Untamed Hearts

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Untamed Hearts Page 10

by Colleen O'Connell

  So, her parents had come after their wayward daughter. He wondered if they intended returning to Chicago immediately with her in check. The possibility suddenly became an aggravating weight on his mind.

  “Here’s your glass of punch, Taryn.”

  He paid little consequence to the man who joined their group. He assumed him to be a neighbor of the Daltons until Mr. Dalton made the introductions.

  “Brad journeyed here with the Ashfords to persuade Taryn to return to Chicago with him,” Jonathan explained after he’d introduced the two.

  Taryn took a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly praying for strength, and longing to run from the room. She had not wanted the news to come out like this.

  His eyes narrowed. “I beg your pardon.” His gaze shifted between Taryn and Brad Thompson in disbelief.

  “You see, they’re to be married once they return to Chicago,” Jonathan clarified.

  Jared’s polite smile vanished. He struggled to control his facial expressions from registering his shock. Taryn avoided his hard-edged stare by taking a sip of her punch. The first notes of a waltz began. Brad excused himself and Taryn from the group, taking her hand to go out onto the dance floor. The others headed for the dance floor as well, leaving behind Luke, Anita, and Jared.

  “So exactly what’s between you and Taryn?” Luke whispered when Anita turned to speak to another guest.

  “It’s no longer important.”

  Luke highly doubted his brother’s moody statement. “You didn’t know of her engagement, did you?”

  “No,” Jared replied, his gaze on Taryn.

  “She did mention the wedding is still a few months away,” Luke remarked, his own gaze settling on Taryn and Brad.

  Jared shook himself out of the jealous feelings he was experiencing watching Brad Thompson with his arms around Taryn. He turned to Luke. “I don’t care if it’s tomorrow. There are other women in the room,” he remarked, walking toward some of the young ladies.

  “Except you don’t want any other woman,” Luke muttered.

  Jared walked to the refreshment table, absently picking up one of the hors d’oeuvres. His searching gaze found Taryn still dancing with her fiancé. A deep frown crossed his brow.

  “Mr. King?”

  Jared turned to see the spectacled journalist from the train. “Yes?”

  “My name’s Robert Michaels. I was on the same train as you coming out here,” he prefaced. “I never had the chance to meet you aboard the train, although I met your…”

  “My wife?” Jared finished in a low voice.

  Robert nodded. “I meant to say Miss Ashford,” he corrected himself. “She told me the truth of the situation on the train.”

  Jared kept his voice lowered. “I’d appreciate it if you’d keep the information to yourself, Mr. Michaels, for Taryn’s sake.”

  Robert glanced at Taryn dancing with Brad Thompson. “Of course,” he agreed in understanding. “Do you realize on the train you two proved more entertaining for the rest of the other passengers than any other pastime?” Robert commented with a laugh. “I must have heard five different versions from the other passengers describing the two of you racing for the train in Utah. Each one was more embellished than the last. I only wish I’d seen it for myself.”

  Jared relaxed his guard, smiling in recollection. “It can’t compare to experiencing it.”

  Robert laughed. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  Jared realized he may have been unfair in his judgement of Robert Michaels. Having seen him with Taryn, his mind had jumped to conclusions. The journalist was as amiable as Taryn had said. “Mr. Michaels, I’m afraid I owe you an apology.” Robert’s eyes were wide with surprise. “I’d seen you talking with Taryn during the trip,” he explained. “I was ready to have you write your own epitaph.”

  It took a moment for Robert to grasp his meaning. A deep laugh broke from him. He controlled his mirth. “My God, I’m glad I didn’t meet you then on the journey out here.”

  Jared’s mouth split into a wide grin. “It’s nice to meet you now,” he said extending his hand.

  Robert shook his hand. “Likewise.”

  The dancing, conversation, and celebration continued through the evening. Over the next several hours, Taryn didn’t see much of Jared. Brad occupied her time dancing.

  “Are you ready for our dance, Father?” He was talking with Jared and her uncle.

  “I’m afraid your aunt wore me out with the last reel,” Dennis said. “Your poor father needs a rest. Perhaps Mr. King here would stand in for me.”

