Kings of Mountain Brook Academy

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Kings of Mountain Brook Academy Page 9

by J. N. Pack

  A minute later Liam comes out the door. He sits beside me on the steps. I whisper through tears, “You come to ban me too?”

  Liam wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my temple before saying,

  “Never.” After a few minutes he takes a deep breath and says, “He’s just drunk and angry. He didn’t mean that. He’ll be kicking his own ass over that shit.”

  I smile through tears and say, “Yea, maybe, but all of this is my fault. She would have never said she was pregnant if it weren’t for me. I think…. I think it’s time I stop being selfish. I think it’s time I back off and let him go.”

  Chapter 22

  L iam looks at me stunned. “Don’t do that. You don’t know what that’ll do to him.”

  I swipe a tear away and say, “No, but I see what being with me is doing to him. I can’t do that anymore.” I call Wit. “Hey, can you come get me?”

  “Yea, where are you?” she asks.

  “I’m at Liam’s. I need to get out of here.” I say quietly.

  “You okay? You sound upset.” she asks.

  “I’m fine.” I say through tears.

  “I’m on the way.” she says.

  When I hang up Liam says, “Don’t give up on him. Give him time to get his head straight.”

  Wit pulls up in the next minute and I climb in quietly. She steps out to talk to Liam and I assume he is telling her what happened and what I said. I see her glance at me with sad eyes before she kisses him and comes to the car. When she climbs in she doesn’t say a word. I watch Liam as we pull away. I feel like someone is ripping my heart out. I wipe some more tears and ask, “Can I stay with you tonight? I can’t go home like this?” She nods quickly.

  That night was rough. I cried more than I’ve cried in my entire life.

  The next morning he sent me one single text. That breaks my heart that much more.

  Maverick: I’m sorry

  I don’t reply. What do I say? I did this to make his life easier. I have to follow through.

  At noon I get a text from Liam.

  Liam: You okay?

  Fallon: Not even a little bit

  Liam: It’s not too late to make this right ya know.

  I don’t respond. What’s the point? I have to do this. I love him and I hate seeing him like this, but it’s for the best.

  Wit glances at me from across the room. “You know you’re only hurting yourself. He’s hurting, but you have to watch as he shoves his dick in the direction of every bitch at school. And he will do that to hide the pain.”

  I drop my head and say, “He will be happier in the long run. I’m not going to stick around to cause him more pain.”

  Wit says, “What does that mean? You haven’t caused him any pain until now.”

  I grab my bag and leave. I text Wit.

  Fallon: I know you don’t think I hurt him, but I see what I did. This is best. For all of us.

  Wit: I’m not going to argue with you about it, agree to disagree. Just know that this may be what breaks him

  I know she’s right, but I also know as long as I’m a part of his life it’ll get worse. I walk home and lock myself in my room. I stay there most of the day. At six Austin comes over. He asks me if I’d like to go to dinner with him or a walk. I declined dinner, but I went for a walk with him.

  Austin asks, “Everything okay?”

  I shake my head and say, “I broke up with Maverick.”

  His eyes widen and he says, “After yesterday? I thought things were good with the two of you.”

  “Yeah well they were until I figured out all the problems he has now are because of me. His life would be easier without me.” I say.

  Austin nods thinking about it for a while, then he says, “Easier is not always better. It was easy for me to walk away from your mother when she told me about you, but my life nor yours was better because of it. Sometimes we got to do what's better.”

  “I don’t know, there’s just so much. I just know this is the right thing to do.” I say.

  He just nods, “Serena and Slate talk to you yet?”

  I nod, “Yea. Somewhat. They stood up to Payton for me.”

  He smiles and says, “They are good kids. They really are. I’m glad they are coming around. The three of you need each other.”

  I smile and whisper, “I just wish it didn’t take this long to find out there was someone who might care.”

  He nods and says, “I just hope we can move forward from here as a family. I’d never take you from Matt and Miri, but I still want you to play a role in our family life.”

  “I’m willing to try if you guys really want me in your lives.” I say.

