Shared Redemption

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Shared Redemption Page 11

by Michel Prince

  “Sure, keep telling yourself that.”

  “What number am I on? Three?”

  “Fine, I’ll stop.”

  “And you said miracles can’t happen.”

  I walked around the fairgrounds. By a boarded up food stand, I found Clark. I thought it was him. The size of the body was right. The decomposition of his body looked to be about six months. A hanger. Whoda’ thunk it. I could tell by the stretch marks around the neck.

  I supposed if I would’ve died in the first year, I’d have been a bloated, crawdad-nibbled-on-corpse. I would never know what had pushed him into this life, but a slow, painful death shouldn’t have been his punishment. Now Clark was on the other side. Stuck in Hell or that was what we were told.

  Part of me thought it was a lie. Not that I’d ever openly question Gabriel. That would be suicide. But why punish us for a failure like this? These boys were young and didn’t know better.

  The claustranima lay in a small patch of grass still being grasped in Frick’s hand. The light of his soul was extinguished inside the diamond hilt. Scooping up the limbs and torso, I carried him to the truck saying the silent prayer I always did.

  “Gabriel, take pity on him. He was a good fighter and died trying to stop the evil. Please do not send him south for his soul was reborn into this purgatory world, where he fought against the evil. Take him to his eternal salvation. Let him be reborn to try again.”

  * * * *


  The smile on my face could not be contained. Keir had found the bantling. The show that we watched was beautiful. All of us locked on to the same vision.

  The bantling had emerged as nothing more than a mouse. Growing quickly, it morphed into a raccoon. Its body stretched as it returned to its massive form, when Keir saw it surrounded by Frozen, a smaller black man, not like the Dark One, and a skinny, tall kid with dirty blond hair.

  Keir was about to strike when the new one’s fangs and claws tore at the black man, scratching, biting and ripping his arms from the torso, then punching his hand through the man’s chest. The body instantly dissolved to the form it would’ve been, if he hadn’t been Frozen. He was newer. The remains were little more than a decomposed body. My favorite were the older Frozen who crumbled. Their bodies returned to ash and dust, the kind found in poorly sealed coffins.

  Then the bantling jumped on to the back of the blond, pulling his head clean off and tossing it to the ground like a spoiled melon. It amazed me how their bodies changed so rapidly, almost as if they were not alive. I must ask Nemesio if they even had a heartbeat.

  “Well, there is no reason to stay focused. Keir has him well under control.”

  Pivane looked at me.

  “Yahweh, I verily disagree with you,” he said.

  “And you do so publicly. Shall I also respond to you publicly?”

  “No, Yahweh. I apologize for my impertinence.”

  “As well you should,” Cailean snarled.

  I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Nemesio walked behind me as a fight broke out in the room. The weakness in my muscles made it so I could not stop it.

  “Nemesio, I need you to stop Kanga and Cailean from killing him. They may beat him, but do not allow them to stop his heart.”

  “Yes, Yahweh. Shall I come to you after?”

  “Do what you please.”

  I could feel my body shake and I needed my salt. That shouldn’t be happening again. The track took less than an hour and we were successful. I scratched at the cabinet.



  She stepped back into the kitchen. Her visits had proven more telling of her hatred of Pivane than of wanting to increase her power. She knew that no woman could be in charge, but her knowledge of Pivane’s ambition made her fear for my safety.

  “No one is to enter the kitchen until I have left.”

  “Yes, Yahweh.”

  My hand shook as I reached for the last Ramen cup. Fuck! If I needed more, what shall I do? The sink seemed to be fifty miles from where I stood. My leg was useless like a stump of dead wood. I took one step then fell to the floor.

  “Yahweh, allow me,” Zuma cradled my body, her voice soft, so unlike her.

  “What are you doing in here? I left strict instructions with Nemesio,” I snarled. My coven does not disobey me. That I was proud of. There had been many covens destroyed by the female demons that figured out they’re the power behind it.

