Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1)

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Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier: Book 1) Page 10

by S. E. Smith

  Abby laughed in excitement. “Yes, it is small but its home.”

  “Looks like you have a reason to be back. Is he cute? Does he have a brother?” Cara asked mischievously.

  “Yes, he is and yes, he has four brothers.” Abby replied distracted before she realized what she had just said.

  Laughing, Cara stretched again. “Busted! Well, if they are cute point me in their direction. I’m always looking for a good time in a small town.”

  Abby couldn’t help but laugh. Cara had the kind of personality that anyone couldn’t help but fall in love with. She was a ball of energy. Even sitting still she moved around.

  Cara saw Abby’s amused smile and couldn’t help the rueful grin that curved her lips, “I’m a little ADHD. I couldn’t sit still if my life depended on it and only sleep about four hours a night if I’m lucky. Drives everyone nuts but I get a lot done. I have an IQ out the kazoo. Needless to say, most people and all men can’t stand being around me for more than five minutes. Oh, but I do love to drive them crazy first.”

  Abby chuckled. “Well, you haven’t driven me crazy yet and I have thoroughly enjoyed your company.”

  Ariel’s voice came on to say they would be at the gate in just a few minutes, thanking everyone for flying Hamm Air, the only airlines where pigs did fly. Abby and Cara looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Both Trisha and Ariel had a very dry sense of humor.

  The airport was dark except for the few lights on some of the nearby hangers and the airport terminal. Harry had gone home hours before. Since it was so late, Abby didn’t have the heart for the four women to head back across country. While she wasn’t sure about what to do, her grandparents always stressed good manners as she was growing up. Abby bit her lip wondering how Zoran would feel about her bringing home some new friends for the night. She could always let them use her grandfather’s truck to drive back the next morning and work with Edna on getting it back.

  “It’s really late for you to head out tonight. Would you like to stay at my place for the night? It’s a little ways up the mountain but it is really beautiful. I have an extra bedroom if you don’t mind doubling up and an oversize couch that makes a great bed.” Abby looked nervously wondering if the women would be offended.

  “Sounds great to me!” Cara said stretching. “I’d go bonkers if I had to get back in that tin can tonight. I’d love to meet your man. You said he had some brothers? Any chance of meeting them between tonight and tomorrow morning? I love meeting new guys. I’m trying to break my record of driving them off. I think the longest any have put up with me had been ten minutes.”

  Trisha and Ariel laughed. “Ah Cara, I think that Danny guy lasted twelve. What do you think, Ariel?”

  “Oh, at least twelve maybe even thirteen minutes.” Ariel said added.

  Cara laughed out loud. “You two are nuts. You were so drunk you can’t even remember his name. It was Douglas. Not, Dougie.”

  The three women burst into laughter. “Oh yeah, good ole Dougie. How could we forget? Unlike some people we know, Ariel and I both need at least eight hours of sleep more than once a month to survive. We would love to take you up on both of your offers.”

  Abby frowned, “Both of my offers?”

  “Yeah, bed and brothers.” Cara, Ariel and Trisha smirked.

  “I appreciate the offer but I think I’ll skip. I had transportation delivered earlier. I think I’ll head out as I slept most of the trip.” The woman from the back of the plane said quietly as she came up as if out of nowhere.

  “But, Carmen…” Ariel began huskily.

  “I’ll call. I promise.” Carmen said quietly cutting Ariel off. “I need more time.”

  Ariel looked at the woman with tears in her eyes. “Yes, but how much? It’s been three years.”

  “Enough, Ariel. I said I’d call.” The woman grabbed her backpack and took off across the tarmac.

  Abby watched quietly. She could almost feel the woman’s pain. Her symbiosis must have, for she could feel them moving restlessly around her neck and wrists. She gently reached under the sleeves of her jacket and rubbed them.

