Untamed Hearts

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Untamed Hearts Page 18

by Colleen O'Connell

  “Yes?” He kissed the corner of her mouth.

  “I want…something.” Uncertainty filled her, unsure how to explain what she wanted when she didn’t know herself.

  An expressive smile spread across his face. His hand slid over her stomach, once more moving over the mound of curls.

  “No!” She felt her modesty ripple through her. She grasped his wrist. “What are you doing?”

  “Easy, sweetheart.” He kissed her again.

  “But…” She didn’t understand. He threw his leg over hers then separated her legs, bent one of his, and used it as a brace between hers.

  “Trust me, Taryn.” He began kissing her with such passion she released her hold of his wrist. He moved his hand once more between her legs, pressing his palm there.

  The intimate contact jolted her, but when he did nothing more, she relaxed again. She concentrated on his kiss, feeling the warmth of his hand placed over her womanhood. A moment later, she gasped against his mouth in response to his finger tracing a pattern through the triangle of curls around the tender skin.

  He leaned up to watch her face as his fingers caressed more intimately. She was warm, wet, and he insinuated a finger within her.

  Taryn’s eyes expressed her shock. He answered her questioning gaze with his caresses. A burning need began spreading throughout her entire body. At first the movement of his fingers was slow, but the movement quickened, causing her to moan in need. Her lower body twitched, undulating under his hand. Soft low moans passed her lips, and he increased the pressure, propelling her to a higher climax. Her breathing conflicted, she gulped for air, feeling herself soaring upward. Taryn didn’t know what was happening, but she didn’t want it to stop. She felt her breath catch when his fingers moved within her, causing sensations begging her to cry out in joy. Releasing her breath in one long sigh, she descended back to reality.

  He smiled in delight as he saw her expression. Her cheeks were rose-colored, her eyes a shimmering green. When he removed his fingers, she moaned in protest. He laughed. “The best is yet to come.”

  Taryn couldn’t believe anything could feel as glorious as what she’d experienced. She pulled his head down, surprising him with the passion in her kiss. He rolled over onto his back bringing her with him. She raised her mouth from his, kissing his neck, then his chest and shoulders. Her fingers caressed his chest in awakening desire. He groaned a low guttural sound.

  Shifting, he lay over her. The feel of his body against hers was comforting. She felt content to lie together, but she felt him raise himself above her, placing his knees between hers, spreading her legs wider. Her gaze expressed her confusion. When she felt his manhood probing, she tensed her legs. He held her legs apart to prevent her from closing them. Her emotions ranged from eager curiosity to panicked anxiety.

  Sensing Taryn’s uncertainty, he covered her mouth with his. His tongue slipped into her mouth, his kiss more passionate. Longing to thrust himself within her, he remained poised, allowing her to relax. When he felt her resistance fade, he pressed himself forward.

  A warm sensation grew within her with each of his thrusts. Her body acted on instinct, moving in rhythm with his. She grasped his shoulders, her fingers digging into his flesh in response. Every fiber of her senses awakened when the motion quickened, begging for release yet longing for the feelings to be prolonged. He entwined his fingers with hers. “Taryn?”

  Wild with longing, she gazed into his eyes. By the way he hesitated, the painful part was about to happen.

  He pressed forward again, rocking with increasing rhythm then plunged into her one final time.

  Taryn opened her mouth in shock at the sharp stab of discomfort. He pressed his mouth over hers to stifle her cry. She felt his body shudder under her fingertips as he lay against her. He remained within her for a moment longer before withdrawing.

  He rolled off her, laying on his back. He pulled her into the crook of his arm while attempting to regain his breath. Turning with her still in his arms, he kissed her. His gaze held concern as he pulled back and gazed down. “Are you all right, Taryn?” He brushed his fingers against her cheek.

