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Untamed Hearts

Page 22

by Colleen O'Connell

  Brad grasped her elbow, jerking her back. “You’ve ruined everything.”

  She recoiled from him, never having seen such rage in his eyes as she did now. What had happened to the man she thought she knew? Had this side of him been lurking under the surface waiting for the trigger that would turn him into a lunatic?

  He squeezed her arm making her wince. “First you make a fool of me by leaving Chicago. Not only do you sleep with King and give him an alibi, but you also insult me by marrying him! After a year of planning to make you my wife, you have to ruin it all.”

  His words acted like a bucket of ice water on her fears. “Planning?”

  “Yes, planning. Do you think I wanted to marry you out of love? My ambitions were decidedly higher.”

  Disgusted, Taryn gaped at Brad. Jared had been right all along about him. Brad had wanted to marry her to advance his career. A flood of relief washed over her. She pierced Brad with an icy glare. “Make sure you don’t miss your train tomorrow.” Any remnant of feeling she had vanished.


  Jared walked over to the desk in the living room to see if Taryn had left any sort of note. Not finding one, he turned away, deciding to check downstairs at the reception area when he caught sight of her through the window. He walked closer to the window, scanning the street. She stood outside the livery in close proximity to Brad Thompson. Jealousy flooded through him as if it were a living, breathing thing in his soul. Had they ridden somewhere, whiling away the hours doing God knew what?

  He turned sharply away from the window, noticing his shirt on the floor. He picked up the tattered pieces, the significance of it sending his thoughts raging. The little baggage had taken her revenge from his earlier remark then gone off with Thompson. He threw the shirt back on the floor, a furious scowl marring his brow. He stood immobilized by his wild thoughts. Heading for the door, he reached for it as it swung open.

  Taryn continued into the room. “Oh, you’ve returned.”

  “Where, madam, have you been?”

  She didn’t care for the sound of his voice. He had his nerve using that tone. He’d expected her to sit idly by stitching one of his shirts. “You told me to amuse myself, and so I did.”

  She made a judgement error in using sarcasm in his present mood. He grabbed her by her shoulders. “What kind of reputation do you think you’ll have now? Married not even a day, and already gallivanting around with another man.”

  What was he about? She frowned in exasperation. “What are you talking about? Take your hands off me.” She shoved away from him.

  “I’ll do more if you lie to me now.”

  “Lie to you about what? You’re talking like a madman.” What was the matter with him?

  “Are you going to tell me you weren’t with Brad Thompson today?”

  Where had he gotten such ridiculous idea?

  He mistook her silence for admission of his belief. He grabbed her again, giving her a quick shake. “You’re my wife. You better not even look at another man, much less spend a day in his company, do you understand?”

  His display of anger bewildered her. If she didn’t know better, she’d say he was behaving out of jealousy. It seemed a foolish notion. A healthy jealousy resulted from loving someone. He didn’t love her. He had only married her to salvage her reputation. “I visited with Etta all afternoon.”

  He released her, striding over toward the sofa. He turned, his eyes dark with uncertainty. “You were with Brad Thompson outside the livery.”

  “I chanced upon him when I returned from Etta’s.”

  The tense muscles in his body relaxed.

  She stood by the arm of the sofa, irritation marking her brow.

  “I’m sorry, Taryn. I didn’t mean to question you so sharply…well, maybe I did. When I glanced out the window and saw you with Thompson…”

  Could it be possible he cared more than she realized? Her heart swelled with a blissful hope. She smiled in pleasure. “Thank you, Jared.”

  “For what?”

  “I don’t know if I could explain it.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The following morning Taryn woke as Jared strapped on his gun belt. She leaned up on an elbow, blinking sleep away. “You’re up early. Her shoulders slumped. “You’re going out again?”

