The Affair: One Night...Nine-Month Scandal

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The Affair: One Night...Nine-Month Scandal Page 24

by Maya Banks

  Leave and live without him, or stay and risk that he’d walk away again?

  She had no idea what to do, which decision to make.

  Alekos drew his thumb slowly over her lower lip. ‘You’re never wearing shoes again? How about clothes?’ His voice was husky. ‘Perhaps you’d better not wear those, either.’

  ‘Don’t. I can’t think when you do that.’ Kelly tried to pull away but he held her firmly, his hand warm against her back. ‘I’m completely and utterly confused now. I always thought you were a totally together, sorted-out person.’

  ‘I am in my business life,’ Alekos drawled, sliding his hand into her hair and trailing his mouth along her jaw. ‘It’s just in my personal life I manage to mess up in spectacular fashion.’ This surprisingly honest admission disabled her pathetic attempt to resist him.

  She felt impossibly torn.

  ‘We can’t get back together for the sake of a baby you never wanted.’

  He cupped her face in his hands and brought his mouth down on hers.

  ‘I brought you here before I knew you were pregnant.’

  ‘If you were that keen on mending fences, why didn’t you come back to England?’

  ‘Because in England it rains even in July, and here in Corfu I can guarantee that you will be walking round in a bikini.’ His eyes gleamed dark with the promise of seduction. ‘Or less. I’m that shallow.’

  ‘It can’t be all about the sex, Alekos!’ Her hand slid to the hard muscle of his shoulders and she pushed him away. ‘Having sex is the easy part. It’s the relationship bit that’s the hard bit.’

  ‘I know that.’

  ‘You don’t want a baby. I don’t see a solution.’ But she wanted one badly. So badly.

  ‘We’ll find one together.’ He took her mouth then, plundering the depths with skilled strokes of his tongue, stirring up emotions she’d struggled to keep under control. His hard body pressed against hers and the flat of his hand kept them welded together while his mouth created a storm of passion.

  Kelly melted into him.

  He was the only man who’d ever been able to do this to her. The only man who could make her act against her better judgement.

  He groaned something in Greek against her mouth, then switched to English. ‘For weeks I have wanted to do this—since that time in your kitchen I have thought of nothing else. You have been driving me wild, erota mou.’

  Kelly lifted her hands, speared his hair with her fingers and let herself go. The taste of him was so dangerously good that she gave a low moan. The sun beat down on their heads and the birds flew playfully across the surface of the pool, but neither of them noticed, so intent were they on each other.

  It was the sound of a door slamming close by that caused them to break apart.

  Kelly gasped. ‘Y-you’re just confusing me.’

  ‘There’s nothing confusing about it.’ Alekos had his hand behind her head and he drew her mouth to his again. ‘You want this as much as I do.’ The air was humid, thick with sexual tension, and like a drowning person being swept downstream Kelly struggled to keep her head above the water.

  ‘Four years ago you really hurt me.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘You didn’t even explain.’ She was looking at his mouth so close to hers, at the sensual curve of his lips and the dark shadow of his jaw. ‘You were really horrid.’

  ‘I know that too; I was a real bleep.’ His voice was husky and his black lashes shielded eyes that smouldered with the promise of sex. ‘I can make it up to you. I can make this work. We can find a way.’

  ‘I don’t see how. Don’t you dare kiss me again, Alekos—don’t you dare—not until I tell you it’s OK.’ Kelly tried to pull away but he was stronger than her and he wasn’t afraid to use that strength when it suited him.

  His kiss was a devastating reminder of what they shared: power play. ‘You are going to forgive me, agape mou,’ he murmured, taking her lower lip gently between his teeth. ‘You are angry, I know, but that is good because it shows you still care.’

  ‘It shows that I have more sense than to let you back into my life again.’ But the words lacked conviction, not just because that brief kiss had left her weak and shaking, but also because of the baby. She didn’t want to just walk away, did she? It wasn’t that simple. But if she stayed there was a strong chance that he’d hurt her again, and this time he’d be hurting their baby too. ‘I can’t do this, Alekos. I can’t put myself through that again. I can’t risk it.’

