Ever After (The Christmas Cottage - Book 2)

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Ever After (The Christmas Cottage - Book 2) Page 5

by Samantha Chase

  “No it’s not good!” Ava snapped. “She’s in labor! Tell me what to do, Lacey? Where’s Ean? Where’s your doctor’s phone number?”

  “Do we need to call an ambulance? Do I need to boil water or something?” Brian chimed in.

  Lacey looked at the two of them and wanted to laugh but the contractions were pretty strong. “If I could interrupt the two of you for a moment, you need to both be quiet and I’ll tell you exactly what I need.” They instantly silenced. “Ava, I need you to call Ean and tell him to call Dr. Williams and meet us at the hospital.” She turned to Brian. “As you can probably guess, we’ll need to reschedule.” He nodded mutely. “I have a bag by the stairs, Ava. If you can grab that, Brian can help me out to your car and we’ll be on our way.”

  The three of them moved as quickly as possible and once outside Ava saw that Brian’s truck was blocking her car in. He assessed the situation as well and took charge. “Let’s help her into the truck and I’ll drive to the hospital.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Ava began. “I can drive her.”

  “You’re trying to get Ean on the phone and you’re distracted. Let me drive and this way you can make your calls and help keep Lacey calm while I do the driving.”

  “Seriously, Brian, I have it under control…”

  “She needs someone to just focus on the driving, Ava, and that’s not going to be you!”

  “Who do you think you are coming in here and taking over and…?”

  “ENOUGH!” Lacey cried out. “In case either of you haven’t noticed, I’m about to have a baby and I would prefer that to happen in a hospital and not in my driveway.” She looked at Ava. “Please let Brian drive and let’s get moving. Now!”

  Quickly and quietly, they got Lacey settled in to Brian’s truck and were on their way. Ava reached Ean and told him what was going on and then had to take turns between calming him down and letting Lacey squeeze her hand during the contractions. Brian only spoke to ask very simple questions: which hospital, which route and if Lacey was feeling all right.

  Luckily the hospital was only twenty minutes away and in no time, Ava could see Ean pacing outside the emergency room entrance. The truck had barely come to a stop when he yanked the door open and nearly threw Ava to the ground in his haste to get to his wife.

  “Oh, Ean, for the love of it, look what you’ve done to your sister,” Lacey sighed as she climbed out of the truck. Ean barely spared his sister a glance and mumbled a very half-hearted apology as he helped Lacey sit in the wheelchair that Brian had run and secured.

  The next several hours seemed to drag. Brian stayed and waited with Lacey and her parents, anxious for any news on Lacey and the baby. He brought coffee and sandwiches to them all in the waiting area and as the night wore on, he urged Ava to relax and try and sleep a little while as they waited for Ean to come out with an update.

  A quick glance at his watch showed it was going on ten o’clock and somehow while he had been engrossed in an evening news show, Ava had fallen asleep on his shoulder. With a little maneuvering, he had her reclined on the sofa, using his legs as a pillow. She looked so peaceful and beautiful and it was nice to have the opportunity to observe her without her noticing. Returning his attention to the TV, he mindlessly stroked her hair away from her face, sometimes taking a moment to gently caress her cheek. The Callahan’s were seated across the room and had both long since given up trying to stay awake.

  Some time near eleven, Ean came out. Brian noticed him first and gently shook Ava awake. She sat up immediately and then called out to her parents. They all stood and looked at Ean expectantly. “Well?” Ava finally said.

  “It’s a girl! I have a beautiful, healthy daughter,” he beamed. “She tiny, five pounds, three ounces but she’s perfect.”

  “How’s Lacey?” Ava asked, her voice laced with concern.

  “She was a trooper. For as fast as the labor came on, it stalled for a while and the baby was in distress and the doctor’s were just about to prep her for a C-section but then everything seemed to kick into gear.”

  “So she’s okay now?”

  “She’s exhausted but thrilled,” he replied, looking exhausted himself. He sat down on the sofa that Ava and Brian had vacated and leaned back and closed his eyes; his grin never fading. “A daughter; I have a daughter.”

