Monster Girl Islands 3

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Monster Girl Islands 3 Page 24

by Logan Jacobs

  “That is alright,” Ainsley murmured. She turned my head to face her and then planted a soft, warm kiss on my lips.

  I smiled into it and relaxed with the knowledge we’d made pretty damn good progress.

  For one thing, dozens of orc bodies littered the sand on which we stood.

  “That was fun!” Mira exclaimed as she bounded up next to me. “And, my king, I do believe we’ve found our way home.”

  She grinned and pointed toward the massive pirate ship beached on the sand.

  “Want to go check it out?” I asked as I waggled my eyebrows at her.

  Mira nodded, and the two of us took off toward the ship.

  “How many?” Mira asked as we ran.

  “Eleven,” I replied with a smirk. “What about you?”

  Mira’s eyes widened for a second before they narrowed with the anger at being beaten.

  “Ten,” she grumbled. “It appears I am always one behind you.”

  “Not anymore,” I laughed. “Because from now on, it looks like you’re stuck with me.”

  We made it to the massive ship and took it in for a second. To me, it looked a lot like Captain Hook’s pirate ship. The wood was dark and heavy, and the top of the ship was at least thirty feet above my head when I stood right next to it. A few windows had been carved into the sides and covered with what looked like glass. Splinters stuck out at all sorts of angles around the bottom, but the wood looked thick enough that it would hold together and sail fine. There was a crudely built ladder on the right side, and the two of us climbed up it.

  We hit the deck with our swords out and ready for anything. There was the possibility that orcs were still left on the ship, so we wanted to be ready.

  The deck was clear, though, and we wandered around as we looked through all of the things there.

  It became clear very fast the orcs were much more advanced than either the dragon women or the deer women. For starters, I found coils of rope along the deck. There were also spare swords scattered about haphazardly, and the ship had a wheel to steer it, as well as a pretty advanced mast.

  These orcs reminded me more of mid-fifteenth century humans, whereas the women all reminded me more of primitive, first millennia civilizations.

  Mira and I wandered below the deck, but we didn’t find any more orcs. Instead, we found some foul-smelling sleeping quarters. There was a section behind the sleeping quarters filled with crude metal cages that had dirty floors and a single pot in each corner for the captured victims to do their business in. It disgusted me to no end, and Mira and I quickly moved on from them. Lastly, we walked into a weapons storeroom, complete with more swords and knives.

  And that was where we found the golden ticket. An array of saws probably meant for cutting wood on the ship. They had smooth wooden handles, and the sharp metal blades were tied to them with a thin, but sturdy, rope. The metal carving was smooth, and I had to take a moment to be just the slightest bit impressed with the orcs’ ingenuity.

  But Mira and I could use them to harvest the lumber on this island, and we could leave some for the deer women, so they could begin to build more permanent residences on the ground.

  We finished exploring the rest of the ship, but we found nothing extremely fascinating. Our investigation just confirmed my theory that the orcs were much more advanced than either of the civilizations I’d encountered so far.

  That made me wonder if any of the other islands were this far advanced. Maybe there were others we could team up with against the orcs, ones that would have the resources to really defeat them once and for all.

  The probability of that excited me, but I knew I had to focus on where I was first before I went off and daydreamed about the adventures that still awaited us.

  The first thing on my to-do list would be getting back to my family. Now that the orcs were defeated here, I couldn’t wait to get back and see my children. Careen would have had the baby girl by now, which meant there was still a little one I hadn’t met.

  “Come on,” I told Mira once we’d thoroughly examined the entire ship. “Let’s get back to the women, and we can gather lumber in the morning.”

  “And then we’ll sail for home?” Mira asked as her golden eyes gleamed excitedly.

  “Not tomorrow,” I told her. “But soon.”

  The orcs had left us an amazing gift with the ship, but I still needed to figure out how I was going to get it off the island with no crew, not to mention across the ocean.

  But that was a problem for tomorrow.

  For today, I was going to bask in our victory over the bastards.

  We climbed back down the ship’s ladder and made our way to the group of women, who were still gathered on the beach surrounded by the dead orc corpses.

  Everyone seemed to have recovered from the massive battle, as well as I’d expected them to, at least. This was the first time most of these women had fought like this, and I knew it would take its toll on them.

  “You were all amazing,” I told them. “Now, let’s go get some food.”

  The mention of food brightened their spirits, and everyone popped up to head back toward the village and bask in the glow of knowing their island was safe.

  But, as I looked back out over the horizon where the escaped rowboat had disappeared to, I couldn’t help but wonder if it really was safe, or if the orcs would be back when I wasn’t here to protect these women.

  Chapter Fifteen

  We returned to the village sore and tired, but very, very blissful. The defeat of the orcs had lightened everyone’s spirits more than I could have ever known. Every single woman wore a smile on her face, including Nima, who still grieved about Netta’s coma.

  Ainsley requested a feast when we got to the village, and the cooks quickly got to work with some tarrel meat, fish, and vegetables in the cooking tent, while the rest of us gathered around the feast area.

