Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans Page 24

by Dale C. Musser

  “What of this Eulshod Rendoid,” Kala asked, “is he party with the raiders?”

  “He doesn’t appear to be. In fact, he seems to be more than willing to turn over the secret membership list to the FOI to aid in our investigation so long as we leave him alone...” Wanoll said, “He may have been the catalyst that the group formed around, but the group now is not one of his making or following, that much now at the moment. Never the less, the FOI is keeping an eye on him.”

  “What can you tell us about this group?” I asked, “What do they call themselves, do they have any special code names or secret passwords or words of recognition that might help us in identifying them?”

  Wanoll sighed and said, “They call themselves the BROTHERHOOD of LIGHT and are said to carry a small coin like medallion, some wear it, and some carry it in their pocket. On one side is the symbol for Infinity and on the other side is a Mobius strip. It’s supposed to be a sign of Power Forever. Power Forever is their word of recognition as well. In a sense Solbidyum is the ultimate sign of their order as it represents Power Forever. One thing the FOI is sure of and that is that they will attack again and probably on an even larger basis.”

  “That’s not what I want to hear,” I said, “but for right now, if we can be sure of the loyalty of the crew on this ship we are about as safe here as you can possibly be. Once the RMFF is turned on nothing is getting in.”

  “I’m afraid that Admiral Regeny is going to be disappointed about the RMFF, he was really hoping you had found a way to power it using a standard fusion reactor.” Wanoll said.

  “Doesn’t anyone have an idea where the rebels are hiding? It has to be someplace close by?” I asked.

  “It a real mystery,” Wanoll replied, “the FOI and the military have been using all their resources and we haven’t a clue where they go to. We’re pretty sure they are on Megelleon, but they hug the ground with their ships and know routes that keep them from being observed. It’s not easy to hide a patrol ship and they are not hiding them outdoors on the surface or we would be able to pick them up with satellites; we’re getting nothing. All buildings large enough to hide them are also being checked but with no luck so far.

  Captain Maxette has asked me to provide you with one hundred fifty troopers for crew and security here on the NEW ORLEANS until you can get fully manned. The Federation can’t have the TRITYTE falling into enemy hands, I’ll also be staying here to help, though I have a feeling I will be learning more than I will be helping,” he said with a chuckle. “You seem to be safe enough from outside attack with the RMFF here on the NEW ORLEANS up and running, but you have little protection at the moment from internal attacks.”

  “I appreciate the offer,” I said, “however, I have one condition, and everyone who will be stationed here must undergo a mental probe to determine their loyalties.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Wanoll exclaimed, “all the troopers being sent here have already been tested back on the DUSTEN before being sent here.”

  “With all due respect, Corporal Lexmal was tested on the DUSTEN, and we all know how that turned out. If you don’t mind, we will retest everyone here again. No one will be coming aboard the NEW ORLEANS without being tested by Major Kalana. Further, so long as it doesn’t impact any of your primary orders from the Federation high command, while you are aboard the NEW ORLEANS you and the troopers will answer to Captain Stonbersa.”

  Wanoll looked at me curiously for a moment and then laughed, “Tibby I truly admire you, you have every right to be cautious. I agree you can start by testing me.”

  Kala began testing troopers shortly after, starting with Lt. Commander Wanoll, Wanoll passed but out of one hundred fifty troopers being assigned to the New Orleans for security, seven failed the test and were under questioning. Five of the seven were found to have affiliation with the Brotherhood of Light, the other two were just mercenaries in their desire to obtain Solbidyum for themselves. Lt. Commander Wanoll contacted Captain Maxette from the bridge of the NEW ORLEANS with the findings of the tests.

  “Captain,” Wanoll began, “we seem to have a bigger problem than we thought. Tibby, in his wisdom, insisted that everyone to be stationed on the New Orleans must be psychologically computer tested before being allowed to server aboard the ship despite the troopers previously being tested on board the DUSTEN. The troopers were all retested and the results of these tests are grim. Five percent of the previously tested troopers failed the second test. We have to conclude that we have persons in the testing systems who are passing through confederates and that our own ship could have Rebels aboard. For the moment I am holding the troopers that didn’t pass to keep word from leaking out. We believe that you need to immediately start retesting not only your troopers, but the test facilitators as well. It would appear that the rebels have been in place longer than we suspected. Now with the Solbidyum back, I fear we are on a collision course with problems we have not seen in centuries.”

  Captain Maxette face looked glum as the news was delivered, he stared back at us through the screen, “Tibby I don’t suppose you have one of your magic tricks that can get us out of this mess do you?”

  “I’m afraid not Captain,” I said, “I wish I did.”

