Winning Bid: A Virgin Auction Romance

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Winning Bid: A Virgin Auction Romance Page 9

by Virginia Sexton

  “Wendy, I swear I-”

  “Stop it,” she interrupts. It kills me not to finish what I was going to tell her, but now is clearly not the time.

  “I’ve had enough schemes and games,” she says, her voice leveling off like a plane coming out of a dive. “So go place your final bid, and maybe when this is all over you’ll claim your prize and I’ll get paid. Just as long as when it’s done, we can all move on with our lives.”

  “Okay, Wendy,” I say, though moving on is the last thing on my mind.

  She huffs and sneers in a way that breaks my heart into a million pieces, but when she turns to march away, I don’t try to stop her. There’s nothing I can say at this point that will make a difference.

  I know what I have to do.

  Upon a raised dais, a row of chairs have been set aside for me and the other virgins — they have names listed on the back of each, and I see mine is at the end. I’m going last, apparently. I’d prefer to go first and get this over with, but The Virgin Exchange feels otherwise. They want to draw out the suspense, but at the expense of drawing out my misery.

  I try to think positively and imagine all the wonderful ways I’ll spend my fortune. A house? Oh yes. A nice car? Probably — not a muscle car, but something very comfortable and reliable. A fancy vacation? Absolutely — and if Radha isn’t interested, I’ll go to Japan or Australia or a million other destinations not found in Europe.

  Thinking about Radha, however, brings me back down. This whole ordeal was supposed to get me an expenses-paid, dream vacation with my best friend. Now, it’s going to cost me both. Isn’t that what they always say: be careful what you wish for?

  At long last, the program begins, and the buyers take their seats. I steal one quick glance to see Cash and Orson seated at opposite ends of the audience, then refuse to look again.

  The other women are bubbling with excitement. They see their reward is coming; at least they’ll get to enjoy it. Every few minutes, I feel an overwhelming urge to just grab my purse and walk out. I don’t want to be here — I just want to go home. I can’t, though, otherwise this will all have been for nothing.

  A young, handsome man in a tuxedo comes out to the dais. With slicked-back, black hair that shines in the spotlight and a thousand-watt smile, he exudes fake charm.

  “Welcome to The Virgin Exchange, I’m Chaz Clarkson!” he calls out, his voice amplified by the hall’s speaker system. “I see a lot of familiar faces,” he says, looking out at the audience. “And newcomers, as always,” he adds, gesturing to us virgins. The crowd laughs politely, as I imagine they’ve heard this line more than once.

  “There’s a lot of excitement brewing over this auction, so let’s get right to it,” continues Chaz. “First up is Bree! A round of applause for Bree, everyone!”

  The first virgin stands, and a spotlight centers on her position. Blonde and blue-eyed, appearing to be in her early twenties like me, she smiles nervously, hands shaking in anticipation.

  “Alright. For those new to the auction, all of tonight’s bids have already been placed. They are final, and the winners are known only in our computer system. I will now ask each gentleman to announce his stated bid in the order in which it was placed. Starting with Mr. J! Let’s hear it, J!”

  A well-dressed man stands up and announces, “Thirty thousand!” A few cheers and whistles go up, causing Bree to laugh excitedly.

  Chaz calls three more participants to give their bids. Two are more than the current bid and are met by proportionately louder applause. One man shrugs and sheepishly announces his bid for ten grand and is met by chuckles. Bree gasps as each larger amount is called out, and then again when the numbers appear in big, green digits on a large projection screen hanging at the back of the staging area.

  “And now our last competitor for Bree, Mr. Y. What was your bid, Y?”

  A rather young man with a confident look on his face stands up and proudly announces, “Seventy-five thousand!”

  Wow, I think — it’s the highest total yet. Bree cries visibly on stage, overwhelmed by the result.

  “Congratulations, Mr. Y!” says Clark. Her buyer, a handsome, middle-aged man with short, salt-and-pepper hair that matches his business suit, holds out his hand for her to take.