  “It would be my pleasure, sir.”

  She hesitated. She could hardly refuse when it was clear she had wanted to dance. Jared held out his hand. She placed her hand in his, not knowing what he truly thought of her engagement. Once on the dance floor, he slid his arm around her waist, his palm flat against her lower back as he gently eased her toward him. His movements were effortless, and he whirled her around in time to the slow beat of the music. She tilted her head up. “I didn’t realize an occasion such as this would warrant your interest.” She wanted to talk of anything but the topic on his mind.

  “It wasn’t so much the occasion which brought me here as it was you,” he said in a moment of honesty. “The evening has had its surprises.”

  She lowered her eyes. How could she explain? “I wanted to tell you…”

  “Did you? In the conversations we had on the train, even once we arrived here, it’s strange how that bit of news slipped your mind. Is the reason your feelings turned cold toward me because of your conscience?”

  She winced at his taunting words. “Jared please, I don’t want to fight with you tonight, not here.” She glanced around at all the people who would witness an argument.

  “All right, not here,” he snarled in a low voice. He suddenly stopped dancing taking her by the hand and dragging her behind him off the dance floor.

  She picked up her step to keep up with him so the appearance of him lugging her behind him would go unnoticed. “Jared…” Her attempt to extract her hand from his grasp proved impossible.

  Her hand firmly in his, he led her out the French doors and through the pavilion, mindless of the vibrant flowers of pink and white hyacinths, crepe myrtle, and parrot tulips. He didn’t stop until they stood in one of the two lower gardens then spun around to face her. “Do you want to tell me now, Taryn?”

  She jerked away from him, taking a few steps back. “How dare you drag me out here like a recalcitrant child?” What if someone had seen the abrupt way in which he’d pulled her off the dance floor and out the doors? She had enough to think about without having to add explanations to Brad or anyone else as to why he whisked her out of the house. She stomped back and forth then spun around abruptly with a snap of her skirts to face him head on. “I don’t see the point in explaining. I doubt you’d listen to reason. Besides, I don’t know what you’re so angry about. It’s not as if there is anything between us.”

  His brows raising, he took a step closer. “Nothing between us?”

  She would have backed farther away from him, but he anticipated her move. Pulling her into his arms, he placed one arm firmly around her waist. His mouth covered hers before she could wrest herself free. She pushed at his shoulders but his hold was too strong. She managed to get her teeth on his lip. She meant to sink her teeth into his flesh, but he removed his mouth. With a curl of his lip and a low chuckle, he captured her mouth again. He took her lower lip between his teeth and bit down in a gentle warning. She twisted her head away, but he held his hand at the back of her head holding her in place.

  “Let me go, Jared.” Her voice sounded breathless even to her own ears when he kissed the corner of her mouth.

  He gazed into the luminescence of her green eyes. “It isn’t what you want, is it Taryn? You don’t want me to release you. You want my kisses as much as I want to give them to you.”

  She shook her head in denial. “No.” She could feel his strong he
artbeat against her chest beating in rhythm with her own.

  “Tell me what you want, Taryn.”

  His mouth found the softness of her neck, and she shivered from its warmth. Her head fell back when his mouth pressed on, moving down her neck then up, and across the line of her jaw. “Jared, please stop.” God, she couldn’t think. Where was her control? She melted right in his arms. Her mind cried for release from his hold while her body defied her order. Through the battle of her emotions, the husky sound of his voice caressed her ear.

  “Talk to me, Taryn. Tell me what you want.” His mouth sought her lobe, nibbling at it before kissing her eyelids, her temple, and her cheeks.

  She had to tell him she didn’t want this. She didn’t want him to make her feel this way. She had to think of Brad. But his kisses… “I want…”

  “Yes?” His mouth brushed over her ear, making her tremble with need.

  “I want…” She couldn’t say what her mind screamed to tell him with forceful rejection. I want you to leave me alone. Say it, say it! She was engaged to Brad. She had to think of him. Yes, think of…of… he found a tender spot on her neck below her ear. She lost complete control. “I want your kisses, Jared. I want you to kiss me.”

