fallen across her face, he wondered how he could have been so blind to her beauty in his youth. Why hadn’t he acted sooner?

  “I want to come with you to see your uncle today, Addy.”

  She looked up at him curiously, “Why? It won’t be the most welcoming environment. My aunt and Carla are bitchier than ever these days.”

  Not used to hearing her curse, especially not at her aunt, Dominic grinned mischievously. He found that he liked this side of her. “Well, I want to be clear about my intentions to your aunt and uncle”

  At that, she laughed, “What is this the 1800s? I hate to break it to you, Dominic, but women can actually voice their own opinions today. I know, the horror!”

  He rolled his eyes at her condescending tone. “That’s so funny, Addy,” he supplied in a dry tone. “But seriously, how do you think it looks that I used to date Carla and now I’ve moved on to his other adopted daughter. It’s important to me that they both know- and that you know- this isn’t a passing fling. I’m approaching this seriously.”

  Adaline smiled slightly at his words, “Then I guess I’m bringing you home.”


  She would never forget the look upon Carla’s face as they both walked into the entryway of the house. Adaline had never seen someone’s mouth drop so quickly before. She immediately brought her hands to her face in order to hide her smirk. Of course, it was childish of her to feel vindicated by her cousin’s shock of seeing her and Dominic together but tell that to the multitude of memories she had of Carla’s snarky arrogance. How many times had she heard that Dominic would never end up with her after being with someone like Carla? In her cousin’s view, if he was initially attracted to someone like her, there was no room for him to have feelings for Adaline. Put simply, Adaline couldn’t be his type.

  And maybe she still wasn’t his actual type, but that didn’t stop him from being attracted to her. Adaline met Carla’s eyes head on as they walked through the house, and her cousin followed them. Eventually yelling,

  “What the hell is going on here?”

  Dominic shook his head at her greeting. “Adaline came to see your father. Why the hell else would we be here?”

  “You know what I mean, Dominic!” The other woman’s breathing increased as her eyes flitted from one to the other. Just standing together wouldn’t normally indicate that two people had been intimate and were together, but it did for these two. Because it wasn’t merely their proximity to one another, but it was also how they stood together, slightly leaning in to the other’s warmth. The energy around them was potent and filled Carla with the same insecurities she faced after he had so ruthlessly dumped her. She hadn’t felt that in years! And now it had come back at the hands of her cousin, someone she had always seen as below her in looks and worth. How was that fair?

  “I do know what you mean. But, to be frank, it’s really none of your concern, Carla,” Adaline provided calmly.

  When they made to move,
Carla jumped into action. Standing in front of them in order to block their way, she firmly placed her hands on her hips and stated, “Oh, it is my concern. When you date my ex like some wannabe, all I can feel for you is pity. You always wanted to be me!”

  Dominic and Adaline exchanged glances, completely disturbed by her words. They both knew Adaline had never once dreamt of being Carla. And this entire situation clearly exemplified why. Despite her aim to always appear self-assured, Carla was the exact opposite. She was evidence that knowledge of one’s beauty and attractiveness to others did not presume high self-worth and esteem. In fact, it seemed for Carla that it was the exact opposite. It left her constantly seeking validation, and having the one person who rejected her willingly choose someone else-her own cousin- was her breaking point.

  “Wow, Carla, are you serious?” Adaline looked at her pitifully. “No, honey, I never wanted to be you. I knew you were self-absorbed, but I had no idea you were that delusional!”

  Carla’s ire seemed to falter a bit at the response.

  “Now, I’m not a psychologist,” Dominic entered the conversation gently, “but I believe what you should think about Carla, is why you felt the need to be envied by Addy.” His signature cocky grin was on full display as he chastised her.

  If smoke could be seen blowing from someone’s ears, Adaline and Dominic would swear that was what they saw after his comment. Carla’s blue eyes settled on his with such ice and contempt, he was sure she was going to lash out. But instead of throwing punches or slaps, Carla took in a deep breath.

  “You can go straight to hell, Dominic!”

  They both said nothing as she stormed from the living room, but as soon as she was no longer in hearing distance, they found themselves laughing at the humor in the situation. Playfully, Dominic slapped her bottom,

  “C’mon, it’s time for me to get grilled by your uncle.”

  “You keep that up, and I think you’ll get more than grilled but physically assaulted. Don’t let his accident fool you.” Despite her words, Adaline put an extra sway in her hips as she led him from the living area towards the grand entrance of the stairway. She could feel his eyes exploring her body, paying particular attention to her hips and ass in the sweater dress.

  “How the hell do you expect me to behave myself when you look like that, baby?” He enjoyed the blush and girlish giggle that escaped her at his compliment.

  Their flirting continued until someone loudly clearing their throat interrupted them.

  “Would someone like to tell me what is going on?”

  The carefree grin upon Dominic’s fell immediately. He looked up, shocked to see his father looming over them from the long, winding stairs that led up to the bedrooms. He shouldn’t have been quite as taken aback to see Nikolai. After all, his father was good friends with Dean and so of course he would visit to pay his concerns and blessings for a speedy recovery. But of all days for his father to make an appearance, why did it have to be now?

  Behind Nikolai, Victoria stood with her signature look of disapproval. In their playful flirtation, Dominic and Adaline had stood closer to one another. His arms had found their way around her waist, holding her close to his strong chest. At the interruption, they slowly spread apart, straightening their clothes. Dominic didn’t want them to think they were guilty for being caught, because they had nothing to be ashamed of. It wasn’t like they weren’t teenagers sneaking into a broom closet to fool around.