  He noticed the disappointed look in her eyes, understanding she must be thinking this would be the way of things in their marriage. He had lain awake half the night in an attempt to figure out why Taryn had thanked him for acting like a jealous, besotted fool. When the meaning of her thanks had dawned on him, it burst through him like a bullet being fired from one of his own weapons. She still cared. He had seen it in her eyes in the same instant she’d thanked him.

  Beneath the uncertainty she still felt over what happened the night of Luke’s wedding, there was feeling. There was something between them in spite of the circumstances causing their marriage. He planned to take the time to nurture the feeling. He intended to explore the depth of both their feelings. “I’m not going anywhere today unless you’re within sight. I’ve told your uncle I won’t be working for the remainder of the week. And,” he added, “I’ll do my investigating of Dean Breck’s murder in the morning when you’re still in bed.”

  “What about the rest of the day?”

  He took her by the arms, raising her to her knees on the bed. “I think you and I need some time together. He placed his knuckles under her chin, tilting her head “We’ve had a very bad start. Before the accusations Marcus Rhodes made, we enjoyed each other’s company, wouldn’t you agree?”


  “I think if we concentrate on that instead of the last few days, we’ll find we can enjoy ourselves again. Are you willing to try?”

  She nodded in agreement, a bright smile removing the worry from her face.

  His own smile widened. As long as each of them was willing to try, there was hope for them. Sliding his arms around her waist, he leaned down, capturing her mouth with his.

  Taryn reached up around his broad shoulders. When the kiss concluded, she cocked her head. “Jared, how did you know Brad only wanted to marry me for the position he could obtain through my father?”

  “It was in his eyes. Over the years, I’ve learned a person’s true motives can always be detected in their eyes, if not their actions.”

  She pondered on his statement. “You were right, you know. When he stopped me at the livery yesterday, he admitted it in his anger. Maybe I always knew it too in my heart.” She sighed. “I’m glad you prevented me from marrying him.”

  He drew her into his arms. “As glad as I am you placed your hand in mine.”


  They began their day when he returned two hours later with a breakfast of eggs benedict, sausage, bacon, scones, and coffee in the dining room of the Grand Marquis. Jared had picked up the Sacramento Gazette out of habit. It sat on the table unopened.

  Taryn spread cream on one of the scones then glanced across at Jared diving into a second helping of eggs and sausage. She smiled in appreciation.

  He paused from bringing the forkful of eggs to his mouth. His heart thumped out of turn at the sweetness of her gaze. His eyes crinkled at the corners. “What is it you see?”

  “I see a man with a healthy appetite.”

  “I’m exceptionally hungry this morning.” He was already eyeing the remaining bacon. He then leveled his gaze on her. “I have a feeling last evening has something to do with my appetite.” He put his fork down, reaching for her hand across the table. He brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it.

  Her gaze darted around the room at the patrons. “Jared, others might consider such a display inappropriate in so public a place.”

  “Then it’s a good thing they can’t read my thoughts.” He cared little for how others viewed him paying attention to his wife. “Does it bother you?”

  Taryn shook her head. “Not when it comes from you.”

  Her response pleased him. His sm
ile broke into a full-fledged grin.

  The waiter approached their table to see to their needs breaking the spell. Once he left, Taryn glanced over at the newspaper on the table. “Since I’ve been here, I have yet to read anything written by Robert Michaels.” She picked up the newspaper unconsciously. “Have you?”

  He leaned back in his chair, his appetite satiated. “I’ve read one or two articles. He has a nice style.”

  Taryn skimmed through the paper for Robert’s column. Finding it, she began reading. Her smile fell from her face.

  He sat forward. “What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t say anything. She finished the article then handed back the paper.

  Robert’s article revolved around Dean Breck’s murder. Jared had not read the paper in the last few days as was his usual custom. Robert, being a reporter would naturally be relaying everything about what had occurred. The article began with an interview Robert had done with Ben Masters and Donald Caruthers, the two men who had also been present on the third floor playing cards along with himself the night of Dean Breck’s death.

