The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)

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The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) Page 9

by Amy Marie

  Attempting to make a mad dash, I halt when my bedroom door opens and Walker’s green irises meet mine.

  “Well, well. Catching you like this kinda reminds me of the morning after we met.” He winks, sending tingles throughout my whole body.

  “I just, uhm, forgot my shirt. So, I’ll just grab that and be right out.” I race to snatch it up and run back into the bathroom as he chuckles.

  Once properly dressed, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Taking a deep breath, I quietly unlock the door, which I have never locked before, and open it finding Walker laying flat on his back, legs hanging over the side of the bed, arms across his stomach. “Walker? You can use the bathroom now.”

  “Thanks, baby,” his tired voice calls as he pulls himself up and walks past me.

  I pull down the comforter and turn the lights off, nervous about sleeping next to him. My exhausted body tells me I shouldn’t care because I will most likely pass out in a short time. As I crawl under the covers light seeps into the room from under the bathroom door. When he finishes up, he opens the door wearing nothing but boxer briefs. He flips off the light before I can see what color they are, but my hormones don’t care. They are too busy running around like toddlers on sugar.

  The bed dips and without hesitation he pulls me towards him, turning me so my back is against his warm chest. Kissing the spot just behind my ear he whispers, “Goodnight, baby.”

  Clearing my throat I say, “Goodnight. Thanks for cleaning up, Walker.”

  “No problem.”

  His arms get tighter around me and his hand slides over my rib cage and down to my stomach stopping just above the waistband of my shorts.

  “And goodnight, little baby,” he says lovingly, circling his fingers around my abdomen and taking me by surprise.

  When his breathing becomes steady I relax, not even realizing how tense I was. I roll over to my stomach and am startled when he speaks.

  “Side or back, Erin.”

  “What?” I ask confused.

  “The baby book says you can’t sleep on your stomach. You can sleep on your back for the beginning of the pregnancy or your side the whole time but no stomach. Flip over.” His tone tells me he is not playing around.

  “Walker, you can’t just...”

  “I can. Flip over.” His strong arms grab me and pull me back into him. “Much better. Don’t move, Erin, or I’ll tie you down and make you do what I want.”

  I can’t be certain if I want to obey or not, but one thing is for sure, that threat is going to make for some interesting dreams tonight, and I’m hoping he doesn’t learn firsthand how hot he makes me, or how loudly I scream his name in them.

  Oh God that feels so good. Walker’s hands between my legs have me feeling brazen and grinding against them for more friction.

  “Don’t stop,” I call out, almost to the brink.

  “Not until you come, baby.” His palm pushes down on my clit as his unrelenting fingers move faster. “You’re almost there. I can feel your tight pussy squeezing me. Come, baby.”

  I’m within reach. “Oh, God. Please, Walker!” I beg.

  Frustration takes over as I sit straight up in bed sweating, with release just out of reach.

  It was a dream. Damn it!

  “Erin?” His sultry voice sounds in the darkness sending my pulse racing. I had almost forgotten he was here. His touch at my shoulder blade moves down to my lower back and up again. “Bad dream?”

  I shouldn’t do it. I shouldn’t. Screw it.

  “Walker,” I say slowly turning my body so my face is near his. “I need you.”

  “Oh.” A light bulb goes off as his eyebrows raise. “A good dream then?”

  “I need you,” I repeat, tossing my leg over his hips, straddling him. “Please. Don’t make me beg again.”

  “Are you sure?” He growls, running his hands down my shirt and then pushing it back up baring my stomach. “This isn’t why I stayed the night.”

  I answer him the only way I can. I climb on top of him my lips meeting his as I grind on his very solid erection. The friction easing some of my need, but it’s not enough. I need more. I need it all.

  “I don’t want to take advantage of you, baby,” he says drawing circles on my stomach.

  Prying my lips away from his, I look into his eyes. “What part of me on top of you seems like you are taking advantage of me? If you want me to say it so you understand I will... Fuck. Me. Now!”

  A moment passes before I hear, “Your wish...” and I’m flipped over onto my back.

  It takes mere seconds for him to frantically rip off all of our clothes. Then I feel his dick suddenly at my entrance, asking for permission. “Walker, I can’t wait another second. In!”

  “Erin, I just...I’ve never been with a woman without protection.” He hesitates, while pushing my hair aside.

  “That’s...Uhm, cute...but it doesn’t matter now, right? You can’t knock me up twice.” I lift my hips inviting him in.

  He laughs but relaxes and slides in gently, inch by ever loving inch. It feels like heaven. It won’t take long to cure this tension I have built up.

  “Shit, Erin. So tight around me. And warm...shit! I’m not going to last.” He glides in and out delicately, teasing. The strain of his muscles is evident as he holds himself above me.

  My body bows off the bed and my hands reach back to grab the headboard, pushing my breasts up. He brings one into his warm mouth while his teasing pace has me bucking against him. “More,” I pant.

  “You want more, baby? Your wish.” His body pushes up against mine, encouraging my legs to come up and wrap around his back. My insides stretch with the deeper position, taking him all in.