  His eyes filled with passion. He lowered his head, his mouth finding hers, possessing it, and possessing her. She swayed against him, her arms sliding up around his neck with willing abandon.


  Gwen Dalton took a deep breath of fresh air having stepped out onto the verandah after an endless succession of dances. Jonathan came out to his wife, handing her a glass of punch. Gwen took a grateful sip, sighing in contentment. “John, does Mr. King remind you of anyone?”

  “In what way?”

  “I don’t know. He reminds me of someone. I don’t know who it is,” Gwen said. “Anita even commented she felt the same thing since meeting him.”

  “His name sounded familiar when I’d first met him, but I can’t determine why,” Jonathan said, putting his arms around his wife. He pulled her back against his chest as he had a habit of doing.

  Gwen took another sip of her punch enjoying the view of the surrounding acreage. Her gaze paused on one particular couple, the sight causing a satisfied smile. Under the shadow of a large tree, Taryn and Jared were in a passionate embrace. She nodded. “I think this party has been a great success,” she announced, taking a sip of the punch.

  “You simply came to the realization, did you?” Jonathan shook his head, incredulous. “There isn’t a soul in attendance who hasn’t been telling us both what a rousing success you’ve achieved.”

  Gwen turned in Jonathan’s arms, encircling his waist. “We should return inside to attend to our guests.”

  “Didn’t you want to enjoy the night air?”

  “There’s such a thing as intruding on the night,” Gwen remarked. “Besides,” Gwen said, patting his hand, “I haven’t had much of a chance to talk with Brad Thompson. I must find out more about him.”

  Jonathan knew the look on his wife’s face meant more than mere curiosity. “What are you up to?” She merely smiled. “Gwen…” Jonathan said in mild warning as they re-entered the house.

  Chapter Eight

  Luke Morrell scanned the gardens outside the ballroom. Taking long strides, he passed Robert Michaels, who spoke to Marie Dubois seated at a bench. Luke nodded in acknowledgement without pausing until he reached his brother. He found Jared with his arms wrapped around Taryn. “I hate to interrupt, but Marcus Rhodes knows you’re here, Jared.”

  Taryn jumped at the intrusion, and Jared felt her body relax in relief at it being Luke instead of her parents or Thompson. He kept his arm around her waist, not sharing her concern of the prospect of her fiancé discovering them in each other’s arms.

  Luke caught his breath. “I don’t know what his intentions are, but I wanted to forewarn you.”

  Marcus Rhodes was the marshal for the territory. She turned a worried gaze to Jared.

  “So, it is you,” Marcus Rhodes declared without preamble as he came storming up to them.

  Jared sneered at his nemesis. Now in his late thirties, Rhodes’ hair showed signs of graying and his eyes had age lines, but little else had changed about him in the past five years. Rhodes still reminded him of an overgrown ferret. “Well, if it isn’t Sheriff Rhodes.”

  “Marshal Rhodes,” Marcus corrected.

  “Who did you have to bribe for the title?”

  Taryn turned wide eyes to Jared, utter disbelief filling their depths at the scornful insult he’d delivered.

  Marcus Rhodes glared at Jared, the hatred evident in his eyes. “I can see five years hasn’t reformed you in any way. Unlike then, I can’t be forced to submit to a higher viewpoint. I make the final decisions now. You cause trouble here, and I’ll see to it justice is carried out at its severest level.”

  “Reverting to threats, Rhodes?”

  “Consider it a warning.” A smirk crossed his face. “I’ve no doubt we understand each other.”

  “I don’t think there was ever any confusion regarding that point,” Jared emphasized.

  Marcus bestowed a brief glance toward Luke Morrell and then to the Ashford girl before walking away.

  As soon as the marshal departed, Taryn turned to Jared in concern. “He isn’t going to arrest you, is he?”

  He gave her a quick hug, shaking his head. “He can’t. I haven’t done anything to give him reason.”

  “Don’t put it past him to overlook reason,” Luke cautioned.


  Inside, Marcus walked over to Jonathan Dalton in the Great Hall.

