Revved: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Revved: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 10

by A. M. Mahler

  I was trying to learn more about the sport. I watched some NASCAR races and listened to the commentators. I think it was an occupational hazard for me not to be familiar with the sport. I wasn’t expecting to like it. I didn’t see the fascination with watching a bunch of cars make left turns for four hours, but it was actually interesting.

  But then there was a wreck, and I was mesmerized by what these drivers walked away from. A mangled mass of metal around them, and these guys just popped out of their window and walked away, shaking their heads like it was just another day at the office. The engineering behind it was seriously incredible. WRR’s track ran a local race on Friday nights and Maggie and I were going to go together. She assured me it would be exciting, but not like what I’d seen on television.

  I knew it would be exciting because Maggie would be with me and everything about her excited me.

  The jolt that ran through my system when she defended me to Jamie was unlike anything I experienced before. Then again, none of my experiences with Maggie had been like any others I had before. Everything was new with her—feelings, thoughts, actions. It was all fresh and unfamiliar, but I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  I kept my distance from her this morning. This was her shining moment, and I wouldn’t let her be distracted by me. Because, I could smugly admit, I distracted her.

  But keeping my distance hadn’t stopped me from taking dozens of pictures of her. Her hair hung straight and shiny down her back. She wore no jewelry or accessories other than her Wayfarers. She was casual but also had just enough understated class. But that’s just her. She didn’t need to try to be beautiful. She just was.

  Jamie, on the other hand, brought out the big guns for this event—and by big guns, I mean her breasts. She was wearing a second skin, cerulean blue dress that hugged every curve and left nothing to the imagination. She always looked professional, but I can’t say I’d ever seen her look for sale. This was an unexpected move for her.

  I learned in the weeks since I’ve known her that she was extremely smart and cunning. Everything about her appearance today spoke to the male need for sexy cars and sexy women. She was selling the same picture Maggie was, but whereas Maggie made the car sexy, Jamie made the salesperson sexy. If Colton Donavan was anything like his reputation, there is no way he was leaving here without that car—and possibly Jamie as a hood ornament.

  Ryan dressed marginally better than I’ve seen him at work, but still on the casual side. I understood he and Colton had known each other for years. Ryan wanted to look professional, but not desperate for the business. Because he wasn’t desperate for Colton’s business. He wasn’t desperate for anybody’s business, but he wanted his company’s name associated with Indy’s star driver—and possibly stock car racing’s new sensation. We were still a little unsure about the reason Colton was even in the market for this car. Jamie scoured the news for his name and got updates pinged to her phone every time his name was mentioned in a news article. So far, Colton’s interest has remained a mystery and out of the press.

  My jaw dropped when Jesse told me the six-figure price tag that was coming with this car. He said typically, stock cars are a little less expensive, but this one is coming with the signature of a “Maggie Dalton original.” Being so sequestered with her in New Hampshire and coming into a business I knew nothing about, I had no idea that Maggie was such a big deal. But evidently, she’s the deal. Part of me was wondering if Colton was really coming to see what she’s got and to feel out if he could steal her away to California.

  I really, really hoped not. I just couldn’t go that far away from my family. Going three hours away was hard enough, but to the other side of the country? No. I couldn’t do that. That would be the end of me and Maggie if she took Colton up on an offer that was, at the moment, admittedly only in my head.

  The silver Aston Martin of Jackie McKenzie screamed into the parking lot. I recognized the guy sitting shotgun as Colton Donavan, so the guy in the back had to be Beckett Daniels, his crew chief. Coming in behind them was a police car with lights and sirens going. Laughing, Jackie got out of the car and walked over to us. The cop slammed his car door and stalked over to her. He was dressed casually in black jeans and black v-neck t-shirt with his badge hanging around his neck on a silver chain and a police officer’s utility belt around his hips.

