Whatever It Takes - A Standalone Second Chance Bad Boy Romance (Bad Boys After Dark Book 8)

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Whatever It Takes - A Standalone Second Chance Bad Boy Romance (Bad Boys After Dark Book 8) Page 131

by Gabi Moore

  To my surprise, just the thought of this sent me over the edge, and I found myself coming all at once, the ache releasing into full, easy waves of pleasure. My entire body shook. I almost laughed out loud. Shuddering, I opened my eyes to find Joel holding me on one side, and Elise the other. We held each other like that for a while, slick with heat and sweat.

  Elise was completely spent, but she was the first to break our reverie. “So I’m glad you lost your stupid tent after all, Christy.”

  I beamed. So was I.

  “I knew she was up to something,” Joel said, tracing his fingers round the curve of my bellybutton. “Honestly, when I saw that ridiculous pair of knickers she was wearing. I mean, who wears black lace panties on a camping trip?”

  I laughed. He had a point.

  “So, who’s better, boy or girl?” I asked Elise playfully. She teased and twirled a lock of her hair in her fingers. “Oh jeez, I really couldn’t say. I’m pretty sure Joel cheated anyways, so it’s hard to decide. I think we’ll need a rematch.”

  I fell in love with both of them, I think, sometime during that trip. That blissful moment after our first fuck might have been the exact time it happened, although it could have also been the next night …or the night after that. On that trip I discovered my love for eating pussy, for moody, husky boys and for the taste of cum. I discovered the beautiful Welsh countryside and two new friends. But, you know, I lost my boyfriend. And a tent.

  And I never saw that damn pair of lacy knickers again, either.

  Exhibit C: The Ugly White Satin Ones

  The first thing I’ll say about this particular pair of knickers is that I wasn’t at all sad to see them go.

  By the time I was finishing up my third year at university, I became aware my nerdy image had somehow transformed into a sexy nerdy image. Truth be told I wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, it just seemed that one day heavy black glasses and boots with dresses were edgy, rather than awkward and unintentional …which they were when I last checked. I rolled with it. If I was going to be hot by accident, why not?

  My over-the-top lingerie collection grew steadily and quietly, but this specific pair of satiny white briefs was a case in point: I very often had no idea what the hell I was doing or how to go about being “sexy.” I had seen them on sale, hideous things with a fat glossy bow at the back, and bought them, thinking they would make a sophisticated addition to my stash. Once I got home, though, and tried them on, I realized all the quilting and fuss on the front made my crotch look something like my granny might embroider on a Christmas cushion. I was disgusted, and sent them to the very back of the drawer.

  But of course, by now I was getting used to the fact that sometimes, the most well-hidden secrets are the first to be exposed, and the things you think least likely to even happen usually do. And then they may even happen a lot.

  Enter Liam, a man who turned out to love convincing me to do new things almost as much as I loved doing them. I had had a blissful summer with Joel and Elise, but they had since emigrated to Australia, leaving me with a bunch of overpriced camping equipment and a half-hearted promise that they’d both fuck my brains out if I ever found myself in Melbourne. I was sad to see them go. They were sad too. The camping equipment went up for sale on eBay. I bought a relationship self help book. Life went on.

  When Liam and I first met, it was a blustery day. The night before, the wind had started to pick up pretty seriously, so I ran outside and quickly picked off the laundry I had hung up to dry, in case it decided to rain. I was stuffing it all into a wicker basket when I heard my phone ring. I rushed inside and forgot all about the washing. In the morning, I woke to find the wicker basket suspended in a tree, all of my clothes missing, except for one sock strewn on the patio. It was like the scene of a crime. The wind had come in the night, and made off with my laundry. Peaking into my neighbour’s garden, my suspicions were confirmed: a pair of pink pajamas lay like a dead body on his lawn. How embarrassing.

