The Country Club: Ladies' Night (The One Percent Book 3)

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The Country Club: Ladies' Night (The One Percent Book 3) Page 7

by Tim Miller

  She ran her fingers along his shins. The man was fairly toned, but his shins were thin and boney. She found the edge of the tibia, reared back and swung. The bone cracked as Chris screamed louder than he had yet. She’d bumped her shins on a coffee table and that had hurt like hell. She could only imagine what he was feeling now. Chris trembled and shook as his leg turned various shades of blue and purple. She swung the hammer onto the other shin, shattering the bone with several strikes. He continued screaming as she stood and looked up at Camila.

  “Fucking brutal! I love it!”

  Camila walked over and grabbed the knife again, she leaned in and kissed Laura on the lips. Laura was taken by surprise at first, but returned the kiss as they made out for a few minutes in front of their victim.

  “You sick bitches! What the fuck is wrong with you people?” Chris screamed.

  “Shame on you, Chris,” Camila said. “No one likes a peeping Tom. That’s just creepy.” Camila pulled away and took the knife, pulled his right eyelid open and jabbed the tip into his eyeball. The tissue popped as milky white fluid ran down his face. She reached up to the other eye and punctured that one, as he continued to scream while streams of white ran into his mouth.

  Camila reached down and began stroking Chris’s cock while cupping his balls. Despite all the pain and suffering he’d just been through, his penis still grew hard at her gentle touch. She stroked it faster and faster as the man sobbed and cried.

  “What are you doing? Don’t do this! Please!”

  Laura watched, somewhat impressed by the size of the man’s cock. It was at least six inches long and incredibly thick. She was more impressed he could even get hard while being tortured. Throughout the ordeal, she’d pushed her reservations to the back of her mind. Trying to put herself into Camila’s shoes so as not to give herself away. She’d feel bad for Chris later. The man didn’t deserve what she was putting him through, but she hoped his suffering would save others.

  Camila kept stroking until his shaft was rock hard and throbbing. Continuing to stroke, with one swipe she sliced the penis off at the shaft. Blood spurted from the hole in a red fountain as he screamed. Camila held it up, grabbed Laura by the waist and pushed her onto the man’s lap.

  Laura felt the warm blood squirting against her ass. Oddly it felt good, warm and tingly hitting her in one of her sensitive spots. Camila leaned in, kissing her while rubbing blood onto Laura’s breasts, and then licking it off. Laura found herself getting aroused as Camila reached down and massaged her clit as they kissed.

  Somewhere along the way, Chris had stopped screaming. Laura figured he’d bled out, as the blood had stopped pouring out of his severed stump. Soon she didn’t think about it as she came close to climaxing while Camila teased her clit, rubbing it faster and faster. Laura rolled her head back and closed her eyes as Camila pleasured her.

  Her eyes snapped open when she felt something long and thick slid inside of her. Camila was looking at her smiling. Laura looked down to see Camila had slid the man’s severed penis inside of her pussy.

  “What the…” Laura began.

  “Shhh,” Camila said. “Just enjoy. It’s just like a dildo. It’s the real thing without the baggage.” She giggled as she continued fucking Laura with the bloody cock.

  Laura closed her eyes again, trying to imagine something other than the gory site she’d just seen. Camila worked it faster and faster, twisting the cock as she slid it in and out. Laura began feeling herself tingle again as her juices flowed, mixing with the blood on the severed cock. She began working her hips in time with Camila’s thrusts. Her pussy made a squishing sound with each thrust. Suddenly the orgasm hit in a single wave. Laura’s body tensed as she cried out, her hips trembling and shaking as Camila continued thrusting.

  The orgasm felt like it lasted several minutes. Finally, she calmed down as her body went still. She opened her eyes and looked at Camila whose face was inches from hers. Both women’s faces and hair were soaked in blood. Camila touched Laura’s face as they kissed. Camila looked at Laura and smiled.

  “I’m glad you liked that,” she said. “Now it’s my turn.”