  “Perhaps the lights and siren weren’t an obvious enough indication, Doc, but they meant slow the fuck down.” He looked pissed as hell, but Jackie leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

  Colton and Beckett got out of the car and watched the show in amusement. Colton was tall, with dark hair and tatted skin. His worn jeans and the tight black shirt showed off muscles that women drooled over and did stupid things for. Beckett had a similar build, but where Colton had dark hair, Beckett was blonde and sporting a healthy California tan.

  “Colton, Beckett,” Jackie said. “This is my husband Danny. He’s chief of police here.” Danny nodded his head at the newcomers then crossed his arms and stared at his wife. Even behind dark sunglasses we all knew that “cop look.” My brother gave it all the time.

  “Damn, girl, I thought you were going to get us all thrown in jail when you didn’t pull over,” Donavan said, reaching out a hand to Danny. The police chief shook it before resuming his stance. Jackie turned to Ryan.

  “I found these guys outside the house trying to get pig shit off their shoes.”

  Ryan groaned. “Sorry, man. My brother was supposed to clean that up before you got there. He’s usually pretty on top of it, but a new baby in the house has him seeing a little cross-eyed on most days right now.”

  “I ought to shove my shoe in your smug face,” Colton said to Ryan, and they leaned in for the classic one-armed-hug-slash-back-slap-between-bros. Ryan greeted Beckett the same way, before turning back to Colton.

  “Congratulations on the nuptials,” Ryan said. “I remember telling you once that the right girl would come along and set your player ass straight.”

  Colton smirked and tipped his head to the side. “And I remember giving you a black eye for saying it.”

  Jamie stepped forward and extended her hand to both Colton and Beckett. I couldn’t tell behind their sunglasses if they were checking her out or not, but any man with a pulse would be—married or not. “Gentlemen,” she smiled. Come to think of it, today she definitely looked more California girl than New York. Well played, Jamie, well played. “Shall we get down to business?”

  “Yes.” Colton slapped his hands together and rubbed his palms. “Where is she?”

  “The car is on the track,” Jamie said.

  Did you ever wonder why cars were always thought to be girls? Why was that?

  “No, I meant the genius who designed it.” He dropped his hands to his hips. “Where is Maggie Dalton?”

  “Here.” Maggie stepped from where she was hanging back by the bleachers. She was confident and poised as she walked toward Colton and Beckett with her hand extended. A lump formed in my stomach, and I could feel tingling start in my chest. Any second, I thought my body might start to shake.

  Look at her. Gone was my awkward girl with the white knuckles and aversion to eye contact when she got compliments. This woman was ready to do business. My anxiety settled in as the thought that she was about to slip through my fingers took root.

  Colton took her hand, and held it way too long there, asshole. “Maggie, your reputation precedes you. I am not worthy to stand in your presence.” None of us are, bro, none of us are.

  Maggie blushed and looked away. There she is. There’s my girl. She turned away from Colton and started walking toward the track. We all walked a few feet when Colton and Beckett stopped in their stride and stared. Beckett’s jaw dropped. The crew, originally blocking the car from view for dramatic effect, stood off to the side now, watching as Beckett and Colton slowly walked to the car, then around it. They studied it from all angles. Beckett popped the hood. Maggie stood next to me now and was chew
ing on her thumbnail. The strength she just showed was gone. I knew how she felt. This was something she created, and it was on display for critique. I got the same feeling when I showed a client their new website for the first time.

  Reaching out, I gently pulled her finger from her mouth, kissed the tip, and brought her hand down to my side, twining our fingers. She squeezed mine. Hard. I squeezed back much more gently and leaned in until my mouth was right next to her ear and she could feel my breath on her skin.

  “Relax,” I said for her only. “I am in awe of you. You’re smart, quirky, and beautiful. I couldn’t begin to accomplish what you just did. If he doesn’t buy it, he’s a dumbass, and you’ll sell it somebody else. But he won’t pass it up because it’s a Maggie Dalton Original, and I hear she’s a big fucking deal.”

  Smiling, Maggie tipped her forehead to my shoulder, and I felt a rush of heat when she pressed her lips just behind my ear, right before she whispered, “I have a cheap bottle of champagne with our name on it. Want to help me celebrate later?”

