Second Chance for Love

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Second Chance for Love Page 12

by April Zyon

  “Oh God,” Mercy cried out, and arched up off the bed using Brant’s shoulders as leverage. “Fuck, yes, right there. God yes.” She tossed her head back and forth on her pillow, pure and intense pleasure filling her.

  Sucking hard on her clit, he slid his fingers into her pussy. Pumping them in and out, he pushed her toward climax quickly. Then he drew back, licking his lips as he shrugged her legs loose from his shoulders. “Delicious,” he said. Moving over her body, he slid his cock into her in one hard, fast move.

  “Amazing.” She looked up at him she reached out to touch his chest with her hands. “You are amazing. You are everything to me. Kiss me. Fuck me, and use that lube because I want to feel that bite of pain. Please.”

  He hesitated for a moment before kissing her. Thrusting his tongue into her mouth, he began to move his cock in and out of her pussy. Brant went nice and slow, drawing out the build of the orgasm she had coming.

  Mercy didn’t hold back. She wrapped her arms around his head and held him to her. She kissed him with a desperation she had been holding in check but let go of now, with him. She moaned, her orgasm so close and yet so far away. No words would come to her, not in that moment.

  He nipped at her lip, surprising her into a gasp. He nibbled on her lower lip, sucking it into his mouth to soothe the ache as he lifted her leg up higher on his hip. Brant was tormenting her in the best possible ways, dragging out their loving as much as he could. She felt him shift slightly, his lips lifting from hers for a moment before he was kissing her once more.

  Something cool settled by her hip right before she felt his finger, slick with lube she was guessing, rubbing at her anus. Slowly, he pressed his finger into her hole, pushing in deeper than he had previously.

  Mercy shivered in reaction to the invasion. “Yes,” she hissed out because it felt good. “Oh I like that, a lot.” She shifted slightly and shuddered again. “Do that again,” she whispered when he seemed to crook his finger.

  “Like that, do you?” he asked. Smiling at her, he pulled his finger out. “Hush, just need a little more lube, sweetheart. Relax, and focus on your breathing. It will help you a lot later when we try other things too.” She felt his finger sliding back into her ass, a lot easier the second time. He went in a little deeper and did the crook again as he slowly thrust his digit in and out.

  “Hell yes, I like that.” She watched him and tightened her legs around his hips. “You do too.” She saw the look on his face and knew it for the pleasure that it was. “Again.” She dug her heels into his ass, pulling him deeper into her body.

  Brant gave her what she wanted, pushing and pulling with his finger, all of that counter movement to his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. “You’re so fucking tight,” he growled out. “I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my cock as I push in deep.”

  “Same here.” She moaned. “I want to do that. Want to try it. Jesus.” She wanted to try everything with Brant. She wanted to push her own boundaries with this man alone. She had never wanted to do that before, not before him.

  “I can feel you clenching. Are you close, love?” he asked softly. Brushing his lips to her throat, he nipped at her skin, his tongue sliding over the spot a moment later. He was thrusting his cock into her faster while his finger maintained a nice, slow rhythm.

  “Yes, so close.” Mercy’s hands held onto him, her nails biting into his shoulders, and her body moved with his. She sobbed. “Brant. Please, can I?” She wasn’t going to come without him telling her she could. She wasn’t going to find her release without him.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Hold out a little longer for me, baby. Damn, you feel so fucking good.” He was practically growling everything at her, his face tight, sweat dripping down his temples slowly. He shifted his weight slightly, pushing into her faster, as if he was right on that edge and trying to catch up with her. A drop of sweat fell from his chin to her chest. “Now. Fucking come now,” he ordered her.

  Mercy did just that. She clenched on his cock once more and screamed as she came. Her back arched up, neck arched, and she felt her rush of release. She sobbed as the torrent of her release swamped her.

  Brant’s release was right on the heels of hers, his hot semen splashing into her pussy, his finger curling in her ass as he shuddered against her. With a long, low groan, he collapsed over her, his head landing on her shoulder, his hot breath washing down her chest with each exhalation.