  Chapter 17

  Derek sat in the control room scanning the monitors. Some nights it was so bizarre to see what was happening in some of the rooms. To his far left, one member was a little old lady. He’d only seen her at the club one other time. She was on the screen waddling around her victim who was strapped to a chair. The old woman wore a pink dress and a sweater. She looked like she could be anyone’s grandmother.

  Except instead of baking cookies or apple pie, she was tapping a nail into some girl’s skull. Derek wasn’t even sure how she had enough strength to pound the nail. It looked like the hammer was too heavy for her, but after several taps the nail was embedded enough for her to drive it in. The girl in the chair struggled and wiggled helplessly. There was no sound, for which Derek was thankful. He didn’t need to listen to people’s screams all night.

  Several of the rooms had two women going to town on one victim. It was part of their weird orientation ritual. Derek still hadn’t quite figured the place out. It didn’t seem to be any kind of cult. Well it was, but not in a religious sense. At first, that’s what he’d thought it was. He was expecting people in robes and chanting. There was none of that, just lots of torture and cocktail parties. Not always in that order and not always at different times.

  On the center monitor was Camila and another girl. He’d seen the woman before; she was one of the new ones. Both women were stunning and both were naked. He leaned into watch the images on the screen. The other girl had the man’s severed penis in her hands and was fucking Camila from behind with it. Camila’s thick, round ass was up in the air as she bent over the table as the woman worked the severed shaft in and out.

  At first he thought it was a dildo until he saw the dead guy in the chair with a bloody hole where his dick should have been. The whole thing was sick, but oddly erotic. The new girl had short dark hair, full and perky tits, and a clean-shaven pussy. Her tits bounced up and down as she worked the severed appendage in and out of Camila, whose back was arched, her head thrown back with her mouth hanging open. Derek could only imagine the sounds she was making.

  He felt himself getting hard through his pants as he watched the scene. At first he felt bad for being aroused. Since working there, he tried hard not to rubberneck at the brutality going on before him. It was a job, and nothing else. These people were sick, twisted fucks. He was a normal, hardworking guy. This job was only a means to an end. Survival. He didn’t enjoy any of it. Yet he couldn’t look away as his cock grew harder.

  He reached down and stroked it through his pants, feeling it twitch and throb. Watching the two naked women, both soaked in blood with their boobs and asses bouncing. He unzipped his fly and slid his cock out, looking at the door for a second, hoping no one came in. His cock was rock hard as he stroked it faster and faster watching the new girl pulling Camila’s hair with one hand while using the other to work the bloody penis in and out of her.

  Derek leaned back as his cock throbbed. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he stroked more furiously watching the two women. With a loud grunt, his body tensed and shook as he ejaculated hot, sticky liquid all over his hand. It lasted almost a minute before he got his breath. He reached up and grabbed some tissue, wiping his hands off. Some of it got onto his pants. He did his best to clean it up, but his jacket would cover what little stain there was.

  Looking up at the monitor, he saw the women were also finishing up. They were now sitting on the table, stroking each other’s bodies and kissing. He zipped up and adjusted himself. The timing was perfect too. Blake came walking in a minute after he finished.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” Blake asked.

  “Not much. Just watching the orientation stuff.”

  “Oh yeah. Pretty kinky huh? Oh shit! Gladys is here! That old bitch is crazy!” Blake pointed at the tiny old lady.

  “What’s her deal?”

  “Same as the others. Rich widow who is bored and sick as fuck.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Damn! Did those two just fuck?” He pointed at Camila and the new girl’s monitor.

  “Yeah. With a severed dick.”

  “Fuck! I missed it. That new chick is hot. I’m not real into short hair, but she rocks it. She’s got a body on her too. Camila is hot but she’s much curvier. That new chick is all firm and athletic. I bet she could do a marathon.”

  “Yeah, but could you?” Derek asked.

  “Shit, good point. Bitch is probably so hardcore, she’d rip my dick off with her pussy.” The men laughed as Blake patted Derek’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go take a break. My feet are killing me and you probably want to stretch your legs.”