  He cupped her face in his hands. ‘You want me, you know you do.’

  ‘No, actually, I don’t know that at all.’ She struggled against her feelings. ‘It’s just a physical thing.’

  ‘If you don’t want me, and it’s just a physical thing, why have you been wearing my ring around your neck for four years?’

  Kelly’s eyes flew wide. ‘Who told you that?’

  ‘I saw it after we made love in your kitchen,’ he said huskily, brushing his mouth over hers. ‘I didn’t know you’d been wearing it for four years. That was a guess that you just confirmed. But you have to admit that it says something.’

  ‘It says that you’re devious.’

  ‘It says that what we shared has never gone away.’ He leaned his forehead against hers. ‘Stay, Kelly. Stay, agape mou.’

  ‘No, because I can’t think straight when I’m near you, and I need to decide what to do without being influenced,’ Kelly moaned, turning her head away. ‘I’m pregnant, Alekos, and you don’t want children. So, tell me how this can ever work! Or are you suddenly going to pretend you’ve discovered this is what you’ve always wanted?’

  He breathed out slowly. ‘No, I’m not pretending that. But it’s happened. That changes things. I admit that hearing about the baby is a shock, but we will work it out.’


  ‘I don’t know.’ He was brutally honest. ‘I need some time to get used to the idea. But, in the meantime, you leaving won’t help the situation.’

  ‘If I stay, we’ll just end up in bed, and that won’t help the situation either.’ Ripped apart with indecision, Kelly stared at him. ‘Last time it was all about the sex. You said that yourself. If I stay, then it has to be different.’

  ‘Different in what way?’

  ‘It has to be about the whole relationship.’ She pulled away from him and stared at her suitcase. She didn’t know what to do. And the only person she could talk it through with was the same person who made it an impossible decision. If his desire not to have children was so deep rooted that he’d left her on her wedding day, that wasn’t going to change, was it?

  On the other hand, it was impossible not to admire the fact that he was still standing here. That took courage, didn’t it? That showed he was serious about trying to make it work.

  Unless it really was all about the sex.

  There was only one way to challenge that possibility.

  ‘We’ll sleep in separate bedrooms,’ she blurted out impulsively and his eyes flared dark with shock.

  ‘Fine,’ he said tightly. ‘Separate bedrooms. If that’s what you want.’

  Astounded that he’d agreed so readily, Kelly didn’t know whether to be impressed or disappointed. Was it what she wanted? She wasn’t sure, but now that she’d suggested it she had to follow through. ‘And you have to tell me what you’re thinking. All the time. I want to know, because I’m obviously not good at reading your mind and it’s exhausting trying to guess.’

  His gaze slid over her. ‘You’re hot, and you should get out of your clothes. I want you naked.’

  Feeling as though she was boiling inside, Kelly glared at him in exasperation. ‘I’m trying to have a proper conversation! Do you think you could possibly think about something other than sex for a moment?’

ou told me to tell you what I’m thinking,’ he said silkily. ‘That’s what I was thinking.’

  Kelly’s face burned. ‘In that case, I want you to censor your thoughts. I don’t want to hear the ones that involve sex.’

  ‘Censor my thoughts.’ Alekos arched an eyebrow and his eyes gleamed with sardonic humour. ‘So you want me to tell you everything I’m thinking, as long as it’s what you want me to be thinking. This is complicated, isn’t it?’

  ‘You built a billion-dollar business from nothing but a rowing boat,’ Kelly said stiffly. ‘I’m sure you can rise to the challenge if you really want to. And now I’m going to unpack my case.’

  ‘The staff will do that.’

  ‘I’d rather do it myself.’ She needed an excuse to have a few minutes without him looking at her. She needed to think, and she couldn’t do that when he was standing this close.

  A faint smile touched his mouth. ‘Why not just tip the contents of the case over the floor and have done with it?’

