Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1) Page 15

by Livia Grant

  “Lukus… what are you…” Her sentence trails off as Lukus begins to push the rather thick butt plug slowly into her ass. He takes it slow, carefully pulling it almost all the way out before pushing it back in, each time seating it farther until it finally gets sucked into her ass to the hilt. The flared end is the only thing keeping it from going in too far.

  Based on her groans, Lukus suspects this is the biggest plug she’s ever had in her ass. The pleasurable whimpers emanating from his captive have his cock straining hard to escape his jeans. He can’t resist pulling the plug out and reseating it several more times before he finally gets control of himself.

  ‘You’re supposed to be punishing her, not pleasuring her, sport. She needs a Dom. You know what you need to do.’

  Lukus grasps his belt buckle, pulling the wide, well-worn leather free of its confining loops. Brianna seems oblivious to what’s about to happen as he folds the length in half, turning it into one of his favorite implements. He knows it’s time to teach her what it means to be a submissive.

  The loud snap of his belt smacking both of her ass cheeks with full force causes his hardening tool to throb. The throbbing gets worse as she begins calling out his name. He can’t stop. Instead, he sets a steady pace, never diminishing the force of the blows. Within minutes, Brianna is crying from the blistering pain, but her cries are soon turning to moans of pleasure. It’s what Lukus had been waiting for.

  He stops the belting, and threads the belt back through the loops of his jeans. He smiles with satisfaction as he sees his restrained captive writhing on the bed, horny and desperate for release… just like him. She finally spreads her legs out straight, lowering her body to the bed as her crying slows to a whimper.

  “It seems you need a few lessons on being a submissive, sweetheart, since it’s clear you’ve had no proper tutor to date. Lesson Number One: You will never again allow yourself to come during a punishment spanking. You don’t get to come until the punishment is over and your Master gives you permission. Lesson Number Two: You will never rub your ass after a punishment. That’s just insulting to your Master. If he paddles or whips you as a punishment, it should damn well hurt and for a long time. Nothing pisses me off more than when Masters bring their subs here and I spend time disciplining them only to have their Doms rub lotion on their bottoms. I want you to lay here, horny as hell and plugged with your ass on fire. I want you to think about what you did to your husband. Think about just how sorry you really are, like a good little submissive.”

  He gives her ass one final slap with his palm before pulling the sheet up to keep her from getting chilled. He hesitates for a second before leaning down to quickly kiss the back of her head, taking a deep breath, enjoying the scent of her long hair. He knows it’s silly, but he doubts he’ll have many more chances to touch his best friend’s wife after today.

  Brianna is able to roll to her side in spite of the ropes stretching her arms above her head. Lukus can see her watching him as he grabs a fresh T-shirt from his dresser drawer and pulls it over his head. He stoops to grab his boots from the floor and then turns to give her one last look before he heads out the bedroom door without another word.

  Before he reaches the elevator, Lukus is already dialing a number on his cell phone. He decides to leave a message when it rolls to voicemail. “Markus, it’s me. We need to talk…now. I’m on my way to you. You’d better get in the shower and sober up, because I’m in no mood for any shit. I’ll see you soon.” Hanging up, Lukus grabs his car keys and wallet from the table near the elevator before heading down to his garage.

  “Yep. I am so fucked.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Lukus’ BMW hugs the exit ramp from the expressway at close to double the posted speed. He’s decided to take his pent up sexual frustration out on his car and is grateful the Saturday afternoon traffic is light. In his condition, if the traffic were any heavier, someone could end up hurt.

  He’s never been to Markus’ house out in the suburbs, and the anger he’s suppressed for three years is beginning to resurface with each passing mile. It was bad enough that Markus had never invited him over. No. His best friend actually had the balls to request someone else come out from Lukus’ company to install the security system during construction of the multi-million dollar home. By the time it was finished, Markus had married Brianna. Lukus had not been invited to the wedding.

  ‘My invitation must have been lost in the mail.’

