Branded by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination)

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Branded by the Texas Billionaire (BBW Erotica) (Billionaire BDSM) (Billionaire Domination) Page 1

by Richards, Lynn


  Copyright 2012

  Lynn Richards

  Wolf Publishing

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  WARNING: This book is intended for mature audiences only.



  Oh, my god, what have I done?

  That was the Macy Trent’s first conscious thought when she woke the next morning and discovered herself in her boss’s bed.

  Not only was she in Logan Quinn’s bed, he was still there with her. One long arm was thrown across her stomach and his head rested beside hers on the pillow.

  She’d never had a morning after.

  The events of last night came flooding back. The strip tease, the blow job, and then the whole embarrassment of her “deflowering.” Well, he’d gotten his wish. She certainly felt like a Victorian miss who’d been ravished by a rogue. The ache between her legs was proof.

  Even though she was sore in so many places—places she’d never considered before—she couldn’t help but be aroused just thinking about what she’d allowed him to do last night.

  And could do again right now.

  This was madness. Logan Quinn had, in essence, bought and paid for her. But when he awoke and the cold reality of morning hit, he’d realize his mistake and send her away. As for her, the sexual excitement of last night was gone, leaving her feeling incredibly vulnerable. What had she been thinking?

  She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of telling her to leave. Attempting to ease out from under his arm, she stilled when he grunted. Waiting a few seconds, she moved again, gently laying his arm on top of the sheet as she rose from the bed.

  Immediately she felt the chill in the room and her nipples hardened. They were also sore. He’d been rough last night, sucking and biting the tender tips. By early morning his beard had come in and he’d used that to further torture her tender flesh.

  She looked around for her clothes. They were at the foot of the bed in front of the mirrored closet. She couldn’t believe she’d stripped down in front of him, that she’d turned around and spread herself for him. Or that she’d...

  She couldn’t think about the rest right now.

  On his side of the bed, his white dress shirt lay neatly folded—of course. She grabbed it, pushing her arms through the sleeves. She brought the collar to her nose and inhaled deeply. Merciful heavens, it smelled good. Just like him.

  She looked at the man on the bed as she buttoned the borrowed shirt. Thankfully, he was still out of it. He hadn’t moved and his pose was mouthwatering. The sheet covered him from the waist down except for one leg, bent at the knee, the black hair a sexy contrast to the white sheet.

  Looking at him made her pussy tingle. She could get very used to being in his bed.

  And that wouldn’t do.

  She had to get out of here. Job or no job, tuition or no tuition, she couldn’t stay another hour, much less a whole day. She turned around to retrieve her skirt and shoes.

  “Maybe I should have made you put that on last night. You look damn sexy in it.”

  Macy shrieked, jerking around, her hand over her galloping heart. Logan sat propped up against the headboard with a pillow behind his back. With his hands clasped behind his head, his biceps bulged, giving testimony to the care of he took of his magnificent body. His dark gaze regarded her somberly. That had to be about the sexiest pose she’d ever seen.

  The bulging under the sheet below his waist was kind of exciting too.

  Bad, Macy. Where was her cool head now?

  Distracted by the head under the sheet…

  “Come back to bed.”

  She licked her lips, her small white teeth unconsciously pulling at the soft flesh as she finished buttoning the shirt. Now if she could manage to put on her skirt and shoes, she could leave with a little dignity still in tact—even though she had on no underwear.

  “I, umm, I…” She dared a glance at him.

  The slumberous look was gone, replaced by a predatory one which made her nervous. If she could just explain her reasons for taking off like a scalded cat. “Look...”

  She stuttered to a stop, her eyes widening at the speed at which he came off the bed. He stood before her in all of his naked glory.

  “You misunderstand me, Miss Trent. That wasn’t a request.”

  Before she could think, move, or protest, he clasped her arm, propelling her to the bed. “Lie down.”

  Macy placed her hand on his chest, hoping to create a little space. She couldn’t think when he was this close. “Logan, I need to go home.”

  He shook his head, staring at her with those incredible gray eyes. “No, Miss Trent, you need to get on that bed and honor your contract.”

  Macy had never seen him so intense, almost angry. For the first time since she’d arrived, she was a little afraid. “There are things I need–”

  Without warning he picked her up and threw her on the bed, one knee pushing the mattress down with his weight as he bent over her. “You are mine for the next thirty-four hours, Miss Trent.” He took her left hand and raised it over her head. “Believe me, I will supply all of your needs. Just as you will continue to acquiesce to mine.”

  The feel of cool silk against her wrist was her only warning of what he was about to do. In seconds, her hand was bound with a scarf. She twisted around on the bed, angling her neck so that she could see. Yep, the other end was attached securely to the headboard. She pulled at the knot with her free hand, but it only seemed to tighten around her wrist.

  “It won’t do you any good to struggle.” Logan’s voice came from her right, his low, calm tone one that usually spelled trouble for the individual sitting across from him. With economical movements, he took her other arm and tied it with a second scarf.

  Macy blinked. How had he done that so quickly? So efficiently?


