Only You (A Sweet Torment Novel)

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Only You (A Sweet Torment Novel) Page 5

by Joya Ryan

  He looked at me for a long moment. Whether it was the fact that I’d had sex with him, or that I was desperate for this job, it made a lot of my modesty disappear. It was time to be bold and go for it. All or nothing.

  Finally he answered. “I have ships, ports, and routes from Greece to New York, not to mention a major deal I am trying to close.”

  I nodded. Obviously I couldn’t press for details on this deal since I didn’t have the job, but it sounded big. Since Savas Shipping was a global company, the opportunity was limitless.

  “I’d need someone bright, able to jump right in, mingle with an intense crowd of various business people with a level of discretion. Someone to be at my beck and call and execute my wishes effortlessly.”

  The more he talked, the more I felt ready to tackle this job. The responsibility and opportunity was drugging. Planning and helping to control people’s schedules and lifestyles—it was a way I maintained a sense of control.

  “I think I’d be perfect for this position. Based on the job description, I have a lot of skills and assets that would benefit you.”

  “I’m aware,” he said with a wicked edge to his voice that made my knees go a little weak and a stupid heat creep to my cheeks. “But sexual harassment is a very real issue and I don’t need that here. I think it’s best we part ways. Feel free to use the door”—he motioned behind me—“instead of the window to make your exit.”

  “First of all, I didn’t go out the window, I went out the back exit of the bar.”

  He tilted his head and grinned a little as if I amused him, but that only pissed me off further. “Secondly, I have a lot of experience in dealing with various projects at a high level and I work my ass off around the clock.”

  He raised a brow.

  “You realize I’m looking for a personal assistant? That means you fulfill any and every desire I need met.”

  I pursed my lips. “I heard your last assistant is going on maternity leave. Did she fill all your desires?”

  He laughed. “Yes, she did. And she and her husband of five years are very excited for their new baby. See, that”—he waved his hand—“is why we won’t work.”

  “You said I’d need to fulfill your desires. I just wanted to clarify what that entailed.”

  He looked at me deadpan. “That means anything, Miss Levine. Purely professional of course.”

  He looked me over once more, leaving a heat in his wake, and I couldn’t help but tremble a little, remembering how his mouth felt on my skin. Maybe it was because I was at the end of my rope in every area of my life. Or maybe it was because only a week ago he’d looked at me like I was something special and made me laugh. Made me feel things. Made me beg for more.

  Now, he looked at me like I was a risk. Though I couldn’t blame him, considering how I left him. It sucked realizing I really wanted that other Leo back. The Leo who made me forget my life for a little while and seemed content to spend time with me. The Leo I obviously chased off by ditching him.

  But that encounter was over and I needed to approach him like I would any other man I’d come into professional contact with. Ferociously. It was the only way to earn their respect. It was how I got the job working for Bill. I had to prove why I was the best choice.

  “With our previous encounter, I fear the workplace environment could become . . . hostile.”

  “I’m nothing if not professional, I assure you.”

  He raised a brow. “Oh? I still have fingernail marks on my back to prove otherwise.”

  “I was off the clock.” I slapped my file down on his desk. “And I still have a bite mark on my shoulder.”

  He grinned. “Well, I see we both have little mementos from that night. However, I still have a concern of a sexual harassment issue. I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable at any point. Unfortunately, I don’t see a way around this.”

  I swallowed hard and put myself directly in front of him. There was no way I could lose this shot. First off, Leo didn’t seem to know details or care about the fact that I no longer worked for the governor. Roman had obviously spoken with Leo about my taking on this position, but I trusted he would never talk about the scandal or people involved.

  Would there be tension in Leo’s and my relationship? Maybe. Because he was right—we’d had one hell of an experience. But it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

  If I could just land this job, I could get the minimal three-month experience and a letter of recommendation. That would be major, since I currently couldn’t list any of my former bosses as references.

  Roman did the best he could with this little reference, but I couldn’t count on that for anything else. The only reason I got his endorsement for this position in the first place was because Roman was friends with Leo and it wasn’t a job in politics. I appreciated Roman’s help, but I also knew he would now have to distance himself from me.

  But Leo’s name attached with a good word would give me a huge bump in finding something else once my time here was up. Not to mention, mingling with other large firms he did business with would open doors to this new profession of . . .

  Anything but politics.

  More than that. I’d go back to being useful. Needed. Busy. Things I clung to. Things that made me feel worth something. I had only been a week on the unemployment market and the lack of social life and the stillness of my empty apartment was closing in on me. Not to mention the get-the-fuck-out notice. My time was up.

  “I’m the right person for this job, Leo,” I said, only a foot between us. “Look over my resume and you’ll see that.”

  He smiled and the thing made my heart pound like a stressed-out hummingbird. “I always liked your confidence, Miss Levine.”

  I wanted to scoff. If only he knew my “confidence” was a mask, covering up all my fears and everything I lacked. As if reading my mind, he said, “But I want something more than that.”

  “Something more than my confidence?” I frowned.

