Untamed Hearts

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Untamed Hearts Page 5

by Colleen O'Connell

  He came up alongside her. “Wait here.”

  Shielding her eyes from the sun, she viewed him striding away. His lengthy gait expressed a self-assurance she liked. He was a man of confidence and determination. A man whose tall hard-muscled body she should not be scanning as though she were undressing him. Forcing her mind to break its concentration on his physical attributes, she noticed him walking onto the Central Pacific train. What was he doing? The last thing she would want to do would be to re-board a train having so recently stepped off one. They didn’t have to board the Central Pacific for a few hours. Impatiently, she paced back and forth on the platform.

  Jared climbed aboard the Central Pacific, entering one of the emigrant cars. Although fresher smelling than the Pacific Express’ cars after a ninety-hour trip, the sleeping arrangements would be little better. Bed boards were unnecessary with the seats joining in the center to give more room at night. Crude berths were also available, but the thought of contorting his frame into a position to fit within their confines would only result in lack of sleep. He shook his head and left the train.

  Taryn viewed the various people at the station, continuously looking back in the direction Jared had gone.

  “You look a little lost.”

  Startled, she turned sharply at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. She smiled tentatively at the stranger. “No, I’m waiting for someone.”

  “You’re a woman who shouldn’t be kept waiting.”

  Her smile quavered. She furtively glanced back over her shoulder in hopes of seeing Jared returning. She didn’t want to be rude, but the stranger made her edgy, and she wished he would go away. Why didn’t Jared hurry?

  Jared stepped off the Central Pacific train and walked back toward Taryn when he spotted her backing away from a man. He swore under his breath, picking up his step.

  Again, Taryn politely rebuffed the man’s advances. “If you don’t mind…”

  The stranger stepped closer. “Oh, but I do mind. Why don’t you and I go somewhere to discuss it, hmmm?”

  Nothing she said penetrated the stranger’s brain, and she was having difficulty persuading him to continue on his way. He grabbed her elbow, leading her down the platform. She struggled against him in earnest. From the corner of her eye, she saw the cowboy from the train and shouted for help. Upon realizing who called to him, he halted in his approach. The cowboy chose the worst time to continue adhering to Jared’s order to stay away from her. He scrambled frantically to increase their distance.

  A shot rang out, dust and dirt flying up from the ground between the stranger’s feet.

  Some distance away, the cowboy spun around holding up his hands in the air believing he was the target for the bullet. Seeing exactly who held the gun, he bolted from the scene.

  Jared came abreast of the man who held her. “Take your hand off her.”

  “Stay out of this friend. This is no concern of yours. The lady and I are taking a walk.”

  “The lady is my wife.”

  The stranger’s bravado ceased, his mouth dropping open, and his hand jerking off her arm. “Your wife?” His hands shaking, he attempted to explain. “I thought…”

  “No. You didn’t. I believe you have something to say to the lady before you leave.”

  The man’s apologies came out of his mouth in rapid repetition before he made a hasty retreat.

  Jared placed his gun back in its holster, the murderous look in his eyes softening. Picking up his baggage in one hand, he took her by the hand, the movement made unconsciously.

  The electricity of his touch riveted through her palm. They both glanced at their clasped hands, the heat generated palpable. They each released their hold at the same time.

  He threw her an impatient look. “Do me a favor. Next time someone accosts you, set aside your ladylike, polite social behavior and tell the oaf what he can do with his thoughts.”

  Knowing his words resulted from concern rather than anger, she nodded. Again, he rescued her from a potentially disastrous mishap. For all her talk of how she could take care of herself, she wasn’t doing a very good job of proving it. Independence did have its difficulties, and she would have to improve upon her devices of handling any situation arising in the future. He moved forward. Satchel in hand, she picked up her step to match his. “Where are we going?” They bypassed the dining hall, instead heading for the station house.

  “There’s something I have to take care of before we eat.”

  Taryn listened quietly while he spoke with the stationmaster in regard to their train accommodations on the Central Pacific. He commented on the Silver Palace sleepers. She stared in disbelief. The Silver Palace sleepers were for first-class passengers, roomier berths more costly than the modest accommodations they shared on the Pacific Express.

  “I’m sorry, sir, those berths are all taken for this trip.”

  The stationmaster’s tone rang falsely contrite. The man turned to other matters when Jared detained him. He smiled, though it was not one of acceptance of the stationmaster’s statement. “I see.” His hand casually reached down resting on the handle of his gun in its holster. “There must be something you can arrange, isn’t there?” His gaze concentrated on the stationmaster.

  Taryn didn’t miss the subtle movement or its implication, nor did the stationmaster. Beads of sweat graced the man’s brow and upper lip. He reached into his pocket, making certain his hand remained visible so there was no mistaking his intent when he pulled out a handkerchief rather than some concealed weapon of his own. He dabbed at his brow. “On second thought, I believe we might have a few cancellations.”

  Clearly, there were no such cancellations. More than likely, the stationmaster held the available space for someone whose appearance matched the price of the ticket. Jared smiled amiably. “Would you be kind enough to see our belongings are put aboard the train?”