  Sarayah and a few of the other women brought out their drums, and music filled the air. The sounds mingled with the excitement of the women to create an electrifying atmosphere that reminded me of a disco club in the seventies. The musicians tapped out a steady, intoxicating rhythmic beat, and the rest of the villagers gathered to dance and sway their hips to the music.

  “Dance with me, Ben!” Ainsley requested, but the leader of the deer women didn’t even give me a chance to respond. She just grabbed both my hands in here smaller ones and yanked me to my feet in a split second.

  “I’m not the best dancer,” I admitted with a laugh.

  “It does not matter.” She grinned. “Just listen to the music.”

  Ainsley held my hands in her own, closed her eyes, and swayed to the music, and I watched her as she moved. She was all soft curves, amazing legs, and smooth movement. Her perfect body seemed to be an extension of the beat as it thrummed on and on, and the platform literally vibrated with it.

  Slowly, I began to follow suit. It started in my hips, and I copied Ainsley’s movements as I found my own way into the rhythm. Then I let it carry up my torso and through my arms and the rest of my body.

  “It is my turn!” Jemma announced with a giggle as she spun in front of me and replaced Ainsley’s hands with her own.

  “As you wish,” Ainsley chuckled. Then she stepped back and was immersed in the crowd of women as I shifted my focus to Jemma.

  The auburn-haired woman looked up at me adoringly, and her bright chartreuse eyes sparkled with a regular hodgepodge of emotions. Excitement and relief were all visible there, as were adrenaline and sadness.

  The events of the last few days would have been a lot for anyone to take on, but Jemma was even more sensitive than the rest.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her over the music.

  “Like this is a new beginning,” she replied as she stepped in toward me with a smile and wrapped her lithe arms around my waist. “I cannot explain it, but there is this feeling in the air … ”

  Jemma’s words drifted off as she sighed and took in the world t
hat surrounded her. A new world. One free from the terror of the orcs. Hopefully.

  “Yeah, I get what you mean.” I nodded.

  Jemma gave me a soft smile before she closed her eyes and returned to the calm, sensual dance she’d been performing before.

  That night, I danced with every woman in the village. Even Kella was there, though she was still weak and sat off to the side to watch the dancers. The music lasted until the food was served, and then we all sat down in an oval with steaming plates in front of us. The meat and vegetables looked delicious, but no one ate yet.

  Instead, all of the eyes in the village turned to Ainsley, to their fearless leader, to see what she had to say.

  Ainsley was quiet for a moment as she looked back at each and every one of their faces. She gave all of the women a soft smile before her eyes finally fell on Mira and me, seated right next to her.

  “To our honored guests from an island far away,” Ainsley said, and held her glass up to us. “We are so grateful the Goddess brought you to us. It is because of you our island is safe from the intruders. It is because of you we can go back to the way we once lived, and we can learn how to be happy again. Thank you, Ben and Mira.”

  “Thank you, Ben and Mira,” echoed throughout the myriad of women.

  Mira and I raised our cups up in a similar toast, and everyone drank from their cups.

  “I want to say something, too,” I announced. “The way you guys fought so bravely today says a hell of a lot more about who you are than it does about me. When I first came here, I was a little worried it would be Mira and me against a thousand orc invaders. But because of your determination and your grit, you turned yourselves into an army. And you were able to take on the orcs and completely decimate their ranks. Which, let me tell you, is pretty damn cool.”

  That earned some giggles and smiles from the women around me. So, satisfied I’d said what was in my heart, I raised my glass to them, and we again all drank in unison.

  “Lastly, I would like to honor my sister,” Nima said from the opposite end of the table. “We will hold out hope that she will one day wake up and return to us. It will be a miracle from the Goddess Nira. To Netta.”

  “To Netta,” we all echoed.

  There was a moment of unanimous silence for our lost warrior. When the moment was up, Ainsley clapped her hands together.

  “Let us feast and celebrate,” she announced. “We thank Netta for her sacrifice with this meal, and we promise to live full and happy lives.”

  The moment the words left her lips, the entire village dug into their plates of food.

  We ate until our stomachs were stuffed to the brim with food, and then we ate some more. I satiated myself on tender tarrel meat, salty fish, and soft vegetables, but mostly, I just enjoyed the company of the women. I enjoyed the relaxed conversations, the way the laughs floated effortlessly out of their mouths now that they didn’t have anything to worry about. The orcs were gone, and their home was safe.

  Slowly, when the meal was over, the women began to disperse, and they headed to bed in their own separate tents to get a night of well-deserved sleep. Mira gave me a kiss and hugged Ainsley and Jemma before she retreated to her tent in exhaustion.

  Just as I’d swallowed the last bite of soft pink fish on my plate, I felt a hand brush up against my neck, and I turned to see Ainsley with her face only inches from mine.

  “I do not believe I would like to be alone tonight, Ben,” she murmured as a small smile graced her features.