  “Yes. I want to know what’s not on the resume.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I have a stack of capable candidates ready to take this position. People who have more experience, especially in this line of work. I know you were in politics. I know you have skills that would carry over into this kind of job. But why you, Paige? What makes you different?”

  My throat closed. The answer was simple: I was desperate. Of course, I wouldn’t say that out loud. Usually, I’d spin this situation, this interview, to my advantage. But something about the way Leo looked at me made me feel exposed. Vulnerable. Like he could see straight to the heart of my problems and how I was drowning.

  “I’m different because of my priorities.”

  “Oh? And what would your priorities be?”

  “You. This job. First and foremost.”

  He took in my entire face and body in one hard look, leaving hot tremors raking over my skin. “That’s a pretty selfless notion, Miss Levine.”

  I shook my head. “Not selfless. Logical. I gain as much as you would by having me. I don’t do anything halfway. I also don’t make poor investments into my future. This job is what I want. What I need, and in turn, I’m what you need. Because I’ll work beyond hard.”

  “All or nothing kind of woman, huh?”


  His gaze lingered on my mouth for a moment and I couldn’t help but steal a glance at his.

  “I like that,” he rasped.

  I swallowed hard. I had him on the hook, and now it was time to get the power back. “Good, because now I want to tell you what I require.”

  “Oh, please do,” he chuckled.

  “After the three months are up—”

  “Assuming I hire you.”

  “I want a letter of recommendation. Personally signed by you.”

  The home, job, and money would be the nest egg. What got me on my feet. But a letter of recommendation from the head of this type of company, along with work experience being an exec assis
tant to the CEO? That was my golden ticket. I’d be hirable again, even if it wasn’t in politics.

  “My reputation and name on a document, much less vouching for someone, is a big deal, Red,” he said, as if I didn’t understand that already. “I’d only give you a personal letter of recommendation if you earned it. And I can tell you right now, my standards are high.”

  I wanted to remind him that only a week ago, he was in ripped jeans and looked the part of delivery boy.

  “I’m aware and am prepared to earn what I’m asking for.”

  Just when I thought he was going to agree, he shook his head. “There’s something missing.”


  “You,” he said with a harsh tint to his voice. “You’re selling me, and doing a hell of a job”—he skated those eyes over me again—“but I can’t get past the front.”

  “I’m not putting up a front.”

  His mouth twitched a little. “Yes you are. I can sense it.”

  “Then I don’t know what else you want from me.”

  “I’ll settle for a piece of the real you.”

  Now my mind was buzzing with confusion and terror. I was going to lose this opportunity. All because Leo thought I might be disingenuous? Because he wanted something real?

  “I’m being real,” I whispered, but the expression on his face said he didn’t believe me.

  “Well then, I’ll be in touch.” He extended his hand, showing me the door, and my pulse ratcheted up.

  “No,” I said. “I can’t leave. Not without this job.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “Because I have nothing left.” The words slipped out, and even though I covered my mouth with my hand, it didn’t magically bring the words back. It was too late. They’d been spoken.

  “Nothing?” he said.

  I looked at him and his face was pulled tight with concern. Something I hated, but there was nothing I could do.

  “Tell me, Paige. What’s going on with you? The truth.”

  I glanced down and realized I had nothing left to lose, other than my pride. But that was my final bargaining chip, and this was my last hand to play.

  “Things have snowballed rather quickly for me. I’m out of a job and place to live come the weekend. And . . .”

  “I’m your last resort?” Leo asked.

  “No.” I met his eyes. “You’re my only resort.” A flash of pity crossed his face and I hated it. So much it made my pride bristle. “You wanted reality? I just told you mine. But despite my recent . . . issues, I believe I’m the best person for this job, Leo.”

  Something like understanding radiated from him and he nodded. “Anything else, Miss Levine?”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, then I guess the last hurdle to overcome is the sexual harassment prospect.”

  Hope flared through me. He was considering me. Just this last issue to move past and I’d get this job. I knew it. Clung to that hope. Time for bold moves to secure a victory.

  “I’m not going to lie, there is chemistry,” I said.

  “Nice chemistry?” he added, and I knew he enjoyed throwing that word back at me from the night we’d been together. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I wounded Mr. Shipping CEO’s ego.

  I lifted my chin. “You’re right though. We have a past incident between us. But working together will be different. Strictly professional.”

  “Forgive me if I don’t trust—”

  “Me?” I cut him off, trying to tamp down that flaring ache I got whenever my word came into question. I knew what he was getting at. “I can understand your hesitation. I was the woman you met in a bar and fucked, and now I could cry sexual harassment if you hire me, right?”

  All humor left his face and he stared at me. The same way everyone else did when faced with a decision whether to trust me or not. I knew he felt the latter. But no matter how much that sucked for me personally, I couldn’t blame him.

  “It’s smart to be cautious,” I said, and he frowned. If there was something I was good at, it was taking emotion out of the equation. Sometimes things just were the way they were. But I couldn’t lose this chance.

  “You sound so . . . reasonable,” he said.

