Aphrodite's Kiss

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Aphrodite's Kiss Page 19

by Julie Kenner

  Tessa practically beamed. “Yes, she is very . . .”

  Deena breathed a sigh of relief as she mentally congratulated herself. One close call averted.

  “But . . .”

  So much for dodging crises.

  “But what’s that have to do with hugging?” Tessa asked.

  “What?” Deena asked, falling back on what was fast becoming her standard response. Besides, stalling just might be a better plan than running away.

  “What’s . . . that . . . gotta . . . do . . . with . . . hugging?”

  “Um . . . well . . . Zoë!” Thank goodness! Deena jumped up, practically tripping over her skirt, and waved frantically to her friend, who was speeding toward them with Taylor at her heels. Yards behind them, Hoop ambled along, lazily picking at a pile of goodies he had balanced on a paper plate.

  Zoë stopped in front of them, not breaking a sweat and certainly not breathing hard. Taylor stumbled up next to her, clutching his side and gasping.

  “I’ve got to get to the gym,” Taylor wheezed. “I thought a year of physical therapy had done some good, but I don’t think it did a damn thing.”

  “You must be Tiller,” Tessa said, getting up off the bench.

  “It’s Taylor, Mom,” said Zoë, eyeing the empty champagne glass.

  “That’s what I said.” She flashed a grin toward Zoë as she held out her hand for Taylor to shake. “So tell me, Taylor, just what are your intentions toward my daughter?”

  “Mom!” Zoë turned pink.

  Taylor took Tessa’s hand in both of his. “The best intentions, Mrs. Smith,” he said, and Deena was sure he meant it. “The absolute best intentions.”

  The Henchmen crouched under the bushes, peering out from behind a thick mass of leaves at the neatly trimmed lawn spread out before them.



  The fat one nudged the skinny one, pointing one of his sausagelike digits toward a stone bench. The halfling was there, the one they were looking for, cavorting with a group of mortals.

  Silly little fool.

  They’d strike with the advantage of surprise.

  They’d strike for Hieronymous, and strike hard. They’d strike . . . and young Zoë would never know what hit her.

  They looked at each other—snaggletoothed grins, drippy pug noses, little piggy eyes—and cackled as a flock of mockingbirds rose from the bushes, the thrum of flapping wings drowning out their laughter.

  “Call me Tessa,” she said, tugging him toward the bench. Taylor came willingly, already deciding he liked this woman. She sat down and straightened her skirt, then looked him straight in the eye. “So tell me about these good intentions.”

  “Mom . . .” Zoë looked at Taylor. “Sorry,” she whispered with a shrug. “She doesn’t usually do this.”

  He chuckled and shot Tessa an amused glance. She returned it with a wink. “You mean she doesn’t usually interrogate your dates?”

  Zoë’s face reddened. “I’ve never . . . I don’t really—”

  “Date,” put in Tessa as Zoë’s color deepened. Tessa leaned back, tilting her head to look at him, her face intense. “You be good to my girl, you hear?”

  “That’s my plan,” he said.

  “Hello? I’m right here,” Zoë said, waving frantically at them. “If you guys are planning my life can I be included?”

  Tessa caught Taylor’s eye and they both laughed.

  “No, thanks, sweetheart,” Tessa said.

  “Really,” he joked. “I think we’ve got your life well under control.”

  Zoë shook her head, managing to look both exasperated and amused.

  Taylor knew he was grinning like a fool, but he couldn’t help it. He’d never expected to become a coconspirator with Zoë’s mother, but he couldn’t say he minded. Hell, it was clear after only two seconds that she adored her daughter—and that she’d have his hide if he hurt Zoë. All of which was perfectly okay by Taylor. Zoë had said she was trying to escape a rash of blind dates by making Tessa think Taylor and Zoë were a hot-and-heavy couple, but Taylor intended to make that bit of fiction a reality.

  Tessa smiled up at Zoë. “I’m glad you finally made it. We’ve been talking about you,” she said, glancing toward Deena.

  “Great,” Zoë said. “I love being the topic of conversation.” She caught Deena’s eye. “I hope you didn’t get too personal. I’d hate to think my ears were burning.”

