Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris Page 8

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - It's your call Chris, the time is yours! I'm just waiting to tell me what you need! - It ended the conversation, from that moment the Vortex project was started.

  - I need you to gather scientific staff and engineers for this project as soon as later this month we will start building this ship that will take us out of the earth! Let me know when you're ready, I and my men are now ready for at least ten years! - It was a certainty and his companions saw in the strength it would take to meet this challenge.

  In the afternoon gathered to Wolf Pack for them to pass the new orders already under military command to which they belonged, all without exception had been built, which included Anne, Rebecca, Sonia and others. Only Samantha had been left out for obvious reasons.

  - Sonia, his appointment will be at the operations command center on Earth, its function is to keep alive and tell us everything you can about the project's progress while we are on Earth and then in space! Remember that being a military operation certainly will try to deceive us with misinformation full time! - It would be the eyes and ears of the group. Sonia felt comfortable with this mission, was the oldest of the group and inspired confidence to others.

  - Tommy! I need to recruit twenty of the best commands of the Wolf Pack with training in all kinds of predictable situations and explore the unpredictable! I do not want surprises during the trip! - Rebecca looked at while I talked to Tommy.

  - Rebecca, charged up to make sure that all those people have recruited an emotional and mental balance according to the mission, will be locked up for almost five years away from family and the planet! - It was of paramount importance that could count on everyone on board, otherwise it would be very likely to be killed before they reach the destination. - This includes all scientific staff! If I do not approve, do not step on that ship under any circumstances! - He was the commander of the mission, so it had been promoted to Brigadier General.

  - Bobby and Lionel, the function of you will be closely monitored throughout the course of the project, if they discover or do not agree with something, is to report immediately to me! - That nearly ended the meeting. - Are dismissed, Robert and Anne, you are! - He waited for everyone to leave.

  - How can we be of my love! - Anne came over to kiss him as they were alone with Robert who was a close friend.

  - We have a huge problem to solve and this information cannot become public or our heads will roll down the mountain! - He asked to sit down again.

  - What's so important that Chris the rest of the troop cannot know? - Robert liked to share all the information to friends so they do not harm future were understood.

  - The governments of the four quadrants plan to take possession of all alien system and I'm not sure whether we should or we can deliver this technology and its secrets to them! - I had to share what most afflicted, beyond the time it would take to review Riley.

  - This conspiracy is my love ... We can be accused of treason just for review, but I understand your concern! Humanity is not ready to go into space by just to expand and dominate! - Never approved the division of the land into four parts that had been a setback in humanity.

  - And what to do when we are on board? - Robert believed in the mission, I wanted as much as he reunited friends for who developed deep admiration and respect after the fall.

  - We have to find a way to make it collide with the Sun or another star that can tear her apart! - Did you know the size of the alien object, could never blow it completely and leave the carcass wandering through space, other missions would take care of rescue her and he was no longer in control of the mission. Lamented that once again needed to lie to Thomas, his friend and superior, but never reveal to him that his plan of destruction.

  - But we still have a problem is not it? - Anne looked at them alternately. - There are two and a half billion people on that thing and we have to return them to Earth! - That was the failure Chris plan and would have to find a way to solve it before destroying the Spaceship, or they would all die, including his parents.

  - Yeah! I am aware of the risk and have the time of the beginning of the Vortex project that starts now and the moment you set foot on that ship alien to be able to solve this equation! - I sure managed to find a way to resolve the matter.

  - Let's go to work! - He ended the meeting and each of them followed his designation greatest adventure that the inhabitants of planet Earth had ever seen or considered. Aside from Riley and Sam who were still aboard the Mother Ship.

  The Phoenix Plan

  The year was 2036, it took four years between the discovery of alien object in orbit around Saturn that had captured the humanity and the execution of the Vortex Project, the ship was ready for the four-year mission that would follow. There was an expectation and euphoria that the launch date approached.

  By unanimous decision chose the thirteenth of June for the launch, a friday fourteen years after the great invasion. The entire project was still running in a state secret, even with the participation of the various governments involved and which sought to place his hands on alien technology. But if it were up to Chris Raines and Wolf Pack, it would never happen.

  - Two days and I want to launch all ready for the great adventure of our lives! - Chris talked with the excitement of a child. Had now thirty-one years old and by his calculations would have thirty-five at most threefold-six when addressed the Mother Ship. He was curious as to how Riley had matured, certainly next to Samuel, but it had been a choice he had been unable to avoid and never understood why she did not take with him. It was the love of his life and as far as he knew had been reciprocal, but would not make any kind of judgment, he had promised himself up out of respect will of devotion Anne Ridley and for all the years they spent together.

  - We will have dinner today in my house ladies and gentlemen, I do not accept refusals or delays! We'll see us at eight o'clock sharp! - I was in reverse and permanent count, not let anything get in the way his plans. Everyone nodded his head affirmatively and dispersed among animated conversations and whispers. But Chris Raines still had something to do. He picked up the phone and made a call.