  Austin nods and says, “We most certainly do.” when we get back to the house he gives me a hug and tells me to think about what he said about what was easier and what was better. I nod and he leaves.

  I lock myself back in my room and check the messages on my phone.

  Finn: Everything good?

  Slate: Can I do something to make things better?

  Mighty Max: Got a fighter looking for competition in about four weeks, you down?

  Unknown: **a picture of Maverick sitting across from Payton holding her hand**

  My heart drops through my feet. It hurts so badly. I feel like I did this shit, but this is what I wanted. Him to have his life back. It’s my fault. I let him go.

  I don’t respond to any of the texts, except the one from Mighty Max.

  Fallon: I’m in! Set it up!

  Chapter 23

  T he weeks go by fast. It was torture. I watched Maverick in school every day. He never smiled and he always trained his eyes on anything, but me.

  Liam was friendly, but I could tell he didn’t like the idea of me hurting Maverick. Finn avoided me and Slate tried to be a good big brother, but he was torn. Serena stopped hanging with Payton and Sawyer and instead hung with me and Wit. That is when they weren’t around the guys anyways.

  Apparently Payton was telling people she had a miscarriage and Maverick was still there, even though he knew as well as I did she was lying. It literally made me sick to my stomach. She rubbed it in my face every chance she got.

  I went to school, barely ate, ran as often as possible, and slept. That’s all. Once or twice a week I had dinner with Austin, Slate, and Serena. I nibbled and pushed the food around on my plate. I’m down nearly twenty pounds and none of my clothes fit the way they should. I was sad and miserable. I actually started getting sick. Could someone get sick from heartache? If so that's exactly what’s happening with me. I broke my own heart and couldn't fix it. All I had to do was give him time, but I had to push him away.

  Wit constantly worries about me and half the time I blow her off. I overheard her and Liam talking about the weight I’ve lost. I ignored it and pretend I didn’t hear them talking.

  Then when I’m at home I always see Matt and Miri worrying over me, so I just hide in my room. Austin cornered me once a couple days ago, but I got away from that conversation too.

  It really didn’t help that every time I see him in the hall with her I get sick to my stomach. Like now. My stomach flops as they start down the hallway. Payton stares me down. Of course Maverick won’t look my direction, which at the moment is a good thing because I have to make a mad dash for the bathroom. I lock myself in the closest stall and empty my stomach. Fuckin’ great! I’m sick of being sick! When I go back to my locker Serena meets me and says, “You need to go to the doctor. You’ve been sick for over two weeks.”

  I nod and say, “I will. I promise I will, but I’ve just gotta get through today first.”

  Serena smiles and says, “You don’t like doctors do you?”

  I shake my head and say, “Not even a little bit.”

  She smirks and says, “You’re just like Dad. He could be on his deathbed and would still try to avoid the doctors. Promise me if it doesn’t get better that you will go even though you don’t like them.”

  “I promise.” I say g
rabbing my stuff from my locker and hurrying down the hall to my class. My fight was this weekend. I just had to make it until then.

  The rest of the week flew by. I was still sick, but determined to fight. I’d go to the doctor after my fight.

  When Saturday rolls around I got some new, better fitting fight clothes. Looking at myself in the mirror makes me feel worse. I look away and avoid looking again. I definitely have to go to the doctor after my fight. I stay in the back until my fight instead of waiting ringside. When Max announces my fight and I walk out there’s a noticeable gasp when people see me. I swallow back the bile in my throat when I see Liam, Wit, Slate, and Serena. Slate looked terrified. Liam looked angry and Wit and Serena were as white as a ghost and they looked scared. I walk to the ring and it’s completely silent in the audience. Max looks at me and gasps. He covers the mike and asks, “You good to fight?”

  I nod sadly and say, “I’m good.”

  He announces the fight and when the girl comes out she’s got a good thirty pounds on me. Luckily for me she sucked. I took her down quickly and leave the ring going directly to the back. I’m coming out of a stall from emptying my stomach when Liam growls, “Get your shit and let’s go.”

