“Come on, let's go,” he said before walking towards the door with me following behind him like a lost puppy. “Don't leave my side.”
“Why?” I asked curiously. He stopped in front of the door and turned to look at me. “What type of people does the great CEO of the Ash corporation befriend?” I asked teasingly.
“The type of people who won't hesitate to pull you in a room and rape you,” he said seriously, making me gulp.
“Really?” I asked with wide eyes.
“Nope. Just kidding. But they can be dangerous,” he said with his usual grin. I groaned at his annoying self.
“Open the damn door, Chris,” I said sternly and watched as his eyebrows raised in surprise.
“Is it normal that I got a boner when you said my name?” Chris asked. I burst out laughing at how serious he sounded.
“It is when you're high as hell,” I remarked and surprisingly, he nodded in agreement.
“For someone so annoying, you're quite entertaining,” he said as he opened the door. The smell of alcohol and smoke hit my nose, making me take a step backwards so I could take a deep breath of fresh air before entering.
“I won't need to smoke weed to get high. I simply need to sniff the air around the house,” I told Chris as he walked in the house. He grabbed my arm and walked around the house as if he was scared I might get lost.
There were people dancing in each corner of this huge house. Some people were smoking on the stairs, other were dead drunk and leaning against the wall for support, and other people were simply dry humping on the dance floor. I tugged on Chris's hand and pulled him by my side.
“It looks like one of those teen parties,” I mumbled, staring at his pitch black eyes.
“Is it a bad thing?” he asked. “Wait, aren't you eighteen or nineteen?” he then continued.
“I'm twenty,” I said as I crossed my hands over my chest.
“What do you want to do?” Chris asked. “I feel like a damn babysitter,” he then mumbled under his breath. I punched his side, not too hard but hard enough to make him glare at me. I then smirked as an idea came to mind. It was surely a shitty idea but I needed to get wild sometimes.
“I wanna get drunk and high tonight,” I said with a grin as I watched the bottles of alcohol in people's hands. Just as I was about to follow someone to the bar, I was tugged back again beside Chris.
“It's a bad idea. Ross is going to kill me if he knows I let his friend out of the leash,” Chris said.
“Did you just insinuate that I was a dog?” I asked, trying to look intimidating.
“A bitch to be exact,” he said. This guy was simply impossible, but he was still entertaining.
“I'm big enough to look after myself. You brought me here. Your job is done,” I told him and waved him good bye as I quickly escaped so he wouldn't see me. I pushed some people until the bar was in sight. I sighed in relief and sat down in front of the bartender. He was young for sure and had long hair tied in a ponytail.
“What can I get you?” he asked with a polite smile.
“Something real strong to get me really drunk,” I said with a huge smile and he chucked slightly.
“A beer will do.”
I turned my head to see Ross sitting next to me. Soon, Jasmine followed behind. I wiggled my eyebrows at them, making Jasmine roll her eyes at me.
“What are you doing here?” Jasmine asked as she sat on the other side and playfully flicked my forehead.
“I asked Chris if I could come,” I told them.
“And he let you?” Ross asked with wide eyes filled with surprise. I nodded as I watched the bartender put a glass of beer in front of me.
“I was really reluctant,” Chris said as he pulled the glass out of my hand and took a gulp before putting it back in front of me.
“Are you serious?” I mumbled as I stared at my glass.
“She's really annoying,” Chris told Ross and I poked him in the chest as he was just behind me.
“Definitely your type then.” Ross added.
“I'm your type?” I asked teasingly after taking a gulp of the beer.
“Too annoying,” he said with a smirk as he shook his head.
“Asshole,” I muttered, glaring at him. I turned to the bartender and motioned to the bottle of vodka. “Please,” I whispered so that Ross or Jasmine couldn't hear me. I knew that they wouldn't let me get drunk. He nodded and slowly slipped a shot in front of me. Ross and Jasmine signaled that they were going to dance. Before they could see the glass, I gave them a smile and shooed them away. Once they were gone, I took a gulp and sighed in relief.
