Kings of Mountain Brook Academy

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Kings of Mountain Brook Academy Page 3

by J. N. Pack

  Unwilling to let the tears fall in front of him I slide down the cabinets and let the tears take over. The first night I let go and tried to be somewhat normal, somewhat happy, somewhat myself and it takes two assholes like King and Payton to show me that not everyone gets to be carefree and happy.

  Chapter 7

  I tossed and turned all night long. I end the battle for sleep at nine am. Making my way downstairs I decide to spend my day in the theater. The first text came through at noon while I was in the middle of Season two of Riverdale. Not really my thing, but I’m determined to keep my mind on anything other than what happened last night.

  Wit: Morning Wildcat!

  Hmmm...Wildcat? Really. More like a stray in a pillowcase. The next text comes in at 1:15pm.

  Wit: WAKE UP

  Wit: its 1:30 we could be doing so much more than sleeping

  Wit: Did you choke on vomit?


  Not today, I need a me day. I was happy. At least as close to it as I’ve ever been in my life. One week! Is that all I get? I let the depression sink in.

  Unknown: What’s up young blood?

  Young blood?!?! What the fuck?

  Fallon: Who is this?

  Unknown: Max

  Fallon: OOOO Hi!

  I store his number.

  Mighty Max: So she lives! I thought Witley was gonna make me drive over there and stick my dick in your ear.

  Dick in my what…..

  Fallon: Hmmmm… no I’m good. Just trying to get my head right.

  Mighty Max: Gotcha! Well hey, if you ever wanna bloody those knuckles again, let me know. I can hook u up!

  Fallon: Impressed?

  Mighty Max: In the worst way

  Fallon: lol I’ll keep that in mind.

  Mighty Max: Text Wit, she’s driving me crazy!

  Fallon: Yass Masta

  Mighty Max: LMAO Funny! Later

  Fallon: Peace!

  I probably should text Wit. She is the only friend I’ve made this far.

  Fallon: Sorry, not feeling the greatest today! Took some meds, I’m just gonna get some sleep

  Ten minutes pass before she responds.

  Wit: Want company?? We can have a movie day or something

  Fallon: Not 2day. 2morro would be great though.

  Wit: Be there at noon! Text me later

  Fallon: K!

  At some point I fall asleep. It’s just after eight pm when I’m awakened by someone coming inside. I mute the tv and stay there as quiet as I can. I listen and start to think I’m going crazy. I get up to check the locks on the door and when I turn I hear a guy's voice coming down the stairs. I look up and see four guys coming down the stairs. Anger floods through my veins. I cross my arms over my chest and ask, “What the fuck?”

  Finn grins, while Liam stairs at me blankly. Slate just glares.

  King says, “Babysitting duty! Matt and Miri asked my parents to keep an eye on you.”

  I growl and say, “I’m alive, now get the hell out!”

  They all smirk and trudge down the stairs the rest of the way.

  Liam grins when he gets close and says, “I’m sure Wit’s told you already, we do what the fuck we want!”

  Slate growls, “You don’t belong here trash!”

  Kings says, “Why don’t you give Matt and Miri a break and go back to the trailer park. I’m sure one of your mom’s johns needs a little company.”

  Damn! These guys knew all the buttons to push. “No worries! As soon as I can I’m out of here!”

  On the way out Finn winks, the others stare straight ahead. I slam the door behind them and lock it. I felt like complete and utter shit. Eighteen was too far away. I needed cash now. I was so angry at them and at myself. I had to find somewhere to put my anger. So I text Max.

  Fallon: What did you mean if I wanted to get my knuckles bloody?

  Mighty Max: *fighting*

  Fallon: Interested!

  Mighty Max: Fuckin’ A! I’ll set it up and get with you Monday at school!

  Fallon: Payout?

  Mighty Max: Couple hundred! Thousands if enough people show.

  Fallon: Fuck yeah! Set it up!

  Mighty Max: Hell yeah!

  After texting Max I got a text from Aunt Miri telling me she’d be home Monday and she loved me. I text a quick response and quickly found sleep.