  That same morning, I went around knocking on the doors of everyone in the complex to rescue my wind-stolen washing. People laughed and good-naturedly handed over an old t-shirt, a crumpled dress crusty with leaves, the other sock. I knocked on the last door of the complex, just to be thorough. I had never met the occupant, but when a good-looking guy answered, I realized he must have only recently moved in. I told my sob story about the wind and the flying laundry, like some kind of reverse travelling salesman, and he laughed. He was a good 10 years my senior, stockily built but with quick hands and light, intelligent eyes.

  “Actually, I did think it was a bit strange, I found something in my flower box this morning, but …I don’t think it’s yours…?” He ducked back into the house and in a moment he was back, smiling strangely, holding something in his hands between thumb and forefinger, as though too scared to touch it.

  Of course. What else were they but the very same hideous, satiny white nightmare knickers I had tried to forget about? How did they even get in the laundry pile anyway?

  I turned deep red (probably) and he looked at the pair, limp like the carcass of an old fashioned angel or a strange butterfly that had died in his zinnia bushes. I snatched them from him, laughing nervously. He was obviously amused.

  “Oh, so they are yours. I just …they don’t look like …I mean, no offense but they don’t seem like something a girl like you would wear…”

  It was his turn to go red.

  “I’m sorry, that’s stupid, I have no idea about…” he gestured to the knickers, shrugging.

  We stood, staring at each other, the offending knickers hanging limply between us. I heard the wind stirring up again.

  “Hey, I’ve actually just moved in here, do you want to …come in for some tea or something?”

  In hindsight, this was the first thing Liam tried to convince me of. I laughed, saying, “yes, of course” and truthfully, everything from that moment got the same answer from me.

  I went inside.

  There was nowhere to sit. He turned his back to me and started to make some tea, his back and shoulder muscles moving visibly under the thin cotton of his shirt. Nervous as hell, I began chattering, staring at the empty space and unpacked boxes strewn everywhere. “So you’re new here? I never really spoke to the lady that lived here before you, although she looked nice. It’s two bedrooms, right? Nice. I don’t have this balcony thing in my place. I mean, I’m kind of offended now that I think about it – what’s wrong with my knickers anyway?”

  I said this last bit a little too quickly, and when his eyes flashed to meet mine, I smiled back a little too awkwardly. I laughed, to show I was only joking, but this also came out awkwardly, and I looked away again. Typical. This ugly pair of panties couldn’t just exist. Oh no, it had to lead me here, to this strange guy’s apartment, where he’d probably murder me and chop me into bits or something. Or discover what a completely awkward idiot I am, which is worse.

  There was nothing left in the room for me to pretend I was casually looking at. He handed me a cup of chamomile tea, fumbling for something to say, but as I reached for the cup, the tips of his fingers grazed mine and my eyes caught the flicker of a gold wedding band. All in the space of one giddy heartbeat, I knocked the tea from his hands, where it flew up, dumping its contents directly onto me. The pain was unbearable. A dark, chamomile scented wet patch was spreading down over the front of my jeans and legs, searing the skin underneath it.

  “Shit!” I screamed, and began doing a little dance from one leg to the other. His eyes were wide and he stared slack jawed at my crotch.

  “Oh god, oh god, I’m so sorry!” he said, panicking and looking around for a cloth to mop up the mess. By this point, I’m sure I could feel the top layers of my epidermis peeling off. I was nearly bent double – the pain didn’t seem to be stopping. My eyes prickled with hot tears.

  He was dabbing helplessly now at me with a tea towel, which did precisely nothing, and I was sobbing, mentally running through a future in w
hich I didn’t have the use of my legs anymore, when he snapped his fingers and said, “Aha! I have some ice in the freezer…”

  He turned his back to me again and then, possessed by God-knows-what and unable to bear the torture anymore, I unbuttoned my jeans and tore them off my body, flinging them away. A rush of cold air came to the rescue. He turned around again, staring straight at my now pink, parboiled thighs.

  “Oh,” he said.

  We both stared at the pink blotch, while he nervously tried to find a place to put down the ice cubes and then figure out what to do with himself.

  “Is this where I make a joke about making you wet?” he said, followed with a look of instant regret on his face.