  - Mr. O'Connor? - Wait for an answer from the other end - is Chris Raines wanted to inform you that the Phoenix Plan is running! - Was a story that had delayed too long.

  - You think she's alive, Chris? - Brian asked knowing that waited for this call for years.

  - I do not know, but the Mother Ship is there and if anyone might have survived is she! - Chris believed it. - That's all I can tell you! - He concluded.

  - Keep me posted ... If you do not meet tell him we always cherish! - Then hung. Night fell on London and the few guests were coming to the house where they lived Anne Ridley and Chris Raines.

  - Sit down, please, some time ago that we do not enjoy good company outside the workplace that will do us good! - He took two bottles of wine in the cellar and gave them respectively to Robert and Tommy to give you further celebration.

  All were seated in the large dining table and ate enough what was being served, Anne was adamant that the events group drink types dishes home country, Ireland. For the night especially prepared Dublin Coddle: Baked pork sausage with stewed potatoes, Fish & Chips: fillet breaded fried fish, fresh and smoked, accompanied by a portion of chips, Coodle: pork sausages, bacons bits, potatoes and cooked onions and to finish after dinner the famous and traditional whiskey or as it is known "water of life", soft drink, sweet, with flavors of vanilla, oak and honey, plus a spicy touch to the way "Sine Metu " ("Without fear").

  - Do you think Chris are still alive? - The withering question and bluntly left the Rebecca Thompson's mouth.

  - Hope so! I want to believe so! And even that is not our duty to bring their bodies’ home and bury them with honors upon them relevant! - Embitter the Whiskey taste even though sweet as was the custom.

  - I agree! It is not a question of who lived and who died! None of us would be here if it was not for them and I'm sure were caught in a trap that they might not come back
like everyone else! - Tommy came out in support of the cause.

  - Did not mean to be rude, just care about all of you and do not want to lose anyone else! - Tommy kissed her softly, were a couple for a long time.

  - We know that Rebecca and not see our comments with careerism or any kind of reprimand, but it has been very difficult to live all these years trying to prove that they existed and were the real saviors of mankind! - Chris complemented his argument with Anne beside him holding his arm from his.

  - They have not returned because never leave behind any of our race, unlikely as it were, see the case of Joshua, that miserable herself saved him and sent him back! - Robert revived an issue now extinct among them who still caused revulsion only to mention the name of the worm that forced to do terrible things in wartime. - That was the real reason why we never saw them!

  - Semper Fi! Always faithful! No one gets left behind! - All they toasted. - Semper Paratus! Always Ready! - Gave an hurray and drank the contents of the cups that were in their hands, greeted friends even though they were far away. - Imagine that will surprise the great rulers if they are alive and in control of that thing! - He concluded.

  - This can be a big problem guys! - Sonia manifested itself for the first time. - It may well be unwilling to change a well-established history that chance, nature or destination, have solved the problem instead of assigning such made to people who can acquire a great power in a short time! - He had become a real Mata Hari and master of espionage for the Wolf Pack and his remark was justified. An eerie silence has taken care of the environment.

  - So in addition to rescue them, we must protect them at all costs lest they become victims of human power seat! - This is your Tommy position and its special commands that accompany us, make sure that everyone is loyal to the cause! - Chris finished this part still looking for Rebecca. Sonia was respectable argument for the first time he was concerned about the outcome of the mission. "The human race was very evil in its essence" - thought sipping another sip of whiskey.

  - And you Samantha, will be right with Bobby away for so long? - Lionel's question was justified, she and Bobby were married and had a daughter together. They were a beautiful couple.

  - I think I feel more a lack of Rex than feel it! - Was his answer. They laughed all the creative response that it had released spontaneously.

  - We miss Rex also Samantha ... - Anne remembered like that dog had been companion and guide for many years, but unfortunately time does not forgive and was little more than a year he was gone.

  - Yes ... Take good care of my Bobby and tell Sam that I love him and never gave up! - His eyes were bathed in tears, but did not cry, it was time for celebration, not mourning. He took the cup above his head and shouted the traditional greeting. - To the fallen heroes! Hurrah!

  Subject changed to not remain fully engaged with the question of the mission to the point of being paranoid and let the conversations flow into trivial matters, they amused themselves with it. Chris took part in the conversation, but had thought Saturn's orbit. Anne was sure of it, and remained by his side as the good wife and friend he was, was not sure how it would meet him again with Riley.

  - You ladies and gentlemen afternoon and after tomorrow we leave for outer space on the first manned mission on earth! - Made a brief farewell speech of the event among friends, did not know when or if they would have the same opportunity again. - However, I would like everyone to know that would have no other companions with me in such a challenge! "The steel forged in is no longer available and will never make others like us. We are the Lords of War "- He remembered his thoughts when he discovered that he was alone and that Riley would not come back years ago, but now had the opportunity to pay the debt with interest.

  They retreated to the extent that they parted and formed groups suffering the same fate that night and soon Chris was alone with Anne.

  - I'm glad you my love! - Anne was being sincere when he wanted the best for him and this trip was intended to exorcise the ghosts of the past, perhaps that way finally could have it all to yourself.