  “Yeah. Good idea, thanks man.” Derek stood and walked out of the room. As he headed down the hall, Amelia came out of one of the rooms wearing nothing but a bloody apron.

  “Hey!” she called out. Derek turned and tried not to stare at her breasts bulging out of the top of the apron.


  “Give me a hand in here for a minute.”

  “You need a cleanup crew?”

  “No. I’m not done. Just give me a hand.”

  He walked in to see a middle-aged man with his hands bound behind his back lying on his stomach on a long table. Beneath his stomach was a log, which elevated his ass into the air. He looked at Amelia who picked up a sledgehammer.

  “It will only take a minute,” she said. “I’ll try not to hit you too.”

  Chapter 18

  Laura and Camila washed each other off using the sink and towels in the back of the room. She couldn’t get all the blood out of her hair, so a long shower would be in order again when she got home. Camila pulled her hair back and slipped her dress on as she pushed the intercom along the wall.

  “Yes ma’am?” the man’s voice said through the call box.

  “Yes. Send a cleanup crew here please.”

  “They’re on the way.”

  She turned and smiled at Laura.

  “Well, that was fun!” Camila said.

  “Fuck yeah it was. Is this the standard greeting for all new members?”

  Camila actually blushed slightly.

  “No. Not like that anyway. I mean. You know I play with girls and guys. I just. Cutting off the dick…that was new.”

  “Umm yeah. That was…really different.” The situation suddenly felt awkward as Camila slipped her shoes on.

  “Yeah. It was fun. Let’s head downstairs and wait for the others. I can’t wait to hear how the others are doing.” Camila said right before the intercom buzzed.

  “Miss Camila?” the man said.

  “What is it?”

  “There is a problem in room seven.”

  “I’ll be right there.” She leaned in and kissed Laura on the cheek before pushing the heavy door open. As they walked out, the cleanup crew was approaching. It was two men wearing dark coveralls. One of them looked familiar. His hair was longer and he had a full beard but he looked right at her. They both froze as she realized who it was. Brett. Camila turned and looked at her.

  “You coming? Just head down to the main hall. I’ll meet you down there in a bit.”

  Glancing back at Brett, he nodded to her before proceeding into the room. Laura went down the stairs and into the main hall as Camila went further down the long hallway where men in suits were running. Instead of going to the main hall like she was told, Laura slowly drifted down the hall to see what the commotion was about.

  There were multiple screams as the men charged into a room at the end of the hall. Camila went in behind them as a woman’s voice howled from the room.

  “I can’t do it! This isn’t right! Let me go! Let me go!”

  Laura stood across the hall but could see into the room. It was one of the new girls. Laura had seen her last night and earlier. The woman had no trouble eating chopped up babies. Yet she was having an issue with torturing some poor asshole. Both were sick as hell; Laura just didn’t get why this would bother her after the baby dinner.

  The security men dragged the woman out of the room. Camila walked along behind them and saw Laura. She wasn’t smiling when their eyes met. Camila glared at her before looking back at the security men. The woman continued to scream.

  “Let me go! Please! You know who my father is? Let go of me!”

  “Get her out of here,” Camila ordered.

  “What do you want us to do with her?”

  “Throw her in the incinerator. Make sure you throw all her belongings in there too. I want no trace of her left at all.”

  “What? No! No! Let me go!” the woman screamed as the men dragged her to the end of the hall and through a door leading down a stairwell. Camila stormed over to Laura and grabbed her arm.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Camila said. “I told you to go to the main hall!”

  “Ow! Sorry. I saw all those guys running and was just curious. Fuck! What was all that about? She’s one of the new girls isn’t she?”

  “Yes. She’s not like you. Like us.” Camila let go of her arm. “Some people, I can usually tell if they’ll handle it here or fit in. Once in a while I’m wrong.”

  “She seemed fine last night at the dinner.”

