If We Dare to Dream

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If We Dare to Dream Page 1

by Collette Scott

  Praise for Collette Scott

  "Collette's emotionally charged fiction transports the reader so completely into her character's lives it is easy to become engrossed."

  - Roxanne Smolen, author of Mindbender

  “Collette Scott has the ability to paint characters so real as to draw you into their lives. Not an easy book to put down once picked up.”

  - Lord David Prosser, author of The Queen's Envoy.

  If We Dare to Dream

  “If We Dare to Dream is captivating! Collette Scott delivers an emotional roller coaster ride of love, anger, guilt and suspense…. Addictive to the very end!”

  - KC Stone, author of Replaced by a Stranger.

  “Wow! I have to say after reading Forever Sunshine I didn't think I would read a book as well written as that again. Collette has done it again!... Collette writes so well that you can visualise what is happening in your head, as though seeing the action on TV or in a film, but better! I feel so privileged at being allowed to read this book before it has even officially been published.”

  - Jeanzbookreadnreview.blogspot.com

  Also by Collette Scott

  Forever Sunshine

  “…nothing in the twists and turns in Collette Scott's story is really expected. That's what makes it an exciting, unforgettable learning experience.”

  Betty Dravis, author of 1106 Grand Boulevard and Amazon Top Reviewer

  “This author has found a way to take powerful subject matter and weave it into a love story in a way that I've only ever seen Nicholas Sparks be able to do well.”

  Linda Hawley, author of Dreams Unleashed

  Hannah’s Blessing

  “When Forever Sunshine grabbed my heart, I couldn't wait to read something... anything else from Collette Scott. Her novels flow naturally, grabbing your attention from first page to lasts. She builds up her romances with growing suspense that will tease you with every turn of the page. Try and put it down once you start reading... I dare you... it's almost impossible.”

  KC Stone, author of Replaced by a Stranger

  If We Dare to Dream


  Collette Scott

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright 2011 by Collette Scott

  Cover design by Laura J Miller


  Soldier courtesy of: http://www.dreamstime.com/stock-image-boot-camp-image1578681

  All rights reserved.

  For information address Marimay Publishing, P.O. Box 11821, Tempe, AZ 85284

  ISBN-13: 978-1466440692

  ISBN - 10: 1466440694

  This one is for Grandma Bush. All my love.

  And for all our brave servicemen and women, may you be safe and happy. Thank you for everything you do.


  April 2006

  He was staring again.

  Jamie felt the unmistakable pressure of someone watching her, and the weight of the stare was heavy and intent like someone preparing to devour a delicious dessert. It was disconcerting, for the presence just would not go away, and Jamie had no desire to be consumed. While in the past she may have found it flattering and even had expressed interest, those days were long gone now. Tonight was supposed to be just the girls. No men allowed.

  Reaching for the beer bottle on the scratched and worn table, she raised it to her lips and peered over the neck to meet the stare head on. Just like before, as soon as she glanced at the shadowy corner table where the small group of people laughed with the loud influence of too many drinks, the shaded face glanced away guiltily. She set the bottle down slowly, her eyes remaining on him and a slight frown on her lips. Once again she tried to make a point of letting him know in no uncertain terms that she was aware of his gaze and was not receptive.

  Bar scenes had never appealed to Jamie, especially late night ones. Meeting people while under the influence of alcohol was always a mistake in her opinion, leading to regrets the next morning. Besides, she was not interested in meeting anyone. How could she when she sported the shining diamond of a two-carat, solitaire engagement ring that Clay had given to her with a proposal for marriage just two weeks before? Nope, she was spoken for and happily at that.

  “That guy staring again?”

  Marissa followed Jamie’s gaze to the man partially blocked by the group he was with. Seated at a table beyond the tall palm trees decorated with white lights that kindled a gentle glow in the darkness, his face was cast in shadow. Though Jamie’s view was partially obstructed, she could see his tall companion, a young, dark-haired man who was eagerly chatting up two women. His body language spoke volumes as he leaned into them with one hand causally holding a bottle of beer and the other hovering just beyond the blonde’s back waiting for the opportunity to touch her. It was obvious that he was hoping to close a deal that night. Their laughter carried across the thinning crowds; again, the type of laughter stemming from too much alcohol, overly enthusiastic and bordering on obnoxious.

  “Yep,” she said.

  With a laugh, Marissa reached for Jamie’s drink and downed the remaining beer in two strong gulps. When she set the empty bottle back on the table, she was grinning at Jamie.

  “Want me to go over there and chat him up for you? I can tell him you’re a lost cause.”

  She reached for Jamie’s left hand and stared pointedly at her ring finger. Jamie pulled away and tucked her hand on her lap. Though she was not sure why, she suddenly felt slightly embarrassed. “No, it’s okay. It’s winding down, and it’s been a long night. I think I may head out soon.”

  “What? Heading out? You can’t leave, Jamie,” said Rae. “This is our last time together before you leave us for good.”

  “I’m moving one state away, Rae,” Jamie said wryly.