“Ross told me not to let you get drunk,” Chris said as he sat next to me. I raised an eyebrow at him and shrugged.
“Again, I'm big enough to look after myself,” I said and motioned for another shot.
“You're stubborn, as hell.” Chris sighed and watched as the bartender placed another shot in front of me. Chris took a deep breath before pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“What are you doing?” I asked casually.
“Telling the woman I was supposed to fuck later that I won't be able to make it,” he told me as if it was completely normal.
“And why's that?” I asked and smiled when I started feeling the effect of alcohol.
“Because I'm supposed to babysit a dumbass I don't even know,” he huffed and asked for a beer as well.
“You know me!” I exclaimed at him, pouting. How can he not know me? “I'm Athena and you brought me here,” I repeated and watched as he facepalmed himself.
“You're such a lightweight,” he mumbled.
Chapter 24
“Miss, you are to follow me outside.”
I unwrapped my arms from around Chris's neck to turn and glare at the person who dared disturb my dancing. I saw a man dressed in a nice suit and who looked damn professional.
“And you are?” I asked with raised eyebrows.
“I work for Mr. Spears,” he said with a stern voice. I scoffed.
“Who let you in?” Chris asked from behind as he walked in front of me. He was trying to look intimidating but the man seemed unfazed.
“The door was already open,” the man said. I moved a little bit so that I wasn't behind Chris anymore.
“Tell Damian that I'm quite busy right now and he can go fuck himself...or Rosemary,” I said before motioning for him to go with a small smile on my face.
The man stared at me still with no emotion on his face as he gave one single nod and walked away.
“Your fuck buddy, who already has a girlfriend, sent someone to pick you up?” Chris asked, looking slightly amused.
“Ex-girlfriend,” I corrected and closed my eyes when I felt my head aching a little bit. “I'm going outside for a few minutes,” I said and turned to walk out but Chris's hand enveloped itself around my wrist.
“What's wrong?” he asked with a frown on his face.
“A headache. I need fresh air,” I told him and he slowly released my hand.
“I'm going to look for Jasmine. She'll come with you,” he said and I nodded before walking out of the house. I stood on the porch and looked around slightly to look for somewhere to sit. I noticed the grass and decided to sit on it.
I wonder how many dogs peed here.
I took a deep breath and quickly regretted it when my head started spinning. I closed my eyes and let my body fall on the grass, forgetting about dog's pee. There must definitely be pee on this grass. I mean, if I was a dog, a bitch to be exact, I'd definitely pee on Chris's grass.
“What are you thinking about?” I opened my eyes to see Jasmine leaning towards me. Then she sat next to me when she realized that I wasn't going to stand up.
“About me peeing on this grass,” I told her and she chuckled at the thought. “You have a sexy chuckle,” I told her as I sat up properly, giving her a wide smile.
“You're really drunk.” Jasmine laughed.
“I'm not!
I'd totally bang you if I was lesbian,” I slurred a little bit. “Yeah, maybe I'm a little bit drunk. But I was serious about banging you.”
Jasmine laughed louder, making me pout. I closed my eyes and leaned my head on her shoulder.
“You've had a shitty night?” Jasmine asked.
“How did you know?” I asked.
“You seem to be drinking to forget.”
“Damian fucked everything up,” I snapped and pulled away to look at her when I felt anger resurfacing. She smiled but for motioned me to keep going. “He planned a date with your bitchy sister Rosemary,” I burst out and turned my face towards the grass, glaring at it.
“Rosemary feels threatened by you,” Jasmine told me as she wrapped her arm around me.
“Why would she be threatened? She's gorgeous. Damian loves her. But seriously what's wrong with her for cheating on someone like Damian. Yes. He can be an asshole at times, but he's an amazing asshole and he knows how to fuck a girl right,” I rambled but then quickly shut up when I felt Jasmine poking my side. “What?” I turned to look at her and raised my eyebrows when I saw her staring away from me. She was staring in front of her. She was not even paying attention to whatever I was saying. She was so rude. I poked her side, making her squeal. “You're so rude!” I exclaimed and turned to stand up but froze when I saw someone standing in front of me. Well, I saw his feet first. I was scared to raise my head to look at the owner of those expensive shoes. Somehow, deep down my drunken self, I knew who it was.