  “Please, let me go.” She knew if he thought she was truly afraid, he would release her. He’d never do anything that was really against her will. What Macy didn’t want him to know was how much being tied up and at his mercy turned her on. If he knew what he did to her, how he made her feel, he would have complete control of her body—and whether he wanted it or not, her heart. It was better to leave now with that particular organ intact.

  “I warned you about speaking without permission.” He quickly undid the buttons of her shirt, pushing the sides apart. The cool air tightened her already puckered nipples.

  Pulling her into a semi-sitting position, he placed pillows behind her back and neck for support. Her eyes widened as one big leg came across her so that he was straddling her body. The move put his engorged dick right in front of her face. She stared at the massive tool, her traitorous body betraying her will to resist. With a forward thrust of his hips, he pushed the swollen flesh to her lips. “Suck me like you did last night, Macy.”

  His voice was low, raw. Suddenly the eroticism of the situation washed over her and she shivered. The need for self-preservation waned as her body trembled and readied. She wanted to please him more than she wanted to protect herself. Holding his steady gaze, she flicked the tip with her tongue. Emboldened by his quickly indrawn breath and the narrowing of his
beautiful eyes, she licked along the tip, her tongue laving the steely flesh like her favorite flavored lollipop. With a guttural groan, he grabbed the headboard and pushed himself farther between her welcoming lips. “More.” A shudder traced through his big body as her warm mouth closed around him. “Suck me hard, baby. I want to cum in that beautiful mouth of yours.”

  Macy wanted that too. She wanted to bring him pleasure—more pleasure than he’d ever known. Maybe, just maybe, he’d…

  What? Fall in love with her?

  The thought stunned her into immobility.

  What had she been thinking? Macy closed her eyes, partly against the intensity she saw in Logan’s gaze and partly because she realized how foolish she’d been to fall in love with her boss. The man who could have any woman he wanted. The man who’d bought and paid for her for the weekend.

  The man who wanted sex. Not love.

  How could she have been such an idiot?

  She’d thought she could do this. Could give in to her base instincts just this once and be like everyone else. After all, wasn’t promiscuous sex the way of the world? She should have known she couldn’t simply enjoy herself and walk away unscathed.

  She opened her eyes when Logan moved off the bed to tower over her. He was visibly angry—and still incredibly aroused.

  “Do you want to go home, Miss Trent?”

  She’d heard that terse tone before, although she’d never been on the receiving end of it until now. As much as she’d wanted to leave just a few moments ago, now she was torn. This may very well be her one and only chance to be with the man she loved. If she left, she might be able to salvage her heart, but she’d never have the opportunity to know Logan this intimately. The rational part of her mind understood that even if she stayed and honored the complete contract, her time with Logan would be over at midnight on Sunday. Less than thirty-four hours to make enough memories to last forever.

  “Are you listening to me at all, Miss Trent?”


  His eyes widened and for a fraction of a second a look of something suspiciously like regret passed over his features. It was quickly replaced with his usual autocratic composure. “I’ll have the car brought around for you.” He leaned in to untie her.

  “I mean, no, I don’t want to go home.”

  Again, she surprised a look of…was it relief?

  “Very well then.” He straightened and crossed the room. Opening the closet door, he disappeared inside the huge walk-in. She heard a drawer open and close, then another. After a few minutes he emerged wearing the bottoms of lounging pajamas and a tight black t-shirt that sculpted his muscular chest and stomach like a lover’s caress. Here was the casual clothing she’d expected the night before.

  At the foot of the bed, he hesitated, looking down at her. She drew her legs up, turning slightly to the side to try and hide her nudity. All she had on was his white silk shirt, which had ridden up revealing the curls on her mound.

  “If you stay, you will need a safe word, Miss Trent.”

  When she didn’t answer, he walked to the side of the bed. His hand fisted in her hair and turned her face him. “Understand this, if you stay, you stay until tomorrow. I won’t offer to send you home again. You’ll be at my complete and utter mercy.” His gaze raked her body. “I can do whatever I want to your luscious body. Things you can’t even imagine. I can mark it. Brand it. Make it mine.”

  Macy should have been screaming, instead she was creaming. She closed her eyes and groaned. Thirty-four hours. Thirty-four hours of impossible pleasure—and promised pain. He’d told her last night he would be gentle. He was making no such promises today.

  He yanked on her hair, forcing her to focus on him once again. She opened her eyes and looked into his. Oh, there’d be pain if she stayed. Definitely pain.

  “Your safe word, Miss Trent.”

  She licked her lips, unable to think, unable to concentrate. She wanted him with her on the bed, his cock back in her mouth.

  “Umm, lollipop?”

  Releasing her hair, he walked to the sitting area and picked up a light throw before returning to the bed.

  “I have some phone calls I need to make. I suggest you try and get some more sleep. You’re going to need it.” He threw the cotton blanket over her legs, leaving her breasts bare. He hesitated as if he wanted to say something more, then, lips thinned as though fighting to hold in whatever it was, he walked out the door.