  Mercy was gasping as well. Her arms went loose around his body and fell to the bed. She smiled. That’s about all she could do at that moment in time. It was beyond fantastic the way she felt right now. “Love you,” she whispered very quietly, yawning once more.

  “I love you too, Mercy,” he whispered. A few moments, maybe minutes, later, he lifted his head. With a brush of his lips to hers, he withdrew from her body. “Let me wash my hands and grab a cloth to clean you up. Then we’re going to have our nap.”

  “That sounds good.” Mercy was completely boneless. She pulled a pillow close as she turned to her side. “Hurry. I’m all sleepy and can’t wait to have you holding me again.” The heat of him as he held her, the comfort she found in his arms, was irreplaceable.

  He chuckled as he slipped off the bed. Water ran for a moment before she felt the bed dip again. “This is warm, so it shouldn’t be uncomfortable,” he said. He smoothed the cloth over her ass, gently cleaning her up. The bed lifted as he left her again, dipping when he returned before he curled up around her body. He tugged up the blankets, tucking her, then wrapped her up in his arms. “Sleep, Mercy. You need it.”

  “I do.” Mercy yawned again and shifted so that she could wrap her arms and legs around him. Hugging him close, she rubbed her cheek to his chest and smiled. “Rest well, Brant. I will likely be starving when I wake, so be warned,” she teased, and then without speaking again, was sound asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Mercy came down into the kitchen a couple days later it was to find Brant glaring at Megan, and Megan glaring right back. Mercy could practically feel the tension in the air between them. Something was up.

  “Dinner will be another ten minutes, love,” Brant said. How he knew she was there she didn’t even want to contemplate. “How’s your stomach feeling today?” Turning, he came toward her, his face softening into a smile for her alone.

  “Feeling better after our usual nap.” Mercy moved into his arms, wrapped her arms around his middle, and placed her head on his chest. She had her eyes closed and then looked up. “I missed you when I woke up. I don’t think I like waking up without you at my side.” She gave him a squeeze and then looked at Megan. “Hey, Megs, you okay?”

  “Yep, I’m good. Your honey and I were having a conversation that neither of us was enjoying.”

  Brant rubbed a hand up and down her back, holding her close, soothing her, letting her soak up the heat that seemed to pour off him. “Your sister really needs to get her head out of her ass and man the fuck up. Now,” he said, his tone hard.

  “Fuck you, Brant,” Megan said with heat.

  “Hey,” Mercy said with a frown. “Don’t go there, Megs.”

  Megan rubbed her forehead and shook her head. “Fucking hell.” She looked at Mercy and then to Brant. “I will tell her later. For now, I need to go to work.” She moved and gave Mercy a hug. “I love you, sis.” She kissed her cheek and then took off for the door, not telling Mercy anything.

  “Okay, what is that all about?” Mercy asked Brant with a frown.

  He held up a finger and went to the door. Opening it, he leaned out. “I gave you fair warning. I’m telling her right after dinner, you little shit. Good luck when she knows everything.” Stepping back in, he let the door slam on Megan cursing him out. “Let’s eat first and then I’ll try and explain the insanity that is your bloody sister.”

  “Okay.” That whole conversation between her sister and Brant had her feeling more than a little sick to her stomach. God, what else was Megan doing? She was already stri
pping down to the skin.

  “Mercy, it’s not what you’re thinking.” He put his hands on her cheeks, his thumbs brushing lightly over her skin as he stared into her eyes. “Trust me, sweetheart. For a little while, trust me on this. Whatever you have going through your head isn’t what this is. Deep breath for me, Mercy. Pull the air in and let it out slowly.”

  “Okay.” Mercy took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and then did it again. “I trust you.” She nodded. “For now, feed me? I’m afraid that I’m starving.”

  Laughing, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I figured as much. Grab a seat and I’ll dish up the last of the food. Get started on what’s on the table already. Did you want water with dinner or something more substantial?”

  “Water. I find myself getting very ill with anything sweet and right now I think I should save the tea for the mornings. So yes, just water, please.” She hoped that her bloodwork was okay and that she wasn’t getting gestational diabetes. If so, it would suck, but she would survive.