  Taryn stared into his eyes, remaining quiet. She was no longer a virgin. She had heard some girls cried after the loss of their virginity. She had always wondered if she would succumb to emotion. Now, after her first experience, she had no desire to cry for something lost. On the contrary, she was in awe of the experience, curious as to how it would be the second, third or fourth time. “I’m fine. Does it always hurt at the end?” She felt embarrassed by her own question. She had never known what to expect. Her mother had never gone into great detail when informing her of the intimate nature of a man and woman’s relationship. There was no one with whom she could discuss such a topic. She wanted to know.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you. It will never hurt again.”

  Her smile widened in anticipation. “Never?”

  He brushed back a wisp of her hair away from her cheek, smiling. “Never,” he assured her, running his hand up and down her arm. “Are you sure you’re all right, sweetheart?”

  She nodded, content. She hesitated as she formed her question. “Can we do it again so I know what it’s like when it doesn’t hurt at the end?”

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  A slow smile formed on her mouth. “Make love to me, Jared.” Though her words were bold, she felt the heat of a blush suffusing her face at voicing them.

  He rolled over. He took her face in his hands, a broad grin suffusing his face. “We haven’t even begun.” His mouth captured hers.

  After they made love once again, she discovered he had been right. It didn’t hurt at all. It was glorious. Regaining her breath, she leaned over him, smiling in satisfaction. “Jared?”


  “Will you promise not to laugh at me if I try something?”

  He ran his hands up and down her back. “What is it you want to try?”

  Taryn didn’t know how to say it. He had brought her to the heights of pleasure, caressing her until she pleaded for relief. She wanted to do the same. “I want to make love to you.” She held her breath as she waited for his response.

  He wasn’t sure he understood her. “Taryn, you have made love with me.”

  “No. I mean I want to kiss and touch you, as you did to me.”

  He inhaled, realizing what she wanted. “Why would you think I would laugh?”

  “I might not do something right.”

  He felt his heart hammer at the sweet innocence of her desire to please him. He kissed her. “I will never laugh at anything you may want to do, and if you have questions, ask me.”

  Taryn smiled, encouraged by his words. She leaned down, trailing kisses along his jaw line, down his neck, and across his chest.

  Amazed, he felt himself harden again after so short a time since they’d last made love. Her mouth pressed warmly against his chest. He felt his breathing erratic as her hands ran down his arms and over his stomach.

  “Taryn…” His voice raw with desire, he felt her hand brush over his manhood.

  She paused. “I’m not sure…”

  He reached a hand down, taking her hand in his, teaching her the movement. When she continued caressing him, he felt as though he would explode with the desire he felt. Pulling her closer, he rolled over, pressing his mouth over hers. Reaching downward, he awakened her senses with his hand to prepare her for his entry. She moaned in gratification when he entered her, panting and moaning as he rocked within her. Her climax near, Jared pressed his mouth over hers to prevent her from crying out in the silence of the room.

  Long moments later, he turned his body toward Taryn’s. “Promise me one thing.”


  “Don’t let me teach you too much more. If you become any more experienced, I won’t live through it.”

  “Did I give you pleasure?”

  Her question unassuming, he communicated his hunger for her with his kiss. “B
eyond words.” Taryn nestled up against him. He wanted to lose himself in her.

  Taryn had no experience to compare his lovemaking, but she could not imagine any man being more skilled, tender, or passionate. Unable to get enough of the other, they continued their lovemaking through the hours. Their desires and needs sated, an exhausted, but satisfied sleep overcame them.

  Jared woke by mid-morning, tired, but pleased. Taryn lay draped across him, her head on his stomach, one arm lazily thrown across his. She still slept. He considered the past night’s events. He had never enjoyed making love to a woman more than he had with Taryn. Even with her innocence, she had been alive with passion, giving him more pleasure than he’d ever experienced. He pulled out of his thoughts. He had to leave. “Taryn.” She mumbled an inarticulate reply. “Wake up.” He pulled her limp body up toward the head of the bed. He turned on his side, cradling her in his arms. Brushing back her hair, he kissed her until her eyes fluttered open.

