Kings of Mountain Brook Academy

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Kings of Mountain Brook Academy Page 1

by J. N. Pack

  Copyright © 2020 J.N. Pack

  All rights reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 1

  W hen I woke up to my door being kicked in, I knew Miranda had finally crossed some line she couldn’t come back from. I did what I did best, shut my mouth and stayed out of the way. I could hear her drunken slurs from down the hall. There were things thrown and lots of screaming and then finally the zap of a taser. She cried out and then there was silence. Damn Mommy Dearest must’ve really fucked up this time. I walked to the door to watch them throw her ass in the backseat of a cop car and watched a forensics team take pictures of the car, that I just realized had a smashed front end, I was not surprised at all by any of this.

  “You don’t look surprised by this?” a lady in a blue blazer and black dress pants askes as she approaches me. My eyes darted to her and shook my head no. She stuck her hand out like she expected me to shake it. Yeah, no I’m not doing that. I looked down at her hand and back at her face as I crossed my arms across my chest. I guess I made her nervous because she wiped the sweat from her palms on her pants. “My name is Jessica Lawson. You can call me Jessica or Mrs. Lawson, whichever you are more comfortable with. I’m with DCFS, the Department of Children and Family services.” she continued. “Your mother….”

  “Miranda.” I said bluntly

  “Miranda did some things last night and she is going to be away for quiet sometime.” Mrs. Lawson stated.

  “Hmmmm.” I laughed under my breath and asked, “What the hell did she do this time?”

  Mrs. Lawson continues, “Harper…”

  Irritated I cut her short, “Fallon, my name is Fallon.” I knew she meant well, but I wasn’t having the bull today.

  “Fallon...Miranda was involved in a hit and run last night. She hit Malcolm Boyd and Makayla Minor last night around midnight.” Mrs. Lawson informed me.

  I honestly felt nothing. I went to a public school that I could disappear in. There were over seven hundred students. I didn’t know Malcolm or Makayla. I wasn’t stunned by what my mother had done, it didn’t surprise me. She was always drunk. She was high more often than not. None of this shook me.

  “I need you to pack your belongings and come with me.” she stated bluntly. I guess she was done trying to coddle me.

  2 hours later

  She still hadn’t mentioned where she was taking me and I hadn’t bothered to ask. I knew we were going towards Birmingham, but that's all I knew. She quietly asks, “What happened to your eye?

  Staring out the window, I roll my eyes and ask, “What do you care?”

  She was quiet for a bit longer. I was starting to get bored so I said, “Miranda was not a happy drunk. Just so happens I get blamed for everything.”

  She looks at me and says, “It's healing nicely. Did she do this often?”

  I rolled my eyes and shrugged in response. She just turned her attention back to the road. Life had not been all biscuits and gravy for me, but I had a plan and at eighteen I was out of here. We passed a sign that said Mountain Brook, Alabama.. Home of the Mountain Brook Fighting Jaguars...Population 20,381. Mrs. Lawson says, “We’re almost there.”

  I honestly didn’t care where I was going because it couldn’t be any worse than where I had been.

  Mountain Brook was beautiful, but I don’t think it’s anything like where I came from. The houses were huge. The cars cost more than….well I really don’t know. Let’s just say Dorothy has definitely left Kansas. I felt like I was in the Wizard of Oz. It most certainly did not feel like my reality. We pulled up to the gates of a house that was almost as big as the trailer park I lived in. I let a small gasp slip as I stared in disbelief. This has got to be a joke. I was not Will Smith and Mrs. Lawson was not a fairy godmother. I still didn’t have much to say to Mrs. Lawson, but I did want to know where the hell I was.

  Just as I was about to ask, the front door we were about to walk up to swings open and I immediately knew where I was. The woman was older than my mother, but could have passed for a healthier version of my mother. It was my Aunt Miriam and Uncle Matthew. I hadn’t seen them since I was four. My aunt Miriam called DCFS on Miranda for abusing me. I nervously chew on my tongue ring. This could not be real.

  Chapter 2

  I arched my double pierced eyebrow as my aunt threw her hand over her mouth and gasped when her eyes settled on me.

  “Harper?” she asks.

  Mrs. Lawson speaks up and says, “She goes by Fallon.”

  Miriam walks towards me nervously. I stiffen as she hugged me. I could count how many times I’d been hugged in my life on one hand. Every time it was this woman. Matthew slips by without touching me, noticing my discomfort, “I’ll take her bags.”

  Mrs. Lawson led him to the car where he removed my backpack and small tattered duffle bag. He looked in the car like he was looking for more, but that's all I had. When my aunt released me I took a couple steps back, ready to bolt if she tried that shit again. AS my uncle walked by he said, “Miriam, give the girl some space before you scare her to death.”

  My aunt says, “I’m sorry. Come on in sweetie.” as she wipes huge tears from her cheeks.

  I follow her in the immaculate house and try to get my bearings. This was so strange. It was like I was living a dream, albeit someone else's dream, but still yet a dream. I had been here before, but I was too small to remember. Feeling a little overwhelmed I just wanted to be alone to turn my music on and close my eyes. I haven’t slept much the past few days and the day was catching up with me.