  Zoran reached out again for Abby. He had been trying all day to connect with her through the symbiosis. He just needed to know if she was alright, if she was on her way home. His brothers and two other men had transported down earlier that morning. He met them in the meadow. It was good to see them but nothing would compare to when Abby returned safe to his side. He felt a warm glow as his symbiosis responded to the call from Abby’s. He felt a shiver run through him. She had returned.

  “Zoran, all is well?” Trelon asked noticing his brother’s sudden stillness.

  Zoran looked at Trelon as if coming out of a daze. “She has returned.”

  Kelan and Trelon grinned at their brother noticing a difference in him already. Zoran was not the only one impatient for his mate’s return, his dragon fairly roared with the desire to see her as well.

  Zoran looked at both of his brothers with a grin. “Soon you will meet my true mate.”

  They laughed and teased Zoran and his dragon with all the things they wanted to do to keep him occupied so he couldn’t be alone with his mate. Zoran growled playfully at his brothers rough-housing with them as they walked back to the cabin. The other two men would take his mother ship back to the warship where she could change form safely. He, Abby, and his brothers would use a transport beam to return. He ached to show Abby the wonders of his world. He was just commenting on that fact when he felt Abby reach for him.

  Stopping, he frown for a moment before looking at his two brothers. “Abby will not be returning alone. There are three females with her.”

  His two brothers looked at each other with a mischievous smile. “Perhaps she brings our true mate to us.” Trelon teased. “I, for one, am not ready but perhaps Kelan, Mandra, and Creon might appreciate having one. I still have much to taste before I settle for one female.”

  Kelan laughed grabbing Trelon around the neck. “You believe yourself a bull dragon to satisfy so many females. It takes that many because none could ever put up with you for long.”

  Zoran laughed as he watched his brothers joking around. He had missed much and would not be so eager to leave his home world again once the situation with the Curizans was dealt with. He was about to join in when he felt a shaft of intense pain and fear. His dragon roared and clawed as he felt the danger to his mate. Before he could say a word to his brothers, he had already shifted and was lifting off the ground in a loud roar. Within moments, both Kelan and Trelon shifted and followed him without question, their symbiosis transforming to gold armor around the bodies of their dragons.

  Chapter 13

  “I’ll go get my truck ready if you three want to grab your stuff.” Abby said watching as the woman walked off into the darkness.

  “Sounds great.” Cara said moving towards the jet. “It won’t take me but a minute.”

  “More like a second.” Ariel said turning away with a sad grin.

  “Give us about ten minutes to secure everything and we’ll be along.” Trisha said shaking her head as she watched Cara disappear into the plane. “Some of us don’t move at mach ten.”

  Abby laughed as she carried her overnight bag towards the parking lot. She gave a small sigh as she felt Zoran’s symbiosis reach out to the ones on her. She felt his warmth and relief come through. She smiled, happy to be home. Moving around to the driver’s side of the truck, she was just unlocking the door when she felt something behind her. She started to turn when she was pushed up against the side, her arms pinned. She let out a startled scream that quickly turned to a whimper when her arms were pulled painfully back behind her.

  “Hush Abby, I told you I always knew where you were.” Clay’s soft voice said near her ear. “I missed you, baby, even if it was for only one day. I don’t like it when you leave.”

  Abby shivered. Clay’s voice sounded different, scary. “Clay, what are you doing? You’re scaring me.”

>   Clay slid a pair of handcuffs onto Abby’s wrist snapping it tight over the symbiosis. “Don’t try anything, Abby. I didn’t like what you did the other day. I’m going to have to punish you for that.”

  Abby whimpered again as she felt him pull her head back by her hair. He looked at her neck in the soft glow of the parking lights. “What the hell is that? Who the hell put that mark on you?”

  Abby cried out when he pulled her head back even further when she didn’t answer him right away. “Zoran. Zoran put his mark on me. I belong to him.” Abby whispered.

  Clay let out a soft expletive. “Not any longer. You are mine. I’ve played your fucking game for four fucking years. You are mine, Abby, and when I get done with you, you’ll know it.”