“Stand up.” I heard that familiar voice. I watched as Jasmine turned to look at me and gave me a smirk before standing up and walking away. That daughter of a bitch. She left me alone to face the glare monster. “Stand up.” Damian ordered, making me shake my head frantically while I stared at the grass. I needed to face him. Why the hell was I nervous to face him? He was the one who asked his ex for a date. Wait. What the hell is wrong with me? We're not even in a relationship. We were just fuck buddies. I looked up to glare at him. I was expecting him to be glaring but instead, he was staring at me with no particular emotion on his face.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I slowly tried to stand up without falling on my ass. Damian made no move to help me. He just stood there, staring at me with his piercing gray eyes. Once I was standing on my two feet, I stared at him. “Thank you for the help,” I mumbled sarcastically.
This time he glared. He glared damn hard. I flinched slightly, but quickly blinked so that he wouldn't see how much he really affected me. He took my hand in his and even in my drunken state, I knew that I shouldn't argue with him right now. The dude went from emotionless to angry in a fraction of seconds. I stared at the road and noticed that his car was parked there.
“Athena?” I turned my head to see Chris standing on his porch. His eyes skimmed Damian and I noticed something in his eyes. Damian turned around too and his glare intensified when his eyes fell on Chris. “What is the great Damian Spears doing here?” Chris asked as a smirk formed on his face. They knew each other? Chris made his way towards us, causing Damian to tense up.
“You guys know each other?” I asked out loud. Damian didn't utter a word but Chris nodded frantically with a wide taunting smile on his face. “How?” I asked.
“We are best friends, right Damian?” Chris asked with a grin. I knew that Chris was trying to annoy Damian.
“Get in the car, Athena,” Damian demanded, his eyes not leaving Chris. The latter stared at me and pouted slightly.
“You're going already? We haven't finished our dance,” he said, making me blink, not really knowing what to say.
“Ash, I'd highly advise you to stay away from my girl,” Damian threatened as he took a step in Chris's direction. Did Damian just say that I was his girl? My inner self was singing and dancing at this but I put up a cool facade.
“You're just her fuck buddy.” Chris chuckled, making my eyes go wide. “Her words, not mine,” he quickly added, making Damian turn to glare at me. “And it's not my fault if all your girls keep running to me,” he added with a snicker. Damian clenched his fist and I knew he was near to exploding. I took his hand in mine and gently pulled him to me.
“Chris, can you stop being an asshole?” I asked as I turned to glare at him. I stared at Damian and motioned him to the car.
“Athena,” Chris started but I motioned for him to shut up. His smirk disappeared and he suddenly looked regretful.
“Get in the car,” Damian muttered and I nodded. I walked to the passenger seat and opened the door. Damian was, by then, already in the car. Just as I was about to enter, Chris waved at me.
“It was nice meeting you,” he said with a smile.
“See you some other time,” I said with a smile. I got in the car to meet a cold atmosphere. Damian was glaring at the road and his grip on the steering wheel was so tight that his knuckles were white.
“You're not meeting him again,” The man next to me snapped. I turned to look at him and scoffed.
“Give me a good reason.”
“He fucked Rosemary,” he said with clenched jaw.
“And how the fuck does that concern me?” I asked, before chuckling without any humour. I was bothered by the fact that Rosemary was always present. Even when she wasn't present physically, she was the topic of discussion. “Rosemary is a whore. You should have expected that from her,” I muttered with hatred. He kept quiet. He stared at the road. I could feel anger oozing from him. “And why the hell did you come to pick me up?” I finally shouted. “Weren't you with Rosemary?” I asked. All the anger and frustration that I was keeping inside of me were finally being unleashed. The alcohol was really helping me in that. Damian stopped the car on the side of the road and turned to glare at me.
