by Owen, David;
Germany: air force strength, 160, 164–8; Austrian occupation, 23, 52; Bomber Command attacks, 96; British air attack strategy, 160; economic blockade, 144n7, 161–3, 183; economic and military weakness, 183–5; food and raw material shortages, 143, 161; Kristallnacht, 35; Low Countries invasion, 75, 79; morale, 199; Norway invasion, 57–8, 61; oil reserves, 143; Rhineland occupation, 22; Russian non-aggression pact, 42; strategic factors for defeat, 143–5
Gibraltar, 141, 142, 211
Göring, Hermann, 3
Gort, Lord, 113, 124, 126, 130, 132, 152, 182, 184, 197; Churchill’s criticism, 120, 214
Gosling, Harry, 8
Grandi, Dino, 142
Greenwood, Arthur, 205, 242; against appeasement, 23; alcohol problems, 20–21, 28; Attlee’s confidence in him, 2, 26; British Strategy in the Near Future (economic effects), 144n7, 159–67, 213; by-election success (1932), 15; Commons speeches, 2–3, 27, 30, 59, 64; and Council for the Study of International Relations, 4; critical of Reynaud’s appeal, 194, 226; draft biography, 15, 15n26; drunkenness, 20–21; election loss (1931), 13; and General Strike, 9; on a German blockade, 144n7; ill health, 28, 29; Labour Party deputy leader, 2, 20, 21; Labour Party leadership challenges, 19–20, 25; Labour Party research department, 21; on Labour’s potential wartime contribution, 29–30; Minister of Health, 11; Ministry of Health PPS, 7; newspaper acclaim, 27, 30; post-war reconstruction, 4; pre-war career, 2, 4; rearmament policy, 22–3; refusal to serve under Chamberlain, 28, 70–71; War Cabinet (Minister without Portfolio), 76, 209, 216, 222, 223, 226
Grey, Sir Edward, 227, 264–5
Griffiths, Jim, 64
Guilty Men (Cato), 239–42
Gulf War (1991), 257, 263
Haldane, Lord, 227
Halifax, Lord: appeasement, 32, 241; appointed US Ambassador, 243, 244; and Butler’s defeatism, 240; Cadogan’s influence, 33–4, 215; and Chamberlain, 31, 219; defeatism, 228; differences with Churchill, 176–80, 193, 195, 220–23, 244–5; draft telegram to Roosevelt, 229–30; Foreign Secretary, 32; on French factories, 138; Hitler visit (1937), 32; Lord President of the Council, 31; meeting with Italian Ambassador, 151–5; and Mussolini, 94–5; Polish Guarantee, 38–9; potential successor to Chamberlain, 71–4, 77, 212; prospects for continuing without France, 138; rejection of appeasement, 33–4, 35–6; relations with Churchill, 73, 212; and Soviet Union, 42; support for French Italian peace overtures, 225–6; Viceroy of India, 73, 212; War Cabinet discussions, 149, 193, 194, 195
Henderson, Arthur, 4, 5, 13, 16
Héring, General Pierre, 123
Hitler, Adolf: Austrian occupation, 23, 52; Boothby meeting, 46–7; Churchill’s refusal to contact, 209; Halifax visit (1937), 32; invasion of Poland, 1–3; Lloyd George visit, 86; meetings with Chamberlain, 33; Munich meeting, 34, 35; Mussolini meeting, 56; Mussolini’s likely view according to Halifax, 144, 211; visit to Calais, 121, 218
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 17, 241, 244
Hoare-Laval Pact (1935), 17, 47
Home of the Hirsel, Lord, 251
Hoon, Geoff, 266
Hopkins, Harry, 101–2
House of Commons: Churchill on Belgian Armistice (28 May), 189–91; Churchill speech (4 June), 232–3, 247; Churchill on war situation and French fleet (4 July), 238–9; Churchill’s first speech as Prime Minister (13 May), 78; Masonic Lodge, 25; non-confidence adjournment debate (7 May), 59–69, 89–90; Polish invasion debate (2 Sep 1939), 1–3; Saturday sittings, 1; Syria vote (2013), 267
Hubris Syndrome, 35, 212
impeachment, 264–5
imports, 141, 163, 163–5
Independent Labour Party, and World War I, 5
Inskip, Thomas, 241
intelligence system: Iraq failures, 264, 266–7; World War II, 147
internment, 145
Iraq War: Blair’s promise of support to Bush, 254, 265–6; Blair’s written statement, 263–4; Butler Report, 266–7; Chilcot Report, 210, 263–4, 265, 268; intelligence failures, 264, 266–7; UK decision-making, 262–6
Ireland, request for US squadron visit, 103, 105
Ironside, General Edmund, 119, 122, 160, 187, 205