  Abby started to protest when she felt a sharp sting in her neck and everything went black.

  “Hey Abby. You okay?” Cara asked as she moved towards the truck. “Ariel and Trisha are on their way. It didn’t take…” Cara’s words died off as she saw Abby crumble against the man.

  The man’s head jerked up when he heard Cara call out. Pulling a gun from behind him, he aimed it at Cara pulling the trigger. Cara was already hitting the pavement when a soft pop went off. Within moments, the man picked Abby up and slung her over his shoulder letting off another round of gunfire as he moved. Cara was rolling towards a golf cart parked nearby. She jumped, startled, when she felt a hand on her arm and let out a small scream.

  “Shush. It’s me, Carmen.” Carmen said kneeling next to Cara. She looked up when she saw Ariel and Trisha running towards them.

  “Shit, what happened?” Trisha said.

  “Some asshole waylaid Abby. From the little I was able to gather he isn’t too happy she didn’t choose him instead of this Zoran guy. He stuck her with something and has her cuffed. I’m going to follow him. Keep your line open, I might need some backup.” Carmen said before running towards a motorcycle hidden in the dark between two hangers.

  “We need wheels.” Ariel muttered darkly watching as a truck peeled out from the airport. Carmen didn’t bother turning on the lights on her bike. She pulled the fast but quiet Yamaha YAF-R1 motorcycle after it, popping up onto one wheel when she floored it.

  “On it.” Cara said shakily moving towards Abby’s truck. Within seconds she had the engine running. When Ariel and Trisha jumped in the front seat and looked at her funny she couldn’t help but add, “I used to have a problem with taking vehicles for a spin.”

  Cara slid the truck into gear and tore off after Carmen and the truck. “Call Carmen, ask her which direction.”

  Ariel pushed a button on her cell phone and within seconds Carmen answered. “He’s headed north on the highway towards the mountains. I’m on his tail but he can’t see me. I’m running dark.”

  Ariel couldn’t help the shiver that went down her spine. “Carmen, don’t play around. I need you.” She added softly. She was afraid Carmen was going to do something stupid. She was taking more and more risks lately, almost as if she was daring death to come get her.

  “Just cover me. I’m not going to let anything happen to her.” Carmen said.

  “Should we call the local authorities?” Cara asked as she turned the wheel sharply, punching the gas pedal as far as it would go. “Damn, I need to work on her truck. The acceleration on this thing sucks.”

  Trisha rolled her eyes. “Only you would be thinking about something like that while chasing down bad guys in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Hey, I can work on more than one thing at a time.” Cara said as she took another turn sliding the truck around and fishtailing a little.

  Both Ariel and Trisha let out a string of expletives they learned while in the Air Force. Cara just laughed. She had taken more than one joy-ride in her life and never been caught by the police who had been chasing her.

  Zoran communicated with his brothers at a high pitch undetectable to human ears. “Abby is hurt. I felt her pain before darkness descended.”

  “Can you find her?” Kelan asked as he glided up beside Zoran.

  “Yes. The symbioses are trying to heal her. They are too small and too young to do much. They will try to help her as much as possible. They are sending a signal to mine which is directing me.” Zoran replied trying to keep the rage and fear out of his voice. He would kill the man who had hurt Abby.

  “Do you know who it is?” Trelon asked as he flew up on the other side of Zoran.

  “Yes. It is the same man who had been after Abby for years. He had become more aggressive over the past week. He wishes to claim Abby for his own. I will kill him.” Zoran said with a growl.

  The three dragons flew low down the side of the mountain, veering in and out through the tall trees towards the highway down below. As they came over one last group of trees they saw headlights moving down the highway at a high speed. Swerving into a deep dive, Zoran collapsed his wings to give him speed before pulling up at the last minute as the truck suddenly hit its brakes and turned onto a side road. Zoran let out a curse as he swept up in an effort to slow his descent.

  “There’s someone following him on another transport, no lights.” Kelan said behind Zoran, his huge wings pushing down air as he held himself still above the trees.