  Thinking back to his friend’s remarriage doesn’t improve Lukus’ mood. Markus had all but dropped Lukus once Brianna had entered his life. Lukus had gone to see Markus at his office after work one evening after the couple had gotten back from their honeymoon, hoping for an explanation. He’d had been moderately drunk. Words had been exchanged and punches thrown. After that, the men had gone nearly a year without speaking.

  Only Lukus’ arrest two years ago had brought them back together again. Markus had really come through for him when the chips were down, and while his friend had kept his BDSM life hidden from his wife, Lukus had been relieved to resume the friendship. The men have lunch together at least once every week or so and talk even more frequently. Still, Lukus has always known there was a lot that Markus has been hiding from him. They’d come to an unspoken truce, agreeing to avoid the subject of Brianna and Markus’ former BDSM lifestyle.

  The last twenty-four hours have pretty much torn down all of the walls holding Markus’ secrets at bay. While Brianna had answered questions that had been gnawing at Lukus for years, knowledge didn’t alleviate Lukus’ anger. He understood that Markus only sought to protect Brianna from the memory of what she’d experienced, but did he somehow think that Lukus was anything like the man who’d abused his wife?

  ‘What the fuck did he think I was going to do? Show up to the wedding in leather, whip in hand and scare the shit out of her?’

  Lukus still isn’t sure what he’s going to find when he gets to his friend’s house. He also doesn’t have a clue how he’s going to look Markus in the eye given his attraction to Brianna. Just thinking of her tied naked in his bed with her pink, striped ass submissively plugged already has his cock throbbing with desire.

  ‘Maybe Markus was right to keep her away from me after all. If I was back at my loft, I’d probably be fucking her silly by now.’

  Thankfully, he’d had enough willpower to get the hell out of there before he really did something stupid. Just thinking of her again reminds him to make a call he’d meant to make as soon as he got on the road.

  He dials Derek. His friend answers quickly.

  “Hey,” his partner asks. “How’s the training going? Did she sign the divorce papers yet?”

  Lukus should have been prepared for this question. “No… not yet and honestly, I don’t think she’s going to. I’m on my way out to talk to Markus about it now. That’s why I’m calling. What’s Rachel up to this morning?”

  Derek laughs. “Well, right this minute she’s kneeling under the desk at the office sucking me off. Why?”

  “We’ve discussed this, man. You need to stop bringing her into the security office to service you. All it does is get the rest of the crew all horny and jumpy. Unless you plan to start sharing her, you need to cut that shit out.”

  “Hey, it’s Saturday and I already sent the guys working today out on their assignments. No one is around right now and even if they come back, she can just stay hidden at my feet under the desk.”

  “Fine, but as soon as you’re done defiling your wife’s throat, I need you to send Rachel up to my loft to babysit.”

  Derek chuckles. “What? Did you have some chick show up with a kid she’s trying to saddle you with?”

  “Don’t be an ass. I left Brianna tied up to my bed. She gets upset when she’s left locked up. She’s terrified of being stuck in case the building catches on fire or some bullshit like that. Honestly, at first I laughed it off, but when I really think about it, I realize we might be putting the submissives in da
nger when we tie them up and leave them unattended. You think you could send Rachel up to sit with her until I get back?” There’s silence on the phone for a few long seconds. “Derek…. you still there?”

  “Let me get this straight. You, Master Lukus Mitchell, the hard-ass owner of The Punishment Pit, not only took a sub that you were charged with punishing up to your private loft, but you have her tied to your soft, king-size bed and now you want my sub… my wife… to go keep her company so she doesn’t get scared. Is that really what you’re saying here?”

  “I told you … You know what? Fuck it. I’m sorry I called.” Lukus is suddenly self-conscious. Calling Derek seemed like a fine idea before, but now hearing his words coming back at him from his second in command, he sounds exactly like one of the lightweight Doms that he and Derek like to make fun of - the ones that bring their subs into the club because they’re too soft to actually discipline them properly themselves.

