“Okay, I'll go,” he said. Damian picked him up and we started walking to the main door. I liked the fact that Damian was caring towards Thomas. As we entered the hospital, we noticed Jace with some papers in his hands.
“Hey buddy,” he exclaimed once his eyes fell on Thomas. His eyes widened when he noticed my brother's puffy red eyes. One of the nurses walked to him, a big smile crept on her face.
“Thomas! I miss our superhero talks!” she exclaimed as she pinched his cheeks. Thomas giggled as he wiped away his cheeks. Damian smiled at his cute gesture and put him back on the floor.
“I'm taking him back to his room,” Jace said as he took Tommy's hand in his and they started walking to the elevator.
“I love you Athena! Bye Damian,” Thomas said as he waved while walking away with Jace and the nurse. I took a deep breath as I watched the elevator door close.
“Are you okay?” I heard Damian ask me. I turned to look at him, then I remembered his words.
“Damian, you shouldn't have lied to him,” I said in annoyance and walked out of the hospital. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him, making me crash into his chest.
“Lie about what?” he asked, his voice sounding cold. I turned around, crossed my arms over my chest, and glared the hell out of him.
“About getting him out of here!” I exclaimed in frustration.
“I didn't lie,” he simply replied calmly. I blinked several times, letting his words sink in.
“Damian, he can't leave here. He's sick.” I gulped. It always made me this way whenever I would about Thomas’s cancer. The infuriating hot man simply rolled his eyes and bypassed me to his car. I stood there, waiting for him to talk as he reached his car.
“You're coming or not?” he asked as he put on his sunglasses. I wonder how good looking his future children would be. I shook my head at the thought and walked to the car. I should start controlling my freaking hormones. I probably sound like a hormonal teenager.
“What did you mean?” I asked as we got into the car and he started driving. My eyes were focusing on my hands which lay on my lap. My black nail varnish contrasted magnificently with my pale white skin. I turned slightly to look at him. Damian was staring at the road, one hand on the steering wheel and the other one through his hair. As if sensing that I was staring at him, he moved his head in my direction and smirked when he realized that I was checking him out.
“You should stop staring at me like that,” Damian said as he turned his attention back to the road. I unconsciously licked my lips as I stared away so that I wouldn't look like a creep. I think that it's too late for that but I didn't really give a shit.
“Does it annoy you when I stare at you?” I asked with a little hope that he would say yes. I wanted to annoy him somehow. I wanted to push him to his limits.
“No,” he answered. “It makes me want to take you in the back seat but unfortunately, I have work to attend to,” he responded professionally. He sounded so formal that it would remind me that all this was simply a deal. “And my mother wants to offer proper treatment to Thomas on the condition that he will live in their house,” he said suddenly. I blinked several times, trying to assess what he just said. Celina and Jeff wanted to finance Tommy's treatment.
“W-what?” I stuttered for lack of words. He motioned to the card that was on the desk board of the car.
“That's their number, give them a call once you reach home,” Damian told me. I took the card and on the white paper Jeff's number was written on it. It would be such a relief if someone finally helped me financially. But somehow, I didn't want to depend on anyone.
“Having someone helping me financially, makes me feel weak.” I admitted as I stared at the card. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
“You shouldn't. My parents support multiple associations concerning sick children and Thomas is simply going to be one of them,” Damian explained, again sounding really professional. I nodded at his explanation and stared out at the road. I noticed that we were reaching my apartment. Rose drove my car back home. When Damian parked in front of my apartment, I took my bags from the back seat and opened the door to get out.
“Thank you for the ride,” I mumbled as I closed the door of the car. I could hear the window rolling down but I turned around and walked to the door.
“Athena,” Damian called, making me sigh as I turned around to look at him. “You're working tonight?” he asked, with his sunglass still over his eyes, preventing me from detecting any emotion which I'd usually decipher by staring at his gray eyes.
“Yes,” I answered sounding monotonous. I should stop giving him so much importance. He gave me a single nod before driving away, leaving me behind, staring at his car disappearing down the street. I clenched my jaw as an unknown and unexplained sense of anger ran through me. One minute he'd be cute, sweet, and caring then, he'd be cold, formal, and stern. He was hot and cold at the same time.
I walked in the apartment, feeling drained from this mentally draining journey. Leaving Thomas back in the hospital was heart breaking. I pulled the card out of my pocket and stared at the number. I heard the door open and Rose walked in with a bright smile on her face. I didn't pay much attention to her because I was already typing the number on the phone.
“Spears Residence, who am I talking to?” I heard Jeff's voice. Rose let her body fall on the couch, her eyes were fixed on me.
“Jeff? It's me. Athena Williams,” I started hesitantly.
“Athena! Hey sweetheart! You're already back home?” he exclaimed and his radiant mood made me smile slightly. All the nervousness was already gone.
“Yeah, I'm home. We just dropped Thomas to the hospital and Damian told me to call you,” I explained.
