Pearlie the Spy

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Pearlie the Spy Page 10

by Lucia Masciullo

  The first line I wrote for Book One made it into the final version: “Lina woke to the sound of the rooster crowing in the back yard.”

  What’s one thing you wish you could do really well but have always been too timid to try?

  Sing on stage with a band. In another life I would have loved to be a musician.

  Do you have one piece of advice for OAGs everywhere?

  I love this Oscar Wilde quote: ‘Be yourself, everyone else is taken’. I think it’s a perfect piece of advice for an OAG.


  Michelle, how are you and Daisy similar, and how are you different?

  Daisy and I are both dreamers. Like Daisy I enjoy acting and coming up with thrilling stories. Daisy is very protective of her little sister, Flora. I have a younger sister, Kelly, and when we were growing up I liked to read to her and take care of her. I’ve actually never ridden a horse even though Daisy is crazy about her horse Jimmy. Daisy is a very good friend and that’s something I try hard to be as well.

  If Daisy were around today, what would she do on a Saturday morning?

  If Daisy lived now, she would probably go to acting classes on Saturday mornings, or she might go to a park for a picnic with her family, or on a bike ride with her best friends.

  What’s the one thing you wish you could do really well but have always been too timid to try?

  I wish I could sing in a musical on stage. I love singing and I do it all the time around the house. But I’ve never been brave enough to do it in public.

  When you sat down to start the OAG books, what was the first sentence you wrote?

  The first sentence I wrote in Meet Daisy was ‘I’ll come back for you Jimmy, I promise I will’, which was going to be the first line of the book, but I later changed it to the way it is now.

  Do you have one piece of advice for OAGs everywhere?

  My advice to OAGs? Be yourself. No one else in the world can do it as well as you can, and that makes you unique and special.


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  Text copyright © Gabrielle Wang, 2014

  Illustrations copyright © Lucia Masciullo, 2014

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  ISBN: 978-1-74348-211-7


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