  - Nothing will change between us my dear and beloved Anne Ridley! - Came over and kissed her gently, had a terrific relationship and nothing would change that. I loved her above all, in your mind Riley was only the rescue of a promise, but certainly there is no room in their lives for things to go back to what they were fifteen years ago. I was sure that Sam had undertaken to make her happy, and Anne had made about him. First felt peace within them.

  The crew was composed by the Vortex group selected by the Wolf Pack, Chris Raines was the commander of the mission in space, Thomas Reilly in ground operations, the second in command aboard the mission was Robert Parks, Bobby Flanngan and Lionel O'Malley took care of board logistics which included all the trappings of survival. Tommy Mulligan was in charge of security systems and of the twenty special commands of the Wolf Pack would be a military intervention on arrival at Mother Ship.

  Still assumed that the entire process was automated and that armed confrontations would be zero, but certainly it was more prudent to have the firepower to respond in kind. All the armament process was low-tech and the only thing they could do out of alien technology had been the anti-gravity system that could protect the ship to some extent if they were bombarded with coming electromagnetic pulse of the Mother Ship. Chris and his team twisted to make it work; they would otherwise be drifting through the endless space.

  Beyond just Anne accompanied them, never stay away from her husband and had acquired the right to be one of the survivors of the original group.

  - Chris ... I know I do not agree at all along this project, but trust your common sense to the decisions that will take to accomplish the mission! - Thomas drove his last words as friend and superior in mission control. - Do not disappoint me! - He smiled and hugged his friend had learned to respect.

  - Leave that bottle of Bourbon guarded and two clean glasses on your bookshelf, even toast all this madness! - Regretted that he was not part of the mission, but it would be his right-hand man on the ground for years, I know that.

  - No surprises combined? - He looked at his friend at length to try to find something that did not know.

  - No that is different from the first time we were under fire in the Second Quadrant Council! - Reminded once again of how he defended without even blame him formally.

  - Do not expect anything less than that Chris! Count on me! - Exchanged the handshake of the Wolf Pack and said goodbye for good.

  Thomas Reilly was not so sure that flowed things as everyone expected, the next year there would be a new election for the presidency of the Council and the current president certainly would not keep in office, with that he also was not sure to continue ahead of Vortex project.

  But think about it when the time came, when the priority was to make the launch and mission operation would start, after all the work of the last four years would come down to this moment. It would be the first time a terrestrial ship would reach outer space since the 2022 invasion and all done quietly and away from the public eye.

  All were positioned in place, the Vortex was a ship-style rocket with three stages, the first would be that they might have enough momentum to that exceeded the force of Earth's gravity and would soon be disposed above the exosphere already in the vastness of space. The second stage addition to take the lunar orbit and thereafter again discarded leaving only the main module to gain acceleration in that protruded toward Saturn and its rings and until it approached the mother ship.

  The things that could go wrong the worst case scenario would be the confrontation with the alien race that until then no one knew there beyond the autonomous abduction and occupation systems that appeared in 2022. The best case scenario would be that they could reverse the direction of that giant of spaceship planetary dimensions and lead it back to Earth so they could unload the people who possibly would still be within the bells in suspended animation or living within that monstrous complex who knows under what condit

  Chris hoped not need to conflict if a new, provisional society were incorporated during the time they were orbiting Saturn. A chill ran through his whole body when thinking of how those people would have survived for years, could have resorted to cannibalism and other heinous practices that had had news on Earth itself in bygone days. But it would be no surprise if this had happened and if so would face a horde of genocidal barbarians who could never even think about stepping on Earth.

  And rest assured that not mastered the technology of alien object is that this remained unchanged orbiting the ring planet, otherwise they would have already following to Earth, on the other hand, the invading race that had initiated all this also had not given for lack of their ominous cargo ship lost in space, otherwise would have been rescued. There were many possibilities and in the end would only have to sure what to do when the first of them stepped on that ship will drift.

  The Vortex was a spectacular and robust ship by terrestrial standards, it had cost more than all the military budgets of the years to come, but had also been the result of a consortium involving private companies of technological exploitation and war weapons development. After all, many were betting on the chance of the mission to succeed and can reverse all that technology to your advantage, but Chris still had other plans in mind.

  Altogether forty people shared spaces on board, twenty elite soldiers of the Wolf Pack group, although the Mission Control did not know of their origin as all had been recruited in their own military divisions "best performance" if it could be said, but the fact is that Rebecca knew how to do it, his services were invaluable. The crew of Chris and his group and fourteen scientists from various areas of expertise ranging from life sciences to advanced robotics.

  The distribution within the Vortex was done as follows; the body of the ship consisted of thirty floors properly segmented by the length from the base, the first five were assigned to the staff of science and for each of them had a command of the Wolf Pack to her service, security, this secure job had primary purpose everything was reported to the mission commander on board. The same is repeated by subsequent floors to this that in addition to research laboratories that would in the course of the mission, there were other objectives involved, even so they could occupy their time, had complete and individual accommodations as well as recreation rooms and a large area for food service.


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