  Zoran saw a figure on a small dark transport slide at the last minute to take the turn onto the road. “If they mean to help him harm my mate, kill them.” Zoran growled.

  Pushing up over the trees, Zoran, Trelon, and Kelan followed the lights weaving in and out of the darkness. There was not enough room for them to land safely in their dragon form as yet. Zoran reached out again for Abby but all he felt was a frightening blankness where her warmth had been before.

  “Trelon, fly ahead and block the road up ahead. Wait for us there. Kelan, fall behind. I heard another vehicle approaching at a high rate of speed. We will trap all of them together and kill them.” Zoran said focused on the truck.

  “What of you?” Trelon asked.

  “I think it is time to introduce myself to those who mean to harm my true mate.” Zoran said with a snarl before diving down through the trees.

  Trelon flew just ahead of the truck and spewed a concentrated burst of dragon fire at the base of the trees along each side causing them to splinter and fall across the road. Kelan curved back along the road towards the vehicle coming up behind them. He did the same, trapping all the vehicles between the fallen trees. There was no place for anyone to go but through the woods. It didn’t matter; they had already been sentenced to death as far as the brothers were concerned.

  Clay glanced at Abby to make sure she was still unconscious. He waited too damn long for her to lose her now. He was furious that she thought he would give up. When he saw her for the first time four years ago, he knew she was going to be his. He followed her around, letting everyone know she belonged to him. He enjoyed the game of the hunt. She never suspected he had placed tracking devices on her vehicles or tapped into her phone. He had placed motion detectors at the base of her driveway and monitored her mail to make sure there was no one else. He toyed with her. If her granddad hadn’t died unexpectedly, he would have been dead by now anyway. Clay had already made plans to take him out. He wanted Abby to depend on him and no one else. She had grown even more beautiful over the last four years as he waited for her to blossom like he knew she would.

  His body wanted to do things to hers she probably never dreamed of. Things he had done to some of the women overseas when he was in the military. They could never pin anything on him, just suspected he was involved in the disappearance of the women. He made sure no one ever found the pieces that were left after he got done with them. He could feel himself getting hard at the thought of tying Abby up and taking her. He wanted to hear her scream his name as he took her hard. He wanted her to know she belonged to him. He would kill this guy, Zoran, who thought he owned Abby. His fists tightened on the steering wheel at the thought of someone else taking the innocence that had been his for the taking. He had waited, nurturing A
bby into womanhood so he could claim her. He didn’t know where the man came from or how he was able to get past all the surveillance equipment he set up but he had signed his own death certificate by touching Abby. Abby would have to pay, too. She should never have let another man near her. Clay glanced down at the mark on Abby’s neck. The first thing he would do is burn it off her. She would learn as she screamed from the pain of having her flesh burned that she shouldn’t have let another touch her.

  Clay let out a curse, swerving back and forth, as he felt something heavy drop into the back of the truck. Zoran dropped down out of the sky above the truck, shifting at the last possible moment. He landed with a thump in the back of it. He ignored everything but the man driving the truck.

  Clay tried to glance back but couldn’t take his eyes off the road long enough to see anything. He turned around again when he heard what sounded like a growl. Glancing back at the road, he slammed on his brakes as his headlights highlighted the trees blocking the road.

  Zoran smiled grimly as he held himself steady as the truck came to a shuddering stop. He heard a soft expletive right before he saw the two-wheeled transport behind him lay down on its side, sliding to a stop with the figure on the back of it rolling over and over finally coming to a stop along the side of the narrow road in an effort to not run into the back of the truck.

  “Shit!” Clay said hitting the steering wheel in frustration. First, the damn females at the airport, now this.

  His gaze moved to Abby who let out a soft moan. They were still a couple of miles before they reached the end of the road and another five miles until they reached the cabin he had been working on for the past four years. It was just as well she was waking up because she was going to have to do some walking. He reached over, jerking her up against him. Tilting her head back, he brushed his lips against hers.


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