  I woke up the next morning at ten and showered and put on different clothes. I settled for ripped jeans and a tee shirt with the neck cut out that was cut short. My belly hung out. I twisted my hair in a bun and made my way downstairs. A text comes through on my phone and I know exactly who it is.

  Wit: Snacks??

  Fallon: I’ve got popcorn

  Wit: Going to the store! Be there soon!

  Fallon: K!

  I trudge through the house and flop down on the chaise lounge in the sitting room. I turn my music on and start playing Tetris on my phone. An hour later there’s a knock at the door. I think about yelling come in, but the door is locked and they probably wouldn’t hear anyways. So I walk to the door. When I open it, Wit is there with two full to the brim bags of junk food. Skittles, Starburst, Milky ways, Ben and Jerrys, Cheesecake bites, Pringles, Funyons and Doritos.

  “Girl I couldn’t decide so I just got a bunch of shit!” She declares.

  “I can tell.” I state.

  I show her around and then we make our way to the theater where we watched Netflix all day.

  Before Wit left she says, “I meant to ask what was the deal with King’s crew at the party? Max told me King threw you over his shoulders and left?”

  “Matt and Miri asked his parents to keep an eye on me. I’m guessing that’s why. Don’t read too much into it.” I say.

  “By the way, I saw Payton. You beat the fuck out of her.” Wit says.

  “She deserves it. I’ve got anger issues...She’s a bitch. I tried to be nice, but she doesn’t know to leave well enough alone!” I say.

  She laughs and says, “You got that right!” She waves as she walks out the door. “See you in the morning.”

  “Night Wit.” I say as she leaves.

  I lock the door and head up to my room. I’m laying across my bed listening to music when I hear the door downstairs slam! Fuck!

  I walk to my door and King is at the top of the stairs when I walk into the hall. He stops dead in his tracks staring at me. I can feel his eyes running all over my body. My jeans hugged my ass and showed a good bit of skin where the rips are. My top showed a lot of my abdomen and hung off one shoulder.

  “How the fuck do you keep getting in here?” I growl.

  He smirks and lifts a key.

  “Well I’m fine! Not that you really care! So your babysitting duties are over. Matt and Miri will be home tomorrow. Bye now!”

  I turned and stalked to my room, hoping he got the hint, but he didn’t. He follows me into my room.

  “Get out!” I growl.

  “Nope!” he stubbornly says.

  “Whaaat?” I yell.

  He gets two inches away from my face and says, “I said No!”

  Before I know what's going on he grabs my neck and pulls my body against his and kisses me. At first I’m too stunned to do anything. His lips were soft and demanding and my body responded. I kissed him back. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. He pulls back and says, “Your nipples are telling me to stay.” Embarrassed I snatch away and wrap my arms across my chest. He smirks as he strides away, “I’ll lock the door on the way out.”

  I was so vulnerable and he got to me without even trying. My embarrassment turns to anger and I know now I have to find a way to get this anger out. Hopefully Max follows through.

  Chapter 8

  I dreaded getting out of bed Monday morning. I turned my alarm off twice. After a quick shower I pull my uniform on and don’t do much to my hair. It’s still damp and I don’t have the energy. I throw some eyeliner and gloss on and I’m out th
e door. I drive Matt’s car to school and make it with a minute to spare. No time for a stop at my locker. I’m diving into my chair as the final bell rings. Mrs. Walsh sets her eyes on me and says, “Ten seconds more and you’d be in detention.”

  I pop my shoulder and say, “Not today. Looks like I made it just in time.” and wink at her. She grunts and turns back to the notes she was putting on the board. Wit giggles in the seat next to me. She whispers, “Max said ya’ll need to chat! You riding that train?”

  I fake swing my fist and she forms an “O” with her mouth.

  After class she says, “You sure you wanna do that?”

  I laugh and shake my head, “I’ve been fighting my whole life. At least this way I’ll make some money doing it.”

  Wit shrugs, “Not my thing, but to each their own.”

  We swing by my locker then it’s a mad dash for Mr. Wellington’s class. I made it just in time. Class went by without a problem and I moved to biology. It went by fast. I met Wit in the cafeteria. I felt four sets of eyes on me as I took my spot across from Wit. I avoid their gazes and listen to Wit gossip about everything. Ten minutes into lunch Max saunters over and sits beside me.