  “Where can I sleep?” I ask.

  “Your room is upstairs, Matthew will show you up to your room, while I talk to Jessica.” She smiles shyly.

  Ignoring her smile I follow my uncle up the stairs. This was temporary. I would not become too complacent.

  My uncle opens the door on the second floor and says, “This is yours. Make yourself at home.” he walked in ahead of me and sat my bags on a red couch on one wall. “There’s a bathroom here, it’s your own personal bathroom. If you need anything just let Miriam or me know.”

  I slowly look around and nod.

  “Dinner is at six pm. That gives you three hours to get settled in.” he leaves the room quietly shutting the door behind him.

  I wasn’t being rude, I just didn’t know them. I knew who they were, but I didn’t know them. I was always more comfortable with the evil I knew. This place and these people were new. I didn’t like it.

  I kicked off my old worn out vans and put my headphones in turning on my iPod. I had stolen it off of one of Miranda’s johns. AS the music came blasting from the headphones I lay back o the bed and fought the urge to cry or scream. Maybe both. Closing my eyes I let the music erase my mind and drifted off to sleep.

  It must have been dark by now. That bed was amazing. I was sitting on the bed putting my iPod away when there was a knock at the door. Miriam stuck her head in and said, “Dinner is ready. We will meet you downstairs.” and she pulled the door shut behind her. I contemplated staying in my room, but then my stomach growled. I’m p
retty sure I’m starving. Trudging my way down the stairs, I’m met at the bottom by my aunt, who shows me to the dining room. The dining room was set for three people. So I guess it was just going to be the three of us. I didn’t know if my aunt and uncle had kids and I honestly didn’t care. We were having jambalaya and it was one of my favorite meals.

  “Har…..I mean Fallon, do you still like jambalaya?” Aunt Miriam asked.

  I nodded. I was too busy shoveling food in my mouth to say much else.

  “We have registered you at Mountain Brook Academy. You’ll start next Monday.” my uncle stated and then continued. “Miriam will take you to get what you need this week, including your uniforms.”

  He had gotten my attention when he said uniforms. I looked up gulping down a mouthful of food. “Uniforms?”

  Eyeing me, he and my aunt both nod. I’d never been inside a private school or academy, much less had to wear a uniform. At my old school they were happy for us to be dressed at all.

  Turning my attention back to my jambalaya we fell back into an awkward silence. My aunt Miriam was the next to speak. Slowly setting her fork down she quietly says, “I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but we want you to know you’re safe now. You are and you will always be safe here.”

  Appetite gone, I just wanted out of there. It didn’t matter how many times I was told that I was safe, I knew eventually the other shoe would fall and I’d be left to fend for myself. That's just the cards I was dealt. Just how life was for me.

  Chapter 3

  T oday was going to be my first day at Mountain Brook Academy. Over the past week I have been drug all over this town while my aunt spent enough money to feed a starving country for a year on school uniforms, my leather backpack, and a ton of clothes. I still didn’t feel ready for this day, but what choice did I have? After dressing in the navy and green plaid skirt, navy shirt, knee high socks and black Mary Jane like shoes, I felt like an imposter. I felt like anyone, but me. I looked at myself a half dozen times in the mirror before deciding to leave my long, brown hair down. It nearly touched my backside. Finally, I grab my backpack and trudge down the stairs.

  I met Matt, my uncle asked me to call him Matt, and Aunt Miriam in the kitchen. Matt offered me some breakfast, but I was honest to God too nervous to eat.

  My school was on the way to the gym my uncle Matt went to so he drove me. Before I could get out he tossed an iPhone in my lap and smiled when I looked up at him like he sprouted horns. “Every teenager needs a phone. You know gossip with the girls or whatever.”

  When I rolled my eyes he laughed, “Well anyways, I’ve saved mine and Miri’s number just in case you need us.”

  I fiddle with the phone a second before asking how to turn the sound off. He pointed to a small tab on the side. I slid the tab so it was silenced and slid it into my backpack. Gathering what little strength I had I slowly climbed from his navy blue range rover. One slight glance back told me I could have turned around and gone back. He wouldn’t have said a word.

  Looking away I snatch up my big girl panties and make my way to the school. It wasn’t as big as my school back in Montgomery and it was a lot nicer. The first thing I notice is the cars. This school was definitely full of rich pricks. I instantly start to chew on my tongue ring. It was a nervous tick I’d developed after getting my tongue pierced on a dare. Deciding it's best to stay invisible I drop my head and make my way to the entrance. At the door I wasn’t met with metal detectors or guards, just a normal entry way. Once inside I glance around. The first thing I hear is some prick shout, “FRESH MEAT.” down the hall as I passed. My head shot up to see who had said it to find everyone watching me. As I passed people slowly went back to what they were doing. Finding the office I slip inside and tell the lady at the desk that I’m new.

  “Name please?” the lady askes.

  “Fallon Henley.” I say.

  Looking confused she said, “We don’t have a Fallon Henley registered.”

  Anxiety starts to coat my body in sweat. I say, “Harper Henley.”