  I look up to him and Slate. Wit and Serena are standing quietly behind them.

  “What?” I ask, knowing full well what he meant.

  “Either you get your shit or I’ll get it for you. You’re going to the ER now! I don’t want to hear shit, just get your stuff now!” Liam says angrily.

  I drop my chin, but I do what he says. Once I’m in the car with Slate and Liam with the girls following in Wit’s car. Liam sends off a lot of text and when we get there, I climb out. The doctors take me back after twenty minutes in the waiting room. I hate being here, but I’m tired of being sick too.

  I’m laying in the bed in the back waiting after the doctor took blood and ran all kinds of tests. I’m curled up on my side waiting.

  After an hour I’m hooked to an IV for being dehydrated. When the doctor comes in he says, “This is the worst case of morning sickness I’ve seen in years.”

  My mouth goes dry and I feel like I’m going to pass out. “Morning sickness?” I ask.

  “Yes ma’am. You are pregnant young lady. I’m going to put you on anti-nausea medicine. You should be okay after a couple doses.”

  Tears fill my eyes as the doctor leaves the room. I grab my phone and text Wit.

  Fallon: I fucked up

  When my phone rings and it’s her I’m crying and I say, “Wit, I messed up so bad!”

  Wit worriedly says, “What’s wrong Fallon?”

  “I… I… messed up. I miss him so much, but I fucked up. I’m…. I’m… I’m pregnant.” I mumble through my tears.

  “O my…. O my God. Wow! I’m coming back now!” she says. I can hear Liam in the background as she hangs up. A moment later she comes through the door and runs to my side wrapping her arms around me as I cry.

  “You need to tell him Fallon.” Liam says from behind Wit.

  I swipe tears from my eyes and whisper, “He won’t believe me. He’ll think I'm just trying to get him back. I messed up! I let him go.” I swipe tears away again as they begin to fall faster. I feel like a little kid whose world was crumbling. Little girl in a big bed with a thousand things that aren’t in her control anymore.

  Liam grips his hair and says, “Wit, tell her. She needs to tell him.”

  Wit growls, “Liam, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but give her a chance to process it. You saw his reaction to Payton, what if he does that to her?” voicing everything I was feeling.

  Liam looks at me and whispers, “He wouldn’t do that to you. I wish you could see what I see when he looks at you.”

  With tears streaming down my face I cry out, “He doesn’t even look my direction anymore. I pushed him right into Payton’s arms.” I start cramping and wrap my arms around my midsection and curl up in a ball.

  Liam doesn’t say anything else, but he doesn’t leave the room either. He sits in a chair close to the window and fidgets with his phone. Wit holds me as I cry myself to sleep.

  Chapter 24

  Liam: Fallon’s in the hospital

  King: AND!

  Liam: Don’t front with me man, I know you fuckin’ care.

  King: If you say so

  It didn’t sound like King. Liam and King had talked about Fallon and he was open with Liam about how much he missed her. About how much it was killing him.

  Liam: She’s pregnant Maverick, doctor said she’s high risk because of what her mom did to her with the hanger to, you know

  King: It’s not my kid. I don’t give a fuck.

  Liam saw red, how could he do this to someone he loves.


  I was released from the hospital the next day with strict orders to relax. I was still processing everything so I kept the baby a secret. I went back to school that Monday and it was even harder seeing Maverick with Payton hanging all over him. What hurt the most was knowing that I did that. Liam was hanging more with me, Wit and Serena than Maverick. It worried me because when Liam looked at Maverick he was angry. I would catch Maverick looking at him curiously. I could read the anxiety on his face. I could read the thoughts running through his mind all over his face. He’d lost me and now his best friend was pulling away too.

  “What’s going on Liam?” I ask in the hallway on the way to my next class.

  Liam glances at me and smiles, “Don’t stress Princess, everything’s fine. I promise.”

  I look up at him and say, “He’s your best friend, don’t let me ruin that too.”