  “Does this daughter have a name?” Jack Callahan asked.

  Ean opened his eyes and sat up. “Olivia Harper Callahan.” He smiled at the collective sighs of his family around him.

  “Such a beautiful name,” his mother said. “Now when do we get to see her?”

  Ean led them down to the nursery while explaining that because it was so late they’d only be able to see her through the glass. They’d have to come back when visiting hours began in the morning. He shared their disappointment because he wanted to show his daughter off but knew that everyone needed their sleep; plus he was anxious to get back and check on Lacey.

  Within minutes, Ean waved goodnight to them all and watched as they headed toward the elevator. The doors had barely closed when he turned to return to his wife’s side.


  “She’s perfect, absolutely perfect,” Linda Callahan kept saying.

  “You’re just biased, mom,” Ava teased.

  “No I’m not; you saw those other babies in the nursery. Olivia was hands down the most beautiful.”

  As much as Ava would have loved to poke fun at her mom a little bit more, the truth was that she was exhausted. It was nearing midnight and she still had to get her car from Ean and Lacey’s and head home. “Do you need a ride to your car?” her father asked.

  Brian didn’t wait for her to respond. “You two go on home; I’ll take Ava back to her car. It’s late and I’m sure you both want to go to sleep.”

  “Can’t argue with that,” Jack said, shaking Brian’s hand. “Thank you, Brian. We’re grateful that you were there to get Lacey here to the hospital.”

  Ava’s back stiffened at the comment; after all, she had been there too and was more than capable of getting Lacey here if Brian hadn’t swooped in and stole her glory! She was about to bring that fact to everyone’s attention when her parents each leaned in and wearily wished her a good night. Before she could even respond they were walking away. She looked at Brian and wanted to wipe the smirk off of his face.

  “Your parents think I’m a hero.”

  She made a huffing sound and looked around for his truck. “So I guess you’re stuck driving me to get my car,” she said.

  “I don’t mind,” he replied mildly, turning her to lead her in the right direction. “Are you sure you don’t just want me to take you home? It’s late and you’re pretty tired. You probably shouldn’t be driving.”

  “I’ll be fine in a little while. It was all that sitting around and waiting that put me to sleep. Once I saw Olivia, I was wide awake.”

  Brian had his doubts on that; in his mind she still looked adorably sleepy. They got to his truck and were on their way and they drove in companionable silence back to her brother’s house. Once there, he sat and waited for Ava to speak.

  “So, um, thanks for the ride,” she said shyly, not looking directly at him. When Brian remained silent, she finally turned to face him. What she saw made her want to gasp; the look of raw desire on his face was so strong that it left her feeling a little breathless. Ava lost track of time; of how long they sat facing one another and she was sure that her expression now mirrored his own. Her breath quickened and she silently prayed that he was going to lean over and kiss her.

  But he didn’t. She wanted to be bold; she wanted to make the first move and show him that she had been wrong. She wanted to have the confidence that it took to do it.

  “Will you be okay to drive,” he finally asked, breaking the spell.

  Ava mentally shook her head to be sure that she heard him correctly. Okay to drive? Here she was thinking about kissing him senseless and he was worried about her driving skills. When
she didn’t immediately answer, he asked her again. “Oh, um…I’ll be fine. Thanks.” Feeling foolish for letting her mind wander with wayward thoughts, Ava scrambled from his truck and ran over to her car.

  Once she was inside she took several deep breaths to calm her nerves. “Well, this is what you said you wanted,” she reminded herself out loud. “You told him no more and that’s exactly what you got.”

  Sometimes getting what you want wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  Brian pulled out of the driveway and waited for Ava to do the same. He knew she was tired and that he probably should have just had the argument with her and driven her straight home but he wasn’t sure he would be able to handle the temptation of taking her home and then leaving. Oddly enough, he’d enjoyed himself today. Even though it was nothing more than just sitting around a hospital waiting room, just spending time with Ava and her family had been a pleasant experience.