  “…Don and I both left together,” Ben Masters was quoted. “I remember commenting to Don as we left how Jared King was preoccupied. He excused himself from the game before we’d even begun. Don and I decided not to continue the game. Mr. King was still there when Don and I left. He and Mr. Breck were the only ones left in the place…”

  Jared scanned further down the article, his brows drawing together in an angry frown as he read Marcus Rhodes’ comments.

  “…I’ve been watching King closely since his arrival here,” Rhodes was quoted as saying. “We had trouble with him some years ago, and I had hoped to prevent trouble from being repeated. It is in the nature of gunmen to solve their disagreements with a bullet. His relationship with the Ashford woman served him well. Otherwise, he would now be on trial. Of course, I still question his innocence. I imagine most decent townspeople do.”

  The article ended by stating the investigation was continuing.

  He slapped the paper down on the table, longing to use it to make Rhodes eat his damn words. Rhodes used the newspaper, and the townspeople’s fear, to, once again, create a rising hatred toward him, and now Taryn. In the past, he had never cared what people said about him. He still didn’t. This time the incident involved her as well. He had no intention of allowing Rhodes to inflict upon Taryn any further humiliation.

  He glanced over, noting the distant expression in Taryn’s eyes. The article had caused her doubts to resurface. “I think we’ve both had our fill of breakfast.” He placed several bills on the table to cover the cost of the meal. Coming around to the back of Taryn’s chair, he pulled it out, taking her arm and escorting her from the dining room, leaving the newspaper behind.

  Walking outside, Jared debated what they could do to bring back the feelings they’d had earlier. As they descended the sweeping steps of the hotel’s terrace, Robert Michaels hailed them.

  “Good morning,” Robert greeted. “I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to read the paper this morning or not…”

  “We have,” Jared said. He had nothing against the journalist. The man was very likable, but at this moment, Robert was the last person either of them needed to see.

  Robert glanced between the two. “I feel I should apologize. I make a concentrated effort to remain objective in my work. In so doing, I don’t paraphrase remarks made by those I interview.”

  Taryn placed her gray and blue bonnet on which matched her gown. She attempted a smile for Robert as she arranged the ribbon ties into a bow. “You don’t have to apologize. I think Jared and I both understand you’re doing your job.”

  Robert smiled in relief. He turned to Jared. “I’d like to give you the opportunity of telling your side of it.”

  Jared shook his head. “I appreciate it, Robert, but I have learned from experience nothing I say will alter the views of others. I can’t force people to believe something if they’ve already formed their opinions to the contrary.”

  In parting, Robert smiled. “I don’t know how many will say this to the two of you, but I’d like to offer my congratulations on your marriage. When I heard the news, I was relieved, to tell the truth.” He turned to Taryn. “For a while, I was afraid you’d wind up with the wrong husband.”

  Jared noticed the journalist’s words lifted Taryn’s spirits. A smile was back on her face.

  The journalist’s words brought a flash of a smile to Jared’s face as well. Someone holding the belief death and destruction didn’t walk in his shadow was a rarity. “Thanks Robert,” Jared said, shaking the man’s hand.

  Eager hope in his eyes, Robert clapped his hands together. “Now, how about granting me an interview about your career?” His eyes widened with animation.

  Jared laughed. Robert’s comment elevating his mood. “Not a chance.”

  Robert nodded, without rancor. He adjusted his watch. “I have to get back to my office. I have some work to complete before the lunch I’ve scheduled with Etta.”


  Etta greeted Robert with her usual enthusiasm. She had a beautiful lunch arranged on a table in the garden. As they sat down, Etta dominated the conversation.

  “I’ve been reading your articles concerning Dean Breck’s murder these last few days, Robert.” Etta began serving up the plates of food. “I don’t mind saying the entire incident is being poorly handled. I am not referencing your writing,” she assured him. “You’ve been very fair, but the idea of Jared King having anything to do with Dean Breck’s murder is ridiculous. I think the marshal must have over-indulged in his liquor. The rumors I’ve heard are revolting. To have people believe Taryn and Jared only married two days ago is completely baffling.”

