Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris Page 2

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  Although it might not have pulled a set of keys from his pocket and stuck at a specific door lock, which twisted and heard the sound of unlocking access to its interior was now free. Was the first to enter, Samantha and Rex were outside on the porch and Anne leaning to the wall of the house with a pistol in his hand. After a few minutes returned with the rifle down and even though he was not smiling showed joys to finally be home, your home.

  - Come, come so that they can become more there will! - He opened the door completely to make way ace companions. - From now on this will be our home! - Sank down on the sofa where many other times had fallen asleep or just talking to their parents and friends.

  - Do you think your parents were here? - Anne was the first to touch his still open wound and make it bleed completely. The matter had been recurrent during the return trip and there was great expectation that everyone could be reunited. In her case, she did not have it, had left home long before the invasion.

  - No, no ... were - he took the hand of the woman who was so precious to him now and kissed it as a sign of respect and debt.

  - How can you be so sure, Chris? - She still thought they could have stayed there briefly and as the beloved beside him and affectionately as he kissed her hand, would be looking the missing child. After all it was quite reasonable to suppose that he had been captured too.

  - Simple! Everything is left as the last time! No one came by this whole year I was out! - Rex scampered down the street.

  - Well, how about showing me your house! Our home now and we need to leave! - Anne smiled for the first time to have a family like always dreamed of, to the small Samantha fit in this huge puzzle as a single aggregator piece. Because they had been happiest when they were together.

  - Where's Samantha? - She realized that her sudden distraction may cost him dear, he hated when that happened. Still lived in a cruel world and not all of the human race deserved to have survived, that she was sure. They took to the streets at the same moment someone called out to her boyfriend.

  - Chris! Chris Raines! - He looked at the place where they left the screaming looking for you, pronouncing his name loud and clear. A man was holding the leash of Rex and the hand of small and fragile Samantha.

  - Mr. O'Connor! - Chris smiled broadly when he saw a familiar face since childhood and after so long. Nora O'Connor stepped away from her husband and now ran toward him. Had totally forgotten that this possibility could come to pass, he was so absorbed by their own problems to find Riley's parents not crossed his mind, at no time, they were certainly waiting for news of her daughter. It would be up to him to tell them the truth.

  - Good to see you my boy! - Brian O'Connor embraced him like a beloved son had not seen for a long time. - Riley is with you? - Knew they were together when the last time they had seen even in the home, in the living room. Nora passed him still running towards you young woman who had left the house Raines, but as far as he approached his pace slowed until he dropped to his knees as he realized it was not his daughter. Anne came over to comfort her.

  - I think we need to talk ... Mr. O'Connor - walked over to the two women to help Anne with the mother of his lost love. - It's a long story of love and hate, courage and perseverance and her daughter Riley is the protagonist of this story! - Chris was serious and the competence of a narrator who not only lived every moment at his side, as well as supporting out.

  They sat in the living room of the house of O'Connor and where they had last seen, Rex went to bed on the carpet to the center where he used to always be doing for your company owner. Samantha was eager to hear the story that Chris and Anne would tell again, had heard dozens of times, but never tired, because she herself made a point of remembering little details that went unnoticed, like the time that Riley saved Samuel, his Brother, being taken by Scanners lying on top of him.

  He made a point to remember that part, Riley had saved the person she loved most in the world and that now was the only family he had left. Chris did not like to comment on this episode for obvious and personal reasons, but the small Samantha would take care to remind you for life.

  - After we woke up we realized you were gone and did not see anyone else ... - Chris began his narrative trying to explain the whole matter step by step, without omitting anything, perhaps not told them everything that had happened between them, remembered Riley If changing clothes in pink room and the sweeping view of her body slim and curvy. Also it leaves out what had happened even in the dressing room of the mall store, much less them speak of what happened in the room on the second floor of the Hotel Dublin, but if anyone had a right to know what actually happened, were the parents of the figure this main story and saving of all reminiscent humanity.

  The reason everyone is still here on earth and living was the incredible perseverance of Riley O'Connor and of course Samuel Thorne...

  The Mother Ship

  The moment Riley realized she could not return to Earth and your loved Chris, realized he needed to put another plan into practice, but at the moment did not have any. It was hardly a strategic failure the charge that he had made to save humanity from being transported to the ends of the universe, but is that actually never thought about the possibility to return to his planet with life.

  Extricated itself from Sam's arms that tried to comfort her hugging her from behind as she saw the earth move away in the space horizon. Very soon they would be so far away that even the sun itself, Toris as those invaders called him, was within sight. Found interesting that the aliens had decorated names for the stars he knew, he had always been ease of memorization. Actuna / Earth Aktanis / Mars, the Moon ... Rex Ondenbar System. He remembered his Labrador and felt homesick.