  “I have to leave.”

  She managed a groggy response. Sunlight streamed into the room from the balcony doors. She squinted against the light. Her mind a haze, she attempted to discern the time of day.

  He kissed her again then got out of bed to dress. She sat back against the pillows, her body and mind waking. She wanted nothing more than to laze about in bed with him for the remainder of the day.

  Dressed, he came back over toward the bed. He glanced at Taryn, noticing the forlorn air about her. He cupped her chin, drawing her face to his as he leaned over the bed. “I’m sorry I have to leave like this. If I stay longer, we’ll risk someone seeing me leave your room.”

  Although Taryn didn’t want him to leave, she knew he was right. It would be disastrous if her parents or relatives awoke to discover him in her room. She got out of bed, following him to the balcony. Not knowing what to say, she reached up around his neck, pulling his head down.

  He held Taryn, tempted to take her back to bed, but knowing it was impossible. He forced himself to pull away. Smiling, he brushed his knuckles against her cheek before making his exit through the balcony doors.

  She lingered over the passion of his departing kiss, then walked back to bed, crawling beneath the bedcovers once more. A smile rested on her face. She loved Jared King, and he loved her.


  Late in the morning following the Morrell wedding, Marcus walked into his office to find the sheriff, Andrew Donahue, sitting at his desk, his head bent over a piece of paper he scribbled upon. Andrew had not noticed him enter. Marcus studied him before making his presence known. A man in his late twenties, the sheriff was average in all respects—his height, build, and even his features. The man was as transparent as they came, but it suited Marcus. The last thing he wanted was a sheriff angling for his position. Marcus didn’t have to worry with Andrew.

  Andrew glanced up, seeing Marcus standing before him. “I was writing you a note,” Andrew said, putting his pencil down and crumpling the piece of paper he’d been writing on. “Dean Breck’s dead, shot from what I understand. I’m heading over to the casino. One of the employees found him there. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Yes, a shame,” Marcus agreed. “Such a well-liked man. We’ll have to move quickly with the investigation. When the town hears of this, there will be an outcry for justice.”

  When Andrew and Marcus arrived at Breck’s, the local undertaker along with the employee who discovered the body were waiting for them. Breck’s body lay sprawled on the floor in front of the bar. After a quick examination of the body, Marcus gestured for the undertaker to go about his business.

  Marcus questioned the employee. “This is how you found him?”

  “Yes, as you see him. I came in this morning to clean up as I always do and found him there.”

  “Did you work in this room last night?”

  “Yes, until two in the morning. Mr. Breck usually lets me go as the final card game concludes. He closed the place, and then I would clean up in the morning.”

  “I want the names of the people who were still here when you left last night,” Marcus instructed the employee. He then turned to Andrew. “While I’m taking the names, Andrew, why don’t you inspect the room to see if you can find anything helpful to our investigation.”

  Andrew nodded. He wandered around the room, stopping at a table displaying remnants of its last occupants.

  Marcus glimpsed King’s watch on the floor near Breck’s body. He hoped he wouldn’t have to point it out to Andrew. Marcus glanced at Andrew, impatient for the evidence to be found. Andrew stared at the card table as though waiting for it to speak. There was nothing at the table.

  “Did you want the names?”

  Irritated, Marcus turned to face the employee. “Yes, yes, of course.” He took out a piece of paper and pencil.

  Andrew studied the card table he stood by. Cards lay scattered across the table. A few glasses holding stale liquor. A crystal dish held a burnt-out cigar. Andrew picked up the stub of the cigar, smelling the brand, then placed it back down, still contemplating the aroma of it. He moved back toward the bar then caught the reflection of gold on the floor. Picking the item up, Andrew opened the timepiece, staring at it.

  Finished with the employee, Marcus dismissed him then turned to Andrew. “Did you find something?”

  Andrew handed the timepiece to Marcus.