  “I’m a reasonable person, Leo.” It suited me well, especially the past few years in politics. “What if I said I could ease your mind about this sexual harassment idea?”

  “How would you do that?”

  “If I harassed you first.”

  With that, I cupped the back of his neck and yanked him down for a searing kiss. It was only a moment, but enough to just barely bite his lower lip and taste his tongue. With my free hand, I cupped his cock—which was semi-hard—through his pants. I released him quickly, before I got caught up in how perfect his lips were or start to wonder why he was getting hard just by talking to me.

  I took three steps back and looked at him. Hoping to God I didn’t overplay my hand.

  “There,” I said, a little breathless. “Since I was the one to do that first, you can always fire me on the spot and I couldn’t argue.”

  “Bold play, Red.”

  I licked my lips and still tasted him. Wished like hell I could get a deeper taste, because whether I got this job or not, I was pretty sure it would be the last time I got to.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the edge of his desk.

  “Three months. Exceptional job performance and one letter of recommendation—a letter I am not promising unless I see that you deserve it.”

  I nodded, my heart racing with a very dangerous thing: hope.

  “Alright, Miss Levine, I’m going to need you to start right away.”

  Chapter Five

  This is nice,” Hazel said and put one of my suitcases down. One of the only two I had. Plus the dry cleaning bag that had two gowns in it. Gowns I had worn a few times over the years to major political galas.

  “Yeah, it is nice,” I said, and looked around.

  There were hardwood floors throughout, a small light-blue couch, and white wood fixtures. Two big windows let in sunlight and a view to the grounds. The main mansion—aka house-office-extravaganza—was two football fields away. Everything was perfectly decorated and quaint.

  “Oooh, purple sheets! I love it!” Hazel called from the bedroom. I peeked in and saw that the bed took up most of the room. It had four cherrywood posts and was covered in rich hues of lilac and grape. “Pretty sweet setup you have here.”

  “For the next three months or so,” I mumbled.

  It was plenty of time to work hard, save my paychecks, earn a letter of recommendation, and make contacts for a future job.

  Hazel wandered around, then settled on the couch and splayed her arms over the back.

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  My chest hurt a little because I was going to miss her too. “You’re only two hours away, and Columbia is going to be amazing.”

  She smiled and I recognized that look. Pride. Something I hadn’t felt lately. But Hazel deserved only the best things to happen to her.

  “We can always meet in the middle,” she offered. I smiled and nodded, not wanting to bring up any issues, like the fact I didn’t have a car. Hell, Hazel was the one who drove me out here in the first place.

  A light knock came from the open front door and a very handsome man walked in. A man with piercing blue eyes and black hair.

  “Settling in alright?” Leo asked.

  Hazel instantly stood and I adjusted my shoulders, not sure whether to reply to Leo first or pick up Hazel’s jaw off the ground.

  I decided to reply. “This is really lovely. Thank you, Mr. Savas.”

  He frowned and took one step inside, but hovered by the doorway. “Mr. Savas? Since when are we on a formal basis, Red?”

  My cheeks heated just a touch, which I hated since I rarely blushed. Politics was like poker—your face could give away your position. Unfortunately, Leo knew exactly which buttons to push . . .
considering he pushed some—or rather licked them—at the bar.

  Hazel looked surprised too, but in a giddy way.

  Leo smiled and extended his hand to Hazel. “I’m Leo.”

  She shook it.

  “So great to meet you. Paige told me all about you and this new job and . . .” Hazel looked around the apartment with wide eyes and breathed deeply. “This is just really wonderful.”

  “Well thank you,” Leo said. “And Paige told you all about me?” He glanced at me and smiled.

  Hazel nodded and I wanted to roll my eyes. Instead I clarified. “Of course, I told her about the interview.”

  He raised an eyebrow and smiled. “That was a memorable exchange.”

  “Paige always makes a good impression.” Hazel nudged my arm in support. If only she knew the secret conversation Leo and I were currently having.

  “That she does,” Leo said.

  “Well, it was so nice to meet you, but I have to hit the road.”

  “Thank you for the ride, Haz.”

  “Of course! I’ll see you soon for girls’ night. I’ll talk to Amy and arrange a meeting place. I know you’ll be busy, but don’t forget to call me.”

  She hugged me, and everything about Hazel exuded genuine. Too bad I wasn’t genuine back. I loved her and Amy like sisters, but I never shared anything too deep or personal. Everyone had lives, and mine was best kept surface-level.

  “Have a safe drive back.” I smiled widely.

  Hazel gave a little wave and Leo said goodbye, though he stayed in my doorway. Only when Hazel was puttering her little Honda down his mile-long driveway did Leo turn to face me.

  “You’re so full of shit, Red.”

  I frowned up at him. “Excuse me?”

  “Girls’ night? Big smiles and breezy conversation? You put on a show.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” And since this was technically his house, I could hardly kick him out.

  “I’m talking about you. The way you were in my office, going for this job, was very different than the woman you just showed your friend.”

  “I’m a competent person, Leo.”

  “I know, but something tells me your friend Hazel has no idea what you’re really going through.”


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