Monster Girl Islands 3

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Monster Girl Islands 3 Page 17

by Logan Jacobs

  “That’s absolutely horrible.” I shook my head. “You should be called beautiful every day. I’ll remind myself to do that more often.”

  Jemma brushed me with her shoulder, and our flirtatious words quickly turned into heated physical contact as we walked back through the forest. Her arm stayed nearly glued against mine the whole way back, and despite the direness of the situation, I couldn’t help but let my eyes drift down to her perfect breasts every few seconds.

  One day, I’d be able to just make love to these beautiful women without having to worry about orc invaders and impending battles. I was determined. But for now, I’d just have to take the former without the latter.

  We maintained the contact all the way up to the entry tree, where Jemma finally peeled herself away from me so she could climb up.

  For a brief moment, I stepped back and let myself enjoy the curve of her ass and the wiggle in her slender hips as she climbed, but then, I followed her up, despite the fact that my dick had started to grow hard. Thank the gods for these loose pants, so no one would see just how turned on I was right then.

  As soon as I stood on the main platform, my mind went back to the task at hand, and Jemma bounced off.

  The auburn-haired woman did toss a wink over her shoulder, though, and I couldn’t help but swallow hard at that, even as I made my way over to the medical tent.

  The moment I was inside, Thornen took the meat from me.

  “Good, now we can make the broth,” she said.

  Her hands deftly de-boned the meat just as I’d taught her, and then she threw the bones and meat into a pot of water that boiled above the fire.

  “How is she?” I asked as I indicated Kella, who was still asleep on the log.

  “She will live,” Thornen said, “but it will take some time for her to recover.”

  “And Ainsley?” I asked as I looked around and noticed the absence of the blonde woman.

  “She is resting,” the healer told me. “She has been through a great trauma. When we lost Kella … Ainsley had a very hard time with it.”

  “I see,” I murmured with a frown. “I’ll leave you to it. Please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you, Ben.” Thornen smiled at me, and then she turned back to stir the broth.

  I took one last look at the pale, weak Kella before I left the tent.

  No sooner had I gotten outside than I heard someone call me.


  I turned to see Jemma. Or, actually, I turned to see Jemma’s head. She’d stuck it out of her tent, but pinched the rest of the material underneath her chin to hide the rest of her body from view.

  “What?” I asked as I walked up to her.

  “How is Kella?” the younger woman inquired with a furrowed brow.

  “The same, just resting,” I reported. “Thornen is making her the bone broth now. She’ll let us know if anything changes.”

  “Good.” Jemma nodded. “I’m glad.”

  She lapsed into silence then, but it felt expectant, and I narrowed my eyes at the woman.

  “Jemma?” I questioned. “Did you want something else?”

  Jemma smiled at me and batted her big, black lashes.

  “Come inside,” she said.

  And then she disappeared back into her tent.

  It only took me about a half a second to gather myself before I went in myself.

  Jemma was in the middle, clothed, but with a sexy grin on her face. She had her hands on her hips and her legs spread a shoulder’s width apart as she stared at me.

  I wished she had nothing but that sexy grin on, but I didn’t want to seem too presumptuous just yet, so I returned her smile.

  “What’s up?” I asked her.

  “What’s up?” she repeated, and her nose scrunched up. “You use such strange phrases, Ben.”

  “It just means what’s going on,” I chuckled.

  I loved the way Jemma liked to test out my slang every time I used a new word. She kind of reminded me of Mira in that way. I supposed that was probably why they both got along so well.

  “What’s up, then, is I wanted to thank you.” Jemma grinned and slowly slunk toward me, and I felt my hard on come back instantly. She dragged one foot behind the other, slowly, teasingly, as she crossed the floor toward me.

  “You said that earlier,” I laughed.

  Jemma wanted to play games, I could tell. So, I’d play right along with her.

  “Yes, I suppose I did.” She nodded and pursed her lips in a pout. “But I had hoped to thank you in another way.”