  The audience applauds, and the two of them wave as they exit the hall, going off to do whatever comes next for them. Will she back out at the last moment, too afraid to surrender her innocence this way? Or is she thrilled by the man and money? I suppose I’ll never know.

  One by one, each of the virgins gets her chance. The money ranges — not all command the same payout as the first, but as we get closer to the end — and my turn — the amounts begin to climb into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  I’d be excited, if not for everything that has led to this point. Instead, I feel nothing. I’m numb. The roar of the crowd, the looks of bliss and elation — none of it touches me.

  When it’s my turn, I stand up and try to put on a brave face. Thanks to the spotlight, I can’t see the crowd very well, though I know it has thinned out a little as buyers have left with their virgins. However, two smaller spotlights come on, illuminating Cash and Orson.

  “Wendy,” says Chaz. “You don’t seem happy to be here.”

  I’m in no mood to be part of the auction’s spectacle, so I just nod.

  “If it makes you feel any better, you’re about to be a very wealthy woman,” he says. “I haven’t seen the bids, but from the rumors I’ve heard, you’re going to go home tonight richer than me!”

  The audience laughs hard, so I force myself to grin. “That’s why I’m here,” I murmur.

  “Yes, well then, the wait is over. Our first bid was placed by Mr. B — how much was it, B?”

  Orson clears this throat, then says, “Fifty million dollars.”

  I’m not the only one who gasps. The roar of the crowd dwindles to hushed whispers in seconds.

  “Wow,” says Chaz. “That’s definitely a record for The Virgin Exchange. You must be quite special, Wendy.”

  “Sure,” I mumble, still trying to parse the number fifty million. I can’t even begin to fathom how I’d use all that.

  “We have only one more participant in this auction, and now I think I know why. Who needs competition when you have Mr. B? Am I right?” Chaz waits for the applause to die down, and I can’t help but watch Orson absorb the crowd’s adulation. I don’t think I’ve ever hated him more.

  “That just leaves Mr. S. This should be very exciting. We’ve been told that you and Wendy have developed quite a connection the past few weeks — but will that translate to the winning bid? Let’s hear it, S.”

  All eyes in the room turn to Cassius Swain, who looks right at me with a smile on his face.

  What does that mean? Did he bid more? Somehow, the idea doesn’t fill me with glee like I would have thought a week ago. And yet, that smile, there’s something about it I can’t shake.

  Cash waits for the mumblings of the crowd to go fully silent before he announces, “One dollar.”

  Chaos erupts as dozens of men howl in shock and anger. Even Chaz, who had been so calm and professional during the show, is shaking his head. I turn to Orson, who for once has lost all traces of mirth. This is not how he expected to win the auction, I have no doubt.

  “Hey!” shouts Cash. “Quiet, all of you!” He stomps through the crowd to the stage and swipes the microphone from Chaz. “I said, quiet!” he shouts, his voice deafening over the sound system. The audience cringes, covering their ears, but they do quiet down. “You’re all going to listen for a minute.”

  He turns to me, his look now as serious as a broken parachute, then addresses the audience. “Earlier, Wendy told me she was sorry she got involved in all of this. I couldn’t tell her then, but I’m not sorry — not at all. If she hadn’t, we never would have met, and I’d never know what I was missing. Wendy is sweet, smart, caring, and beautiful — I don’t want to imagine a world where she’s not part of
my life.”

  He comes up to me and looks into my eyes. “I’m in love with you,” he says. “I want you to be mine, and me to be yours — but I refuse to buy you, Wendy.”

  I don’t care if everyone in the room can see me crying. I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.

  “Of course I want you,” I reply, taking the microphone. “I love you too.” I turn to the audience and declare, “I am officially withdrawing from the auction!”

  I hand Cash the microphone. He tosses it back to Chaz with a smile a mile wide and grabs me, pulling me into a kiss. Some cheers ring out as his lips press against mine. His tongue plunges into my mouth as our arms wrap around one another. I open an eye to see the audience; Orson stares at us looking confused and defeated.