  “I will immediately start retesting everyone starting with the test facilitators, but it’s not going to be easy and if anyone figures out what we are doing I hate to think what might happen. There are thousands aboard the DUSTEN and if what you are saying is right, there’s no telling what kind of trouble we could be in here. We must filter out the rebels if the TRITYE. Of the ten thousand people on the DUSTEN, six thousands of them troopers, if 5% of them are rebels that’s 300 that we have to worry about, no telling what kind of trouble they could do. But it’s the TRITYTE and the Solbidyum they are after and the DUSTEN has neither so I suspect that we’re safe here until we can filter out the rebels.”

  “I fear there is a much larger problem here than we are seeing, Captain I just haven’t figured it out yet.” Wanoll said.

  “Captain Stonbersa,” Maxette said, “I’m glad to see you accepted Tibby’s offer, I feel a lot better knowing you are in charge of the NEW ORLEANS, whatever happens don’t let the TRITYTE fall into the hands of the enemy, nor the NEW ORLEANS for that matter.”

  “Rest assured Captain,” Stonbersa replied, “you have my word I will do all I can to protect both ships.”

  That evening Kala and I dined in our suite alone. Piesew ordered us some tasty dishes from the synthesizer and after serving us he retired to his quarters. Both of us sat quietly for a while and finally Kala spoke, “Tib what’s bothering you? I can see it on your face and I know it’s more than the current situation with the rebels?”

  “I didn’t think it showed, “I answered, “but yes something is bothering me, it is directly related to the rebels in a way. It’s just that you and the rest, Lunnie, Reidecor, Marranalis, and to some extent Kerabac, well you’re all like family to me and I like having you all near and talking and doing things with you. The past few days, however it’s been so busy and hectic that it seems we all are going apart instead of being the team and family I would like us to be. Right now Lunnie and Reidecor are aboard the TRITYTE making sure the RMFF shields are fully powered, Marranalis is working with Wanoll and the Troopers making sure the ship is guarded and maintained inside properly. And Kerabac, what the hell is Kerabac doing anyway?”

  Kala chuckled, “He’s been working with Orcpipin and the shipyard team on the navigation system, it was not fully functional and when we turned on the RMFF system they discovered that the navigation system stopped functioning all together. Orcpipin’s engineers and Kerabac think they may have a solution and have been working on that all day and still continue to do so as far as I know.”

  Kala got up from the table and came over to where I was sitting and sat down on my lap and wrapped her arms about my neck and said, “and what about me? Have you missed me by your side all the time?”

  “Kala, “I said a
s truthfully and sincerely as I knew how, “I have missed you the most of all, every minute that you were not at my side.” Kala kissed me than and leaned back looking at me and smiling said, “Good and don’t you ever forget it!” and with that comment Kala stood up and still holding my hand led me to the bedroom.

  In the morning I called for my crew and Captain Stonbersa to a meeting in the galley area on the TRITYTE. It was the first time that Captain Stonbersa had been aboard the TRITYTE and he was openly moved and teary eyed about “this historic ship,” and how he never thought for a moment that one day he would stand inside of her. He talked about how when he was a child the tales of the TRITYTE had intrigued him. It made me realize once again how truly significant this ship was to the peoples of the Federation and I began to formulate a new plan in my mind, but first we had so survive the current situation before I could give that more thought.

  “I called you all here today for several reasons, first and foremost because I want to see you all, the past few days have been very busy and we have not had any personal time together as a group. I hope none of you feel like I have forgotten you or that I am neglecting you. You all have done an incredible job and I am extremely proud of you, much of it without my asking and acting just like the team I hoped we would become. Reidecor and Lunnie, without your quick thinking and action when the raiders were on their way here we would probably all be dead and the TRITYTE and its Solbidyum would be in enemy hands, possibly the NEW ORLEANS as well. If the two of you had waited to receive orders from me to attach the power cable for the RMFF to the TRITYTE we would have been lost. I cannot thank you both enough. I know that Kerabac has been working feverishly to resolve a problem in the navigation system and Marranalis has been working with Lt. Commander Wanoll to shore up ship defenses and security. Kala has been busy retesting everyone to set foot in the ship to protect us from potential threats. As for Captain Stonbersa, who barely set foot on the ship before having to take command during an attack, I thank you., Let’s just say that everyone has gone above and beyond the call of duty in this situation and I will not forget it. I am hoping that soon we can get on to more happy and relaxing pursuits.”

  “I for one have enjoyed every minute of the time,” Lunnie began with what one could tell was going to be yet another of her glib remarks, “having Reidecor all to myself here on the TRITYTE has been my dream come true,” and with that she threw her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. Reidecor blushed but didn’t try and disengage Lunnie’s arms.

  “Well Lunnie I was planning on asking for a progress report from all of you, but honestly that was not the update I was looking for. Were there, or are there, any problems with power feeds for the RMFF that we need to know about?”

  “None that I can find,” Lunnie reported.

  “Captain Stonbersa and Kerabac, I understand that when the RMFF is operating the navigation system is non-functional, what can you report on that?” I asked.

  Captain Stonbersa smiled, “We have some interesting news for you on that one, I’ll let Kerabac tell you though as he was the one who made the discovery.”