  Thank God, someone slightly more awkward than myself.

  “You’re married,” I blurted out. Nope, turns out I was still the reigning queen of awkward.

  He looked at his ring as though he was surprised to see it there and shrugged.

  “Divorced,” he said.

  I slowly took my knickers off, the rapidly cooling chamomile tea on them giving me goose bumps all over my belly. I had no idea what I was doing.

  “So what do you think of these knickers then, do they meet your exacting standards?”

  Where the hell did that come from? What was I thinking?

  He was quiet, not looking at me or the pile of clothes I had tossed to the floor. Was I really doing this? Was I really standing half naked in some stranger’s house at 10 in the morning? Something in his face darkened. My eyes focused on a single quivering water droplet on the pad of one of his fingertips. For a moment everything was silent except for my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

  “So, you’re just a little slut who goes to people’s houses and strips down?” His face was hard, serious. A flutter of panic rose in my chest. I suddenly started visualizing a future where I was cut into bits and stored in Tupperware containers, my family searching for my missing body, my ugly school photo flashing on the evening news.

  “I …think I’ll just go,” I muttered, feeling as though all the air had just left the room.

  “No you won’t,” he said immediately.


  Was I scared? To my alarm, I felt a desperate twinging between my legs. Did he really used to be married? Did that change anything? I had never slept with an older guy before. They had always seemed so …intimidating.

  “Turn around,” he said. The words seemed to be coming from deep inside his throat.

  “But …I …”

  “Do it.”

  I turned around immediately, placing my shaking hands on a taped up box propped against the wall. The cardboard felt so rough against my fingertips. Was my body going into shock? Did I need to go to a hospital to get burn treatment? My mind fluttered furiously. I closed my eyes, and heard him moving around behind me. I heard a ruffle and the unmistakable clink of his metal belt buckle falling to the floor.

  I shuddered.

  He came close, and his hands, almost as rough as the cardboard, reached around and delicately touched the tender red skin on my thighs.

  “Does it hurt?” he whispered into my ear.

  I exhaled, my head spinning.

  Before I knew it, something immensely cold slipped over the skin there, and I yelped out. The ice. He was gliding a cube over my burnt flesh, the hot skin melting it easily, making prickling drops that slid all the way down my bare legs and puddled onto the floor. An excruciating throb radiated out from between my legs. My skin smarted, but with each stroke of the ice cube, soothing waves washed over me. The entire surface of my body seemed to tighten up, every last hair standing on edge.

  With his hot breath against my ear, and the rapidly disappearing ice cube licking all over my body, each of my senses seemed blissfully overwhelmed. I couldn’t tell what was pain or pleasure anymore, whether the icy hot thrills running up and down my body were too much for me, or whether I very much wanted more. I whimpered. His fingers moved closer, and as he gently touched the ice cube against my clit, I cried out again.

  The ice cube moved deeper down, and he pressed it firmly between my lips. I was streaming wet now, melting along with the ice cube and sending sticky rivers of my own all down my legs. The ice cube gone, he seamlessly slid two fingers into me, and I swear I almost felt my entire body move and pull him in deeper.

  It was electric.

  His other hand was resting on my clit, tracing tiny circles, while his fingers slipped silently in and out. I squirmed all around him, shuddering from cold and heat and some far more delicious feeling swirling in the centre of my belly. It was a new sensation, one that scared me a little, one that I hadn’t felt ever before.

  “I have to go,” I said weakly, not meaning it for a second.

  “I’m not done with you yet,” he said in the same growling voice as before, and as he did, he plunged a little deeper, pressing me open. It felt as though my entire lower body had melted into hot goo, and that I was pouring all over his hands, unable to contain myself.

  The wind outside had grown stronger and was rattling at the windows.

  His fingers pumped more aggressively now, and he anchored my body with his other hand. I couldn’t speak, even if I had had something to say, but I mumbled some vague protest to the wall, not really believing that his fingers could do what they were clearly doing to me.