  Wit and I both roll our eyes as he says, “What’s up my bitches?”

  Wit shrugs and says, “When’s Mighty Max’s next bad ass party?”

  He grins and says, “No worries you ladies are at the top of my invite list.”

  He leans over and whispers in my ear, “Saturday, nine pm, the Yards. See me as soon as you get there. Wit will show you the way.”

  I look up and nod as he saunters off. When I look up I’ve got three sets of angry eyes on me and King is shoving his way out of the cafeteria doors and letting is slam behind him. What the fuck? I avert my eyes and focus on Wit the rest of lunch. Avoiding King’s crew at all cost. I could feel their eyes on me in calculus and gym. We ran again in gym and that helped clear my head. That afternoon Matt and Miri are home when I get there. We watch home when I get there. We watch movies and eat pizza and they ask about my weekend. Matt tells me I can drive his car if I want instead of him taking me back and forth. They really are good people and it sucks I have to leave. I could never get used to this, but I could try for Matt and Miri. The rest of the week goes by without a word from the elite’s bitches or King’s crew. I told Matt and Miri I’d be spending the weekend with Wit and they were over the moon because I was making friends.

  Friday after school walking to his car Max salutes me in the parking lot. Wit and I go shopping. I buy some exercise shorts and a sleeveless tank top for the fight tomorrow night. Wit convinces me to buy a dress for Max’s next party. It’s a navy blue color with a collar and three buttons at the top. Stops about two inches above my knee. I’m not crazy about it, but I trust her judgement. Afterwards we got to Marco’s for pizza. We order a half Hawaiian half cheese pizza and wait. Wit says, “Sooo… I saw Payton at school today. I think it was her first day back.”

  I shrug.

  Wit says, “She may be looking for a war.”

  I laugh and say, “She can look all she wants as long as she doesn't step to me.”

  Wit giggles and her eyes shoot to the door as the bell over it jingles. “Don’t look now, but King and his boys are here.”

  They must not have noticed us because I can hear them laughing and joking. Then I hear them take a booth two over from us. They get quiet.

  “Holy shit.” Wit declares and her eyes go wide. Before I can turn Finn slides in the booth squishing me over. Slate leans across the back of the booth Wit is in.

  “What’s up Wit? Fresh Meat?” Slate askes.

  Wit shrugs and I growl, “My name is Fallon.” He grins and Finn looks at me curiously. “What’s up with you and Max?”

  I laugh and say, “What the fuck do you care? Trash remember.” and I wink at him as I throw a pineapple in my mouth.

  Slate laughs and Finn says, “We don’t care, just curious.”

  Wit starts, “She’s going…..” and I cut her off.

  “None of their business.” I say.

  Slate says, “Maybe if you’re passing it around so freely we want a piece of the pie.”

  I shove Finn out of the booth and stand angrily, “Nobody’s getting my fuckin pie, not even Max.” I stalk out of Marco’s with Wit on my heels. At my reply all the boys started laughing.

  “I should key their shit. “ I rage.

  Wit pales and says, “Please don’t. That’s Kings ride. That's a war I don’t want.”

  I calm down a lot once we are in the car away from them.

  Wit giggles and says, “Nobody’s getting my pie…. What the fuck?” We both start giggling. We stayed up until three am watching season three of Riverdale and we slept until one the next day. I have several texts from Max making sure I was going to show up. I reassure him and Wit and I go in search of breakfast. After we each eat a bowl of Captain Crunch and berries we head upstairs where she put my hair in boxer braids. She giggles and says, “If you are going to play the part you may as well look the part.”

  I laugh and say, “Thanks.”

  We fuck around the rest of the day doing little to nothing. I mean we did clean her car out, but besides that we just screwed around. Watching movies and talking. At seven I changed clothes and pulled ankle socks and running shoes on. Of course Wit is in a dress. I tell her she might wanna reconsider and she pops her shoulder. I kick my shoes off and pull a pair of ripped jeans over my shorts. I kick my sneakers to the side and pull my old vans on. They were like a safety net for me. What comforted me. I get a text at seven forty-five.