  Our kiss is so passionate, I would have collapsed if Cash wasn’t holding me. In his grip, I feel safe and wanted; in his mouth, I feel a carnal hunger that will only wait patiently for so much longer. Still, we kiss long after the uproar dies down. The spotlights go out, Chaz says something to wrap up the event, and the crowd disperses — the whole time we kiss. The way his hands dig into my arms, I don’t think he’s ever going to let go, and I don’t want him to.

  When he finally does break off from our kiss, there’s a light in his eyes I’ve never seen before. “Ready to go?” he asks.

  I think I know what he has in mind. “More than ready.”


  In the limo back to his penthouse, we pick up where we left off and then some. His hand cups my breast as we make out, and by the time we arrive, I ache so badly for Cash, I could have given myself to him right there in the car.

  If you’ve waited this long… I think to myself with a grin.

  Cash and I practically run through the lobby of his building; I have to put a real kick in my step to keep up and not trip. Once we’re in the elevator, his hands are back on me, squeezing my rear and pressing my body into his.

  The lights turn on in Cash’s penthouse automatically as we enter, giving me a glimpse of his chic, modern décor. “Would you like the grand tour?” he asks as we kick off our shoes.

  “Umm, okay?” I reply, a little surprised.

  “I’m messing with you, Wendy,” he says, snatching my wrist. “You can have the tour later.”

  I laugh as he flies into motion, practically carrying me along. We rumble through the halls, passing by framed pieces of art and more rooms than I can count. Cash only stops when we reach the master bedroom, giving me one last kiss before we go inside. Then in one swift move, he lifts me off my feet, causing me to cackle and whoop in shock. I bang my fists against his back playfully, but really I’m so turned on I could scream.

  He lets go by dropping me on his king-sized bed, which I sink into comfortably. The black sheets and comforter are soft and silky, but my mind is on Cash, who slips his tie off and sets it down on the dresser.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asks, unbuttoning his shirt. Below it, I can see his marvelously hard body.

  “Yes,” I say.

  He shakes his head. “Not yet,” he says, reaching for my purse. He sticks his hand inside without looking and feels around while I wonder what the hell he’s doing. When he pulls out his hand, he’s found my phone. “Call Radha. I don’t want her thinking the worst a minute longer.”

  Smirking, I hit the speakerphone and dial.

  Radha picks up within the first ring. “Wendy, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I wanted to let you know that I pulled out of the auction.”

  “Oh, wow! It was getting late, I thought…”

  I laugh. “Yeah, it happened at the last minute.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Radha says, her voice climbing. “Where are you now?”

  “Cash’s bedroom,” I admit, giggling.

  “Hi, Radha,” mumbles Cash.

  “Wait,” says Radha. “You’re there anyway?”

  “Yes! Because I want to be,” I tell her. “And because I love him.”

  “And I love her,” Cash adds.

  For a moment, no one says anything. I can hear Radha’s breathing, which gets faster and choked up. “I’m so happy for you,” she says, her voice breaking.

  “Thanks,” says Cash. “I hope to meet you soon. Wendy’s lucky to have a friend like you.”

  “I am,” I agree. “We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”

  Radha grunts a laugh. “Yeah, sure. Tomorrow. I’m going to want details.”

  “Fine,” I say. I add, “Bye!” as I hang up, then toss the phone and my purse onto the dresser. “Thank you, Cash. That was really sweet of you.”

  “I wanted your conscience to be clear,” he replies, taking out his own phone. He turns it off and puts it away. “No interruptions.”

  He sits down on the bed next to me and slides the dress off my shoulders, baring my breasts. The cool air teases my nipples, which harden to pebbles as Cash brushes them with his thumbs. I lean back, my hands resting on the bed, and let Cash kiss a trail from my navel to my lips, massaging my chest the whole time. I moan as the ache between my thighs grows unbearable.

  When Cash takes my nipple between his lips and gently sucks, I lean my head against his. Smelling his cool, breezy shampoo, I inhale deeply, needing to breathe in as much of Cash as possible.

  Whether it’s the overwhelming sensations or some innate desire, my arms decide to give out, causing me to slip and fall back into the bed. My breast falls away from Cash’s face, and his sudden confusion and disappointment makes me laugh hysterically. I feel powerfully intoxicated, despite not having anything to drink all night. Cash laughs too, then uses my position to pull down on my dress, exposing me completely.