  “I’ve never done this before…” I sputtered, and it was true. I had never felt so hot, so wet and so completely at someone’s mercy.

  To my surprise he spoke softly and firmly into my ear in a new voice; a gentle, caring voice, “Just relax. It’s OK. Trust me. You’re going to come soon. And when you do, I’m going to make you squirt. But you’re not going to do that just yet, ok? Not until I say.” I was so delirious with pleasure I could only nod mutely at his instruction. I relaxed deeper into the sensation. Something wet and full and luscious was growing inside me, sending shivering twitches all up and down my legs. I badly wanted to come, right there and then all over this stranger’s fingers, but I held back, and he patiently edged me closer and closer, holding my quaking body with one hand and ratcheting up my pleasure with the other.

  “I want to come now,” I begged, my body about to burst.

  “No. Not yet. Stay here with me. Don’t come yet.”

  “Please,” I said and felt my body shuddering with the effort.

  Before the word was completely out my mouth I felt his fingers pull out of me and in a split second he rammed his cock where they had been. It was so astonishingly quick, that I gasped silently and arched my back. My body clenched around him, and the growing ache reached fever pitch. A cascade of pleasure rushed over me. I felt as though I was unimaginably high on the apex of a roller coaster, pausing there for a second to gaze down at the long, long way I was going to fall… my heart stopped and stars twinkled and buzzed behind my eyelids. He breathed hard into my neck.

  “Come for me,” he said.

  I didn’t need any more encouragement.

  With a single, very deep thrust he plunged me over the abyss, and everything that I had been holding onto slipped away in one rushing, blissful flood. He yanked his cock out and gripped my body firmly as I shook. To my amazement, torrents of liquid were gushing out from me, spraying him, my legs, the floor… I held onto him tightly, all of my body convulsing from its very core, the liquid never seeming to end. Every muscle cried out and pulsed, and my body rocked with an orgasm that threatened to break me apart.

  I stood with his arms wrapped around me, panting. I felt emptied out; my entire body limp with the release of the most thrilling tension. He held me there, still pinned to the wall. I glanced behind me and saw his stiff cock, doused in a thick sheen of the same liquid, the flat of his belly glistening.

  “Good girl” he said playfully, and slapped my ass.

  I nearly laughed out loud. We both collapsed onto the floor, me more exhausted than I had ever been in my life.

  “Wow …I’ve never …I didn’t know …
I …” I stammered, trying to compose myself, to make sense of what had just happened.

  “Shh!” he said, kissing me sweetly and smiling. “I bet you’ve forgotten about your burn, haven’t you?”

  I lay back and closed my eyes, body still buzzing. It was though some new corridor of pleasure had opened up inside me, and I had come with every last atom of my body, hard, from the top of my head to my now wet toes. Floods of peaceful bliss washed over me. The wind outside sounded rough and dangerous, but inside I was warm and gooey and happy. I giggled.

  “Looks like we’ll need another towel” I said.

  He jumped up, looking for one, careful to avoid the previous puddle of chamomile tea.

  “This place is a mess. Can I, uh, make you a proper cup of tea now? And where are those horrible knickers of yours?” he said.

  “That’s weird. I swear I just saw them over here …it seems we’ve lost them…”

  -THE END –

  Part III

  Doing It Faster

  Doing It Faster - A Bad Boy Novelette

  Chapter 1 - Michelle

  “Oh, Michelle, could you please see me after class today?” he said.

  Words, they taught us in my Beginner’s Creative Writing Class for Adults, have meaning. Sometimes, some words can even have many meanings, and when you’re anxious like me, you learn how to read every possible meaning of every possible word.

  I know everything there is to know about words. I know how to tell people off for using future perfect continuous tense incorrectly, I know the etymology of the word “mutilate”, and I know how to spell bureaucracy without cheating. I know that “I’m sorry” can sometimes mean “I hate you”, and “marry me” can sometimes mean “I give up.” It’s all in the context, you see, which is another thing my Beginner’s Creative Writing Class tells me.


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