“Yes. My wife and myself needed to talk to you about this little boy. Unfortunately, my wife is over at your parent's,” he started. “But basically, we'd like to help you financially with Thomas's treatment. Dean told us about how you're struggling to keep up with the treatment,” Jeff explained. “My wife fell in love with Thomas and we have to agree that this little boy is exceptional.” He chuckled. Unlike my parents, Jeff and Celina did see how exceptional Thomas was. I chuckled as well but I could feel the emotions building up inside me. “Listen Athena, Alena told me that you value your pride a lot. But right now, I think it's a good idea if you accept and concentrate on your studies. Stop bothering yourself about work,” he said. “My wife wants to help you and if you're willing to cooperate, I'd like to bring Thomas over to my house and give him proper treatment,” Jeff said softly. That was when I cried. I sobbed over the phone. I fell on my knees. I was exploding. All these moments that I bottled up my emotions were finally giving up. I could feel arms wrap themselves around me. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away as I held the phone tighter to my ear.
“You don't know how much I would be relieved if my brother could be given better treatment,” I breathed. “I want what's best for him. And I know that Celina and yourself will do your best,” I said as my tears rolled down my cheek. It was a mixture of happiness and tiredness.
“Stop crying, sweetheart,” Jeff said through the phone. “Tomorrow I'll be sending someone to pick up Thomas from the hospital and I'm getting a room prepared,” he said. “And Athena, one more thing, you can visit him whenever you want. You tell Damian to bring you if you don't know where my wife and I stay,” he said.
“Thank you so much Jeff,” I said into the phone.
“Celina and myself, we were surprised to see a twenty-year-old woman fighting for her little brother and you're a strong woman, Athena. Keep this spirit and if you need anything, do give us a call, okay sweetheart?” he asked.
“Yeah, I will, Jeff,” I answered. “Have a nice day,” I said softly.
“You too.” I ended the call and turned to wrap Rose in a hug.
“Damian's parents will be financing Thomas's treatment,” I said and started crying when I realized how much this meant. “I can stop working at the str
ip club and find a proper job.” Rose faked hurt.
“Are you saying that my job is not a good one?” she asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“We both know it is not.” I chuckled. “Did you tell Jace about your job?” I asked as we both sat on the couch.
“Yeah, I did.” She sighed. I knew that something was wrong.
“And?” I asked as I turned to look at her.
“He is quite possessive and he told me to look for another job,” Rose explained. I thought about it and realized that if I was in Jace's position, I would say the same thing.
“Why don't you look for another job?” I asked. “I was working there because we get a lot of money and I needed that for Tommy's treatment.”
“Exactly. There's nowhere else you'll get that much money.” Rose pointed out.
“So you'll choose this job over Jace?” I asked in disbelief.
“Of course not!” She exclaimed. “I haven't decided yet,” she said, making me take one of the little pillows and throw it on her face. She chuckled and stood up. “But sweetheart, for now, you haven't found a job yet, so get ready for work and prepare your speech for Jerry because he'll break down when he'll know that you'll stop working,” she said as she walked to her room. Oh yeah, I was kind of the strip club's main attraction. But I think it's time for Vixen to retire. My heart felt light and relieved. With a smile on my face, I made my way to my room to get ready for work.
Chapter 21
“Hey Jerry,” Rose and I greeted as we walked in the dressing room.
The latter turned and a bright smile instantly appeared on his face as he lifted his hands towards the ceiling as if thanking God.
“My two favorite girls are back!” he exclaimed as he walked to us. One of the girls who were getting ready turned to us and gave us a smile before walking out of the dressing room with the body guards with her.
“Favorite?” Rose asked with one raised eyebrow.
“Yeah” Jerry said and pulled me in a hug. “Get ready!” he then ushered. I crossed my arms and stared at him.
“I need to talk to you” I mumbled. Jerry stared at me for a few seconds and then dropped his head before sighing.
“You're quitting, aren't you?” he asked in exasperation and a little sign of sadness. I took a deep breath and walked to him. I wrapped my arms around him.
“Thank you for letting me work here, Jerry,” I whispered. He hugged me back and kissed me on my forehead before letting go.
“I guess you've finally found a way out of the financial problems” he said, making me nod in happiness. He gave me a bright smile when I told him about Damian's parents. “You can still work here till you find a job” Jerry said and i nodded. “And do tell Tommy that uncle Jerry will pass by with a lot of candy and gifts” He said as he walked to the door. I smiled and made my way to the couch. I sat in front of the mirror and stared at my reflection. Jeff and Celina were going to help me a lot. Relief washed over me as I realized that Thomas will be given proper care and attention. I blinked several times before putting my bag on the table. I shuffled in it, trying to look for my makeup and accessories. I pulled my mask from my bag and put it on the table. I will no longer be Vixen in a few days. Rose walked back in the dressing room.
“You get ready real quick.” I pointed out as I stared at her through the mirror. She raised her eyebrows at me, as if I was stupid.
“I simply need to put on a bra and this,” she said, pointing her shorts. When realization hit me, I nodded and turned to my bag. I took my top and my shorts before taking off my clothes.
“What did Jerry say?” Rose asked as she started doing her makeup.
“He took it pretty well.”
“I think he doesn't realize yet that his main attraction will be gone.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “I've got some other news.” Rose sighed, making me turn to look at her.