“I don't give a damn about Rosemary,” he said slowly and sternly. I crossed my arms over my chest and turned to look at him completely.
“Then why did you choose her over me?” I asked, my voice breaking a little bit. Damian's eyes widened and he shook his head.
“I didn't choose her over you,” he told me in disbelief.
“Yeah, sure,” I mumbled sarcastically before turning and facing the road. I was too tired and drunk to be able to have a proper argument. “I want to go home,” I said quietly. He sighed and started the car again.
“We're going to my place,” he said.
“I want to go home,” I said loud and clear. My mind was fuzzy and the anger that I was feeling was not really helping with the headache that I was getting. Damian didn't argue. He nodded once clenching his jaw. The ride was awkward. The silence was uncomfortable. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, trying to control the amount of pain I was feeling. It was definitely in vain.
“Are you okay?” Damian asked softly, his eyes still on the road. I nodded and I knew that he saw because he didn't talk again. When he finally reached the front of the building, I sighed in relief. I opened the door and started to get out but Damian wrapped his hand around my arm, bringing me back in the car.
“I need to go,” I told him, not even turning to look at him.
“Athena,” he started but I shook my head. I pulled my arm from his grip.
“I'm having a terrible headache right now and I already know that this conversation is going to lead us nowhere,” I told him, trying to be emotionless. But I knew that he could see the pain dancing in my eyes. “I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night Damian,” I mumbled and turned around to walk to the door.
“Good night Athena,” he said, rather unsure of his words. Once I reached the door, I heard his car driving away. I sighed. I didn't know that tonight was going to be so hectic. All this stuff with Damian was hurting me. Feelings were getting involved from my side. I knew that. I was falling for him. Hard. The deal. The sexual deal that I made with him was breaking me rather slowly. It was draining me emotionally. Why was I thinking that much about this? Overthinking is not a good thing. That's why, ladies and gentlemen, you are all advised not to get drunk as hell while havi
ng to deal with frustrating situations.
Chapter 25
I've been thinking a lot since this morning.
I can confirm overthinking is not good.
It's already around one in the afternoon. Damian hasn't tried to contact me at all. I wasn't really wanting to face him after yesterday. I stared at the empty apartment and sighed. Rose wasn't home. She was most probably at Jace's right now. I think I'll be hanging out at home today. I unwrapped the towel from around myself and put on my clothes. I made my way to the kitchen while tying my hair in a messy bun.
Maybe I should watch a movie?
Or should I do a marathon of The 100?
Or should I start looking for a job?
A marathon of The 100 seems tempting. I pulled the ice cream out of the fridge and walked to the living room with a spoon in my mouth. I put everything on the table and walked to the television. I was such a boring person. Sighing, I put on The 100 episode 1. I loved watching this series. Just as I was about to sit on the comfortable couch, the doorbell rang. Groaning, I took a scoop of ice cream with the spoon and put it in my mouth. I instantly moaned when the chocolate flavor met my tongue. Orgasm obtained in another way. Ha. I started walking to the door, with the spoon in my mouth, not caring about who might be behind the door.
I looked down at my clothes. Well, I had an oversized shirt on me, it was barely covering my ass. My hair was in a messy bun and I was walking around with a spoon in my mouth. I took a deep breath and shrugged. I opened the door and my eyes instantly widened. Damian Spears stood in front of me, with his phone in his hand and a frown on his face. His eyes raked me and he walked in the apartment without my permission, making me roll my eyes.
“Yes, you can come in,” I said sarcastically once I took the spoon out of my mouth. I put it on the table next to the door and made a mental note not to forget it there knowing that Rose is quite a freak concerning stuffs like this. I could notice how serious Damian was. Something was off. Maybe it was about yesterday.
“I need to talk to you,” Damian said, his phone still in his hand and he was adopting a professional attitude.
Masked Feelings Page 20