  ‘You may think I’m messy, but I happen to think you’re far too uptight and controlling.’ Flying into defence mode, Kelly lifted her chin. ‘There’s something suspicious about someone who needs everything in their life to be neatly ordered. Spontaneity can be a healthy thing. You might want to remember that.’

  And she needed to try and remember why on earth she’d thought it would be a good idea to suggest separate bedrooms.

  Kelly stalked back inside the villa, wishing she had more control over her mouth.

  She’d just consigned herself to endless sleepless nights. If he was going to talk about sex all the time, the days weren’t looking too restful either.

  Chapter 6

  ‘So, where exactly are we going tonight?’ Kelly lay on a sun lounger next to the pool, sipping lemonade with no bits, trying not to think about sex.

  Why was it, she wondered gloomily, that when you knew you couldn’t have something you just thought about it all the time?

  And why was it that Alekos, who usually crashed straight through any decision he didn’t like, had accepted this one without argument?

  Not that she could accuse him of not being attentive. Over the past few weeks, he had apparently expressed every thought in his head, some of them so hot that she’d been relieved they were on their own in the villa. He’d also presented her with flowers, jewellery, a book he thought she’d enjoy and a new iPod to replace the one she’d accidentally dropped in the pool—but he hadn’t touched her. Not once.

  And not once had he challenged her request for separate bedrooms.

  ‘We’re flying to Athens.’ Apparently oblivious to the fact that she was reaching boiling point, he scrolled through the messages on his BlackBerry, occasionally typing in a response. His cool, relaxed demeanour was in direct contrast to her own increasing stress levels.

  Kelly was agonisingly aware of him.

  It didn’t help that he’d chosen to sit on the edge of her sun lounger, as close to her as possible without touching. Sneaking a look at him, she felt a sharp dart of desire pierce her body. Her eyes slid to his muscular legs and her belly clenched.

  Was he doing it on purpose, sitting this close?

  She pulled her knees up, worried that her thighs would look fat pressed against the sun lounger.

  The fact that he was spending so much time with her, surprised her. Over the past couple of weeks he’d only left her side a couple of times, to attend meetings in Athens that couldn’t be conducted on the phone. Apart from that, they’d been together at the villa, and the fact that he’d made that compromise for her had Kelly even more confused.

  It was a big sacrifice for a guy like Alekos who was completely driven in his work and constantly in demand. The fact that he was making such huge adjustments in his schedule for her was incredibly flattering. In fact it would have been all too easy to fall back into their old relationship with no thought. Every minute of the day, she had to remind herself to be wary.

  Living together was becoming all too intense, she thought to herself, watching him lean forward, transfixed by the ripple of muscle and display of strength. It was all too intense. It was a good thing they were going out.

  ‘Is this a date or something?’ Horribly conscious of him, Kelly wished she hadn’t risked the bikini. It drew his gaze, and his smouldering, sizzling attention was sending her hormones screaming into the danger zone.

  His gaze lingered on hers and then his sensual mouth curved into a smile. ‘More of a business dinner than a date. I want you with me tonight.’

  The words made Kelly’s insides soften to pulp. He wanted her with him. He was including her in his life. He was sharing things with her.

  Their relationship was progressing. Obviously it had been a good idea to suggest separate bedrooms. She shifted slightly on the sun lounger, wishing that denying herself didn’t feel quite so difficult. The chemistry between them was electric. Even without touching him she could feel the tension in his muscles. She was experiencing the same tension. By imposing bedroom limits all she’d done was increase the sexual temperature around them to dangerous levels.

  ‘This meeting—’ she curled her legs up so that there was less chance of brushing against him ‘—tell me what I’m supposed to say. I don’t want to say or do the wrong thing.’

  ‘I am not expecting you to close a deal,’ Alekos said dryly. ‘Just to be yourself.’

  ‘What do I have to wear? Will it be smart?’

  ‘Very. I have already arranged a selection of clothes to be taken to our Athens home so that you can choose something you like.’

  Our Athens home.