“What is it?” I asked, frowning a little bit at how serious she sounded. My best friend? Serious? Something was definitely wrong.
“Jace said that he will come today,” she exhaled. She put her lipstick back on the counter and turned to look at me with wide eyes. “I've never been so stressed before,” she finally burst out as she started fanning her face with her hand.
“Calm down,” I said as I rolled my eyes. “He'll definitely like your show. But I don't think he'll like to see you stripping for other men.” I pointed out and watched as she nodded frantically. I turned to the mirror, my clothes already on, ready to wear my makeup when an idea struck me. “ Jace's problem is that he doesn't want you naked in front of other men right?” she nodded again.
“Then replace Vixen,” I concluded. “It will benefit both you and Jerry. You'll have clothes on and request Jerry not to make you dance on strangers.” She blinked once, twice, and thrice and a smile appeared on her face.
“That's an amazing idea,” she said and made her way out of the dressing room without even waiting for me to say something.
“Hey Damian!” I heard Rose greet, making me turn to look towards the door with my lipstick still against my lower lip. I watched as Damian nod to Rose as she walked away. I quickly put my lipstick away and noticed Damian leaning against the wall.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I noticed Damian staring at me from the back. His eyes raked my body before settling on my face.
“I came to meet my favorite girl,” he said, making me scoff.
“Because you have other girls?” I retorted, making him chuckle and shake his head.
“Your smart mouth will get you nowhere. Except my bed,” he said as he closed the door and locked it, making my breath hitch.
“W-what are you doing?” I stuttered, mentally smacking my face for showing him that he was kinda affecting me. He walked to me, his eyes locked with mine and a smirk glowing on his face.
“I'm getting a private dance,” he said. I stared at him with a frown, slowly backing away, knocking against the table of makeup.
“Did you pay?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he replied as he started loosening his tie. I turned around, scared that he will see my red cheeks. He always seems to affect me. I stared at him in the mirror, my back facing me. He stared back as he came close. He put his hand on my waist and slowly turned me around. “You're not doing a dance tonight. Except on me,” he said. I was confused. Sometimes he's hot and other times he's cold.
“I don't get you.” He stared down at me as his thumb brushed against my lower lip.
“What don't you get?” he asked. I put my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
“Why are you like this?” I asked.
“You're cute and sweet one minute and the next, you're cold” I explained. He pulled me to him and the next thing I know, I was lifted off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and let him guide us to the couch. He sat down and stared at me.
“I'm not cute. I'm sexy. I'm never sweet. I'm rough. Aren't you sore from the last time, sweetheart?” he asked as he lifted me slightly and pulled down my shorts and my underwear. Then he sat me back on his lap. Before I could even talk, he smirked. “Let me check that,” he said slowly.
“W-what?” I said and my eyes closed as I feel his fingers trailing down my sex. His finger found my sensitive spot and he started rubbing slowly, torturing me as I closed my eyes and tried to absorb all those waves of pleasure. “Damian,” I moaned and watched as his pupils dilated with lust. Without wasting another second, he plunged his finger into me and groaned while I whimpered.
“You're not that sore,” he concluded as he started finger fucking me. I threw my head backwards as my hands were on his shoulders, bouncing on his fingers. I needed more. I could feel myself reaching to the point on pure pleasure but Damian pulled his hand away, making me groan in annoyance. “Demanding little stuff,” he chuckled as I pouted while staring at him. His hand found the back of my nec
k and he pulled my face to his. My forehead rested against his for a few minutes. I was frustrated. I wanted him. I needed him. He closed his eyes and exhaled.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked as I cupped his face with my hand. He opened his eyes again, I could see control and an unknown conflicting emotion in his eyes.
“I want to be inside of you right now,” he said, his voice breathy, as he ran his fingertip on my lips, parting them slightly.
“What are you waiting for?” I whispered.
“I'm not fucking you in a dressing room. I'm a gentleman,” Damian said with a smirk. “I'm taking you home,” he said as he stood up, with me still wrapped around him.
“I have to work,” I mumbled.
“Not today. Not all the following days,” he said sternly.
“Excuse me?” I asked as he settled me on the counter.
“I bought a private dance on all your working days,” he explained, making my eyes go wide.
“That was not in the deal,” I exclaimed.
“The deal was that if I want you on one of your working days, I'll have to pay for a private dance. I'll want you on all those days.” He pointed out, making me scoff.
“Damian, you can't do this.” I sighed as I shook my head.
“I can do whatever I want. You simply need to do your part in the deal,” he said, sounding so formal. I pushed him away slightly, the idea of him paying all those days made me feel like an object. Well, again, the job of a stripper is to be an object.
“I want to work,” I said firmly, trying to sound dominant. Damian's eyes turned a shade darker as he stared at me. He pulled me to him, making me crash against his chest.
“Listen Athena. I don't want anyone looking at what's mine. You are mine. Your body is mine and I don't want anyone touching or staring at you,” he said with clenched jaw as he tugged on my hair so that my eyes were staring at his. “Now kitten, be a good girl and let's go home,” he said calmly and pecked my cheek slightly. There was no point in arguing with him. I nodded, making him smile. He actually smiled.
Masked Feelings Page 18