  “Wait, you can’t just leave me like this.” Macy pulled ineffectually at her restraints, stunned when he ignored her cries and walked out the bedroom door.


  As soon as he was out of her sight, Logan thrust shaking fingers through his hair.

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

  What the hell had happened to him just now? And last night?

  He’d been scared to death she was going to say yes. That she wanted to walk away and leave him. That had to be the reason–he’d never had a submissive break a contract before. It wasn’t something he was used to and her request had taken him by surprise. The women who normally came to his bed were experienced, knew the rules, and were willing to obey.

  But Macy’s innocence and her sassy behavior had drawn him to her. The need to make her behave–make her obey him–had welled up inside until he couldn’t think straight. When he’d went to work Friday morning he’d had no intention of asking his plump, curvy secretary to spend the weekend with him, much less blackmailing her into saying yes.

  He didn’t know if she would make a good submissive or not. He had no desire to cower her spirit; he wanted to her to embrace the lifestyle willingly.

  Whoa. Why would he want her to embrace this lifestyle? Once this weekend was over, it wouldn’t matter where Miss Trent sought her pleasure, because he would never know.

  He wouldn’t want to know.

  As long as he stuck to the contract and made sure she did the same, everything would be okay. Besides, once he had his fill of the delectable Miss Trent, he’d go on with life as usual.


  Sure, a little voice inside his head scoffed. That’s why it took all of your willpower not to bend over and kiss her forehead before you left. To soothe her instead of subject her.

  And he’d covered her up. Granted, he was never cruel to his subs, but he usually didn’t see to their every need and comfort. A little depravation of simple creature comforts went a long way to ensuring complete obedience.

  He’d done everything he could to ensure Macy’s complete comfort in the last fourteen hours.

  Fourteen hours.

  Had it been that long already? The weekend was going by way too fast. He’d barely touched the surface of what he wanted to do with Macy. Have her do to him.

  Logan barely prevented his mouth from curling into a grin when he thought of her safe word. That’s what she did to him. Made him smile. Inside as well as outside. It was difficult to show anyone that side of himself, but he took great delight in her impertinent comments at the office—and even greater delight in her impudent words and actions in his bed. Last night had been a night he’d never forget. He’d lost himself in her, relishing in making her submit to his every desire, satisfying himself with her innocent body—well, not so innocent anymore he thought, recalling the feel of her tight pussy wrapped around his hard cock.


  The feel of silk against her ankles woke Macy from a surprisingly deep sleep considering her restrained position. Logan stood at the bottom of the bed tying her legs to the footboard. The pillows which had been used to prop her up earlier were scattered across the bed, but the scarfs were still in place. Now there were four and she was spread eagle, open and vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do. Her cover was gone and his shirt had twisted beneath her, leaving her front completely bare to his hot gaze. She didn’t know how much time had passed since he’d left her tied to the bed.

  He climbed on the bed and knelt between her thighs. He was already semi-aroused. Taking
his cock in his hand, he stroked it, his eyes running like hands over her nude form. His free hand trailed up her side, caressing lightly, until he reached he breast. He pinched the puckered nipple between his thumb and index finger as he continued to stroke himself. She watched in fascination as his dick grew thicker, the massive head turning a purplish-red. What was he going to do? Make her suck him again? She licked her lips in anticipation.

  While he continued to pump his hand up and down in a rhythmic motion, he switched attention to her other nipple, his fingers twisting and pulling. On a particularly hard pinch, she gasped. “Logan!”

  His only answer was a raised brow. Right. She had agreed to this. Whatever he wanted. She focused her attention on his hand, the movement mesmerizing. When she was almost ready to beg him to either fuck her or let her suck him, he reached beside her hip and retrieved a condom.

  He still hadn’t spoken. His dark gaze bore into hers as if daring her to say her safe word. She knew that once the word left her mouth there would be no turning back. Their time together would end.

  He moved his other hand onto the bed beside her head. He spread his legs, forcing hers wider. Guiding himself to her entrance, he pushed slowly inside, the angle of his entry dragging his hard cock against her clit. He made no allowances for any lingering soreness. Luckily, his little show had excited her and her juices had started to flow.

  Bound as she was, she couldn’t move, couldn’t contribute to the act in any way. Her excitement spiked. He could do anything he wanted to her and she couldn’t stop him. His strokes inside her were shallow, teasing. She moaned as pleasure began to build. He covered her, resting his weight on his elbows so that with each movement her nipples dragged across the mat of springy hair on his chest. “Logan.”

  She tried to move her legs, tried to move away from the unrelenting stroking. “Logan.” This time his name was filled with anguish. She needed to come.

  He didn’t answer but increased the pace of his thrusts, his hips pistoning up and down. As if the pleasure was too much for him, he closed his eyes, arching his neck. Veins popped out along the strong, tanned column as he continued to pound inside her. When she moved again he gripped her hip, holding her in place. Just when she thought he was going to take his pleasure and leave her wanting, he reached between them, his thumb finding her sweet spot.


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