  Robert hesitated before speaking. He didn’t wish to blemish Etta’s view of her friends, but she did have a right to know the truth. “Etta, they were just married. I know you believed them to be married all along, but Taryn confided to me on the train they had to use the premise of being married to explain away being chumming partners for the evenings. It is the truth of the matter.”

  Etta absorbed the news with grace. “Even so, it does not excuse the marshal or anyone else from attacking either of them with such blatant attempts to make matters worse. The marshal has me so irritated I’m tempted to take the man to task. Some people have no sense of tact. It’s most annoying.” She folded her napkin with crisp efficiency, snapping it down onto her lap. She expelled her breath. “I must speak to Gwen Dalton about this matter. Something has to be done.” Her speech finished, Etta gave Robert a bright smile lifting the china teapot. “Tea?”

  Robert felt numb, as though caught in a whirlwind by the conversation. His decision to tell Etta the truth had been the right choice. He raised his cup, a smile of admiration on his face as he nodded his assent for her to pour.


  Taryn and Jared had spent the day riding as far from town as possible. Spurring their horses into a fast gallop had released the tension each had felt after reading the comments of Marcus Rhodes in the newspaper. They stopped to enjoy a mid-day repast before continuing their ride.

  “Jared, look.”

  He followed her gaze. They had ridden to the top of a grassy precipice of a cliff with a spectacular view. A myriad of multi-colored wild flowers hugged the downward slope of the cliff. A canopy of leafy trees surrounded the Sacramento River, its deep blue water sparkling with the sun’s touch.

  Taryn dismounted, standing at the cliff’s edge, the sight causing an audible sigh of pleasure to escape her. “It’s so beautiful.” She turned toward him, a smile on her face.

  His heart struck a frenzied beat against his chest as he enjoyed the view of Taryn standing with nature as her background. Her gown billowed behind her in the breeze, and her eyes shone with the simple pleasure of discovery. He had never seen anyone or anything more beautiful. He crossed the expanse of space to be near her. “You are lovely.”

  She felt the
blush he always inspired once more surfacing. His gaze concentrated on her face. Her heart pounded out of rhythm. She couldn’t think of anything but what reflected in his blue eyes. She dropped her gaze to his sensual mouth, allowing herself to linger there.

  Her becoming blush had affected him since they’d met. It always made his desire flair. He wanted to make love to her, feel her warm body against his. He had never felt so out of control with his passion. He reached a hand up, gently tugging the satin tie of her bonnet to loosen the ribbons so he could remove it. He wanted to see her hair shimmer in the sun. He cupped her chin in his hand, caressing her jaw line. He handed her the bonnet. “You shouldn’t hide such beauty under a bonnet.”

  She swallowed, flustered by his words. She had always worn a bonnet outdoors. She felt a bonnet a required accessory for young ladies. Her mother had instilled the creed into her since early childhood. To cover her scattered nerves, she recited her mother’s explanation of the necessity. “Bonnets are supposed to be worn for protection.”

  “I’ll protect you now.” He dipped his mouth.

  Taryn laughed in enjoyment. “I meant protection from the sun.”

  “Then I’ll buy you some fashionable hats. Your bonnets make me feel as though I’m seducing a child.”

  “Are you trying to seduce me, Jared?”

  The innocence of her question posed with such unabashed curiosity sent his heart escalating to the clouds above. His voice deep, his eyes lit up with a rakish smile. “I am making a concerted effort to control my baser needs by taking you here on the grass.”

  “Perhaps I should put my bonnet back on,” she suggested in playful banter, hiding her grin.

  He prevented her from doing so. He pulled her against him, holding her in the circle of his arms.

  “You’re not being fair, you know,” she announced archly, her arms winding around his neck. “You know how to seduce me, and I have no means of retaliation. I have never known the art of seduction.”

  “I shall add it to the many things I have yet to teach you about the intimacies between a man and woman.”


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