  Lukus can hear muffled sounds at the other end of the connection. He then hears Derek telling Rachel to go kneel out in the reception area and wait for him. After a few seconds, Derek is back on the line and Lukus can hear the concern in his voice.

  “Alright man. What the hell is going on with you? Please tell me you didn’t fuck her.”

  Lukus wants to be pissed at his friend for even thinking it, but he knows he’d be a complete hypocrite if he busted his balls over it since it had taken all his restraint not to fuck Brianna. He takes a deep breath and sighs before answering truthfully. “No, man. I didn’t fuck her. But I’ll tell you… I wanted to… bad. I had to get the hell out of there before I did something stupid.”

  “Shit. Well, yes. Fucking Markus’ wife would have been colossally stupid. She’s hot, but she’s so off limits.”

  “Tell me something I don’t fucking already know. Listen, will you please send Rachel up to be there with her? I don’t want her to even know Rachel is there and under no circumstances do I want Rachel talking to her. Do you hear me? Bri knows next to nothing about Markus in his Dom days and I don’t need Rachel filling her in yet. Got that?”

  “Sure, I can send her up and she’ll do what I tell her. You know that. I’m worried about you though. This isn’t like you at all. I hear it in your voice, Lukus. You’re getting emotionally invested in this.”

  “Well, fuck yeah. How the hell can I not after the history that Markus and I’ve had since he met Brianna. There’s a part of me that’s relieved he’s turning to me to help him… like the old days. Then there’s a part of me that’s furious that I wasn’t good enough to be part of their lives before this. Then some asshole fucks her and she’s suddenly my problem? But the biggest part of me is pissed because he’s trying to throw away something that he should have been taking much better care of. If he’d been doing a better job taking care of his wife, she never would have felt the need to cheat on him.”

  “Fuck a duck. You’re actually taking her side in this? She must be part witch to have cast a spell on you and get you this twisted up so fast man.”

  “I never said I’m taking her side, damn it. I just spent a few minutes doing something Markus should have done a long time ago. It took me all of ten minutes to figure out what the hell is going on. He was either blind or just didn’t give a shit to have missed all of the signs of what she needed to be happy.”

  “And just what is that, Dr. Mitchell?”

  “Screw you, man. I’m sorry I called you.”

  “Okay… I’m sorry. I’ll back off. I’ll send Rachel up and we can talk about all of this shit later when you get back here. Good luck, Lukus. I don’t envy you your job this morning.”

  “Thanks. I’ll call you later when I’m on my way back into the city.”


  Lukus glances at his GPS to see how much farther he has to go. He’s getting close now and decides to call and let Markus know to let him in.

  When the phone rings six times and rolls to voicemail, Lukus loses his temper. “Markus, you’d better be up and sober and ready to listen. I’m almost there. We have a lot to talk about.” He cuts the call off there.

  Within five minutes, Lukus is parking in the brick driveway of his friend’s mansion. The early spring flowers are just emerging in the landscaped beds lining the wide walkway to the massive front door. Lukus rings the doorbell several times, but gets no response from inside. He of course tests the door, but it’s locked as expected. After knocking on several doors and windows and phoning Markus’ cell phone two more times, Lukus is starting to really get worried.

  ‘Surely he didn’t do something stupid.’

  Before meeting Brianna, Lukus would have been furious at just the thought of his friend harming himself over a woman. But now, having met Brianna, having kissed and held her ... hell, he could almost understand the temptation… almost.

  The next call he makes is back to Derek. “Hey man. I need your help. I’m at Markus’ house and he’s not answering. The house is buttoned up tight, but I need to get in. Can you turn off the alarm from the remote access system and even send a command to unlock the front door?”

  “Sure… hold on. You don’t think he did something stupid, do you?”

  Lukus isn’t about to tell Derek the thought had already crossed his mind. “Naw. I’m sure he just drank like a fiend and passed out. I’ll probably need to throw his ass into a cold shower to get him sobered up enough to even talk to him.”