  “Then you don’t have to be,” I told her with a grin.

  We were almost completely alone, but that didn’t stop us from racing up to Ainsley’s tent and away from any prying eyes.

  I closed the flap and spun around to find Ainsley directly in front of me. She leapt into my arms, and she was ravenous for my body as she peppered my face and neck with kisses. I groaned as her hands buried themselves in my hair and twisted just a little bit to make my scalp tingle in the most sensual way.

  I slipped my hand under the hem of her shirt and cupped her breast, then brushed my thumb delicately over her pert nipple.

  “Oh, my Goddess,” Ainsley breathed, and her body shuddered in my arms as it responded to my every little movement.

  As smoothly as I could, despite the fact that I couldn’t see past Ainsley’s hair, I walked us over to the mattress and laid her body down on it.

  The passion was already different, and I could feel it. It was more heated, like the opposite of makeup sex. It was the kind of love that happened when two people knew they had survived certain death.

  I trailed open mouth kisses down her neck as her hands continued to twist and play in my hair. At the same time, I pushed her shirt further and further up, until she got tired of the slow tease and yanked the fabric off herself.

  The moment her breasts were free, I attacked them with my mouth and fingers. I sucked on her nipples, one at a time, and made sure to swirl my tongue around the tip just the way I knew she loved.

  I was rewarded for my efforts with a string of moans and groans that could only be described as goddess-like.

  One hand slipped from my head, down my back, and around my side to the hem of her own pants. I felt her wriggle underneath me as I worked on her perfect breasts, and I shifted away just long enough for her to pull the cloth pants down to her ankles.

  The sight of her wet pussy made my dick rock solid, and suddenly, it was all I could do to get my fingers to work long enough to pull my pants off before I started to thrust into her.

  Since this was only our second time together, I started slow and gentle as I let her adjust to my size. Then I bent down to press our lips together as we moaned as one, and I pulled in and out of her slowly and steadily. With every pull, I’d bring myself all the way out, and with each thrust, I’d bury myself up to my balls in her warm, tight wetness.

  “Goddesssssss. Soooo … wonderfullll … Ohhh, my dragon king.” Ainsley arched her back underneath me and spread her legs apart as her body invited my thrusts deeper and deeper inside of her. Then the sound of our love filled the tent in the form of warm, wet smacks as the sex got harder and faster.

  I started to pound into her while my hands explored every inch of her body. I felt the warm, soft breasts, the dip of her pelvic bone, the curve of her hip, and the smoothness of her back as I drank in her scent. Even sweaty and in the throes of passion, she smelled of flowers and the forest.

  I wanted to remember this scent for the rest of my life.

  “Oh, Ben,” she groaned as she clawed at my back.

  Ainsley’s back arched impossibly high with her passion, and I ran my fingers down the bumps of her spine and buried my face in her neck as her walls tightened around me. That sensation alone was enough to send me over the edge, but I staved off my orgasm so I could feel her come undone around me.

  Finally, warm liquid gushed around my cock and dripped down onto the mattress below us as a verified scream left Ainsley’s throat. Her blue eyes closed as her hands twisted themselves into my hair, right at the roots, and that was what did it for me.

  “Please, Ben,” she begged. “Fill my womb once more. My body needs your seed.”

  “Gods, Ainsley,” I growled as my orgasm rocked my body, and I growled as the first spray of cum erupted deep inside of her.

  Then we both gasped as I twitched again and again while I filled her tunnel and womb to the brim with my seed.

  I supposed it was time for them to begin repopulating.

  As soon as I was empty, and she was full, we took a moment to breathe and bask in the glow of our orgasms before we very slowly came back to the world.

  Then I pulled out of her carefully and smiled down at her sweaty, beautiful face.

  “You are amazing,” I murmured as I stroked my finger down her reddened cheek.

  “So are you, Ben.” Ainsley grinned as she reached down to touch where a bit of my cream dribbled out of her delicious pussy. “I wish you did not have to leave, but I d
o understand.”

  I rolled over and pulled her closer to me, with her head against my chest, and her fingers lazily stroked up and down my side while I considered my next words.

  “I think you all should come home with me,” I finally said. “The orcs who got away may come back. When they do, their numbers will be even greater. They’ll be prepared for a battle, and we just won’t have the troops to stand up to that. And Ainsley … you may be pregnant.”

  “Yes,” she murmured. “You’ve blessed me with your seed many times. I most assuredly carry your child. I’ll know for sure in a few weeks.”

  “See?” I said as I reached over to brush the strawberry tinted blonde hair from her cheek. “I would just prefer it if I could keep an eye on you all, and make sure you’re safe.”

  “Let us talk of these things in the morning,” Ainsley replied as she blushed and ducked her head. “For now, it is time to get a well-deserved night of rest.”

  I nodded and smiled as we settled into the bed for a well-deserved night of rest. I couldn’t wait to wake up in the morning and talk about our futures together.

  I knew it would be a great one.

  End of book 3

  End Notes

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