  She smiles sweetly as she says, “Ahhh haaa, I found you. Give me one second and I’ll have your schedule and locker. I’ll see if I can find a guide for you.” She made herself busy with the computer before stepping into the hallway and shouting, “Miss Haze, can I speak with you a moment?” She was followed back to the office by a girl who could pass for a pixie. She was slightly taller than me with long blonde hair that looked like she dipped the ends in pink paint. She was pale with greyish blue eyes.

  “What’s up Mrs. Becky?” she asks.

  The lady stops in front of me and says, “Miss Haze, meet Miss Henley. Today is Miss Henley’s first day at Mountain Brook.” The girl was smiling, but she was also assessing me. “I’d like you to show Miss Henley around to her classes and help her find her locker.”

  The pixie girl smiles and says, “Of course Mrs. Becky.”

  The lady hands me my schedule and locker number with a combination. The girl smiles and opens the door to the hallway just as the bell rings. She rolls her eyes as we enter the hallway.

  “That’s the first bell. It’s pretty much a three minute warning. I’m Wit by the way.” she says.

  “I’m Fallon.” I say.

  “Nice to meet you. Well let’s get you acquainted with Mountain Brook.” She points down the hall the way we came into the school and continues, “The main hall has the freshmen locks on the left and the sophomore lockers on the right. We don’t have many classes on those halls unless you’re way behind.”

  I shake my head and tell her my GPA was a three point eight at my old school.

  “That’s great.” We walk to where that hall meets another and she points to the right and says, “The east wing is the senior hall. You may have one or two classes there.” Then she turns to the left and says, “This is the junior hall. Come on I’ll help you find your locker.”

  I show her and she says, “four nineteen hmmmm…. I think that’s across from mine.” Wit struts down the hall tapping lockers as she goes, “four nineteen, right here. I’m right across the hall. Do you know how to do the combination?”

  I nod and open the locker as she steps to the other side of the hell to toss her things in her own locker. Once we’re done we meet back in the middle of the hallway just as the second bell rung. She looked over my schedule and we have first period English Lit together and fifth period gym together. Excitedly she smiles and throws her arms around me, “We’re going to be best friends.”

  I instantly stiffen at her touch. I was never going to get used to that. We walk to room two o five and she says, “This is our English Lit class, I’ll show you to your American History class after this one.” Wit shoves open the door and I follow her in taking a seat at the back of the class. Whispers started the minute I walked in and didn’t stop until Mrs. Walsh started going over the syllabus.

  Chapter 4

  A fter English Lit, Wit showed me to American History, which happens to be one of my favorite subjects, and promised she’d meet me back there to show me Biology. Paying more attention to the door knob than where I was going, I walk slap into the hardest set of abs I’ve ever felt. Stepping back my eyes slowly travel up until they are staring into the most beautiful green eyes, looking at me like I’d grown another head.

  “Walk much?” he asks.

  “Sorry I didn’t see you there.” I say looking anywhere, but at this jerk.

  “Open your eyes next time!” and he was gone.

  What the hell? I heard snickers throughout the class. Prick! What a fuckin’ prick!

  Wit had done as she said and met me in the hall after history and directed me to third period Biology. Biology went off without incident, but I still got the snickers and whispering. Mountain Brook was like any other school. The new kid got all the unwanted attention. I waited out the other students before leaving to find the cafeteria. I wasn’t in much of a hurry so I took my time looking around on my way there. Once there I waited in
the line for the salad bar. The food here looked like it was brought in from an expensive restaurant. I settled for a fruit cup and a bottle of water. Wit called me to sit with her. She was sitting at one of the outside tables with a tray loaded down with pizza, salad, fruit and an energy drink.

  “Hey!” she says excitedly as I sat across from her. “Hi.”

  “Sooo how’s the first day going?” she asks.

  Being a complete smartass I say, “I’m still here….for now.”

  Wit smiled and says, “Let’s get you acquainted with the who’s who!” She says, “The jocks and cheer bitches make up most of that table.” She points to a table all the way on the other side of the cafeteria with a group of cheerleaders sitting around it. A couple jocks sat there as well. You could tell them apart from the rest of the school because most wore letterman jackets.

  Wit pointed to the table beside that one and said, “That’s your nerds slash geeks slash tweekers…. Yes I said tweekers. Everywhere has them.” I couldn’t help but let the little laugh slip. This girl was fascinating. She seems genuinely nice. “What about this table? Who sits here?” I cocked my eyebrow at her.

  Smiling she didn’t skip a beat, “Misfits. We don’t fit in any single group.”

  A silence fell over the cafeteria and Wit’s eyes bug out of her head. I turn to see three girls standing behind me with arms crossed over their chests. Noses stuck up as high as they could get them. The girl in the middle with short black hair and brown eyes cocks her eyebrow and says, “I’m going to let you touching my man go for today because you are new, but if you make that mistake again I will end you.”

  I had been in situations like this before and I found them hilarious. SO when I busted out laughing the girl looked flabbergasted, like she couldn’t believe I had the gall to laugh at her. She flips her hair and turns stomping away. I found her hissy fit even more amusing.


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