  She was right in front of me now, and I could smell her skin, the way it still held the stench of the meyr berries we hadn’t washed off yet, mixed with a scent that was uniquely Jemma’s underneath.

  The auburn-haired woman raised one dainty hand and traced it along the scrubby beard on my face. It had grown out on this island, since I didn’t have much to shave it with.

  Slowly, Jemma pulled her plump lower lip into her mouth as her chartreuse eyes followed the same path her fingers did.

  Down my beard, over my Adam’s apple, down to the neckline of my shirt, and then right over the material to stop just above my heart.

  Which, at that point, beat faster than a hummingbird’s.

  This was a game to her, and I was beginning to seriously enjoy the teasing. So, I decided to just relax and let her have her fun.

  Jemma brought her yellow-green eyes back up to meet my own.

  “You are filthy,” she murmured, and her voice was an entire octave lower than I’d ever heard it. “I must wash those clothes. Take them off.”

  She slowly stepped back, and her hand came off my chest one finger at a time until only the pointer finger was left, and then that too followed the rest of her hand.

  Jemma’s eyes blazed with a sexual hunger I’d never seen in them before, and I had to remind myself to breathe as she watched me with alert, aroused eyes.

  I painstakingly pulled my torn and nasty tunic up over my head to reveal my chiseled chest and dragon scales to Jemma’s waiting eyes. Then I reveled in the way she gulped, hard, loud, and long when she saw my abs for the first time.

  The tunic was trash, and she and I both knew it. So, I tossed it to the side unceremoniously, and then brought my hands back to my pants. I looped my thumbs just inside the waistband, and then I stopped.

  “I can’t do all the work here,” I told her with one single, quirked eyebrow.

  Jemma got the hint, and a playful smile lit up her face. She was excited at the fact that I planned to play right along with her.

  Once again, she closed the gap between us. Her hands came up to rest on my chest for one heated moment, and the arousal in my pants turned straight primal before she slowly slid her fingers down to the waistband of my pants.

  Jemma paused to massage my hips with her warm hands before she shoved my pants down. Then her chartreuse eyes tore away from mine to look at my prized possession, which hung right between my hips, alert and proud and ready to fuck her brains out.

  I relished the way Jemma’s eyes widened at the size of me, but she wasn’t at all intimidated. Her delicate pink tongue flicked out to lick her lips, and then she turned her gaze back to me.

  “I have a wash bin,” she whispered. Her voice was thick and hoarse with arousal, but unlike other women, Jemma wasn’t the least bit embarrassed.

  “Lead the way,” I told her.

  I followed her, naked, over to where she had a clay basin full of water and two white cloths. She handed one to me before she grabbed the hem of her shirt and started to pull it over her head.

  But I wanted that moment of pleasure.

  “Let me,” I murmured as I took the shirt from her hands.

  Jemma turned to me and lifted her arms above her head, and I nearly ripped her shirt off in an effort to finally get a glance at what was underneath.

  And oh, my gods, it was absolutely fucking perfect.

  A slim, toned stomach that was
as smooth as butter was revealed, and just above that sat two perfect breasts, the exact right size for me to cup in my hands.

  I let out a groan at the sight, and then trailed my fingers down her stomach to the waistband of her pants.

  Those, too, left her body, and I was met with a perfect pink pussy and mile long legs.

  Jemma was the first one to break. The moment her pants were off, and she saw my reaction, her mouth was on mine.

  Two perfect lips wrapped themselves around me, and her slim tongue slipped just the shallowest bit into my mouth to touch the tip of mine in a dance.

  As we kissed, Jemma reached out and wetted the cloth, completely without my knowledge. So, it was a complete surprise when my warm torso was suddenly met with a cool, wet cloth. I jumped in surprise, but our mouths didn’t break contact.

  Jemma swirled the cloth around and over my skin to wash away the dirt, blood, and berry juice that still coated me. I managed to do the same to her, but my fingers wandered around a hell of a lot more. I let them brush over pert nipples and a supple ass, over the curve of her hips and the soft warmth of her clit.