  He looked at Sam and once again thought had done the right thing away from the so small and frail sister left to their own devices, on the other hand relied blindly on Chris and he could not protect her, no one else on this planet would. He smiled quietly remembering the intimate moments he had spent with and the decision to surrender at this sensitive time in their lives, but never crossed your mind die a virgin. That was never an option and in any case had already happened and the idea remain untouched discarded.

  - What do you think Sam? - He looked at his friend who was trying to guess his thoughts. - In a short time and come reinforcements, very soon we will leave our solar system. We are on track to Arcadamius, the invading planet and I think we do not like anything the outcome of that trip when we get there! - Leaned against will metal and black wall behind him.

  - The antigravity systems are still functioning is what makes this ship giant scroll through outer space in the direction of home! But at the moment we are sailing slowly! - He knew that there were other things to consider. - The inertial systems are operational, if not for that end up dead on the surface of Jupiter or Saturn and still have those humanoids to care ... - He crossed the rifle on the arms leaving him in a comfortable apposition.

  - And that means? - She was good at many things, but guesses that type decidedly were not his forte.

  - What we know, time passes differently inside and outside ... At least if the gravitational systems are operational! - This was his biggest concern if one day come out of there alive was quite capable of finding his sister at an age condition much more advanced than him, or even extinct. Samantha remembered the first time since leaving Earth. I did not like this idea terrifying.

  - Yes, I forgot that detail ... - she reconsidered that his help was really invaluable. Have found it on the way to Lucan it proved to be very providential, even if it cost the lives of their parents. - Any idea? - I was willing to risk anything he suggested. Above all trusted Sam just as he had trusted her without even knowing what the outcome of this story and left behind everything he loved. Or not, might have followed his love...

  - We should find a way to permanently stop this business ... - was the best chance they could have while still in familiar territory - and as I said before, even if it is not much, we have two grenades left over! - S
hook the purse she had given him to carry.

  - "The supreme art of war is to defeat the enemy without having to face it." - Remembered Sun Tzu and the teachings of his father. Won the book on the Chinese general who lived in the mid-fifth century A.C. the ten-year anniversary, liked his teachings, so read it more than once. She herself personally in charge of presenting the general's recommendations to the invaders. - You're right, Sam! We need to put an end to it! - Straightened to make a decision. - Sam, that there is Aktanis? - Asked his traveling companion.

  - Aktanis? But what the hell are you talking about? - He looked out as they passed close to the red planet he knew as Mars. Surely they were traveling at an incredible speed by terrestrial standards and in absolute silence.

  - Sorry Sam! I'm forcing myself to think like the enemy and so sometimes confuse things! - He pointed to the red planet. - So what is Mars or not? - Only he needed his assessment that astronomy knew better than she for sure.

  - Yes, Mars! - Took the opportunity to look around to see if would not be surprised in any way the humanoid creatures and did not even know for sure if there would be more than they had seen in the alleged control room.

  - What comes before it in the orbital sequence until the sun? - I know, but a second opinion was always welcome. Consider it would from that moment your expert in cosmology.

  - The giant Jupiter and then Saturn with its rings of ice! - That part was easy, until Samantha know. He thought again of her sister. I was sure I was in good hands.

  - Well time to work and think of a plan to stop this thing to travel through space and you said the time too! - He reached out to him to take it. - Also, I have the feeling of being dead from hunger and thirst; we must do something about that too! There must be a solution to not die to wanes! - Ran back to the center of the command control, they had left, to see the damage they had caused.

  Damage to the control room big alien ship had not been as extensive as had predicted which explained why even moved into space by. There were two possibilities in this case, it would expand the damage until the Spaceship stop completely, but were likely to drift for eternity with two and a half billion human beings on board and to rush on one of the giant planets.

  The second option would be to leave the ship walks the long journey home and getting there apply an emergency plan that works, there could have time to plan it, but it did not seem very settled in strategic terms, it was almost certain that they would be at the mercy of the invaders who wanted to prepare them for the next meal. And they would not know what age would have to get there may already be dead in the meantime.

  - So Sam? She looked at his friend is still recovering from the short run they did to get there. This time they did not hurry, but the distance they imposed some urgency to take action.

  - See Riley, are all dead! - Sam pointed at the floor as he caught his breath, had an athletic and was accustomed to strenuous physical exercise, but the activities of the last week had nearly exhausted completely.

  - What do you think happened? - The scene she completely had not yet seen, was interested more in looking at the huge hole he had made in the bright floor and apparently controlled the entire complex starship, that's what it was! A starship!

  - Toxic gases may! I do not see signs of major injuries because of explosions! - Came up further so that it could better examine the humanoid bodies, was curious their respects.

  Riley first realized that there were other portals on the ground, mingled with the own floor and should lead to the lower floors, all used ramps that once should be lit therefore the had not seen, not as an escape route, but now It would be different, exploit whole ship that kidnapped his race, his people, to learn more about the enemy. It would be a pretty student applied accordingly.

