Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans Page 26

by Dale C. Musser

  I received word from Piesew that he had managed to contact the couple that he thought would do a good job designing uniforms for my crew on the NEW ORLEANS, pictures were included and I was impressed. For the most part the uniforms were similar to those of the Federation and were of a comparable cut, the only difference being their colors which would correspond to each individuals function on the ship. The ranking bands would also be different amongst each person and instead of going across ones chest it was instead placed on their sleeves. Also officers had long sleeved jackets with a similar Nehru collar as the diplomatic cut jackets that I frequently wore, except that in every cast these had the collars in a contrasting color to the jacket. The Captain and first officer both had ivory colored uniforms with gold banding on the sleeves. The others of the bridge crew had uniforms of a royal blue with either gold or silver banding depending on rank. Throughout the ship most of the other uniforms were either green or a light yellow, engineering had gray uniforms with a silver piping. They were all very impressive. I asked Piesew how long it would take to get the uniforms made up and he laughed and said. “Sir Renwalt, you do not need to have someone make the uniforms, all you need do is to install the design in the ship’s computer and the clothing will be made for each individual according to their measurements in their own closets.”

  “I’m sorry Piesew,” I responded, “I still have much to learn. Please see to it that the program is installed on the ship’s computer and that all are informed they are to wear these uniforms while on duty. Also see to it that the ship’s purser pays the couple double what the designers asked for and with my complements.”

  “As you wish sir,” Piesew answered, “I shall see to it at once.” And with that he was gone. I was barely off the vid screen with him when call came in from Lt. Commander Wanoll.

  “Greetings Lt. Commander, to what do I owe this call?” I asked.

  “I fear I have some bad news, with the discovery of the infiltration of the crew on the DUSTEN by rebels the Federation has quietly begun a security sweep of everyone in the immediate area of Megelleon. There have been over one thousand Brotherhood rebels discovered so far and the sweep isn’t even completed. It seems they have been here a long time but have been lying low, quietly waiting for a reason to take action. But now, fired by the potentials that Solbidyum could give them, they have become a malignant body that we must deal with. I understand you have swept all the personnel at your estate and on your ship and can be relatively certain of your security? I wish we could say the same for the Federation military. We’re sitting on a time bomb that is ready to explode and if it does Captain Maxette is not sure he can hang onto the DUSTEN or that we will be able to depend on aid from him if needed. Admiral Regeny is also concerned because three rebels have been found on his personal staff. He doesn’t know what information they may have leaked out.”

  “That sounds ominous indeed,” I said. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Tibby, I wish there was, but honestly I am not sure what anyone can do right now. We just have to hope the lid stays on everything at the moment. The first shipments of Solbidyum were supposed to start going out this week to their respective planets, but right now we can’t guarantee their safety, and if just one shipment doesn’t make it, well we’re looking at the Solbidyum Wars all over again.” We briefly discussed the security measures on the NEW ORLEANS and just finished up when a message appeared on the screen that I had another call coming in from Lunnie. I ended my conversation with Wanoll and toggled over to Lunnie.

  “Hi lover boy,” Lunnie began, “I think I have some good news for you,”

  “You’ll be the first one today Lunnie, if you do,” I said, which wasn’t quite true, but uniforms don’t count.

  “I pulled up the TRITYTE plans on the ship’s computer and it has the complete plans for the Solbidyum reactor. The reactor is not all that big, actually less than a meter square; however, I will need to replace the exotic metals. These would only be found on other planets, but I am sure I could get them shipped here. It would be much easier to build a new reactor and simply move the grain of Solbidyum to it than to try and move the entire reactor. I could build the complete thing here in the onboard machine shop. If you can get me the metals I need I can have your reactor built and in system in three to four days.”

  “Lunnie, you are a genius,” I said, “Remind me to give you a bonus. Just requisition anything you need and put a rush on it. I have a feeling we are going to need that Solbidyum moved very soon. Once you have the reactor installed in the NEW ORLEANS I want you to disguise it so no one knows what it is. Let them think the fusion reactor on the NEW ORLEANS is the only power system on the ship, in fact if you can make it so the reactor room for the Solbidyum reactor is completely hidden with a secret door that would even be better.”

  Lunnie laughed, “Got you boss, I know exactly what to do. With luck I should have it operational in about four days.

  After talking to Lunnie I sent a signal to Kala asking where she was, as it turned out she had just finished up going over things with her staff on the estate and was coming to look for me. I suggested she meet me at our private pool in our quarters and we take a swim. By the time I got to the pool Kala had already stripped out of her clothing and was swimming laps. I wasted no time getting my clothing off and jumped into the pool beside her and we swam side by side for several laps before stopping and saying anything. When we did stop at the pools end I asked Kala, “What was it like around here before I showed up with the TRITYTE? I mean it seems to me that since I showed it’s just been one major event after another, was it like this before I showed up with the TRITYTE?”