  Jonathan patted Marcus on the back in greeting. “Marcus, you have a very sour expression for such a social occasion. Gwen will get the impression you’re not enjoying yourself.”

  “Something’s come to my attention I’m not sure you’re aware of,” Marcus explained. “May I speak privately with you?”

  “You may speak freely before these gentlemen,” Jonathan insisted before introducing Marcus to Dennis Ashford and Brad Thompson.

  “It concerns one of your guests—Jared King.”

  Jonathan couldn’t suppress a laugh. “If it’s concerning his effect on the ladies this evening, I’m already aware of it, but a man can’t be arrested for causing women’s heart palpitations. Come on, Marcus; put away your badge for one night.”

  Marcus barely contained his irritation. “It isn’t what I’m talking about, Jonathan. Does his name mean nothing to you? Don’t you recall the incident of five years ago—the man responsible for Matt’s murder?”

  “Are you suggesting he murdered someone?” Brad interjected in amazement.

  “I’m not suggesting. I’m making a statement of fact,” Marcus stated. “Jared King’s a gunman.”

  Dennis Ashford suddenly found the conversation worth his attention. “What? Are you serious?”

  “Wait a minute,” Jonathan said his tone impatient. He wanted to prevent the conversation from getting out of hand. “Marcus, I don’t mean to drudge up old wounds, but as I remember it, the outcome was ruled as self-defense. It’s been over and done with for five years. Let it rest.”

  “There were those who weren’t so convinced it was self-defense at the time and those who still don’t believe it.”

  Jonathan breathed a heavy sigh as Marcus strode away.

  Dennis focused on Jonathan. “What happened five years ago?”

  “There was a card game at Breck’s Casino,” Jonathan explained in recollection. “The controversy was over what occurred after Mr. King accused one of the players of cheating. Some said the man accused of cheating pulled his gun first; others said he was never given a chance to do so. There wasn’t enough evidence to hold Mr. King, so Marcus had to release him. The man Jared killed was Matt Rhodes—the marshal’s brother.”

  Brad’s gaze focused on Jonathan Dalton. “What do you think happened?”

  Jonathan shrugged. “It’s hard to know for certain. I wasn’t a witne
ss, but I knew Matt Rhodes. It wasn’t the first time he’d cheated. Others knew it but never dared accuse him of it. Matt Rhodes had a very ugly temper.” Finished discussing the matter, Jonathan excused himself. “I believe it’s time I made a toast to Luke and Anita.”

  Immediately upon returning to the Great Hall, Taryn went to Brad’s side while Jared talked with a group of women who had surrounded him upon his entry.

  Standing by Gwen’s side, Jonathan gestured Luke and Anita over to the center of the ballroom. Glasses of champagne were passed around to the guests. When all held them in hand, a hush fell over the crowd waiting for Jonathan to speak.

  “My wife and I would like to thank you all for coming tonight to join us in celebrating the forthcoming marriage of Luke and Anita,” Jonathan opened. “When Luke first told us he intended to marry Anita, I can’t say I was surprised. My wife had informed me destiny decreed a marriage between them moments after they had met. Anyone who knows my wife knows not to question her convictions.”

  A rumble of amused laughter sifted through the guests.

  “On a personal note,” Jonathan continued, “I’d like to say no one could ask for a better friend than Luke has been to Gwen and me. Since meeting him five years ago, he has consistently safeguarded our interests,” Jonathan said. Turning toward Luke, Jonathan continued. “I think you know Gwen and I consider you the son we never had. In marrying Anita, you have brought a daughter to us. In finding your own happiness, you have made us exceedingly happy. I wish your marriage to bring you both the joy you have brought to others.”

  All glasses raised in the direction of Luke and Anita. Walt Adams stepped forward. “It’s difficult for a father to let go of his daughter. In fact, it’s difficult to admit your daughter is old enough to be a man’s wife. Anita,” Walt said fastening his gaze on his only daughter, “to me, you will always be my little girl. But even though I see you as my child, I know you’re a grown woman. It will be easier for me to let you go on your wedding day knowing I’ll place your hand in Luke’s.” Walt raised his glass. “I wish you the same blessings in your marriage as your mother and I have known in ours.”


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