  “But you’re getting married. We’ll never be able to hang out like this again.”

  Jamie shrugged. Rae was the consummate party-girl; once she got started she had a hard time stopping. Though Jamie loved her dearly, when the clock struck one she was ready to go home.

  The evening had been a long one already. They started with a celebratory sushi dinner in Scottsdale and then went dancing at a club in Tempe. Rae and Marissa had fully enjoyed themselves and had begged Jamie to stop off at their old hangout for one last drink before calling it a night. After their tour of the East Valley they were closer to home - close but not quite there. Jamie still had to drive her car back to Clay’s apartment while Rae and Marissa walked across the street to their complex. At this hour, she wished she still shared the three bedroom condo the girls had roomed in for the last four years.

  “One more shot for old-times sakes,” Rae decided. She scooted back and stumbled slightly as she lurched off the scarred wooden stool. With a blasé giggle, she smiled at Marissa and Jamie and sashayed inside.

  “Apparently the bathroom is actually the bar,” Marissa said drolly.

  Jamie watched her go as well. “You do know I’m not having another shot.”

  “Of course. You have to drive. That’s why I finished your beer. Here,” she pushed her cup of water across the table, “take my water.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to miss having you look out for me, Issa.”

  Marissa’s eyes suddenly welled with tears. With a well-manicured hand, she reached out and covered Jamie’s. Her long nails cut into Jamie’s palm. “Gosh Jamie, I wish you weren’t leaving.”

  “I’ll be home to visit,” Jamie promised indulgently.

  “Not often enough.” She sat back and sniffled. “We always knew this would happen. We�
��ve grown up, we have our careers, and two of us have guys that love us. Next come babies and weddings. I just never realized that you would leave the Valley.”

  “It’s a good job offer.”

  “Still… I thought we’d raise our kids together like family.”

  “We still can. It’ll just be long distance unless something else comes up.”

  Jamie was rapidly growing tired of the same conversation she had shared with both of her best friends. Ever since she had made the announcement that she and Clay were moving to Las Vegas, Rae and Marissa had been very vocal about their dismay. They believed that she was marrying too quickly. After all, she had only known Clay six months. They also believed it was foolish to leave her tightknit family and move six hours away to the City of Sin. Their economy was not as strong as Phoenix’s. And of course her family did not approve. None of Jamie’s four older brothers particularly cared for any man Jamie had brought home to them, so she had long ago given up ever finding someone that would be good enough for their baby sister. Jamie had good-naturedly taken it all in even though her mind was made up, and Clay had already made the arrangements.

  The fact was that she loved Marissa and Rae like the sisters she did not have. After all, they had been inseparable since their freshman year in high school. The three girls had enjoyed many adventures over the years, and Jamie sincerely hoped that they would continue to do so. However, she was also enchanted with the young lawyer she had met when he stumbled into her office to set up a Roth IRA. When he called her the next day and asked to take her out to dinner, she had not refused. They had been inseparable since, until now.

  This first Saturday evening apart had been like a blast from the past. She and her friends had hit up the town like the old days. Nevertheless, Jamie was ready to go home to the man that had captured her heart.

  “I’m going to settle up before Rae gets back,” she announced, pushing away from her stool.

  “All right… I’ll catch her when she comes out of the bathroom so she doesn’t order another round.”

  Most likely due to the lateness of the hour and his eagerness to call it a night, their waiter had long ago disappeared without checking on their table. Taking it in stride, Jamie decided to pay at the bar. It was nearly deserted now that last call was a few minutes away, and only two couples and three men alone sat at various corners of the U-shaped counter. Too captivated by the large-screen televisions strategically placed around the outdoor patio, the men barely looked her way. She placed her elbows on the highly polished but scratched counter and leaned forward to catch the bartender’s attention.

  They had just made eye contact when a rough shove from behind threw Jamie into the hard wooden slab. With a startled gasp, she spun around with a sharp rebuke on her tongue but was forced to catch the girl instead as she unceremoniously toppled to the ground, knocking one of the heavy stools over and almost falling atop it had Jamie not been there to ease her fall. Sighing in frustration, Jamie glared down at her attacker. She noticed immediately that it was the red tube-topped girl from the watcher’s table, and she was far more intoxicated than Jamie had assumed. Saved from falling face first, the girl landed askew on the floor with one flip flop under a bar stool and her skirt dangerously high. She gazed up at Jamie with large brown eyes.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes. “It’s ok. Let me help you up.”

  The girl’s thankful look eased any remaining irritation, and with a hefty pull Jamie yanked her to her feet. Up close, Jamie noticed that the girl was pretty, young and dressed up for an evening out. Her dark hair was gently curled around her face, and her large brown eyes were covered with dark shadow. However, while Jamie’s modest teal-blue top and long jeans gave off a neat but conservative appearance, the other girl’s touch-me, ruched tube top was low cut and form shaping, and her come-hither skirt was barely falling to mid-thigh. Yes, she was out for an evening of fun.