  “Oh, no,” Deena said. “Tessa just wants to know everything about you and Taylor.” She smiled brightly. “Everything.”

  Taylor caught Zoë’s gaze. “Looks like your mother and I have something in common.”

  Hoop shoved a chocolate-covered something into his mouth, presumably to muffle his laugh.

  “Is she keeping secrets from you, too?” Tessa asked. “I thought you were the big secret. Your romance, I mean.”

  He aimed a smile at Tessa, then turned back to Zoë, delighted to find that her cheeks were pink again. “Well, our romance has been rather whirlwind. I’m sure she would have eventually gotten around to sharing her secrets with both of us. Especially now that our little affair is heating up.”

  Zoë’s eyes went wide. She put a hand on her hip and stared him down. Even if he’d been telepathic, the message couldn’t have been clearer. Behave yourself!

  He curled the corner of his mouth up, hoping he’d managed to relay his unspoken question. What do I get for being good?

  She must have caught at least an inkling of his message, because she aimed her eyes toward the sky and shook her head, the very picture of an exasperated schoolmarm. A very hot, very sexy schoolmarm.

  He bit back a chuckle. Man, he couldn’t wait to have a moment with her alone. Couldn’t wait to run his fingers through that mass of hair, couldn’t wait to kiss away that look of exasperation.

  Couldn’t wait to explore the everything that made up Zoë Smith.

  Mordichai perched on the roof of the massive house, his coal black propulsion cloak draped around him, and scowled at the crowd milling about below. The green dot on his portable tracking monitor bleeped again—right over Malibu, right over this very neighborhood.

  As he’d circled in for a landing, he’d counted the houses within a three-mile radius. Only ten. He could go to each one and search for the stone. But what was the point? Zoë was here; his hired detective was here. It didn’t take a genius to know that meant the stone was here, too.

  But which one of them had it?

  More important, how could he get it?

  He pressed his forefinger to his chin and considered his options. If Zoë had the stone, he needed to get it back before she returned it to the council.

  On the other hand, the stone might be with the detective. Wouldn’t that be poetic? Of course, paying the man was out of the question—Hieronymous would never agree to deplete his funds when other methods were available—but Mordi had no doubts about his ability to quickly and efficiently dispatch the mortal. Then the stone would be his, the world would be less one mortal, and Mordi could haul himself back to Manhattan and maybe, finally, see some smidgen of approval from dear old Dad.

  Except . . .

  He didn’t know which one had the damn thing.

  Attack the wrong one, and his plans could be foiled forever.

  It was better to bide his time.

  To watch, to wait.

  To see if he could get the tracking device to work more precisely.

  Sooner or later, the two would split up. And all he’d have to do then would be follow the little green blep.


  “So . . . how’s the seduction going?” Deena asked in a hiss, her eager expression making clear that only the dirty details would do. Tessa had insisted on having a moment with “her boys,” so Deena and Zoë had been banished to the far side of the yard. Zoë’d been leery, but Deena had dragged her away, practically jumping at the chance to get her alone.

  With a mischievous little grin, Zoë dr
opped down onto the grass. “Do I look like the kind of girl to kiss and tell?”

  Deena immediately joined her, kneeling and leaning forward, her loose skirt draped more or less modestly over her legs. “You kissed him?”


  “How was it? Did your mouth explode?” She leaned closer, as if looking for lip shrapnel.

  “No, we just—”

  “What did it feel like? I bet it was like a billion of those little Pop Rocks candies fizzling in your mouth. But a good fizzle. Warm and tingly and—”

  “We haven’t really kissed yet. Just had sort of a lip-brush thing.”

  Deflated, Deena scooted back. “Well, damn. No tongue? Why not?”

  Zoë shrugged. “It’s not for lack of wanting, that’s for sure.”

  “Oh, really?” Her voice rose with interest. “So you’ve decided to go for it?”

  “It? No. I haven’t decided to go for that.” Her cheeks warmed. “But the kissing part . . . well, I’ve decided to go for that.”

