Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris

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Arcadamius Reconquest - Sequence of Actuna of Toris Page 10

by Edward Warrior, Sr

  - I do not know Anne ... really do not know ... - he took her hand and stepped into the elevator that would take them to the bridge, there would be no more will and in their own fields. Your thoughts pondered the sacrifice of Riley and Sam would have been worth it.


  The Vortex had completed his mission to bring the group to its destination in the meantime there were two casualties, Charles Whitmore who died of unknown causes, the report presented by Bobby and one of his command who committed suicide by uncleared reasons. The space could be very lonely for most and even those who had been prepared at some point yielded to the pressure.

  Through the large windows, all on board were watching from a safe distance the large object that pair with them, in dimensional terms the Vortex was just a small point in their Mother Ship which was a thousand times greater than her, maybe even a million times according to the most optimistic estimates of Pierre Lambert, the specialist in things from other worlds. But what amazed even were the various bas-reliefs that looked like some kind of written all over it.

  Cautiously maneuvered the Vortex for approaching and could better observe the general condition and the conditions under which the mother ship orbiting Saturn.

  Surely there was at least twenty years, but did not have any external damage and not even life that could quantify. According to Pierre, the reason hitherto had not been approached or contacted in any way, showed that initial suspicion would be correct. There was no kind of life on board, everything was automated, but inert.

  The approach until the alien ship was done meticulously calculated and how they had trained on board simulator thousands of times in the last five years of crossing the universe and that brought the Earth to Saturn. By unknown factor a strong and intense pulse reverberated by Vortex making her shiver for a few seconds. The occupants of looked at each other with the assurance that they have already felt that pulse sometimes in ancient times and Antonio Vargas tried to explain very loosely, that the little alien technology that had been incorporated will ship carrying them could somehow be communicating with the other.

  But unlike what happened in the past, nothing had been damaged. It seemed the Mother Ship had undertaken to align the Vortex with the big alien spaceship that led like a guide through a magnetic beam that nobody saw, into the great dome on the surface that looks like a giant hangar. Would fit a thousand ships Vortex class in there easily, it was an indisputable fact.

  Even within the Earth ship, Chris and Robert could make out in the distance a great light rod connecting the two points, the base and the ceiling with an intense and thick light. Apparently the spaceship of mooring systems still worked very well at the same time they were automatically directed to the hangar could make out the bells of countless rows align whole complex and were safely protected against electromagnetic fields very powerful outdoor activities. In fact there was no visible damage, the bells were also intact. That was good news.

  Inside the terrestrial spacecraft preparations revolved around capture the largest number of data on the external conditions, including weather that could influence negatively the biological system of the crew. A past estimate by Laura, maybe in twenty four hours had the results we need in order to leave the Vortex and explore the great alien complex. The use of special clothes to walk in space would be your first choice if you do not have other alternatives.

  - No Chris survived, no one would survive to this loneliness and isolation for more balanced and that was for so long ... - Anne was shocked to find no survivor even in poor conditions. Humanity had a history of perseverance wherever he went; outer space was no different from cross oceans to know what lay on the other side, so she did not understand no human signs on board.

  - Do not underestimate our race Anne, do not underestimate Riley and Sam! If anyone could have survived in those conditions would they ... - was not sure I believed everything he said, but inwardly hoped so.

  - I hope you're right ... I sincerely hope you're right! - Anne moved away a little better think about what could be expected thereafter. Chris was the love of what was at stake and his teenage passion that had never forgotten. In other times it might even have gone unnoticed, but the events that united them all would not let to forget how much they had loved.

  - I gather men and devise a plan to explore the outside as soon as possible! We have to find the answers pear this unknown as soon as possible and then decide what to do! - Chris was not sure of the Bells still contain humans abducted from Earth twenty years earlier, but need to confirm this information as soon as possible.

  In about an hour six people were sitting in the control room under the direction of Chris Raines. Robert, Laura, Tommy, Anne Bobby and Pierre, this would be the advance party to go out with him to conquer the unknown and the secrets that giant Spaceship, except for his second in command that would be to cover the ship. The project had taken ten years and very human sacrifice to complete, was to reach its ultimate goal roads.

  - We have two immediate chances! The first will be the bells are empty and the abducted people were transported to another spaceship like this or similar and the ever find! In this case this one could be a warehouse! - Was a possibility that has crossed his mind before the trip Vortex start.

  - If this is the case, we have partially solved recurring problem because no longer need to worry about human lives that supposedly would still be here! Therefore nothing prevents us to go home, we just need to figure out how this thing works and put it on their way to Earth! - He looked at everyone sitting around you. - Any doubt?

  - No one seemed to have doubts.

  - The second hypothesis is that we already know and we discussed extensively about what to do and we do not have a solution we can say that is suitable! - I knew that they would find a solution but were not sure when and how. - We did not come all this way to let these people die, we are not here for that! - He did not like to speak seated, she stood up and walked in the place he knew so well and that had been his home for the past five years.