  “I think I’ve overdone it a little,” she said as she gripped the edge of the counter to steady herself.

  Jamie kept a hand on her arm while she continued to sway. “Yeah, maybe time to call it a night.”

  “We need one more round before last call,” she said, her voice slightly slurred.

  Jamie did not envy the girl the hangover she would wake up with the next morning. It would be a doozy. Chances were that one last round would put her over the edge to blackout. Jamie was relieved that she would not have to deal with that - or her.

  Knowing that the bartender was carefully watching them, she indicated with her hand for the girl to go first, silently hoping that he would hurry so she could pay up and leave. “You go ahead. I’m just settling up.”

  “Thanks so much; you’re sweet.”

  Rather than responding, Jamie just nodded. The bartender was standing before them now, and his frown was not encouraging. “I can’t serve you anything else tonight, Kit.”

  “C’mon Vic, I just need one more round.”

  He shook his head. “You’re lucky they’re not booting you out. Consider packing it up and going home.”

  Jamie had to agree. She wanted to do just that herself, but she was still waiting as Kit’s lower lip protruded sullenly. When Vic’s face remained unchanged and unmoved, the girl scowled.

  “This is retarded,” Kit said.

  A new presence arrived at Jamie’s side, and she turned to stare up into the palest brown eyes she had ever seen. Deep set and framed by long dark lashes, they were the color of warm honey, and currently they were dancing with unleashed amusement as they flickered between her and Kit. The man’s dark hair and tanned complexion enhanced the light color of his eyes, made more striking by the humorous wide-eyed gaze he bestowed upon her. Though she was sure she had never seen this man before, Jamie was struck with a feeling of familiarity. After another moment of staring it occurred to her. She was looking at the man who had watched her since their arrival.

  No longer hidden in the shadows behind Kit and her two friends, the man was making himself known. She was suddenly amused as well, for all evening he had looked away whenever she caught him, and his newfound boldness was completely unexpected at this late hour. Yet he stood near her now, standing proud and tall without a trace of uncertainty in his pleasant appraisal, and Jamie was surprised at how good looking he really was. Tall and lean, his jeans hugged his long legs, and his tight t-shirt outlined the broad curve of his chest. On his forearm she noticed the dark outline of the US Army eagle tattoo. So, he was military, she thought. That would explain his well-groomed appearance and confident stance.

  Though he stood close, it was not so close to make her feel invaded, and when he smiled it was a friendly and non-threatening curve to his lips that she found appealing. His boyishly handsome face was far more expressive than she could have imagined, and she had to fight back the urge to return his amused grin.

  “Nice catch,” he said, breaking the silence.

  The deep timber of his voice seemed to match his classic features and well-built physique. In fact, everything about him was attractive in a GQish sort of way. Still held captive by his pale honey eyes, she almost did not turn when he indicated with his thumb toward Kit. The girl was leaning forward on her crossed arms in an effort to promote her cleavage. Again, Vic seemed unaffected.

  Jamie nodded. “Yeah, time to call it a night.”

  “I tend to agree, though I actually came over here to offer you a drink.”

  His self-deprecating grin was a surprise. Instead of bristling, she relaxed her guard enough to smile back. “Sorry, but I’m just waiting to cash out.”

  “I suppose it’s pretty late.”

  “When it gets to this hour, most people are either puking or passing out.”

  Looking pointedly at Kit, he chuckled. Again, it was a warm sound, and Jamie really liked it. Her smile grew as he nodded in agreement. “I agree completely. Luckily, I’m not drunk.”

  “I’m not either. I have to drive,” she said
with a wry smile.

  “Me too. Ah, the joys of being the designated driver. We get to watch everyone make a fool out of themselves.”

  Jamie nodded in sympathy. “Are you her DD then?”

  The dark brows rose in surprise. “No, no, not at all. I don’t even know her.” He paused to search her face. “I was here with a group, but they seem to have all disappeared.”

  “Oh, I thought you were with her.”

  “Is that jealousy I detect?”

  Jamie shook her head regretfully and held up her hand. The diamond sparkled between them. “I’m afraid not. I’m actually spoken for.”

  “Aren’t all the hot ones?”

  The mock consternation on his face was so beguiling that Jamie had to laugh. “You’re quite the charmer…”


  Jamie nodded. “Andrew then.”

  “And you are?”

  “Engaged,” Jamie quipped.

  He chuckled again as he held out a large hand. “Well Engaged, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Despite her best intentions of clearing out, Jamie could not resist his friendly smile and warm eyes. She placed her hand in his, surprised at the strength in his fingers which grasped her smaller palm. They shook, and he respectfully released her.

  “Well, if you insist on leaving just when I finally get to talk to you, I vow to find you your check.”

  “That would be great,” she said, surprising herself.

  Returning their attention to Kit and Vic, Jamie noticed that while she was conversing with her new friend the intoxicated girl had become increasingly difficult. Vic had made eye contact with the bouncer at that moment, and a man the size of a house was slowly making his way toward them.


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