  Mighty Max: 9pm on the dot! Don’t be late

  Fallon: Sir Yes Sir

  Mighty Max: Funny! Real Funny

  Fallon: Leaving Wit’s now

  Mighty Max: Thank Fuck!

  I giggle as Wit and I climb into her pink car. “What the fuck possessed you to get a pink car?”

  She smiles. “Don’t hate! A bangin’ ass bitch needs a bangin ass car. This my friend is a bangin’ ass ride.”

  I giggle at her. There are like seven cars when we park and head inside.

  Fallon: We’re here! Where the fuck are you?

  Mighty Max: Meet me by the ring in five minutes. I gotta take care of something.

  Fallon: K!

  We slowly make our way around the ring and look around. A crowd is slowly gathering. Wit tugs on her dress trying to make it longer and whispers, “I should’ve worn jeans.” I laugh and nod at her.

  “Jesus you like making me sweat, come on.” Max says as he approaches us. He stopped looking at Wit, “What the fuck do you have on?” he freezes.

  “Clothes!” With growls.

  He laughs and says, “Don’t leave my side tonight. This ain’t the right place for that shit. And you, you're gonna fight in jeans?”

  “Hell no. I got my gear on under this.” I say. He nods and says, “Come on!” We follow him over to a guy about five years older than us. “This is Zeus. Zeus, this is Harper Henley. She’s the new girl I told you about.”

  I start to correct him but think better of it. Zeus places a hand on my shoulder and shakes my hand with the other. “Harper I look forward to seeing you in the ring tonight.” This guy was giving me the creeps. I nod and stay quiet, stay focused. “Stick with Max tonight ladies.” Wit and I both nod.

  As we’re following Max back to ringside I notice the crowd is now huge and we have four very curious, very pissed sets of eyes on us.

  Chapter 9

  W it slips to a cooler Max nods at a good bit behind us and grabs a bottle of water. Before she can make it back someone grabs her by the arm. She turns in surprise, “King?”

  “I’m going to be as nice as I can about this Wit, what the fuck is she doing with Max?” King demands.

  “If she wanted you to know she would have said.” Wit dryly replies. Her eyes dart to Fallon just as Fallon kicks off her ragged vans and starts pulling her jeans off.

  “Mav, she’s getti
ng in the ring.” Liam says a couple shades lighter than normal.

  King starts stalking towards the ring as he says, “The fuck if she is.” Wit was following him and Liam while Finn and Slate followed behind her.


  I hear a commotion as I climb into the ring. Looking back I see King and his crew stalking after me. Thank fucks the gate is shut before he arrives. He looks ready to kill. Too fuckin’ late big boy! I smirk and turn my attention to the chick about twice my size climbing into the ring. I roll my neck to each side and wait as we are announced. When a bell rings it’s on. My opponent charges me. I easily side step her, I shove me knee into her stomach and then shove her to the mat. I use the top of my foot to kick her and she grabs my foot pulling me to the mat. One hit from her and I feel my cheek split open and blood splatter across the ring. There’s yelling outside of the ring, but I ignore it kicking her off me and flipping on top of her. Rage takes over and I pummel her. I tend to see red when blood becomes a factor and in fighting blood often is a factor. She shoves me off and I lose my footing, falling into the ring post with my head. I stand as quickly as I can and roundhouse kick her. When she lands on her back I kick her in her ribs and straddle her. I swing first with my right then my left. When she stops moving the bell rings and I hit her once more and sit there with blood streaming down my face. Strong arms wrap around my chest and drag me from the ring as they announce me the winner. I’m set on my feet and Liam is shoved in my face. “How fuckin bad is this Liam?” King demands. I shove at Liam’s hands and King grabs mine forcing me to keep them out of the way. I growl, “Get the fuck off me!” They ignore me. Liam says, “Gash on her cheek should clean up pretty good. Cut in the back of her head is minimal. She still shouldn’t sleep for a bit though. Could have a concussion.” he drops his hands and steps back.


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