  “No, it was quite different, much duller actually, but a lot less dangerous as well. The most exciting thing that happened was arguments over trade agreements between planets and tariffs and taxes on goods and the like. The most dangerous thing I had to worry about was some diplomat’s mates pet Oragnat biting me on the ankle when I went to pick them up for a meeting. I must admit that I am working to the max since you have shown up and at times it overwhelms me, but I would not give it up for anything. Most of all, you have given me something much greater, you have given me real love. The love that I feel inside me for you and love that you give me in return. I can’t begin to tell you what you mean in my life.” Kala propped her chin and arms on edge of the pool and continued, “Before you came along I believed that love was something that didn’t really exist, I don’t mean in a sense like a family where kids love their parents and siblings and vice versa, but like between a man and a woman, like what exists between us. I always thought it was just wishful thinking on the part of two people and just sexual attraction. But now, now I know what it feels like, even though I can’t put it into words.”

  “You don’t need to,” I said and I kissed her. We embraced there in the pool like that for several minutes, just holding each other. It was the best moment of my day and I wished I could hold her there like that forever. Finally I said, “I got a call today from Lt. Commander Wanoll, he said that the double screening on the DUSTEN has turned up a number of rebels and that the Federation is now running scans on all their ships and troops. The problem is extensive with over a thousand rebels in the military and they have no idea how extensive it really is. Wanoll said that Admiral Regeny found three rebels on his own personal staff and he has no idea what information they may have leaked out. They are afraid to try and move any of the Solbidyum to the planets they are meant to go to because they believe they will be intercepted and there are rebels on every ship in the fleet. They are holding up shipment now which is only going to increase ill feelings with the planets, but they can’t give the reason lest they force the rebels to mutiny. They can’t hold the shipments up too long though or the planets will mutiny, it’s a no win scenario.”

  “Tibby, I know you, you’re planning something again aren’t you?” Kala asked. I sort of chuckled . “If you know me, what do you think I am planning on doin

  “Hmmm,” Kala began slowly kicking back in the cool water, making tiny circles with her arms, “well knowing you it will involve the NEW ORLEANS, maybe to deliver some of the Solbidyum. The ship is invincible as far as we know, but the Federation is way too big for the NEW ORLEANS to deliver it all. It would take several life times for us to make all the deliveries.”

  “Well you are right, at least in parts. I am thinking of using the NEW ORLEANS to make at least some of the deliveries. I also want to draw off the raiders into trying to attack and capture the NEW ORLEANS while other less obvious ships slip out and take the Solbidyum to other planets that are not being considered for receiving shipments at that time. I think if we can get several successful shipments made it will weaken the Brotherhood of Light’s movement and they will lose some of their members and support. The longer shipments are held up the more the rebels will be able to grow in strength.” Kala and I swam a few more laps then showered and headed back to our suite of rooms. We ate a light dinner and found our way into one of the rooms we had previously not paid much attention to, but had passed through several times. It wasn’t exactly a den or study, nor was it a living room; it was more of a sitting room and had a large fireplace large padded chairs and sofas around the fireplace, it was to one of these that Kala and I were drawn to. The fire place was a real wood burning fire place and I got the fire going and the wood on it, but the wood was nothing like anything on Earth, it burned nicely putting out the most wondrous aroma, like that of baked goods we had on Earth called cinnamon buns baking. Kala and I sat on the small settee wrapped in each other’s arms, not saying anything, just watching the flames flicker until we both fell asleep. We awoke to find ourselves there in the morning, the fire long out and out bodies stiff from the positions we had slept in.

  It was still early in the morning when I received another call from Cantolla that they needed me for another programing of the headband. Once again I performed the stances and once again poor Marranalis got tossed about the room. I must confess though he was getting better on his landings and seemed better able to get back no his feet with less assistance after the throws. A new recruit was brought in and the headband fitted, only to achieve the same results after wearing the headband. The recruit picked up the moves, but his body didn’t know how to perform them smoothly, there appeared to be minor improvement from the day before, but certainly it was nothing significant. Dakko and Rivez both shook their heads bemoaning that it wasn’t possible while Cantolla looked at the headband with a sense of curiosity and confusion that said “you should be working, why aren’t you?” On the other hand, with the groups that Marranalis and I had been training and that had used the head bands there was a huge improvement in skills and ability. It did move the program forward by several months from what it would have been otherwise.

  We received word that afternoon that another attempt had been made on the Solbidyum at the Federation’s main base where it as being kept under guard. A ship from Teahkins that had arrived days earlier to carry its grain of Solbidyum back to their planet, the ship was relocating to a waiting pad on the base after being told there was to be a hold up due to technical difficulties. They were not told that the reason was because of concerns about the rebels. Apparently the rebels didn’t get the message because they attacked the ship thinking it had received the Solbidyum and tried to capture it there on the field. Several rebel troopers suddenly appeared from various locations attacking and killing guards on the ground as the ship prepared to take off, the rebels all quickly boarded the ship as it was trying to take flight and killed most of the crew, and dumped them out of the door as it was taking off.