  And now I had an erection in public. That’s all it took. When I turned to look at her, our faces were inches away and the longing I saw in her eyes had me trapped with no desire to escape. “Best invitation I’ve ever heard.”

  The echoing crack of Colton slapping his hands together pulled our attention away from each other. “I need to drive it. Now.”

  Beckett headed back to Jackie’s car and retrieved Colton’s fire suit and helmet while Ryan and Jamie took Colton through the specs of the car. Ryan bent at the waist and into the passenger window as Colton pulled himself through the other to sit in the driver’s seat as Ryan pointed things out inside the car. Jamie bent down and leaned on the driver’s door jamb and talked exclusivity. When she stuck her ass out, every man here enjoyed the view. Jackie and Maggie rolled their eyes. I tried to keep mine off Jamie’s round and perfect posterior. I didn’t get the same feeling as Maggie in her dress gave me, but I was a man, and Jamie clearly worked hard on her body.

  Colton got out of the car and took the fire suit from Beckett, putting it on while Ryan came around and took Colton’s helmet from Beckett, inspecting what Maggie told me was the air hose, which took fresh air from outside the car and blew it over the driver’s head and face so they weren’t breathing in fumes the entire race.

  When Colton zipped up his suit and climbed back into the car, Ryan handed him his helmet and reached around him to hook the hose up. Maggie broke away from me and walked over to the car. She leaned through the window, got in Colton’s face, and said, “Don’t wreck my car.”

  Colton stared her down and replied, “Oh, sweetheart, I’m pretty sure this is about to become my car.”

  “The original stays with me. You get the second one.”

  “I like this girl, Ryan!” Colton called as Maggie backed away from the car and returned to my side. “I might take the car and her back to California with me!”

  “Over my dead body,” Ryan replied. But was he worried like me? What if Colton could pay her more? A look over at Ryan revealed nothing. If he was concerned Maggie might defect, he certainly didn’t look like it.

  The car roared to life, and Beckett let out a loud, “Woohoo! Fucking A!” Colton flipped down his visor, hit the gas, and peeled out like he stole it.

  “BE HONEST,” I SAID to Maggie as my Jeep continued to climb up the dark mountain on a dirt and rocky road. “Are you going to dump my body up here? Or maybe steal my car and ditch me? Because I will have no idea to how to get down from here.”

  Maggie laughed and reached her hand out the window.

  “Why would that be your first thought?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged and stopped to let a deer walk across our path before continuing in the direction she pointed. Branches were slapping at the windshield, and I slowly drove over large rocks and deep guts in the so-called road. “We don’t know each other very well. This thing between us is new. You read these horror stories on the internet about the guy being pulled in by the beautiful woman and then she stabs him a hundred times. My brother’s a cop. He won’t rest until he puts your ass in jail.”

  She threw her head back and laughed harder. I couldn’t help but stare. She was so free, so happy. Colton, of course, bought the car. And since Maggie wouldn’t let him take it with him without an exclusivity contract, he paid for that, and extra to take the prototype. In the end, it was Maggie who sealed the deal, and she barely said anything more than, “No, he can’t have it today.” Apparently, Colton wasn’t used to hearing that word. If Colton and Beckett liked the way the car performed on a large track, they were going to put in an order for more. In the meantime, Colton had a car no one else in the world did.

  And I had Maggie and a cheap bottle of champagne. We were out in the middle of nowhere where no one was going to bother us and there was nobody to hear my scream if she decided to murder me. He had the car, but for now, I had the girl. Guess who made out better in that deal?



  here are we?” Simon asked, as we came out of the woods and approached a small lake on the top of the mountain. It was a cloudless night, and the air up here was a little chillier. I had ditched the dress for loose sweatpants and a hoodie. Simon was carrying a small cooler with food and champagne, while I had a backpack with paper plates, plastic utensils, cups, a garbage bag, a lantern, and a blanket tucked under one arm with a second small lantern in my other hand.