  He stroked a hand down her arm. “Sit, start dishing up,” he told her softly. With a smile, he went to the fridge then the stove to pull out a casserole dish. Balancing the dish carefully, he brought everything to the table, passing her one of the bottles of water as he set the dish down. As he lifted lid, the rich aroma of marinara sauce hit her nose. “Chicken cacciatore, in case you were wondering,” he told her. “My version of it anyway.”

  She looked at the chicken and felt her mouth watering. “Oh, it smells very, very good.” She held her plate out. “Will you scoop me up some, please?” She liked this, could become used to having him feeding her and being at her side. “Thank you, by the way, for cooking for me.”

  “It’s why I wasn’t there when you woke. I didn’t have a clue what I was going to make then this came to me. I’d have come back up, but then your sister.” His jaw clenched and a muscle twitched in it. “I swear, I’ve never wanted to strangle someone more than that woman. No offense, love, but your sister is a serious pain in the ass.” Taking her plate, he dished up some of the chicken before handing it over. Passing her a dish of vegetables, he settled into his seat to plate up his meal.

  “She’s always been a free spirit, very stubborn as well.” Mercy took a bit of the veggies. Once they both had their plates full, she took a bite and then moaned in appreciation. “Oh that’s very good.” She ate quietly for several minutes and then leaned back to take a sip of her water. “So, want to tell me why you and Megs are fighting?”

  “We weren’t fighting. I was right, and she was protesting way too much. I’ve been trying, for days now, to get her to damn well tell you the truth of her job, but she’s been waffling.” Brant looked over at her, staring into her eyes, and sighed. “She’s not actually an exotic dancer, love. She’s a DEA agent under deep cover working a case that pulled her back into Massey. Unfortunately, it’s running deeper than she thought, and from what we’ve dug up as of late, it’s going to be one hell of a mess. The exotic dancing is just a gig to let her overhear the drunken ramblings of men who think that they are on top of the world and nothing can take them down.”

  There was no way in hell that Mercy had just heard Brant correctly. “I’m sorry, what?” She held her hand up and shook her head. She was trying to digest the words and felt ill. She stood up and began to pace, tugging her hair as she did so. “How? How could I have never known?” That just didn’t make sense, at all. No, Mercy had to bail Megan out of jail more than once, and if she had been a part of the DEA, she wouldn’t have been put in jail, right? “How? I’ve bailed her out of jail. I’ve seen her go into rehab. What the hell?” Jesus, if this was true, Megan was a world class actress because not even Mercy had ever seen through the facade of her stripper self.

  “Actually, the rehab was just so we could pull her out to do talks and get her on other cases,” he said. He’d turned in his chair, one arm draped over the back, to watch her as she paced around. “You weren’t supposed to know ever, really. But I’m in your life now and I knew you’d start picking up on things eventually, so I told Megan right off she had to be straight with you. This case is driving her around the bend, though that’s no excuse. I gave her a couple of days, but it was going beyond that. What you walked in on was me giving her an ultimatum. She passed on it, so I’m telling you about it all. Oh, and the arrests.” He winced and made a face. “Those were actually check-ins. All the money you put out for bail is in a kitty and will be returned to you since you now know the truth of it all.”

  “I don’t care about the money.” She really didn’t either. Mercy rubbed her hands over her face and then rubbed the back of her neck. “Jesus.” She walked to the window and then back again. “This is just...” She sighed, her words trailing off before she looked back at him. “Thank you for telling me.” At least he had told her. If she had found out later, she would have been pretty upset. “Is she safe at least? I mean, relatively speaking that is?”

  “She’s very well trained, and only the brightest and quickest get field posts. She’s good, Mercy. I’ve known her for years, worked cases with her. She’s a damn fine agent. She’d be even better if she’d learn to control her temper a little more, and when to man up and admit she’s wrong about something. Other than that, though.” He shrugged and got to his feet. Stopping in front of her, he put his hands lightly on her arms and rubbed. “There’s always backup around. The sheriff knows enough to know if she calls, he goes running. He doesn’t know all the particulars, just what he needed to know to ensure her safety.”