Ismay, General Hastings, 57, 113, 114, 122, 215, 217; and Churchill, 245; Churchill memos, 119–20; Churchill-Halifax relations, 244–5; pre-war career, 99n28; Viceroy of India, 99
Israel, Suez Crisis, 249–54
Italian peace proposals: British approach, 125, 144; Churchill’s opinion, 144, 209, 211; French approach, 127, 131, 133, 171, 172–4; Halifax memo on suggested approach (26 May), 169–75; Halifax memo on talks with Ambassador (25 May), 151–5; likely Italian terms, 142, 150–52, 211; Mussolini as mediator, 193, 194; Mussolini mediator role rejected, 197–9; Mussolini’s resentment, 173–5; Suggested Approach to Mussolini (24 May), 131–3; Suggested Approach to Mussolini (26 May), 169–75, 225; through US President, 131–3, 157, 171–5, 172, 198, 224–5, 230; Welles mission, 54–6
Italy: Abyssian invasion, 17–18, 47, 241; Albanian invasion, 36; Anglo-Italian Agreement, 31; contraband control, 131, 151, 153; declaration of war, 234–5; sanctions, 22; strategic factors, 141
Japan, 247
Jean Bart (battleship), 236, 237
Jenkins, Arthur, 28
Jenkins, Roy, 28, 219, 226
Jones, Tom, 86, 89
Karslake, General, 134
Kennedy, Joseph P., 246
Keyes, Admiral Sir Roger, 60, 94, 119, 134, 152, 190, 205
Kilmuir, Lord, 250
King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 233, 237
Kirkpatrick, Sir Ivone, 251
labour, transfer of labour, 163–5
Lander, Stephen, 258
Lansbury, George, 11, 13, 15, 17–18, 248
Lansdowne, Lord, 231
Leach, Admiral Sir Henry, 255–6
League of Nations, 17
Leopold III, King of the Belgians: evacuation plans, 118–19, 134, 152, 182–4, 189; remains in Belgium, 190–92
Litvinov, Maxim, 38, 40, 41
Lloyd George, David, 4–5, 11, 41, 261; and Churchill’s Cabinet, 82–3, 84, 85, 86–9; Commons debate (May 1940), 66–7, 80–81, 86, 90; Commons debate (May 1941), 89–90; dislike of Chamberlain, 85, 86; refuses Washington ambassadorship, 89; visit to Hitler, 86
Lloyd, John Selwyn, 251, 252
local authorities, Defence Regulation No. 54B, 112–13
Loraine, Sir Percy (Ambassador to Rome), 94, 173–5, 225, 235
Lothian, Lord (Ambassador to Washington), 23, 157, 162, 173, 196, 243
Lukacs, John, Five Days in London May 1940, 213, 214, 215, 219
MacDonald, Ramsay, 5, 7–8, 10–13
McGovern, John, 3
Macmillan, Dorothy, 46
Macmillan, Harold, 40, 46, 69, 253, 256
Maisky, Ivan, 38
Major, John, 257, 263
Malta, 141, 142, 211
Manning, David, 260, 265
Margesson, David, 32, 68, 71
Marshall, General George, 243
May, Theresa, 268
Meyer, Christopher, 262
Mollet, Guy, 249, 254
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 41
Monckton, Sir Walter, 192
morale, 160, 164, 198, 201
Moran, Lord, 51
Morrison, Herbert: 1931 election loss, 13, 14; Abyssinian invasion, 18; Bevin’s dislike of, 9; Commons adjournment debate (May 1940), 64–5; declines to challenge Attlee for leadership, 25–6; and Halifax, 32; Home Secretary, 243; Labour Party leadership candidate, 19–20; and London County Council, 14–15; and London Traffic Bill, 8–9; NEC membership, 14
Mosley, Oswald, 11, 234
Munich Agreement, 34–5, 219
Mussolini, Benito, 17; Churchill’s personal message, 94–5, 109; and Hitler, 56, 144, 211; mediator role rejected, 197–9; Munich meeting, 34; personal motives, 224; possible role as mediator, 193, 194; Welles mission, 55–6; see also Italian peace proposals
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 249, 251, 252, 253
National Security Council, 268
National Union of Clerks, 5
naval warfare: British fleet in event of surrender, 230, 233, 237; French fleet, 235, 236, 237–9; French resources, 185; request for US destroyers, 102–3, 104–6, 232, 235; strategic factors, 139–41, 158, 177–9
Newall, Air Chief Marshal Sir Cyril, 111, 149, 160, 168, 187
Nicholson, Brigadier C.N., 121n52
Nicolson, Harold, 69
Nixon, Richard, 21
Norway, German invasion, 57–8, 61, 66–7
Nott, John, 255
Nutting, Anthony, 249, 250
opinion polls, 214–15
Peirse, Air Vice-Marshal Richard, 113, 160, 168
Percival, A.E., 149
Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 230–31, 235
Phillips, Admiral Sir Tom, 119n49, 160
Poland, 1–3, 38–9
Pound, Admiral Sir Dudley, 111, 149, 160, 187, 237
Powell, Charles, 259