  “On top of the ski slopes,” I answered, putting the lantern and backpack down on the ground and waving out the blanket. “It’s closed now, so all the slope lights are off. It’s the best place in town to see the stars.”

  “Are we trespassing right now?”

  I shrugged.

  “Maybe technically, but if we leave no trace, they won’t care.”

  “Cheap champagne and a picnic under the stars?” Simon set the cooler on the blanket and looked back up at me with a raised brow. “Are you trying to seduce me, Ms. Dalton?”

  I bit my bottom lip. Was I? I thought it would be a nice way to spend the evening with him and celebrate the sale of the car. But yeah, I guess there were many obvious romantic connotations to this, so screw it.

  “Is it working?”

  Simon stepped forward and took me gently by the elbows. My heartbeat increased as he drew me near.

  “You’ve been seducing me since I first laid eyes on you.”

  My blood warmed, but I lost my nerve, sitting down on the blanket, opening the backpack, and taking the contents out. Simon sat down close to me and busied himself lighting the second lantern and opening the cooler.

  “I’m surprised you’re even interested in me,” I said. “I figured you more for the type to go for Jamie. She’s so put together. I’m lucky I remember to put on pants before I leave the house in the morning.”

  “Well, I’ll be honest,” he said as he picked up the bottle of champagne and started to go to work on the cork. Meanwhile, I tensed up at his words. Nothing good ever followed the words, “I’ll be honest.” As I opened take out containers, I placed them within reach of both of us. “I always thought a girl like Jamie was my type. But when I met her, there was nothing there. Not even a passing interest. Nothing happened. But when you came in the room...”

  He stopped what he was doing and looked down at the cork, as if trying to figure out what to say.

  “What happened when I came in the room?” Could he hear my voice shake? Would he be able to see my eyes widened in fear if he looked up in the darkness? We were illuminated only by the low light of the lanterns and moonlight. When he looked over at me, I held my breath.

  “Everything happened,” he said simply and went back to working on the champagne cork. I separated the plates and utensils for each of us, smiling as I did so. He had no idea that his words were probably the best thing anyone had ever said to me. I knew my family loved me. I had a strange upbringing, but not a tragic one. Generally speaking, men tended to think I w
as weird. A girl that obsessed with cars and rarely recognizing when a man hit on her must be strange, right? If not weird than obviously a lesbian. Because there could be no other reason why a woman didn’t notice a man paying attention to her and not tripping over herself for more.

  No one had given me reason to look up before and engage. I wondered if my feels were running away without my brain. It felt natural, exciting, and scary to be with Simon, and we’d only known each other a very short time. I’m not talking about moving in with the guy, but I could see how this could get serious very quickly.

  I think, maybe, it was already serious, and neither of us were ready to admit it. Or it’s more likely we were afraid to.

  The champagne opened with a pop, and as a testament to Simon’s skills, not so much as a drop escaped the top. He poured a healthy amount into each cup, and we toasted with our classy red picnic cups. The champagne was cold and ... passable, not as sweet as I liked, but I don’t spend hundreds of dollars on wine.

  I picked up my plastic fork and the container of potato salad.

  “Are you sick?”

  Furrowing his forehead, he said, “Um, no.”

  “Good, me either.”

  I ate right out of the container.

  He laughed and picked up a piece of fried chicken. “Can we steal off of each other’s plates, too?”

  “Let’s be lawless.” We chuckled together. I liked that I could be myself around him and didn’t have to worry about where the boundaries were. I’m sure there were some, but I wanted to get to know the real Simon, and I couldn’t do that without showing him the real me.

  “So, do you think Colton was serious about taking you back to California with him?” Simon asked, looking up at me and quickly back down to his food.

  I swallowed my forkful of potato salad and scooped up some more.

  “I know he was. He’s tried to recruit me before, but this is the first time we’ve met face-to-face. He’s offered a lot more money than I make now, and I can bring my brother and my father if I want to.”


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