  After a few minutes, Derek is back on the line. “Okay, you should be able to get in without an issue now.”

  “I’m going in.” Lukus tentatively opens the front door, holding his breath in case the alarm sounds. He’s relieved when it doesn’t. “Thanks again Derek. I’ll call you later.”

  Lukus quietly closes the door and takes a minute to take in the Italian marble tiled foyer with the grand circular staircase leading up to the second floor. The floor plan is open and he can see all the way through to the back of the house. The whole great room sports two stories of huge windows that look out onto a fairway of the connecting country club’s manicured golf course.

  In spite of the size and opulence of the house, Lukus is struck by how comfortable and homey it feels. So often houses like this feel like a museum; he’s impressed by what a good job Brianna has done building a real home for his best friend. He’s hit by another pang of jealousy but pushes it aside. He doesn’t need to greet his friend in envy.

  There’s loud rock music playing throughout the entire house. Lukus calls out trying to project his voice over the noise.

  “Markus, where the hell are you?”

  As he moves into the great room, he has to step over several broken vases, picture frames and even a chair that’s now in multiple pieces. He notices the mirror over the stone fireplace is shattered.

  Lukus finally finds Markus sprawled facedown on the couch, his left arm hanging over the side. An empty rock glass is discarded nearby. Lukus walks over and gives his friend a poke. “Hey, man. I’ve been calling you. Wake up. We need to talk.”

  When Markus doesn’t even budge, Lukus squats down in front of him and tentatively reaches out to do a pulse check. Relieved to find a strong heartbeat, he roughly rolls Markus onto his side, tapping his face to rouse him. The only evidence Markus even knows he’s there is his low groaning at being disturbed.

  Markus looks like complete shit. His beard has always grown back fast and he has a full day’s scruff on his strong jaw. His dark hair looks like it’s been through a windstorm and he still has on the same clothes he was wearing at the club. The only addition to his wardrobe appears to be food or drink spilled down the front of his wrinkled dress shirt. The normally put-together lawyer is looking anything but lawyerly today.

  While Lukus takes a minute to look around the room, Markus surprises him by pushing him backwards and out of the way as he leans forward to puke all over the carpet. Lukus manages to get out of the way just in time.

  “Nice. I feel like we’re back in college after one of
our all-night frat parties. I would’ve really been pissed if you’d barfed on my favorite boots.”

  It takes a few minutes for Markus to recover enough to speak. He leans back against the couch cushions, trying to focus on his friend. His voice is hoarse and croaky. “What the hell are you doing here? Did you bring the divorce papers?”

  Lukus observes his friend for a moment before answering his question. Lukus is relieved to see Markus has a look of dread on his face. It’s easy to see he’s praying she didn’t sign.

  “No. I’m afraid I failed you. She isn’t going to sign the divorce papers, Markus.”

  The wave of relief that washes over Markus’ face is telling. “Oh thank God. I should be pissed… but I’m not. I’ve dreaded you getting here with signed papers. I know it’s what I asked you to do for me, but it guts me just thinking about losing her. I know you’re going to give me all kinds of shit for being a pussy for feeling like this after what she did, but I can’t help it. I love her so much it hurts, man.”

  Lukus looks away. He should be relieved and happy that his best friend is smart enough to fight for his marriage, but until this very minute, Lukus hasn’t been willing to admit that he’d hoped Markus would still want out and leave Brianna available, for him.

  ‘Don’t be an asshole, Mitchell. They love each other. Back the fuck out of this.’

  “Hey, I’m not going to say jack shit. In fact, if you hadn’t woke up to realize what the hell you’re losing by now, I was coming out here to bang some sense into you.”

  Markus manages to sit up, but his eyes are closed and he still looks queasy as Lukus continues. “I really like what you’ve done with the place. You know, you’re going to have seven years bad luck from the broken mirror.”

  Markus finally opens his eyes. He’s able to focus now and has turned his sights on his best friend. “Cut the damn small talk. What happened last night and how is she doing?”


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