  “Yeah. She was drunk as hell though. She and Janine, one of our long-time members, were out drinking before they got here. So I don’t think it all registered with her. She and Janine get up here tonight and Janine starts pulling the guy's toenails off and the bitch freaks out. Tried to run out of the room. Security grabbed her.”

  “So you’re just going to kill her? Just like that?”

  “Yeah. It’s the rules. We can’t put the club at risk. That bitch goes and blabs to the cops...”

  “Who is her father she was yelling about?”

  “Some politician. He’s a member, too, in New York. He won’t do anything. He knows what’s up.”

  “Jesus. His own daughter?”

  “I’ve seen members bring their kids to other clubs, and if they don’t take to it, either kill the kid or leave them there. They end up working as cleanup crews or something.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I shouldn’t even be telling you all this. But I can tell you’re like me. You got the same look in your eyes I did at first.”

  “What look?”

  “Like you want blood! Rage! We’re the same!”

  Laura shuddered at the comparison.

  “So anyway,” Camila continued, “yeah, they’ll throw her in the incinerator downstairs. Alive. Shit, you know, I should have all the newbs watch. Send a message. We don’t fuck around here. That may be too much. I’ll explain she’s gone and why. That usually scares them enough, but I think this is a good bunch.”

  Laura nodded.

  “Just remind me never to piss you off,” Laura said.

  Camila took her by the hand as they started walking toward the main hall.

  “I’m hard to piss off. Just don’t put the club at risk.”

  Laura felt a lump forming in her throat as she wondered what Mr. White’s final plan was in all of this. She had infiltrated the club. Brett was working there too, something Mr. White had lied about. She’d yet to meet any other member of his “organization.” Part of her wanted to finish the night at the club and disappear for good. But a bigger part of her wanted to see this through and take these assholes down once and for all.

  Chapter 19

  Derek looked around the room but couldn’t take his eyes off of Amelia’s breasts and the sledgehammer she was holding.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Hold this,” she said and handing him a large railroad spike.

  “Hold it where?”

  “In his asshole! God! Are you new here?”

  “No, I mean. I’m kind of new, but I mean. I don’t know.”

  “Shut up. Hold the tip of the spike against his asshole.”

  The man screamed through the gag as Derek placed the pointy end of the spike into his ass.

  “There. Now push it in some. You don’t want it to slip,” she ordered. Derek shoved the spike in almost a quarter inch as the man kept trying to scream. There was a loud ripping sound as gas released and the man’s bowels let loose. Shit sprayed from his ass and onto Derek’s arm, shirt and face. Unfortunately, his mouth was open when the “explosion” occurred. He leaned forward and threw up. Once his stomach contents were on the floor, he continued coughing and spitting to get the taste out of his mouth.

  He looked down at himself to see his white shirt, and black jacket was now saturated in brown, chunky liquid. Amelia was looking at him and laughing.

  “Ha! You actually are a shithead!” she said.

  “It isn’t funny!”

  “Oh, shut the fuck up. Quit fucking around and get that spike in his ass.”

  “You serious? I got shit all over me!”

  “You can clean up later. Come on! I’m tired of fucking around! Want me to get Camila?”

  “Ok. Fine. Fuck, lady.” He held the spike up and shoved it back into the man’s ass once again. Remnants of shit squished out as he slid it in, holding the base.

  “There you go. Now hold it right there. Just like that.”

  Derek stretched his arm out and stood as far back as he could.

  “Wait. You’re not gonna miss are you? I don’t wanna get hit with that thing.”

  “No I’m not gonna hit you. Unless I want to. I’ll cave your fucking skull in if I want to. Keep being a little bitch and I might.”

  “All right. Damn.”

  She lifted the hammer, reared back and swung. Hitting the spike with perfect precision, the spike went in almost two more inches into his ass. The man screamed as Derek let go. Amelia lifted the hammer again and swung several more times until the head of the spike was barely sticking out. The man’s body was twitching as he kept screaming. Derek looked on as Amelia giggled with each blow.


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