  - And one more thing! There is no question deliver this technology to the military of any quadrant! - It had become almost unanimity among them. - All this will belong to the Wolf Pack and we will need time to get back to learn as much about its operation! - This was the best time to plan.

  - When you want to go to the outside see what's beyond what we can see from here? - Laura was the most ambitious in this regard.

  - Once we were sure that no one will run the risk of life! We are far from Laura home and everyone here is my responsibility! My group, my rules! - Was surprised that these words could have come out of his mouth, a deep stab had just put down in your heart without noticing.

  Anne looked at him dictating the orders realized the moment his jaw tightened after the last sentence issued.

  In his memory he could still hear the words of Riley when saved from the hands of Joshua; - "You are welcome, but my group! my rules! "- never forget how hard times were, it seemed Chris did not forget.

  - Yes commander, without a doubt! - Laura had no reason to challenge it, nor wanted, had the mission hitherto been a success thanks to him and his determination, admired him since I met him, and now and then remembered that he was not available for your unhappiness. I was sure it would make a good pair.

  After everyone left including Anne, Robert approached the friend to comfort him. - We could not expect anything different from this Chris, wherever they are I hope you have been happy, if that was possible! - He grabbed a bottle of Irish whiskey he had brought aboard the ship clandestinely, but that it was justified at the time they were in. If it did not work I ask for clemency.

  - At the very least we can do is toast to fallen friends in battle and preserve their memory! - Robert filled two cups until almost will edge and offered one to the friend who readily accepted.

  - We cannot communication being here in Robert, the last message I sent was before we were dragged here where we are now! - Left the glasses touched be
fore drinking the first sip. - Jesus! Had forgotten how good it was! - He opened a smile for the first time in years.

  - Was smuggled into the ship, I hope the captain will ever know that! - Robert tried to conceal the tension of the situation which they lived.

  - I'm going to charge me for it ever knowing what had happened, but I think we have to seize it as evidence should they become necessary! - They filled both glasses again as laugh with satisfaction.

  - It was a long trip is not commander? - Robert was dear friend and the years had been hard for both.

  - They are somewhere out there Robert! But this ship, somewhere else! I know she's there and I'll find it! - He slammed his glass on the table leaving to do a background of noise.

  Anne had come to see if they needed anything was startled, but did not let realize his presence, around sunset, it was inevitable to hear the last words of her husband and the man she loved, For a few minutes he felt homesick for his flat in London and many nights they spend together under the sheets or on them. But I knew the story of their lives was far from over and let fate take charge of leading it to where he wanted. It was no longer mistress of her fate, to tell the truth ever found out.

  Precisely twenty-four hours later and reap the necessary material so they could make an outside of the detailed analysis of Vortex and inside the Mothership and Laura confirmed there was no apparent reason why not leave safely explore it immediately.

  - Incredible as it may seem there is oxygen in abundance throughout this complex and how does it differ from our own, that we breathe normally as it is now that is richer in some elements and for which I am still a reasonable explanation ... - Laura handed him the results of the first atmospheric diagnoses and to his surprise he did not know how to analyze them as well as the air was breathable for humans.

  Chris met the landing party and who would be responsible aboard the Vortex, although not thought unlikely run riot risk for nothing that or another world.

  - Laura, do you think could be a group of humans have lived here for twenty years? - Chris still had not given up on Riley and Sam.

  - Yes, it would be possible if they had other means of subsistence, food and correlated thing! - She was optimistic, but not quite. Also read the book of Brian O'Connor, The Reconquista of the Earth, told the mythical story of his daughter and the group that defeated the invaders, but that it was all a myth and knew very well, everyone knew.

  - Robert! You are in charge; Intellectual Group is quarantine until we're back! Nobody can circulate freely through the ship-under any circumstances! - He turned to another of his friends and to which also high esteem. - Lionel! Commands are under him, Tommy has dealt with them, if you examine it carefully to each calendar has a companion for everything you do, even the most basic needs! - All they smiled discreetly by the seriousness with which he spoke, but also for the unusual way they had to act. He broke into a wide smile. For Anne, it was as if the sun appear on the horizon.

  - The rest come with me! Keep the weapons there hand and ready for use, we are in enemy territory, even in this infinite space! Remember what they did in the twenty years ago and have to shoot not err one millimeter that is! - They walked until the closed metal door magnetically and manual locks leading to the outside. The hardware that remained for many years Wolf Packed and compressed, made a serious noise and before the door opened decompression of the left internal environment to understand the external pressure was almost equivalent, but not exactly the same.

  Slowly down the stairs leading to the floor of the alien ship. Chris was the first to sign the foot after the other and a few minutes later everyone was admiring this giant complex that stretched as far as the eye could see. - One small step for a man ... - Bobby was briefly interrupted in the grace he intended to do.

  - Not now Bobby! Focus on Tommy command that will lead us to the center of this thing! No jokes! - The timing was tension and did not know whether find hostilities ahead.

  - We will follow close to what are apparently the walls, there is the light that I could see without being that of the center, do not touch anything! - Tommy was in charge of lead them to where they could walk and even though Chris was the commander Tommy's experience in its field exceeded that ultimately came down to stay behind a desk.