  She jumped when I brushed up against the last body part. So, like the perfect gentleman I was, I let my finger brush up against her clit again. This time, I was rewarded with a combination between a sigh and a moan. Jemma’s mouth stopped moving against mine as my index finger rubbed against her, and it only took a few seconds of the sensual noises for me to drop the cloth so I could use my entire hand to pleasure her.

  We were clean enough by then.

  “Oh, my Goddess,” Jemma breathed softly. Her head fell back in pleasure, and I let myself enjoy my exploration.

  I rubbed her soft clit in circles as I felt it swell, but I didn’t want her to come just yet. I pulled my fingers back and felt her warm, wet slit, which gushed out another fountain of arousal when I dipped a single finger inside of her.

  “Geez,” I groaned.

  She felt so damn tight and good around just my finger, I couldn’t fucking wait to feel her around my dick. But I wanted to prolong that feeling, at least for now. First, I wanted to taste her, to suckle at whatever sweetness was between her legs.

  “We need to lay down,” I panted as I walked her back toward her mattress pad.

  The moment her heels hit the pad, Jemma sank to the ground and stared up at me, with her legs completely spread apart.

  I climbed over her and laid another soft kiss on her lips before I slid down her body slowly, took my time, and let my lips explore every inch of her. I kissed her exposed collarbone, her neck, and the soft valley between her pert breasts. I let my tongue explore every little dip in each of her nipples, and I savored the sounds of her heavy moaning and breathing as random words seeped out of her.

  And then, ever so slowly, I kissed my way down her stomach and settled myself in between her thighs.

  I could already smell her arousal from inches away. The scent was a mixture of sweet and tangy, and it was so uniquely Jemma it was the absolute perfect fit for the slender woman.

  I glanced up her body as I dipped my head down. Her back was arched, her arms propped under her to hold herself up, and her head was thrown back to expose her porcelain neck as she waited, ready, for my mouth.

  I kissed the pelvic bone just above her mound and let my mouth trail, open, down her until I felt her clit.

  Then I sucked her inside my mouth in one swift moment and swirled my tongue around the sensitive spot.

  “Ben!” she gasped, and her back arched even further, which I hadn’t thought was possible, as I played her body like a musical instrument.

  My tongue dipped and swirled, and my lips sucked on her for a few minutes as she grew closer and closer to the edge.

  “Ben!” Jemma screamed when she finally exploded on my tongue, and a gush of liquid coated my chin.

  The arousal in my cock nearly overcame me right then. It became so hard it was unbearable, and I had to peel my mouth away from Jemma’s sweetness in order to chase my own pleasure.

  “Are you ready?” I asked as I crawled back up her body to kiss her once more. I wanted to be sure she’d be okay before I pushed her any further.

  “Yes.” Jemma nodded enthusiastically. One of her hands found my ass, and she clutched it hard as she pulled me toward her.

  “Just relax.” I positioned my tip at her warm entrance and then slowly slid inside her.

  My brain was filled with fireworks immediately. Jemma was velvety and tight, and her walls clenched down around my dick and pulled me even further inside of her.

  She let out a little gasp as her tight tunnel adjusted to my girth, and I waited until I could see in her eyes that she was ready before I pulled out and then slammed inside her once more.

  “My gods,” I growled at the sensation. Jemma’s hips bucked and twitched the slightest bit underneath me, and I took it as the sign I needed to start pounding harder into her.

  I made sure my strokes were deep and long because I quickly discovered those elicited the most erotic noises from her. As her walls clenched down around me, and her hips bucked up to meet mine with every single thrust, I felt myself growing closer and closer to the edge.

  I watched the beautiful deer woman writhe in pleasure beneath me as I released my load inside of her. At the same moment, her walls clenched tight, and Jemma’s perfect body shuddered with the power of her orgasm while I filled her to the brim with my cum.

  “Oh, Ben!” she screamed again. Her entire body writhed with the power of her orgasm, and I watched as she blushed a bright red, with her beautiful eyes screwed shut in ecstasy.