  Surprised Jared possessed the means to purchase one ticket; much less two temporarily paralyzed her. The stationmaster accepted the money in exchange for the tickets. “Of course, of course. I’ll see to it that your belongings are put aboard myself.”

  Jared put the tickets in his pocket, took her elbow in hand, and walked toward the dining hall.

  “I can’t afford to pay you for my berth. I don’t have the funds.”

  “My gift,” he remarked gallantly, a grin stealing across his face.

  “I didn’t think you had the means.”

  He chuckled in enjoyment. “I do very well at cards,” he gave as his explanation.

  At the dining hall, he ordered a number of sandwiches, assorted fruits and desserts, along with a bottle of wine telling the man behind the counter to wrap them up.

  She was about to question him as to why he was having their meal packaged when Etta called out.

  “There you are.” She walked up to them. “It’ll be so nice to actually have the time to enjoy our meal. Three hours to relax before needing to board the train! I’m having lunch with some of the other passengers I’ve met. You’ll join us, won’t you?”

  Jared picked up a basket. “Actually, Etta, my wife and I have decided to have a picnic as long as we have the time.”

  Taryn gawked in amazement. She didn’t expect such a quaint idea would cross his mind.

  Hiring a pair of horses, they rode a distance away from the station finding an appropriate clearing by the river. He spread the saddle blanket out while she pulled the food from the basket. She handed him one of the sandwiches, her arm dangling in mid-air even after he’d taken the sandwich from her. Captured by his eyes, she hesitated before withdrawing her arm.

  To hide her embarrassment of being slack-jawed, she posed a question. “So, where in the South did you grow up?” There was no reason for the question. She sounded idiotic to be asking it simply for the sake of conversation. If he thought the question odd, he was good enough not to mention it.

  “I was raised in Mississippi. Since then I’ve lived in Tennessee, Mexico, and Texas. I make my
home wherever I happen to be at any given moment.”

  “Because of your profession?”

  “Partially. There is always someone who believes they can advance their own reputation by drawing against me or advance their career by ruining mine. Consequently, I keep moving.”

  “Do you ever wish you could settle to one area?”

  “All the time.”

  The sincerity in his voice moved her. “Couldn’t you settle somewhere if you chose another profession?”

  “Once a gunman, always a gunman. It is how people view me which I cannot fault.”

  “It’s not how I view you.”

  He considered her statement. “I know you don’t. It is one reason I enjoy your company.”

  She blushed, taking a deep breath considering the picnic lunch spread out before them. “This was a wonderful idea. I haven’t been on a picnic since my parents took me as a little girl.” Brad’s concentration centered on ways to impress his superiors at the bank. Relaxation to him consisted of adding up columns of numbers finding ways to save money.

  Jared leaned down on his elbow, one leg stretched out, the other propped up as he lay on his side in a more relaxed position. His eyebrow rose. “Not since you were a little girl? What kind of men do you have in Chicago where they wouldn’t take a beautiful girl like you on a picnic lunch?”

  Again, he made a casual compliment. He continued to exude such an attractive charm. She smiled as she answered. “I’m beginning to wonder. I seem to attract men who don’t always have time in their schedules for such simple pleasures.”

  “Not anymore.”

  She couldn’t respond. She didn’t identify what his comment signified, if anything. It made her insides melt. He handed her a glass of wine, picked up his own glass silently toasting her as their glasses clinked together. She took a sip of the wine hoping it would calm the sudden racing of her heart.

  Finished with lunch, she became even more conscious of his effect on her. She raised her face to the sun, closing her eyes, a soft smile forming on her face. The quiet of the cove they were in, the warmth of the sun, and oddly, his presence gave her a sense of peace. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes. His gaze held an intensity she didn’t understand. “I suppose we should get back.”

  He sat up from his relaxed position though he made no move to stand. His hand slid around her waist pulling her toward him. “Come here.”

  Chapter Four

  Taryn swallowed hard. He eased her onto her back then leaned over her. “We’ll miss the train.”

  “We have plenty of time.” He brushed his mouth over her lips.

  She could not argue the point. There were a few hours yet before the Central Express’ scheduled departure. His fingers were in her hair, pulling the bun loose as his mouth covered hers. Losing herself in the kiss, she didn’t realize he’d unfastened the bodice of her gown. She felt the warmth of his mouth moving down her neck in one caress after another. His hand reached inside her bodice, and she took a deep breath.

  “Someone might come,” she said breathlessly in a feint attempt to stop the course of their actions.

  “It’s very secluded here, Taryn. No one’s going to come.”

  Desire consumed her at his touch. His fingers worked the fastening of her skirt. Suddenly she felt afraid—afraid of doing the wrong thing even though her body begged for his touch. She abruptly sat up hugging her knees to her chest in indecision. She knew nothing of being intimate with a man. The intelligence she possessed did not cover the intimate aspects of the relationship between a man and woman. She already allowed Jared more liberties than any other man, including Brad.

  Jared sat up brushing a strand of her hair over her shoulder. She realized how easily he could persuade her to make love. “You’re not ready, are you?”

  “I don’t know.” They’d only met a matter of days ago, yet she’d never felt such a strong sense of unexplainable desire as she did in his presence.