  Aboard the Vortex, Robert and Lionel watched all the movement without any difficulty, but knew that at some point the loss of view. - How did we get here Robert? - Lionel was still incredulous as great achievement.

  - With much perseverance, courage and above all love in your heart! Hope is the last to die! That's not the popular saying? - He looked at Lionel who paid attention to friends on the outside.

  - He never ceased to love her right? - Glanced at Robert and again for friends who were becoming increasingly distant.

  - None of us stopped loving her Lionel ... None of us ... - remained silent, were not necessary words to express how much everyone loved her, each in his own way and divide that by the sacrifice she had and Sam had done. Lionel thought of Samantha for a moment and how Bobby was a lucky man...

  An echo reverberated all over the place making everyone stop and stay static trying to find out what had happened. Tommy who led the group motioned for everyone to remain at the site where they were and stay lowered. He walked a few meters forward and spotted something on the ground who knew but had not seen for a long time, broke into a wide smile and picked up the object on the ground, walked until the next wall where that object came and saw that another like it was there forgotten for at least twenty years.

  - Chris! I need you to come here ... - I did not know whether it was good or bad news to his friend, but had to be given. Chris Raines approached followed by Anne, Laura and Bobby Pierre.

  - I'm sure you'll recognize this ... - handed her hands in the two combs Glock 380. He knew what was the caliber to use them for a long time, even after the invasion, but he knew better yet they had come because one of them had a name engraved with the point of a knife.

  - They were here ... Tommy - Chris knew she had never given up and the reason that ship monstrous be standing there was his two friends as ever suspected. - And it seems needed to use the ammunition that had ... - combs were empty, completely empty.

  - I had a friendly approach if that's what you know Chris, but the reason we found these two empty combs tells us that left no cheap injury to anybody! - Tommy would one eye if necessary to be able to stand next to Riley and Sam in that encounters that must have been epic. He was a soldier since he was born, had always been ready.

  Laura who closely followed and had witnessed the conversation as well as all the others had difficulty understanding the name of the reason of it being written on that piece of metal and aboard the alien ship, but knew better than to ask, at least not at the moment. - Look! You can see through these openings that look like windows. - All they came to see the outside and could see Saturn and its rings and other stars, just below them were the bells and accommodated all in sequence. There were thousands of them shiny and golden.

  - The best will continue as soon as possible toward what seems to be the center of this whole complex! - Pierre would rather be silent and observe more than talk, manifested by curiosity of what might lie ahead beyond what we knew already exist and had been studying for the past ten years. Since the Mother Ship had been discovered due to the personal efforts of General Thomas Reilly and Brigadier General Chris Raines.

  - I agree! Spacing ten meters civilians in half, weapons at the ready! - Tommy gave the orders and continued toward the illuminated central point.

  It takes almost five minutes good walk until they could see closer to the great circle emanating from the brilliant white light for what looked like the top of that dome, was the realization that construction had. Several ramps completely blackened led downstairs, under the guidance of Tommy, Chris moved in slow steps on that path that the first step lit on his feet showing where to go.

  - Do not touch anything! We do not know this technolog
y, let alone know if we have company! - Tommy reinforced its guidelines knowing that those who were with him were eager to learn more, but that could cost them their lives.

  Chris waited all go down the ramp to the place that enjoys being a command center, even though it was empty. He recognized it because I believe that would be the ideal place to command the Spaceship, the absence of any kind of control is that incited him doubt whether his assumption was correct. Bobby had always been the least attentive ace of safety was the first to touch on something that was close to the place where he had fallen.

  - "I am Sun Tzu" - the distorted voice echoed throughout the room and again was repeated. - "I am Sun Tzu" - but it was still barely audible.

  - What was this! - Anne frightened approached the husband.

  - I do not know Anne! But we have to find out! - Chris looked around and noticed Bobby bewildered. - What is it this time Bobby? - She told him to rebuke and he spoke to him not long ago.

  - I think it touched me to this thing here ... - said uncertain whether it had been his fault what happened. Pierre that virtually nor was present at the farm, took a step toward him.

  - Let me have some of what happened Bobby! - Came up even more what looked like a thick circular rod, maybe 10 cm in diameter and that blended with the surroundings. Pierre noticed that there were dozens of them, just did not see them the angle at which they were and apparently that had specifically been activated.

  - What exactly happened Bobby? - I was intrigued by everything that happened.

  - I lowered my hand and touched that thing back here only that! - She was embarrassed to be so clumsy.

  - Let me see ... - Pierre played with the first finger and nothing happened, put his hand on termination should be about 80 cm tall and just as nothing happened. - I do not think it was your fault Bobby, whatever it is that happened! - Pierre ended his experiment that proved a huge failure.

  - No, it was yes! - Anne stepped ahead to everyone's surprise. - I know how it works! - He looked at Chris who followed her with his eyes, approached his hand, but did not touch the stem, but it became more bright and vibrant at the same time. - We, the Invisible! - She had not forgotten for what reason had been spared and as Riley had spoken to them that the blood could be the marker that would make the difference.


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