  That had Mercy frowning and she shook her head. “But he hates her. I mean, with a passion. You have to see them together to know that he truly can hardly stand breathing the same air that she does.”

  “Yeah, he definitely doesn’t like her. Some of that’s actually real. But when the head of the DEA is in your face giving you orders, you tend to take them sincerely. Especially when he was golfing buddies with the director of the CIA. Those guys make people disappear for afternoon entertainment.” He squeezed her arms gently. “Come on, love. Sit and eat. You can harass your sister for the rest of the details once you corner her.”

  Mercy let her hair go and took a breath. She finally nodded. “Right. Food.” She was hungry, so she was going to put everything else out of her mind and simply focus on spending time with Brant and enjoying the food he made for them.

  Chapter Twelve

  Three months later...

  Mercy rubbed her hand over her baby belly bump and grinned up at Brant. “Well, hopefully today we will be able to see the baby. We are about twenty weeks into the pregnancy, so I think that we should be able to see our little bean.”

  “Hopefully,” he said. Rocking back and forth on his heels, he turned his head as the door opened. “Doc,” he greeted.

  “Brant, Mercy,” Doc Billings said. Smiling, he set the chart on the table and looked at her. “How are you feeling these days, Mercy? Still having horrid nausea or anything new and nasty?”

  Mercy could only blush. The one thing she seemed to have in abundance right now was an insatiable sexual appetite. “Nope. Thankfully, I’m over the nausea. I eat a great deal and I feel like I’m gaining too much weight. I’m watching it, though, keeping an eye on what I’m eating, as is Brant.” She smiled up at the man in question. “He makes sure that we are healthy and happy.”

  “You definitely look better. More rested too, which is good. Why don’t you hop down and we’ll do your weight first? I’ll take your blood pressure once you’re back up on the table, and then the big finale. We’ll see if we can’t get a look at the little guy or gal.” Doc Billings held out his hand to her to help her off the exam table.

  “Sounds good to me.” Mercy said with a nod, and hopped down, not failing to notice that Brant had his hand at her arm. “I’m happy. Brant’s working from home and stays around now, so that’s good. Sadly, I have to go back to school in a couple of months, so that kind of sucks. However, I’ve already let the school
board know that I will need to take time off when the baby is born.”

  “Damn straight you are,” Brant muttered. He kept his hand on her elbow as she walked to the scale and stepped up. Only once she was settled and gave a nod did he let go.

  The doc leaned in to read the display and nodded. “You’re good, Mercy. Right on target, my dear. But, really, you’re pregnant. We don’t need to worry if you’re over a bit. Every woman is different. So is each and every single pregnancy. Trust me on that one, some are doozies. Back on the table with you.”

  Brant was there with her the entire way. He lifted her up onto the table so she could protect a bit of her modesty, a challenge with the gown. He shot her a wink before getting out of the way. It was nice having him around now that he’d transferred. The fact he was helping Megan with her case was a bit of a relief as she knew her twin was safe. Well, safer.

  Doc Billings was checking her blood pressure and nodding. “Very nice, very nice indeed. You’re staying relaxed, I see. No stress in your life, I hope.”

  “I’m working on it. But really, with Brant with me, I don’t think that stress would even dare to approach me,” she teased with a grin. “Really, he’s the best.” Mercy looked at Brant. He was looking better as well. He was tanned, and his laugh lines were back. Yep, fatherhood was being good to him right now. “Now, can we hurry? Brant and I have a bit of a bet going on. He thinks we are having a boy, and I keep telling him we are having a girl.” It was just a small thing that they would tease each other about, neither caring what sex their child was as long as it was healthy.

  “You two do realize we might not be able to see, right? Depending on how the baby’s laying or angled, all we may see is a head, maybe an arm.” He shot them both looks, then rolled his eyes at Mercy. “All right, lay on down while I get this stupid machine up and running.”


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