  “I just arrived home. I entered through the garage. I am sorry I hadn’t heard your instructions. I do not wish to upset you.”

  “It is fine. Could you just prepare my food?”

  Zuma walked around the kitchen to find the noodle cup. I heard the strong force of the water gush from the sink, then the warm hum of the microwave. I leaned against the cabinets. The corner helped me sit up straight.

  “Yahweh, do you need me to assist in your feeding?” Zuma asked, holding the cup close to my lips.

  “I am not an invalid,” I snipped, snatching the cup and almost spilling it like a damn fool.

  “I’d never assume that.”

  The warmth of the cup helped heal the cold overtaking my bones. Sipping lightly at first, finally gulping, I could feel the salt replenishing my system, but this would not be enough. Zuma passed me a fork so I could eat the noodles.

  “Are there any pork rinds or chips in the house?”

  “Pivane brought the last bag to the second house yesterday for the bantlings.”

  “We don’t have that many bantlings.”

  “I know, Yahweh.”

  “Is there something you are trying to tell me?”

  “It is not my place to speak.”

  She generously opened the white plastic before she passed a package of saltines to me.

  “You’ve seen this before, haven’t you?”

  “Those who need so much salt? Yes. That is why I hid the saltines for you. The cabinets have been filled with sugar and sweetness. Which is fine for the rest of us.”

  “How many covens have you been born into?”

  “A dozen now. I prefer to track and raise than live in Hell.”

  “What happened to the Yahweh that contracted the need for salt?”

  “First, smells no longer registered. With what I witnessed, right now I don’t think you’d be able to smell a rose let alone the subtle smell of winter the Frozen carry. If they are closing in on our coven, you’ll be caught off guard. Your muscle strength will fail. Then your mentality. Finally, you will slip into a coma you may not come out of.”

  “What’s the treatment?”

  “Kill the one poisoning you.”

  * * * *


  Kiri’s breathing had slowed and my body tightened in fear. Kiyoshi said she didn’t appear well when she walked to the room. She was asleep by the time he had gone to check on her five minutes later. Kiyoshi said he wrapped her in the blanket.

  Sweat forming on her brow again. I feared the worst. The poison was still in her system and attacking her lungs. I thought to give her another dose of the antivenom, but I was afraid she’d react worse to it. That, and the snake had to be dry from all the milking I had done.

  Kiyoshi had scored some Ancef for me. I hated using western medicine, but Kiri needed IV fluids and something to help her fight whatever Dilana had added to her arrow. She wouldn’t need to add that crap if we just had decent gear.

  Praying had always been natural for me when I was human. I prayed on my knees every night. I’d do it while I was being whipped. Hell, I did it everywhere, but now that I did the Lord’s work, I didn’t pray as much. Looking at Kiri’s weakened body, I had to pray. Holding her hand, I prayed for her health. That she’d know happiness. That she’d live to run again.

  I let my fingers run through her hair and hoped it was soothing her. Her eyes would flutter and with a light murmur a few words would flow from her pink lips. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheek fell into my palm and t
hat seemed to calm her.

  I wasn’t surprised her dreams were interrupted and restless. I had to find some way to comfort her. Kiri had to be sore. She had been running and the poison would cause her to become more dehydrated. Acid had to be attacking her muscles. I wished I could take on her pain. Well, there was one way…No, not an option.

  My hands began innocently enough, stroking her back. I tried to rub a knot that was rock hard. She moaned softly and my hand glided down in search of another knot, anything to hear the sweet sigh of satisfaction.

  My mind wandered back to the last set of lips that had caught my fancy, but only for a moment. Kiri’s eyes fluttered again and then opened. I removed my hand.

  “Don’t, please,” she whispered.

  My heart skipped. The way she said it. The way her brown eyes didn’t look at me in fear.

  “Your hands are so strong. Could you rub my leg? Or would that cause the poison to move?”