  The words made the breath catch in her throat and Kelly allowed a little flame of hope to bloom inside her. Would he be talking about ‘our’ home if he was planning to walk out on her again? No. He was talking as if they were a couple. A partnership.

  The fact that she’d never heard him talk like that before raised her spirits, and she sat patiently while he took phone call after phone call, some in English, some in Greek.

  Determined not to be impressed by the influence he wielded, Kelly pondered the evening ahead. ‘So, how long are we spending in Athens?’

  ‘Just one night. My pilot is picking us up in an hour.’

  ‘An hour?’ Losing her pretence at cool, Kelly sat upright in a flash of panic. ‘I have one hour to get ready to go and meet a load of people I’m supposed to impress? That’s all?’

  ‘I’m the only person you have to impress,’ he said smoothly. ‘And I assumed you would get ready when we arrive in Athens. I have arranged for some people to help you.’

  ‘What sort of people?’ Torn between relief and outrage, Kelly frowned at him. ‘A plastic surgeon?’

  ‘Not a plastic surgeon. I don’t think you’re in need of one of those.’ There was laughter in his eyes. ‘A stylist and a hairdresser.’

  ‘Stylist? I’m not in need of a plastic surgeon but I am in need of a stylist?’ Her confidence punctured, Kelly pushed her hair behind her ear. ‘Are you saying you don’t like my style?’

  He sighed. ‘I love your style. But most women consider that sort of thing a treat.’ His smile faded and his eyes narrowed warily. ‘Did I get it wrong? Because I can cancel.’

  ‘No,’ Kelly said hurriedly. ‘Don’t cancel. It might be quite—’ she shrugged ‘—fun, I suppose. Maybe they’ll give me one of those seaweed-wrap things that makes you lose a stone in five minutes.’

  ‘If they do that, then they’ll never work for me again. Why are women always so incredibly conscious about their weight?’

  ‘Because men are incredibly shallow,’ Kelly said with dignity, swinging her legs off the sun lounger.

  ‘Where are you going?’

  She picked up her sunglasses and her book. ‘I’m going to get ready.’
/>   ‘You can get ready when we arrive at Athens.’

  ‘I’m getting ready to get ready. I can’t face a stylist looking like this.’

  Clearly out of his depth, Alekos dug his hand into his hair. ‘I will never understand women.’

  ‘Stick at it. You’re a bright man; you’ll get there eventually.’

  * * *

  His house was in the smartest district of Athens, tucked away from the other mansions and hidden at the end of a long, winding drive.

  Approaching from the air, Kelly felt slightly faint.

  It was huge. Beneath her she could see the architecturally beautiful villa with its wide terrace facing over the city of Athens. An ancient vine offered shade, and water cascaded over a series of stones and into an incredible swimming pool. It was a smooth curve, an oasis of clear, turquoise water framed by tumbling bougainvillea and hot-pink oleander.

  Kelly thought of her tiny rented cottage in Little Molting. When she stood in her kitchen, she could almost touch all four walls. This was another world.

  Feeling overwhelmed and more than a little intimidated, she clutched her seat as the helicopter settled on a circular pad a little distance from the villa.

  Four powerfully built men immediately came into view.

  Kelly lifted her eyebrows. ‘Who are they?’

  ‘Part of my security team.’

  ‘Is there something you’re not telling me?’

  ‘In Athens I am more careful,’ Alekos said shortly, unclipping her seat belt and urging her towards the door. ‘Wealth makes you a kidnap target. I want to be able to get on with my work without looking over my shoulder.’

  Kelly was affronted on his behalf. She knew his ever-expanding business had created literally thousands of jobs, many of which went to Greeks. She knew him to be fiercely patriotic, supporting local charities and numerous good causes. It was one of the things she’d loved about him when they’d first met.

  Following him along the path and into the villa, it was impossible not to stare because it was, without doubt, the most impressive home she’d ever seen. When they’d been together before, they’d spent all their time at his villa in Corfu, so she’d never seen his main residence.


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