  “Well I can’t really take credit for it. I mean it was just by accident that I discovered it.” Kerabac began. “We all know that up until yesterday RMFF systems have never been operated except in the smallest scales in a laboratory mostly because of the incredible power requirements, so there are still many unknowns with them. In our case we found that when the RMFF system is active the navigation system won’t function. We also learned that the RMFF system enhances the energy effect of anything moving through it and outward from the ship. We were playing around with different functions to get the navigation system working and at one point tried piggy backing the navigation signals to a second magnetic beam and projecting it through the RMFF shield when suddenly we were getting calls from Nibaria questioning what had happened to the NEW ORLEANS’ they could no longer see it. When we turn the magnetic beam with the navigation signal off the ship reappeared to them. We tested it several times and found that the RMFF can operate as a cloaking device if we inject a magnetic beam with the navigation system on it. Oddly it only works with the navigation beam linked to the magnetic beam. It was pure luck that we even figured this out.”

  “You mean not only can we make the NEW ORLEANS invulnerable from outside attack, we can also make it invisible?” I exclaimed!

  “That’s exactly what we mean,” Stonbersa said, both he and Kerabac grinning ear to ear.

  “What about the navigation system?” I asked

  “That one had me stumped for a while until I realized that light from the stars was still passing through the RMFF shield, so I recalibrated the system to work on light instead of the magnetic signature of the stars and it works. Well I should say it works as long as the RMFF field is up, soon as it’s dropped the light signature system only works with nearby stars. So with the help of Orcpipin’s crew working through the night and installing some new gear in the bridge, we now have a dual system that switches automatically depending on if the RMFF is engaged or not. We also have a switch for the cloaking device as well.” Kerabac concluded with a smug satisfied smile.

  “I’ve had them install a security system so the cloaking device can only be activated by senior staff members of the crew,” Captain Stonbersa said, “That way if the ship ever falls into enemy hands they cannot cloak the ship nor activate the RMFF. Every one of you in this room has authorization to it, but no one outside of this room does, and that includes Lt. Commander Wanoll. I can change that if you want Tibby, but for the moment I thought perhaps you would prefer it this way.”

  “Good thinking Captain,” I said, “though I do trust Lt. Commander Wanoll, for right now I would prefer that not only does he not have access to the RMFF and the cloaking device, but I would prefer that no one outside this room know about the cloaking device at all.”

  “Marranalis, what can you tell me about the internal security at the moment?” I asked.

  “The troopers sent by the DUSTEN are a huge step in the right direction. I know most of the troopers sent and they are all top of the line. All of them were shocked to find there were dis-loyalists in the DUSTEN’s crew and are extremely embarrassed by it. I think they all will work extra hard to prove themselves just because of that very fact. I talked to Orcpipin and he says his crew will be finishing up all the last details in the next day and they will depart then. The Passenger liner coming in for repairs will be here that same day, and I believe that Piesew and Kala, and Captain Stonbersa have already screened a number of applications of people to interview. If they pass their interviews and loyalty tests we should have a crew and be ready to fly in about five days. Assuming we are going to fly someplace,” Marranalis said with a grin.

  Kala reported that her assistant back at the Estate said everything seemed to be in order, the Federation has sent extra troops to boaster up the security; I suddenly had an idea.

  “Kala, contact Admiral Regeny’s office and tell him that I am making rooms available free of charge to senior officers for up to a week at a time at the Lodge as a sign of my appreciation to the Federation for its protection. I doubt we will be using the lodge much, if at all, but it’s a beautiful building with lovely rooms and I am sure the senior officers will enjoy it.”

  “Yeah,” Marranalis chuckled, “and you can be sure if they are going to be using it the trooper security will be top drawer on the estate.”

  “Exactly!” I said, and everyone the room laughed.

  The next few days went by rather quickly, and other than for routine business things were less stressed. Between Kala’s talking to her assistants back at the Estate about routine matters she and I had a fair amount of free time and wandered about the ship. Our personal living quarters were identical to the ones we had back on the estate, right down to the study room with the fish tank. I had a special fascination for this room and it became my personal working space. Between the time I bought the ship and our return of it Orcpipin
I had seen that the tank be filled with water and aquatic life. I discovered there was a large view screen that could completely cover the aquarium so you had no idea it was there. At times I would have it in place and set the view to space. The picture was so vivid and real that you felt like you could just step into it and drift off into space. There were leather like sofas in the room and large chairs covered in the same material. Potted fern like plants also stood at various locations giving the room a very Victorian feeling. The only thing it seemed to lack was a fire place.

  Just like back on the Estate there were multiple swimming pools, gyms and activity spaces on the ship. Another thing that really surprised me was the number of food and drink dispensers about the ship with garden styled atrium patio areas where people could sit and have a drink or meal and chat. The ship was more like a floating town than a ship.


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