  Ava had been quite chatty when she let her guard down; it didn’t happen often but over the course of the day they had engaged in several long conversations on everything and nothing at the same time. He loved talking with her, hearing her laugh and getting her input on current events. Her parents were friendly and talkative and there were several times that Brian found himself just as excited as the rest of them waiting for the arrival of the newest Callahan.

  As Ava’s car disappeared down the road Brian smiled sadly. He’d seen the way she’d looked at him moments ago. He knew that if he had pushed even a little, they’d both still be in his truck and he’d be kissing her as he’d longed to do all day. But she had told him to back off and as much as he was trying to respect her request, it wasn’t easy. If Ava wanted him, she was going to have to make the first move. He wanted her to be sure; he wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her.

  When her car turned right at the end of the block, Brian finally put his own vehicle in gear and smiled. The clock read 12:30 a.m. Hell, her father would surely kill him if he didn’t make sure she got home safely. So with a renewed sense of purpose, Brian set off to follow Ava home; mentally telling himself it was only as a favor to her parents.

  That would sound believable if she caught him, wouldn’t it?

  Chapter Four

  Ava felt a moment of pure panic when someone pulled into her driveway behind her. It wasn’t until their headlights turned off that she realized it was Brian. What was he doing here? Why had he followed her? Her heart was saying that he followed her because he felt what she did back in his truck but knowing her luck, he had merely followed her home like a good boy scout to make sure she didn’t fall asleep at the wheel.

  Great, now she had a problem with responsible men who were concerned for her well being. Clearly she needed therapy.

  Getting out of her car, she turned just as Brian was getting out of his. She was just about to ask why he was here and then stopped herself; remembering how earlier in the day she realized that that had become her opening statement every time she saw him. Playing it safe, she merely stood next to her car and waited for him to come to her. Ava looked at him expectantly when he stopped in front of her.

  “I wanted to make sure that you made it home safe,” he said softly. The look on her face told him he’d said something wrong. “It’s late and you were tired and…”

  “It’s fine,” she mumbled. “I appreciate your concern.” Her voice lacked any form of sincerity and she wished him a good night and turned and started to walk toward her condo.

  “Ava, did I say something wrong?”

  Why wouldn’t he just leave? She took another couple of steps and then stopped when he called her name again. Before she knew it, Brian was standing before her. “It’s nothing, Brian. Like you said, it’s late and I’m tired.”

  Placing a finger under her chin, Brian tilted her head so that Ava was forced to look at him. “I don’t think so. What did I say? Clearly I’ve upset you and I don’t have a clue as to why!”

  She moved his hand away and took a step back and sighed wearily. “I don’t know why I’m upset, okay?” She was mortified when tears started to well in her eyes. “You’ve been nothing but helpful all day and it’s like…you just keep showing up everywhere and I don’t know what to do with that!”

  One lone tear escaped and it nearly brought Brian to his knees. “Ava, it was never my intention to make you cry. I’m sorry,” he said in a near whisper. “I didn’t realize that I was making you this miserable. I should have respected what you asked of me and stayed away.” He hated saying the words but he hated seeing Ava cry more. Clearing his throat, Brian took a moment to find a way to say goodbye. “I only wanted to be near you; to get to know you. I thought that if maybe you spent some time with me, you’d want to get to know me, too. I never wanted to cause you any pain. I’ll keep my distance. I just want you to be happy, Ava. I won’t bother you again.”

  He’d almost made it all the way back to his truck before Ava called out to him. “You don’t tell someone that you love them and then walk away!” she cried.

  Brian turned, stunned at her words. Ava angrily walked toward him. “Was it all a lie? Was that your way of making sure that I didn’t marry Mason, by telling me that you loved me?”

  “What? No! I wouldn’t lie about something like that, Ava, I swear!”

  “Loving someone means staying with them; standing by them,” she stated. “Yet every time you even hint about caring about me, you leave.”