  Liam rolls his eyes and says “You haven’t ruined anything. Now go to class and follow the doctor's orders. No more stress.”

  The rest of the week goes by relatively the same. Wit and Liam ran interference to keep me calm and they were running themselves ragged. I had tried to talk to Liam several times, but he blew me off, making light of the whole thing.

  When Friday rolls around I dart into the restroom on the way to my locker. When I step into the hallway I’m cornered by Payton and Sawyer. A crowd gathers around. Payton starts yelling, “I see you sneaking peeks at King, you just remember he’s mine bitch!” and she punches me in the side. I cry out and wrap my arms protectively around my midsection. I can hear Liam, Wit, and Serena fighting through the crowd to get to me. Tears are streaming down my face, Payton goes to hit me again and I cower up against the lockers. I cried out, “I’m pregnant...please stop.” just as Liam shoves Payton away. I slide down the lockers to sit on the floor as him and Wit try to calm me down. Serena stares at me in shock.

  “What’d you say?” Maverick says from a couple feet away.

  I glance up at him and turn away. Liam growls, “Don’t act fuckin’ surprised. I told you. I told you the same time I told you she was in the hospital Saturday night. You were a cold callous ass and didn’t care then.”

  Maverick growls back, “You didn’t tell me shit.” He hasn’t taken his eyes off me the entire time.

  Liam punches the locker behind me causing me to jump. Wit wraps her arms around me as Liam jumps to his feet and goes nose to nose with Maverick. Mavericks not angry he looks hurt. Payton grabs his arm and he shakes her off. Liam grabs his phone and shoves it into Maverick’s chest. “Look for yourself. I didn’t delete the messages.”

  Liam turns back to me and Wit and very carefully lifts me in his arms. He starts walking and doesn’t stop until he is putting me in the backseat of his jeep. He leaves his phone with Maverick and drives away.

  “What… what if… What if I lose the baby?” I cry into Wit’s chest.

  “Hey now. That’s not going to happen. In about seven or eight months we are going to meet this little one, no ifs, we are going to meet it.” Wit tries to comfort me.

  Liam quietly asks, “Are you in any pain right now?”

  I focus on my body instead of my heart and say, “My side hurts, but that's it. I just got rea
lly scared.”

  Liam nods and says, “I’m going to take you to my house so you can rest and we can keep an eye on you.”

  I nod trying to calm myself down.

  When we get to Liam’s, he carries me inside and gives me the bedroom in the basement. I curl up and quickly fall asleep with Wit curled around me. At some point I hear yelling, but I’m too tired to focus on it. I feel Wit get up and crawl from the bed.

  “Wit?” I say exhausted.

  “Shhh… It’s ok Fal, go back to sleep.” Wit says shutting the door behind her.


  “Have you guys lost your fuckin’ minds?” Wit growls walking out of the room Fallon was in.

  Everyone was here. Everyone being Maverick, Liam, Slate, Serena, Finn, and Payton. Of all fuckin’ people, fuckin’ Payton. Slate, Liam and Finn were holding Maverick back trying to get to Payton.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Wit growls.

  “Why the fuck would you delete messages like this from my phone? Why would you even go through my phone? I was never with you. I used you. I should have fucked you up when you lied about being pregnant, but my head was all fucked up.” he yells.

  Wit’s eyes fly to Payton’s, “You did what?” Wit steps towards her. “My best friend is fighting for her baby and the one person who could alleviate the stress and help her fight, you…. You hid it from when Liam told him. You came between Liam and King.” She grips Payton by the hair and drags her up the stairs. “You fuckin’ got to go you nasty bitch. I promise you if you come back I’ll ring your fuckin’ neck.” Liam is following Wit, “Baby, don’t hurt her, don’t put yourself in that position.”

  Wit shoves her out the door and growls, “Don’t fuckin’ come back.”

  When Wit and Liam get back to the basement Maverick looks distraught and says, “Liam, you know me. We talked about her. How could you think I’d feel that way? I sent you to the fight that night.”


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