  Marcus found it difficult to hide his smile. Even he had not known of the inscription with King’s name inside the cover. “So, King has killed again,” Marcus remarked, snapping the cover closed. “According to Breck’s employee, King was one of three men here when he left. His error has made our job very easy.”

  Andrew frowned. “We’ll have to question the other two men before a judgment is made.”

  “Yes, of course, but instinct tells me King is responsible for this.” Marcus raised his eyes to Andrew. “You’ll see what I say is true. King will be behind bars before the town even discovers what’s happened.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  By late morning, the Dalton household had awakened, cheerily discussing Luke and Anita’s wedding over a buffet breakfast in the dining room. Taryn walked into the room, greeting everyone with a bright smile. Sunshine filtered through the three-part Palladian window dominating the large room. Although she had little sleep after Jared’s lovemaking, she felt invigorated. She chose a few slices of toast, some marmalade from the cherry wood buffet table, and took a place beside Brad at the matching dining room table. Brad may as well have been an inanimate object for the attention she paid him. Still feeling the afterglow of Jared’s caresses, she absently spread marmalade on her toast.

  “You’re looking very refreshed,” Dennis commented to his daughter. “I feel as though I never went to bed myself.”

  “I did sleep well.” She kept her gaze focused on her toast, hoping he didn’t detect the blush she felt creeping up her neck. She lapsed back into her own thoughts. She couldn’t stop thinking about Jared. She felt so warm and wonderful. A smile rested on her face as she recalled her first experience with a man. She didn’t even hear the conversation going on around the table as the others continued talking. Her daydreaming thoughts focused on the intimacies they had shared. Her smile spread across her face, a low giggle escaping her when she thought of how intimate they had been.

  “I don’t see what’s so amusing, Taryn. Laughter is not an appropriate response to someone’s illness.”

  Snapped out of her musings by her mother’s voice, Taryn stared in a daze. “What did you say, Mother?”

  “I asked what you found so amusing about your uncle’s story.”

  Taryn searched her mind. What story? Whatever the story had been, it didn’t warrant the reaction she’d given. “I wasn’t amused.” She wished she’d kept quiet. Her mother would ask the obvious question.

  “What were you laughing about then?”

  “Nothing. Daydreaming I guess.”

  Madeline sighed in exasperation.

put an arm around her shoulders squeezing her to his side and kissing her cheek. “Daydreaming about our wedding day, I hope.”

  Taryn gave him a conciliatory smile. She shied away from his kiss, finding his embrace unwanted. How dull he seemed with his perfect manners. She couldn’t marry him now. Not after what she’d shared with Jared. Not after knowing what she felt for Jared went far beyond infatuation. The idea of spending her life with Brad no longer appealed to her. His smile was too solicitous, his manners too forced. Why had she not seen it before? She would have to tell him she couldn’t marry him. Somehow, she would have to find the proper time to inform them all of her decision, and soon. She didn’t want to continue with Brad when she could be with Jared.

  Following breakfast, she went in search of Jared. She wanted to tell him she loved him and had no intention of marrying Brad. She had no doubt of her true feelings.

  Jared sat in Luke’s office, attempting to go over the numbers on the ledger before him. Since leaving Taryn’s room, he hadn’t been able to concentrate on much unless it revolved around her. He wondered if she still slept, curled up in her bed with her hair cascading over her bare shoulders. He reached for his timepiece in his pocket, discovering it missing. He must have left it in her room. His thoughts turned to a picture of her sleeping. He shook himself, once more attempting to create logic of the column of figures on the paper in front of him.

  He welcomed the interruption of a knock on the door. Opening the front door, he smiled in pleasant surprise to see Taryn before his eyes. “Good morning.” He glanced over her shoulder.

  “Brad isn’t with me. I have something to… He pulled her forward into his arms, the door swinging shut behind her. She didn’t resist his seizure of her mouth. Encircling his waist, she succumbed to the passion still burning within her.


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