  “Hello father.” Dominic’s tone was cold as he looked up at Nikolai. He was still resentful of what had occurred in their last meeting and did not plan on forgetting it any time soon. Though he had told Adaline it gave him the final push to no longer care what his father thought of him or to constantly strive for his approval and respect, the anger still resided in him at the memory. Dominic knew it would subside eventually, but the wound was raw. And he never realized before just how much his actions had been motivated by that same boy’s need to have his father like him. It had gone unacknowledged for so long, but as he stood there with Adaline by his side, he knew that he may have to forgo the desire for his father’s approval to protect his relationship.

  “We came here to see Uncle,” Adaline supplied to her aunt. “Is he awake?”

  Victoria nodded, but everyone’s attention soon turned to Nikolai’s descent. Adaline had always seen the man as an intimidating figure. But even more so now as he towered over her in his tailored suit with a dark, icy gaze. He looked over her dismissively before turning to his son with a raised brow.

  “Following in your brother’s footsteps, I see?” He snorted derisively with a shake of his head. He spoke quietly so as to keep their conversation private. “Why am I not surprised? Well, at least you chose a rich one.”

  “Keep your opinions to yourself because I’ve officially stopped giving a shit,” Dominic replied back quickly.

  Nikolai didn’t even blink at his response. He remembered his wife’s threats to leave him if he ever made his children suffer again. And that included interfering in their chosen romantic partners. The backlash would be even greater because Dominic had always been her favorite. She understood him in a way that he never could. And so, while he disapproved of Dominic’s choice, he said nothing else as he passed him. But before Nikolai left, he paused and turned to the young woman again.

  “I expect I’ll see you soon during one of our holiday dinners, yes? I’m sure Natalia would love to get to know you better.”

  Even through the neutrality of his words, Adaline understood the slight warning in his tone and could tell from the firmness of his mouth as he spoke that she wasn’t actually welcomed in their home. But Adaline could care less about what he thought because she had never been a fan of his to begin with. Playing along, she said with a saucy sway to her hips,

  “I would love to. Be careful with those invitations though. I may end up being there more than you want.”

  When the tall Russian finally left their presence, the tension in the room receded once more. They had only been there for a short time and already had two less than stellar encounters with each of their families. Adaline felt herself growing increasingly irritated by how things had gone since returning home; it was a stark reminder of why she had needed to leave in the first place. And they wouldn’t be able to guilt her into returning.

  Dominic signed to her, “I think I like this side of you.” He winked and laughed as she rolled her eyes at him.

  When they made their way up the stairs, they stopped at her aunt, who reached out suddenly to grab her arm.

  “Can we talk after you’re done?”

  Adaline was shocked to hear the uncertainty in her aunt’s voice. If she were honest, Victoria was the person she was most nervous to see after their last night together. She didn’t know if she wanted to talk to her afterward. Maybe it was best to just let bygones be. She was now aware of why their relationship had always been less than loving. What more did they need to talk about?

  “Sure,” Adaline still found herself saying, however. It was laced with uncertainty, but her aunt didn’t seem to care.

  After a pretty eventful welcome, they eventually did make it into the upstairs sitting room where Dean sat being cared for by his nurses. When he heard their footsteps, he lifted his head and looked their direction.


  She gasped in surprise. “Uncle? You got your eyesight back?”

  He laughed with a shake of his head. “No, not completely just yet. I recognized the smell of your shampoo. You’ve been obsessed with that brand ever since you moved here with us. You said it reminded you of your mother and how she smelled.” There was a smile of reminiscence on his face as he recalled the memory.

  Adaline went to him and took his hand into her own. “I brought someone with me today.”

  Dominic loomed over them both. He didn’t expect the flutters of nerves he now felt in his stomach as he considered why he came to see her uncle in the first place. He had never been in
such a situation before despite having many relationships under his belt. Every time he opened his mouth, Dominic realized he didn’t even really know how to start. When his gaze caught Adaline’s, who looked up at him in anticipation, he shook his head.

  “Would you mind giving us a moment, Adaline?”

  She hesitated at first, but when she eventually left and they were alone, Dominic took a seat across from her uncle. “Hello, Mr. Lang. It’s me, Dominic. Nikolai Vikhrov’s son.”

  “I know who you are. What the hell are you doing with my daughter?”

  Noticing the way he placed emphasis on the word daughter, Dominic knew that he had to approach Dean as if he truly were Adaline’s father. He could respect the aspects of their relationship and how close they were. In fact, Adaline had often spoken about how this man in front of him was one of the only reasons she felt like a Lang. Because he never allowed her to think otherwise. It was why he found it so important to inform Dean about their newfound romance. To be sure, he was not seeking permission of any kind. Adaline was her own woman and had chosen to be with him. But it was worth at least talking to her uncle to convey his intentions.

  “Well, I’d hope that was obvious, sir. Adaline and I have started seeing one another. I came here because I wanted to let you know respectfully that it’s serious.”

  Dean frowned at the news. “Aren’t you the same one who was dating Carla? What the hell are you doing with Adaline? If this is some sick joke to you because Carla is now married, I don’t care who your father is, I’ll kick your ass even without my sight.”

  Dominic expected that response and could tell that Dean was serious. He didn’t even flinch as he threatened him. “Well, I guess I don’t have a good track record with you, but to be fair, that was over a decade ago. And I’m definitely not interested in Carla. However, Adaline and I have been friends for a long time. I know this feels sudden, but it actually isn’t. This is something that has been building up between the two of us for years! I’m not entering into this relationship lightly, and the only reason I’ve come to you is because of how important you are to Adaline. Within this family, you are the one person who made her feel normal and accepted. And your blessing would mean a lot to her and, as a result, to me as well.”


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