  “I don’t know. It may hurt.”

  “If it gets too bad, I’ll tell you.”

  She rolled from her side to her stomach and I pulled back the covers.

  There was her backside again. I kept my eyes trained on her thigh and began massaging. She buried her head in the pillow.

  “Too hard?”

  “No,” was her muffled reply.

  I tried keeping my hands closer to her knee, but my hands had an idea that they needed to be holding on to her bottom. Not a good thing. Another part of me also strained to touch Kiri. Luckily, it was trapped by my jeans.

  But she didn’t flinch or move away. I was right at the line between her thigh and the cut of her derriere. My fingers brushed against the opening of her core.

  Kiri’s head turned and looked at me. Her eyes were not telling me to stop. They were challenging me. She raised an eyebrow and the corners of her lips turned up.

  * * * *


  Nye’s fingers were causing a burning in my center that made me want to attack him in a good way. I hated that I couldn’t, but I was going to enjoy him playing with me, teasing me. If he knew about the dreams I had been having, would he continue, knowing I wanted him so badly?

  He stroked me, with one finger, brushing lightly, not rubbing, not pressing. His dark eyes locked on mine and I couldn’t help smiling. He was so gentle and caring, I could only imagine the care he would take to make sure I achieved an orgasm.

  “You better stop,” I said, rolling over and pulling myself up. Embarrassment crossed his face and he got up to cross the room. “I didn’t…”

  “No. You’re right. The last thing you need is some big-ass, nig—black guy molesting you.”

  “Stop!” I yelped as he was reaching for the doorknob. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  A laugh came from deep in his gut.

  “How could you hurt me?”

  “I’m sick. But you know that.”

  “What do I know?”

  “Dilana told you. Right? I don’t know how she knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “That I’m dying.”

  “Dilana says every human is dying. What makes you special?”

  “I’m positive. You know, HIV. That’s why I would hurt you.”

  The expression on Nye’s face changed to one I couldn’t understand. His body rocked on his feet as if he was trying to decide something.

  “I couldn’t catch a cold. But that doesn’t mean we should continue.”

  He headed for the door again.

  “My leg still hurts,” I said softly.

  “I need to get you home.”


  I had no idea where that came from. It escaped my lips before I could stop it. Nye’s head cocked to the side and his eyes locked on mine.

  “You need to leave. You’ve stayed too long. It’s not safe…”

  “Kiss me.”


  I suddenly felt desperate, wanting to make him understand that he made me feel safe. Made me feel something I’d yearned for, but never found.

  “Never mind,” I curled my body into itself. “When can I leave?”

  “Give me a few minutes to get my weapons.”

  “I don’t think it’s dangerous downtown.”

  “We lost two last night. We didn’t get the demon. I don’t know where it is.”

  “Lost? As in dead? I thought you couldn’t die.”

  “My heart still beats. It can be stopped. If we fail, we head to Hell. Kind of an insurance policy that we’ll try.”

  “Why wouldn’t you try?”

  “We’re suicides. Our drive to live isn’t very high.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why did you do it?”

  * * * *


  I needed to know about the poisoning. Having finished my pile of salt prepared by Zuma, I walked to my office and commanded Zuma and Nemesio to come with. They obeyed and sat on my couch. I closed the door to keep this private.

  “Doubling up tonight, Yahweh?” Nemesio said. Her voice made the bile raise in my throat.

  “Stop with the Lord shit. I need to know more.”

  Zuma and Nemesio looked at each other then back to me. Nemesio dropped her sexual demeanor. Zuma was the first to speak.

  “Damarion,” Zuma said. Her voice caught not wanting to use my real name, but what did pleasantries matter when I was in danger of assassination. “You have not been acting like a Yahweh.”

  “How dare you speak to me that way!”

  “You want the truth?”

  I had asked them to come in here. I needed to keep my temper in place, but how could I balance the rage with the respect? I closed my eyes and saw her. The princess, her hand gliding softly down her pet. Opening my eyes, I focused on a spot above the Deumos.