  Deena grinned. “I can see why he’d be hard to resist. He is a cutie, isn’t he?”

  “Not just that, it’s the way he looks at me. Like I’m the whole world.”

  “I knew it. I knew you two would be perfect for each other.” She bounced a little. “So why no smoochies?”

  Zoë felt her cheeks heat. Why not indeed? Would that slight brush of his lips against hers have simmered into a true-blue, down-and-dirty kiss if it hadn’t been for Mordi?

  Would she have kissed him back?

  Oh, yeah. Her lips might not have made it there yet, but her head was definitely well into the kissing part of the evening. And despite the significant probability of a serious Pop Rocks moment, Zoë was all for her lips catching up with her imagination.

  But what would happen after, in that quiet time in his arms, when lovers were supposed to share secrets? If she couldn’t share, maybe she shouldn’t kiss.

  Deena waved a hand in front of Zoë’s face, then grinned when Zoë looked up. “Quit fantasizing and give me details.”

  Caught, she flashed a sheepish grin. “I’m feeling a little like a high school girl with a crush—not sure if he really likes me, and, if he does, not sure if I should do anything about it.”

  Deena made a show of shaking her head toward the heavens and rolling her eyes. “Hello? The answer to both questions is yes, and you know it.”

  Yes. She liked the sound of that. Damn the torpedoes, yada, yada. Except . . .

  She shrugged. “It’s easy when I’m with him to not think about the consequences, but when Taylor’s not around, I start to wonder if it’s the right thing to do.”

  “You mean because of your issues?”

  Zoë nodded. Already she knew that walking away from Taylor would be hard. If they got even more serious, if these feelings of lust and wonder and affection turned out to be love, leaving Taylor would probably kill her. And the kicker was, she might not be the one doing the leaving. Tessa had left Donis, after all.

  Mom’s afraid of risks. Taylor isn’t.

  Maybe. But could she take that to the bank?

  She glanced up and caught Deena watching her, one eyebrow raised. “Well?”

  “I want him,” Zoë said. “I really do. But I still don’t know if it’s the right thing.”

  “That is such a pathetic excuse. I mean, if you’re scared to have sex that’s one thing . . . and not hopping into bed with some guy just to get it over with is understandable too. But that’s not really what’s going on here.”

  Zoë couldn’t help it; she laughed. “Gee, Deen, don’t hold back. I mean, tell me what you really think.”

  “It’s just that you two are perfect for each other. I don’t want you to let something stupid stand in the way of true love and all that.”

  “Something stupid? Deen, haven’t you heard anything I’ve told you? My world isn’t normal. There’s an opinionated ferret hanging out in my apartment. My brother can be invisible, my dad can change into a dog—”

  At that, Deena’s eyes widened, but Zoë didn’t stop to explain.

  “—I’ve got these powers, my senses. And I’ve got obligations. Save-the-world kind of stuff.”

  “So? Everybody’s got issues. I used to see fairies and my sister-in-law’s a cat.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Well, she’s not a cat now, but she was when he met her.”

  Zoë tilted her head, not exactly sure how to respond.

  Deena didn’t give her the chance. “But that’s another story. My point is, if you’re looking for excuses, you’ll find them. And if you’re looking for love, you’ll find it.”

  “I can’t be in love with him. Not yet. I mean, I don’t really even know him.”

  Those words were more to convince herself than Deena. Love at first sight might be all the rage in books and movies, but in real life it seemed a little dicey. This fuzzy feeling in her stomach whenever she thought about Taylor, looked at him, touched him . . . well, that feeling was nothing but lust.

  The whole situation was frustrating. When she fought bad guys with Hale or her dad, she’d never had any fear, just an icy surge of adrenaline. But with Taylor—oh, sweet Hera—her knees went wobbly and her palms turned sweaty.

  Apparently the whole superhero thing was a big zero when it came to fixing matters of the heart.

  With a little sigh, Zoë stood up and brushed grass off her behind. “We better get back and rescue the guys. If we’re not careful, Mom will have us both engaged.”

  “Works for me,” Deena said. “I’m sharing the bathroom and the refrigerator, but I still haven’t got the ring.”