  Slowly, I helped her come down from the high with a few gentle kisses, and then I crawled up next to her.

  Jemma instantly snuggled into my arms and pressed her face against my chest.

  “That was perfection,” I murmured into her hair.

  “Ben, you are amazing in so many ways,” she sighed. “I have never experienced such pleasure. I appreciate it very much.”

  “You ask, and I’ll do it,” I told her, only half-jokingly. I’d screw the beautiful woman any time, any day.

  “I am not at a fertile time in my cycle, but when I am, I would like to repeat this experience,” the auburn-haired woman said as she averted her eyes shyly.

  “You want my baby?”

  “Ohh, yes,” she sighed. “We all do. I think Ainsley is the most deserving, but--”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked with a furrowed brow.

  “She’s always wanted a child.” Jemma shrugged. “And the way she looks at you … It is wonderful. She is our president now, and you are the Dragon King, so it makes sense you both make a child first, but I did find you first, so … ”

  “As soon as we fix your orc problem, I’ll work on giving both Ainsley and you babies.” I grinned. “Deal?”

  “Deal?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “That means you agree,” I chuckled.

  “Oh, then, yes!” Jemma laughed, and then she snuggled against my chest so we could go to sleep.

  The next morning, we woke up, and I called the entire village down to get straight to work. We had a lot to get done, and we had no idea how much time we had to get it done in. Ainsley was still in the healing tent with Thornen and Kella, so I made an executive decision that for now, I would be in charge.

  “Good morning.” I surveyed the crowd and noticed Sarayah’s face was absent. The brunette was clearly upset she’d been outvoted, but I didn’t have the time to put much energy into that. “So, here’s the plan. We need to take those oil barrels down as fast as we can. I want to separate into groups and follow the wargs as they place the oil barrels. There’s not enough of them on the island to place guards at each barrel, so my guess is they plan to hide the barrels and leave them there. But we’re going to take those barrels down first. When your group finds a barrel, make sure you dig a hole and dump the oil underground, then cover it up, or, if you’re near the beach, dump it into the ocean. Be careful
to make sure none of the wargs catch you, though, and leave the empty barrels where you found them so the orcs and wargs are none the wiser. Is everybody with me?”

  The women all nodded. Some looked nervous, and others seemed excited for this little mission of ours. I’d noticed that, with each day that passed, more and more women had taken the burden of the invaders onto their shoulders with a smile. They were no longer the sad, hopeless people I’d met when I first came to the island. Despite the fact that they were still heavy with what had happened in the past, a new lightness had begun to take over the village and the women.

  “I am ready for this, Ben,” Ainsley grinned as she walked up to me, with her bow in hand and a delighted look on her face. “Let us stop their plan in its tracks, and defeat the invaders once and for all. I will not let them burn down my home.”

  The excitement in her face was mixed with a grim determination. Her clear blue eyes darkened for a moment as she spoke, and I knew that, no matter what happened, there would be no stopping her now.

  “Let’s take them out, then,” I smiled at her and raised my hand for a high five.

  Which was instantly met with the most comically shocked expression I’d ever seen. Her blue eyes went wide, and she tilted her head backwards as she looked between my face and my hand.

  “Why are you touching the air?” she asked in confusion.

  “No.” I started to crack up at her expression, but I sucked in a deep breath and forced myself to remain calm enough to explain. “It’s a high five. Hit my hand with yours.”

  Ainsley narrowed her eyes suspiciously, but she slowly lifted her hand and tapped mine lightly.

  “Harder,” I told her.

  She quirked an eyebrow, but the deer woman did as I said and made that typical slap sound as our hands collided.

  “It is interesting.” She chewed on her thoughts for a moment before her face broke out into a wide grin. “But I like it! High five, Ben.”

  We high fived again as Theora came up to us, with her usual no nonsense expression.

  “Are we going to stop these wargs, or are we going to play like children?” the black-haired woman demanded.


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