  “How have I not acted correctly?”

  “I understand you were given this post on a Royal decree. Would you tell me if it was an honor or a punishment?”

  “That is none of your concern.”

  Nemesio now stepped in.

  “Yah …Damarion, you gain and maintain your strength from our bodies. You do not use us the way others have.”

  “Excuse me? You want me to take all of you all the time?”

  “Why do you think there are so many of us? So you wouldn’t ever need to stop, but we could still care for the bantlings.”

  “You lie.”

  “No, we do not. You are the only one allowed to use us. That is unless you tell us to perform for another.”

  “Then how is Pivane not affected?”

  “Follow him. He uses normals to release the toxin from his body.”

  “So when I’m coming in your mouth, you’re filling up with a toxin?”

  Nemesio smiled as her tongue glided along her top lip.

  “In Hell your seed would spread sweetly between my thighs,” she said, “but here if it backs up too much, it would be similar to a normal with kidney failure.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked at Zuma.

  “This was a punishment wasn’t it?” she asked.


  “Because you act like you’ve never heard of these things. All Yahweh are briefed on how to properly maintain a coven. You appear to know none of these things. This is our final year, is it not?”

  I nodded and recalled my weakening started last spring.

  “Although many Yahweh take us from the opening of the mouth,” she continued, “you do have the option of waiting until the final year.”

  “So last spring I was supposed to start sleeping with you?”

  “No, you were supposed to fuck us senseless. Any one of us would do. Ideally, seven releases a day?”

  Zuma was being clinical in her responses while looking at Nemesio for confirmation.

  “Have you been using your hand, Damarion? That does not give the proper release. You must fill one of us to maintain your strength.”

  “Why? If all I’m doing i
s releasing the toxins why must you be involved?”

  “You ever notice the gentle milking the inside of a woman does as she comes? Sucking every last drop from you?” Nemesio purred. “When I come not only do I score your neck which triggers additional pleasures to course through your body, but it signals your brain to give me more.”

  “All the while, our body is sucking you dry,” Zuma added with a dark husk to her voice.

  “Only you?”

  “Pivane has a little relief with a normal, but they cannot usually take our form of love making. Their bodies being so fragile compared to ours.”

  “Would you like to follow him?” Nemesio slithered to me. Her hand slid into my pants. “He leaves when you come in here. You would need to recharge and there is little that salt could do for you. Salt just regulates the toxins, but doesn’t rid the body of it fully. Like a drug that stops the sniffles, you still have the cold.”

  She wrapped around me and I felt her start to tug on me. I hardened at her touch and she came to my ear.

  “The two of us would be more than happy to strengthen you.”

  I saw her nod her head, and Zuma changed from the hardened fighter to a sensual being. Her walk was no longer utilitarian, but cat-like. Her arms came around my neck as her lips found Nemesio’s by my shoulder.

  “Damarion, do you not want us?”

  Want? No. Need? Apparently so.

  “Call me Yahweh.”

  I growled, wanting full respect as I took them hard with an anger I didn’t know I possessed. I knew why the Prince had placed me here. It was not just for my punishment, but for my love’s. She’d believe I’d been lying with these Deumos for years. The thought of our bodies intertwined was enough to make me gag. I could only imagine what it was doing to the Princess locked away like that.

  * * * *


  I could feel the cold ice cutting through me as I thought of Louise. She had destroyed me. I was no longer a man because of her.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “It’s a normal question. I’ve kinda grown attached to you.”


  Kiri shuddered and curled into a tighter ball. I had hurt her. But telling her more about me wouldn’t help the situation. Sharing could only lead to me being more attached than I already was. I didn’t want her to go. I heard her ask me to kiss her. Although my “don’t” came across like she was mad as a hatter to ask me that, truly, I was shocked. If she would’ve repeated the request, I would’ve run across the room and taken her in my arms.


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