  They were taking off when a patrol ship coming in from the DUSTEN saw the fight from the air and upon orders from the DUSTEN opened fire on the ship blowing it up and killing all on board. Now the Teahkins Senator was demanding to know what was going on and why their ship had been attacked and destroyed. Soon the truth would be out and chaos would ensue. The DUSTEN was currently holding several hundred rebel prisoners in a makeshift brig, and at Headquarters a plan was in action to nab as many of the rebels on the ground as possible.

  Word of the attack and movement of rebel troops must have spread quickly because rebels made a raid on a separate hanger and eight patrol ships were taken. There was a Mutiny on the frigate TASSAGORA which had currently been in orbit around Megelleon and it was also taken over by the rebels. The loyal crew were all placed in escape pods and ejected by the rebels, their pods floating to the planet surface. It was estimated that nearly two hundred rebels on the ground escaped by crowding into the holds of the several patrol ships and there were nearly two dozen rebels on the frigate. With the rebels that escaped there were enough to fully man the frigate and the patrol ships that had been taken. Things looked very dark indeed and still the FOI had no idea where the rebels were vanishing to with the ships they were taking.

  It was about mid-afternoon when Kala and I were in my office study discussing matters about the Estate and ships when we heard quick footsteps nearing the study. Suddenly the door opened, no knock. “Sorry to interrupt but I think you both need to see what’s happening.” She said gasped breathlessly and rushed to the vid screen and activated it. She stepped back as it turned on and I noticed fear etched across her face. The images displayed bodies strewn on the ground along with several burning wrecked patrol ships. Troopers were scurrying about on the screen amongst the chaos as the commentator was speaking from the screen, “…and Federation headquarters were attacked in an attempt to get at the Solbidyum, this is the second attempt on the Solbidyum storages we are told. An earlier attempt was kept quiet by the Federation and occurred only days after its arrival here on Megelleon. At this time it is unknown just how many troopers at the base have been injured or worse. Our sources inside the Federation headquarters tell us that they became aware of this rebel group fairly recently and have been trying quietly to isolate its members before taking any action. The FOI has been aware of this group, believed to be a subset of the BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT, for some time but believed them to be a benign organization and only gave them a cursory review. We have gotten word that already a number of senators are calling for a review of the FOI and its inability to foresee this event and stop it sooner. Hold on a minute. We are receiving a breaking news message from our associated reporter located on the DUSTEN. Cleainsta, can you hear me? You’re on.”

  “Yes, Elige, I hear you, This is Cleainsta reporting live from the DUSTEN, moments ago fighting broke out on the DUSTEN near the bridge area. It is not known for sure but it is believed that the bridge has been taken. No one has been able to contact the bridge since the fighting started several minutes ago. We have heard rumors about mutineers on the DUSTEN being held in cargo holds but there has been no confirmation of that. It appears that there were rebels and that somehow they have escaped and now hold the bridge and the forward hangar on the ship. People on the observation deck behind me have reported seeing several patrol ships come in to that hangar area since then and it is believed that more rebels have entered the ship… Wait a minute… the people back here are saying something… What…? Elige I am being told now that a frigate is approaching, and that there is a number of patrol ships leaving from the forward hanger and taking up positions around the DUSTEN. It looks like help has arrived, yes the people behind me are saying that the Frigate is the TASSAGORA. People are starting to chee…..” The screen suddenly went black for a few moments and then Elige reappeared on the screen... “We seem to have lost contact with the DUSTEN, and it appears that communication was severed from that end. We didn’t have time to tell Cleainsta that the TASSAGORA had been captured by the rebels yesterday. It would appear now that the DUSTEN has fallen into the rebel hands. We can only pray that the nearly 10,000 people aboard her will be safe.”

  We sat quietly watching the vid screen, all silently horrified at the images we had just seen. The assistant had seated herself on a sofa and currently had
her head down in her hands, she appeared to be crying. I felt Kala come to my side and put her arm around me and lay her head against my shoulder, “Oh, Tib I hope the Captain is alright?” While we watched the news report an incoming call cut in from the NEW ORLEANS and Lt. Commander Wanoll, the news images fell to the background as Wanoll filled the screen.

  “Tibby, Major” I felt Kala straighten up next to me and listen, “I don’t know if you have heard what is happening, the DUSTEN has been taken by the rebels. Captain Maxette was able to get a message off to me just seconds before the bridge was taken. Commander Thimas is a member of the Brotherhood of Light. He was never tested for loyalty, as first officer the Captain thought him to be safe and never pushed his being screened. Commander Thimas released the prisoners and helped them in their takeover of the ship. We don’t know if the Captain is alive at the moment or not, but we suspect that he is. One thing we are sure of is that if he is alive he is most likely being held with other loyal troopers that have been captured.. Tibby the last thing the Captain was able to get out before the communication was cut short was to request your help. He said you and the NEW ORLEANS are the only hope the Federation has of stopping this rebellion.” As Lt. Commander Wanoll was speaking a message began flashing on the screen that Admiral Regeny was trying to speak to us. “Hold on a minute Lt. Commander, the Admiral is trying to get through to us. Tell Captain Stonbersa to make the NEW ORLEANS ready, I will be coming up with about two hundred troopers and security shortly. I need to take this message from the Admiral, now.”


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