  He knew he shouldn’t laugh but when she stamped her foot on the last word he couldn’t stop his lip from twitching. “Well, it didn’t seem as if you wanted me to stay.”

  “Well then maybe you don’t know me as well as you think,” she said, folding her arms across her chest.

  In all his life Brian didn’t think he’d ever seen a more adorable sight. “So what you’re saying is that all those times you told me to leave, I should have stayed. Do I have that right?” He quirked an eyebrow at her and was rewarded with a small smile from Ava.

  “I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “How about now, Ava?” Brian leaned in close, his mouth a breath away from hers. “Do you want me to leave right now?” he whispered.

  Ava felt his warm breath against her cheek and couldn’t help but lean into him. She was tired of fighting this; of fighting him. She could no longer deny the attraction they shared and if she was honest with herself she could admit that she’d been waiting for this moment for far too long.

  “I don’t want you to go anywhere,” she admitted softly and was rewarded when he slowly touched his lips to hers. It was a gentle kiss; one of re-acquaintance. When Ava sighed and relaxed into him, Brian deepened the kiss and Ava found herself winding her arms around his neck and combing her fingers through his hair.

  Far too soon, Brian pulled back, his breathing labored. “As much as I hate to stop, I certainly don’t want us to be entertainment for the neighbors.” The night air was cool but his skin was on fire and all he wanted was for them to be alone and someplace private but he was afraid to admit that out loud. After finally finding themselves on the same page, he hated the thought of scaring her off.

  “I have to agree,” Ava admitted and then looked from Brian’s truck to her condo, indecision written all over her face. “It is getting late,” she said after a moment and Brian’s heart sank. He was going to have to leave and while he was sure it was going to be okay, the selfish part of him was reluctant to let the night end. He’d waited so long and to now be so close to finally being alone with Ava and having to leave was torture.

  He simply nodded in agreement and was about to suggest they go out for dinner tomorrow when she surprised him and grabbed his hand.

  “We certainly don’t want to waste what’s left of it,” she said saucily and led him inside with a seductive smile on her face.


  Ava woke up early to a long-forgotten sensation; a man sleeping beside her. She took a moment to take in Brian’s features relaxed in sleep. He was so handsom
e and such a good person and she almost felt ashamed of herself for very nearly attacking him once they’d gotten inside her home the previous night.

  Memories of their night made her smile. Carefully, she rose from the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom and gasped at her own reflection. Not wanting to make too much noise, she quickly ran a brush through her hair and brushed her teeth. She was just about to creep back into the bedroom when she made a quick grab for her deodorant and put some of that on for good measure. Feeling slightly more human, she was about to turn out the bathroom light when her lip gloss caught her eye. What harm could that do?

  When she finally was back under the blankets, Brian rolled toward her and then took her into his arms. He kissed her forehead and said a sleepy good morning to her before even opening his eyes.

  Praying that she had fixed herself to the point of not scaring him, Ava held her breath as he opened her eyes and scanned her face. “You’re even beautiful first thing in the morning,” he said with a smile and leaned in for a deeper kiss.

  Ava smiled to herself, luxuriating in the feel of him wrapped around her. Hopefully her attempts at freshening up weren’t overly obvious. She ran her fingers along his roughened jaw and purred. A girl could get used to waking up like this.

  “Do you have plans for today?” he asked, hesitantly raising his head from hers.

  “I was planning on going to see Lacey and Olivia after doing a little baby shopping. Why? Did you have something in mind?”

  “I just figured you were getting ready to go somewhere with all the hair brushing and lip gloss,” he teased and flinched when she pinched him.

  “A gentleman wouldn’t have mentioned that!”

  “Darlin’, I never claimed to be a gentleman,” he replied and then rolled her on top of him. “Now, this baby shopping, that would entail going to a mall or something like it, right?”

  Ava nodded. “Are you offering to go with me?”

  In the blink of an eye he reversed their positions and had her pinned beneath them and was rewarded with a genuine laugh from her. “Hell, no. I don’t do the mall.”


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