  He lightly kissed her ear. “I have a better idea.”

  She remained silent, still debating what decision to make. Her body longed for his touch, while her mind told her not to allow him such intimacies without marriage.

  “Do you swim?”

  Taryn viewed the lake then turned her attention back to Jared. She nodded. Relief washed over her. He was not going to press her to make a decision.

  He removed his boots and socks, then his shirt, keeping his pants on. Standing up, he held out his hand to help her up. “You’ll find it easier to swim if you remove your outer garments leaving only your chemise on.”

  She took his hand and stood. Her total attention fixated on the wide expanse of bronzed chest he exposed. She licked her lips. His torso was all muscle tapering to a hard, lean stomach. His comment finally registered. She blushed at his obvious knowledge of women’s undergarments. She stammered her response, reaching a hand up and self-consciously playing with the neck of her gown. “I…I couldn’t.”

  “I assure you, Taryn, I have no ulterior motives.”

  She hesitated, feeling the burning rays of the sun on the back of her neck. The water promised refreshment. She glanced around the secluded area to ensure no one would be able to see her unclothed. No one but Jared. Wasn’t he enough? There was no harm in swimming in her chemise. She wouldn’t be completely unclothed. “I suppose it would be all right.” Removing her shoes, she unfastened the remaining catches of her gown. In her mind, she could see her mother blanching to the very roots of her hair over her daughter’s outrageous behavior. Slipping out of the bodice, and sliding the gown down over her hips, she cautiously raised her gaze to his.

  Jared struggled to keep his gaze impassive as he all but ogled her.

  She cocked her head to one side, seeing his gaze lingering on her. “You’re staring at me again,” she sighed in exasperation. “You look as if you haven’t eaten in weeks.” She longed to cover herself with her hands but refused to do something so childish.

  He grinned. “My gaze is one of appreciation, although I’ll admit you inspire a particular hunger I find difficult to ignore.”

  When they came to the water’s edge, Jared waded into the water. She pulled back, wanting to test the temperature before entering. Venturing ankle deep, she sucked in her breath making a face when the cold water slapped against her legs.

  With a mischievous grin, he picked her up bodily throwing her out into the water, then diving in after her. A surprised scream erupted from her mouth before she fell into the water. When she came up gulping in a breath, she didn’t see him. “Jar…ahh!” Something grabbed her leg. Under she went again.

  He released her leg, came up from under the water, pulling her with him.

  “Are you trying to drown me?” She took a grateful breath of air.

  Smiling, he drew her into his arms. “No, trying to rid you of your inhibitions.”

  She laughed. “An accomplishment to your credit.” She flirted with more than Jared. Held in his arms, their bodies meshed intimately together. Her palms rested on his shoulders, feeling the strength of his muscles beneath her fingertips. She should not be alone with a man in such a compromising situation, but she didn’t care. She was enjoying herself. They were only swimming. There was no shame. Her virginity remained intact.

  They swam leisurely in the lake, enjoying the respite from the heat and the confines of the train. Deciding to get out of the water to dry off, she walked back to where her clothes lay. Seeing him coming out of the water, a playful smile formed on her face. When he reached her, she paid him no mind, concentrating on the ground.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “I can’t seem to find one of my hair combs. Would you mind seeing if it’s near the water’s edge?”

  He walked back to the water, skirting the edge looking on the ground. She backed up then ran as fast as she could toward him.

  “What does it look like?”

  She barreled into him at full force.

  Taken off guard, Jared l
ost his footing, stumbling back into the water. Unable to stop, she tumbled right after him, falling on top of him.

  “What does what look like?”

  He swung his wet hair out of his eyes, catching his breath. “You little imp.”

  “It serves you right for throwing me in the water,” she said, unapologetic, watching the water trickle down his chest as he stood. She accepted the hand he held out, securing her footing. He prevented her from walking back to the shore, pulling her toward him.

  “You, Taryn Ashford, are a troublesome woman.” He towed her farther into the water until they were waist deep in order to rinse the sand from their bodies.

  She held up her hands. “No more.”

  He enfolded her in his arms, holding her close against his body. “No more,” he agreed, “except this.” His mouth slanted over hers, tasting her wet lips.

  She slid her arms around his shoulders. This was the most glorious afternoon in her entire life. He was utterly charming, and she thoroughly enjoyed being with him. Then there were his kisses. Each one surpassed her will. His tongue slipped into her mouth, at first playfully toying with hers, then boldly exploring. When he drew back, she sighed with happiness. “I’m so glad I decided to make this trip.”

  “I’m glad you decided to make it alone.”

  Her smile faded, his remark reminding her of Brad. She should tell him about Brad, but how?

  He tightened his arms around her waist. “What is it?”

  “Nothing.” She could tell him about Brad another time. She wanted to enjoy their afternoon, not ruin it with talk of her fiancé.

  They emerged from the water, not waiting to dry off. Their dallying caused the need to hurry to make the train. Returning the horses to the livery, they were walking back toward the train when the train whistle blew.

  “Oh no!” She gauged the distance from where they stood to the train, realizing it would be a miracle if they could cover the distance in time.


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