  - We cannot rule out the hypothesis of others like them walking around, after all this here must have very complicated system maintenance! - He looked at his companion in the uncertain journey to understand your opinion. - In addition, Sam, we have no absolute certainty is able to send some sort of message to their planet and will be coming reinforcements or even if we will be waiting for some kind of retaliation!

  - It would be a possibility, but I do not count on it unless there is a similar automatic system to this that put the ship on route home! - Began to descend one of the openings on the floor leading to the lower deck. - But we need to make a decision as soon as possible, to accelerate will continues as we begin to be attracted to other major celestial bodies until we reach astronomical speeds!

  - In any case and following his reasoning, this thing will take at least a few years to reach the destination, Arcadamius! - Was his explanation about the launch of Voyager project in the late twentieth century and had elucidated the possible origin of the aliens and the arrival on Earth to capture the human race.

  - Assuming that there are no Einstein-Rosen bridges along the way ... - Sam playing with words with the clear certainty that she would not know what it was.

  - Do not complicate what is already simple Sam! - Smiled at him - If there were wormholes or space folds, as you like, so close to our solar system, we would already know! - She smiled knowing that surprised him. They reached the ground floor which was completely blackened and absent of any light.

  Riley walked distracted did not realize the intense darkness that enveloped them and clashed completely when he stopped abruptly in front. Samuel wrapped around the waist and not left to put out of your body with the other hand held her neck and part of the hair, kissing her then. Riley did not resist the heat of the moment and let yourself be filled with the desire that consumed his soul. Deep down I wanted to be protected in some way, was tired of taking decisions alone. But he remembered that he had left behind.

  - I cannot ... - I told him his voice cracking and almost imperceptibly, a few minutes later when Samuel took her lap and lay down gently.

  - Do not come home Riley and the journey will be very long! We will be just us towards the infinite and all eternity ... - Samuel burned with uncontrollable desire for the woman still in her arms.

  - Do not, please ... - was willing to give him some time, but it was only two, maybe three days that life more intimate and loving had been revealed to him in the arms of her beloved Chris, that even being a million kilometers away still had on it a huge presence.

  Smith left her sitting on the floor even with all dark around, the total absence of light at that time ceased to be a motivator of what he intended to do and has become just another problem. Riley hugged her legs and put her chin on her knees, wondered whether reject it under the conditions they were in had been a good idea, but it was certainly still not prepared for it.

  Anyway needed urgently find answers to what they would do next and sitting there on the floor they could not. He laid a hand on smooth and tiled floors and was startled to realize that this lit up at his touch. Samuel inwardly regretted that she was so devoted to her boyfriend even so far from home, saw it with amazement. He raised straightening clothes and everything went out again.

  - What happened? - She asked the friend.

  - I did not do anything, perhaps you! - Sam was so absorbed by their own thoughts that had remained motionless for several minutes. Only in hopes it indicated the next step.

  - I did not do anything extraordinary, just I rested my hand on the floor and stood up! - Again touched the floor and this sparked altogether.

  - That's it! Note that there are different shapes and colors on the floor that lit up so we could see! - Was surprising that they had found something similar to what they saw on the top floor and the humanoid dominated cm dexterity, it gave him an idea of what could be. - I think it's a kind of command as what we saw being used on top! Remember that they, the humanoids, passed his hands over and they lit? - It was thus the way discovered the real intentions of the invaders.

  - Yes, I remember well! Including the apparent satisfaction I saw them when they showed the destruction of Mars! - Never forget that for a moment even con
sidered that they could be an advanced civilization that were removing safely to another planet on the verge of a possible destruction of Earth by some kind of unknown apocalypse, similar perhaps to what was supposed to have extinguished the dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago. She smiled to herself sarcastically by so childish thoughts.

  - Why do not we see what we found? - Sam tried several times to touch all he could feel within reach, but nothing happened. - Well it's your turn, I did not get any results here! - I was disappointed that perhaps his assumption was unfounded, but what happened next would prove he was right.

  Riley made a smooth motion with both stretched and slightly lowered his hands across his chest, two lights automatically emanated from the floor, a circular red and one blue triangle. Both were contained by palms, removed the left and noticed it had gone out, took up the position again and lit it. The light beams off the ground and ended in his hands. They not exceeded in any way.

  - Well, we know how they run! Just do not yet known for serving! - Samuel gave a laugh that echoed muffled way through the room, it had its usefulness, even if they could not see where they were completely knew it was not the size as large as assumed when entering.

  - Works as a kind of keyboard, Sam! - Riley was amazed how the discovery. - It's actually more like a Theremin! - Remembered what had always wanted a home so he could have fun in his spare time, maybe still have one thought in the future.

  - Whatever it is that Theremin, I hope you know how to use it! - Sam risked it was something that would be user-friendly and understanding for them.

  - Unfortunately not! Although always had the intention to learn, never had the opportunity ... - at that moment vowed to yes same that would make better use of your time from that ominous event that pushed by into space, as if in a boat will drift. - But all is not lost! I know the operating principle! - I was sure of it and it was time to put your knowledge into practice.


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