Powell, Colin, 265–6
Powell, Jonathan, 259, 265
Powell, Sir Richard, 251
public information, 147–9, 186, 192
Quisling, Vidkun, 234n4
refugees, in Britain, 145–7
Reynaud, Paul, 55; on British withdrawal, 123, 124, 164; Churchill phone call on Mussolini proposal, 197–9, 224–5, 226; Churchill’s visits, 97–9, 113–14, 202, 230; Mussolini as intermediary, 193–4; possible approach to Italy, 169–71, 172–4, 173, 175, 218; proposed appeal to US, 194, 196; visit to Britain, 125–7, 134–6, 140–44
Reynolds, David, 128, 211, 231, 244
Rhineland, 22
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 42, 55, 85–6
Richelieu (battleship), 236, 237
Roberts, Andrew, The Holy Fox, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 39, 71, 72, 73, 213
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: army equipment, 233; fireside chat (December 1940), 245–6, 247; Formal Naval Person Churchill correspondence, 101–6; Halifax draft telegram, 229–30; Italian peace proposals, 131–3, 157, 171–5, 172, 198, 224, 230; re-election, 242; relations with Churchill, 246–7; request for military equipment, 102–6, 213, 232, 235; Welles mission to Italy, 54–6
Rumsfeld, Donald, 262
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 218
Salisbury, Lord: and Chamberlain, 77; Watching Committee, 43–4, 57, 69
Samuel, Herbert, 31
Sanderson, Lord, 264–5
Shinwell, Emanuel (Manny), 25
shipping: food and raw materials imports, 141, 163–5; see also naval warfare
Silkin, Lewis, 14
Simon, Sir John, 241
Sinclair, Sir Archibald, 44, 59; and Churchill, 210; Minister for Air, 76, 89, 95, 168, 176, 214; War Cabinet, 215–16; WW I service, 210
Singapore, 141
Snowden, Philip, 11, 12
Somerville, Admiral Sir James, 237
Soviet Union, 38–42, 109–110
Spanish Civil War, 22
Spears, General Louis, 127, 132, 176, 182, 231
Straw, Jack, 266
Stuart, James, 46
Suez Canal, 141
Suez Crisis, 249–54
Syria, Commons vote, 267
Temple, William, Archbishop, 9
Thatcher, Margaret, 255–7, 259, 262–3
Thomas, Jimmy, 11, 12
trade, food and raw materials imports, 141, 163–5
Treachery Act (1940), 111–12
Tunis, 142, 211
United States: 9/11 attacks, 257–8; and Britain in event of surrender, 230, 233–4; economic and financial support, 135, 161–3, 213; isolationism, 101, 242; lend-lease options, 162, 247; Monroe Doctrine, 104; and Suez Crisis, 250, 253; Welles mission, 54–6; see also Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Vansittart, Sir Robert, 193, 225
Vietnam War, 262
Villelume, Paul de, 113, 116–17, 122–3, 125–7
Wall, Stephen, 260
War Cabinet: cartoon, 208; comprehensive detail in Minutes, 210; effective decision-making, 107, 110, 112, 227–9; Labour contribution, 210–211; membership, 76–7, 93–4, 243
War Cabinet Chiefs of Staff reports: British strategy in a Certain Eventuality (25 May), 135–49, 164–8; British Strategy in a Certain Eventuality (26 May), 177–9, 213–14; British Strategy in the Near Future (26 May), 156–60, 213, 216–17
War Cabinet documents: Air Defence of Great Britain, 111; British Strategy in the Near Future – economic aspects (Greenwood), 144n7, 159–67, 213; Churchill note on morale, 201; Churchill phone call on Mussolini proposal, 197–9, 224–5; Halifax’s meeting with Italian Ambassador, 151–5; Italian peace proposal memos/telegrams, 131–3, 157, 169–75, 225; Reynaud visit aide memoire, 181–7
War Cabinet meetings: First (26 May), 132–8; Second (26 May), 140–46, 211; Third (26 May), 148–52, 211; Fourth (27 May), 162–70, 215–16; Fifth (27 May), 172–80, 218–23; Sixth (27 May), 182–8, 223–4; Seventh (28 May), 190–92, 224–5; Eighth (28 May), 193–5, 225–6; Ninth (28 May), 196, 229; informal (26 May), 215; June 1940, 236–7; see also Cabinet meeting, 28 May 1940
Welles, Sumner, 54–6
Weygand, General Maxime, 113–15, 123–4, 132, 140, 144
Wilkinson, Ellen, 24–5 Wilson, Harold, 21, 262
Wilson, Sir Horace, 241–2
Wood, Sir Kingsley, 94, 166, 241, 243
World War I: Attlee’s service, 6; Churchill’s service, 49; Gallipoli, 6, 49; Haldane’s Berlin Mission (1912), 227; Labour Party divisions, 5; Verdun, 230–31
Zinoviev Letter, 7–8