  Instinctively, I throw my hands over my sex, but then laugh at myself some more. With a smile on his face, Cash gently moves my hand out of the way so he can see all of me. “You’re so gorgeous, Wendy. I feel like the luckiest man on Earth right now.”

  Oh, God. I could get used to this.

  “I’m feeling pretty lucky too.”

  He unbuckles his belt and lets his pants slide down to his knees. “It’s a privilege to be your first, Wendy. I’ve never cared much about the whole virgin thing, but with you, it’s different. I want you to enjoy this.”

  “Oh, I will,” I say with a wink.

  Chuckling, he slides off his pants completely and pulls down his boxers, revealing his thick, hard cock. Seeing it again reminds me of how impossibly huge it felt in my mouth, and I imagine how it will feel to take that into my body — the thought scares me a little, but mostly I’m excited by the pleasure I know it’ll bring.

  Cash lies down next to me and turns on his side. Reaching between my legs, he caresses my entrance, probing my folds and into the wetness within. I moan, curling my toes and remembering to breathe. Watching me closely, Cash keeps playing, brushing my clit and setting my nerves afire.

  “Oh, God, that feels amazing,” I say, head swimming in sensations I’ve never imagined.

  Cash moves my hand to my drenched entrance and says, “You take over.”

  I do as he says, feeling myself and adding to my stimulation. Cash gets back to sucking on my breasts, and soon I’m whimpering uncontrollably, utterly overwhelmed.

  “Keep going,” Cash says, then slips away. I hear the sound of plastic tearing and then see Cash rolling on a condom. He winks at me as he gets back into bed and then gently takes my hands in his. The sudden stoppage makes me whine with need, and Cash grins at my frustration. “Are you ready?” he asks, holding his cock.

  “Please, yes,” I say, shaking with anticipation like a smoker getting off a transpacific flight.

  Cash gets on top of me and says, “I’ll be gentle, but tell me if it’s too much.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” I laugh, a hand planted on my forehead. I’d be nervous, but I’m so incredibly wet — Cash’s cock is all I can think about.

  Then I feel it, the penetration and spreading of my tender flesh. I wince from a sli
ght pain, but it’s not so bad. Gasping as new feelings flood my senses, I stare into Cash’s eyes. He gauges my reaction, then pushes in a little deeper. I moan and twist in place, but I nod at him to keep going.

  He begins pulling out a little and then gradually eases his way back in. Each move causes waves of bliss to crash against me, especially when his pace gets faster and his drives go deeper. He feels so unbelievably large inside me, but it’s euphoric in a way that leaves me breathless.

  When my first orgasm breaks, I feel carried away by a tide, or launched into the sky. Pleasure ignites throughout my body, and Cash holds me close as I quake. He doesn’t stop, however — he keeps thrusting. Though there is a little pain, it fades into a dull ache that is surpassed by the still rising ecstasy. I have no intention of asking him to slow down or stop — I feel like if this could last forever, I’d want it to.

  Cash kisses me again, hard and passionate, and I take his tongue into my mouth instinctively. As if in slow motion, I watch the rise and fall of his body as he hammers into my sex. His muscles shift and contract, bulging with their strength and a seemingly endless pool of stamina. My body arches in rhythm with him, grinding into his cock. With a grunt, Cash holds himself with one hand, allowing him to use his other to kneed my entrance while he thrusts.

  The added stimulation pushes me over the edge for my second orgasm, and my screams ring out through his penthouse as I come harder than I did the first time. I feel like I’m glowing.

  For a moment, I feel my hunger starting to ebb, and though I’m awash in utter satisfaction, I don’t want it to end. As if sensing my state, Cash takes his free hand and holds his fingers to my lips.

  “Lick them clean,” he says.

  I don’t question his command; I admit his digits into my mouth and suck on them as though they were his cock. I taste my musty juices and shudder, but the act opens a new well of need in my core. Now, every inch of his shaft unleashes new pleasure all over again.


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