  “Yeah, well, Hoop knows my mom. It’s a safe bet he won’t scream and run in terror. Taylor, on the other hand . . .”

  She let the thought trail off, and Deena grinned. “You may have a point. We’d better go rescue your date before he escapes, and you don’t get any snuggle time.”

  Zoë blushed, ashamed that she didn’t feel more ashamed about wanting exactly that.

  “And you still haven’t answered my question,” Deena said, as they trudged toward Tessa’s bench.

  “I haven’t?” Zoë asked, trying to sound innocent. “What question was that?”

  Deena scowled. “You know perfectly well,” she said. “But it doesn’t matter because I already know the answer. The question was, don’t you want Taylor?”

  “And the answer?”

  “Is yes,” Deena said, still trudging, but shooting Zoë a dirty look. “Isn’t it?”

  Zoë just hummed, sure she was driving Deena nuts, but having a pretty good time doing it.

  “Zoë . . .”

  “You win.” Her cheeks did their flaming thing again. “The answer is yes.”

  “I knew it.”

  Zoë hummed louder, trying to sound innocent. “There’s more, you know.” She tapped the bridge of her glasses and grinned, wide and mischievous. “I took a little peek.”

  Deena stopped dead, grabbing Zoë’s sleeve and pulling her to a halt. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, but no sound came out.

  Zoë fought back a burst of laughter. It took a heck of a lot to render Deena speechless.

  She remembered fondly exactly what she’d seen during her sneak peek.

  Yup . . . a whole heck of a lot.

  “The girls are coming back,” Hoop said.

  Taylor spun around, the now-familiar warmth spreading through him as he watched Zoë cross back toward them from the far side of lawn. His sportcoat hung on her frame, revealing none of her dress, just her lovely legs, and creating the illusion that there was absolutely nothing else under that coat.

  His mouth twitched. Maybe before the night was over, there wouldn’t be.

  She was sweet and genuine and beautiful, and maybe she wasn’t as normal as—“You never did tell me how you and Zoë met,” Tessa said, drawing Taylor out of his thoughts.

  “Gee, I wonder why?” Hoop muttered so that only Taylor could hear

  He shot his friend a stern glance, but Hoop only shrugged.

  “Just askin’,” he said.

  “Tell me quick before Zoë gets here or else she’ll make you stop,” Tessa said.

  Taylor blinked. “Why?” Other than the obvious reason that their relationship was imaginary. But Tessa didn’t know that.

  “Because I’m her mother and I’m nosy.”

  “No, I mean why will she make you stop?”

  “Oh. That.” Tessa scooted over on the bench and patted the space next to her.

  Taylor moved toward it, but Hoop beat him there.

  “You snooze, you lose,” Hoop said, grinning.

  Taylor rolled his eyes.

  “Zoë’s always been a private girl,” Tessa said, ignoring their antics. “She likes to keep secrets. Even from her own mother.”

  Taylor nodded. He’d known Zoë for only a blink in time, and he’d already figured out that she liked being enigmatic. “That’s okay. I’m good at learning secrets. It’s what I do best.”

  “That’s right. You’re a detective.”

  “Was a detective. Now I’m a private investigator.”

  “And a damn good one, too,” Hoop said.

  “A private detective,” Tessa said. “Same difference. All that sneaking around.” She looked up at him, her eyes stern. “Do you work undercover?”


  She tilted her head, and he had the impression she was studying him, like an art student might look at a Monet, or a math major might look at some particularly puzzling theorem. “Are you undercover now?”

  Taylor balked, not exactly sure how to answer that. He was himself, true, but he was playing a role. Still, it was a role he wanted for keeps. “No. What you see is what you get.”

  She nodded, apparently satisfied, but her eyes looked a little sad. “Good.”

  He took her hand, and she smiled up at him. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. Your meeting?”

  Taylor frowned. “Excuse me?”

  “She wants to know how you and Zoë met,” Hoop interjected. “Keep with the program, man.”

  “Right.” He shot Hoop a “thanks for nothing” look. “Thanks,” he said, then started trying to concoct a story. “Well, you see—”


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