  “That feels incredible. So much better than in my dream.” Sweat breaks out as my body meets him thrust for thrust.

  “A dream come true, Erin. I want to be your dreams come true.” He pushes deeper than I’ve ever felt causing shockwaves through my body. “Come for me. Let it go.”

  His words catapult me over the edge and I’m calling his name and God’s out so everyone in the vicinity can hear me. My eyes are tightly shut but I see white light behind the lids. His grunts become louder.

  “I’m going to come inside you, Erin,” he says firmly. “And when I do you’ll be mine. Do you understand?”

  I open my eyes to look at him a second before another orgasm rips through me, unexpectedly, and I yell out “yes” more times than I can count. A few more thrusts and Walker claims me, filling me. His forehead against me, his eyes make contact with mine as he comes inside me. Breathlessly calling out, “Erin.”


  The uncomfortable growling of my stomach wakes me from the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time. The smell of bacon fills my bedroom and I roll over, hitting a rock hard wall of man. “Good morning, baby. Would you like breakfast?”

  His green eyes have no hint of sleeplessness in them as he caresses my hair, placing a stray lock lovingly behind my ear. After our middle of the night romp you would think he would look exhausted. “Good morning. How long have you been up?”

  “Well, considering it’s 10:00 a.m., I’ve been up, showered, made breakfast, and been staring at you like a stalker while you sleep. God, you’re beautiful.” His smile brightens up the room more than the sun. I could lie in bed staring at the sexy vision before me all day, but this baby is calling out for some nourishment. And my bladder calls out for relief.

  “If all stalkers looked like you I’m sure there would be no need for restraining orders, unless you keep me from that amazing smell. What is that?” My body aches a little as I sit up and stretch.

  “Hickory smoked bacon and chocolate chip pancakes. The best in the burbs,” he gloats, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “That’s my favorite breakfast of all time!” I jump up excitedly thinking about the warm maple syrup covering the butter topped stack of goodness.

  “I know, Noelle told me. Just think, if you move in with me you c
ould have chocolate chip pancakes every morning.” Cue one sided dimple grin.

  Wait. What?

  “When did you talk to Noelle? And move in with you? We just had one date, last night at that, and you want me to move in with you? Are you crazy?” I throw question after question to him as he stands up, dressed in different clothes than from yesterday. “And where did you get clothes?”

  “Okay, let me answer those in order. Uhm. I asked Noelle when she ran back into the house last night after you went into the bedroom. Yes, move in with me. Yes, even after one date. And I am crazy...for you,” he says placing his hands on my shoulders. “Cheesy? Yes! And the best part: every time you have one of those dreams you can just wake up and I’ll be right there to, ah, soothe you.” He smirks causing my jaw to drop, and I shake my head in astonishment. “Well, it was worth a shot. Oh, and I had a bag packed and in the car yesterday.”

  Still shaking my head, I mumble something along the lines of ‘confident bastard’ and close the bathroom door behind me. As frustrating and pushy as he is, I kind of like it. It feels amazing to have someone giving me so much affection and attention. I guess I never realized how much Robert didn’t do for me. I can’t remember the last time he had kissed my forehead or made me breakfast, for that matter. I don’t think he ever did. I felt more adored than I ever did with Robert, especially during our heated passion last night. Trying to keep my heart guarded is going to be tough. I can already feel him starting to take up space in it.

  Walker’s deep voice catches my attention through the thin bathroom door. He is talking to someone. My nosiness gets the best of me and I step out to see my phone up to his ear.

  What the hell is he doing?

  His laughter booms off the walls as he tells the person on the phone that he is indeed standing in my bedroom. A sense of horror consumes me, and I have no clue who he is talking to until he says, “Sure, I’ll come with her to dinner. What time?”

  My mother. He answered my mother’s phone call while I was in the bathroom! I’m going to throw a tantrum.

  “Walker, give me the phone!” I lunge at him trying to steal it away.

  “Okay, six sounds good,” he says ducking out of my grasp and nodding, as though he thinks my mom can see him.

  “Walker!” My temper is flaring.

  “No, she’ll come, I promise.” His eyes smiling, he looks at me. I shake my head and mouth “hell no.”

  “Alright, nice to talk to you too, Eden. I look forward to having a face with a name as well. See you at six.” He hits the end button, putting the phone back down on my nightstand, confirming what will undoubtedly be the worst dinner of my life.

  “Eden? She let you call her Eden? Are you kidding me!?” I ask completely in shock, hands firmly on my hips and yes, tapping my foot.

  “What? She said I could call her that. Something wrong?” His lips find mine but I don’t kiss back. When he makes a second attempt I give in. It’s useless to resist.

  “She never let Rob...uhm, my other boyfriends call her that.” I fumble on my words regretting having brought up Robert, again.

  “Well, two things.” Both hands grip the nape of my neck and his mouth moves closer. “One, let’s not ever talk about ‘Rob...uhm, your other boyfriends’ because I can get insanely jealous. And two, glad to see you are finally admitting that I’m your boyfriend.”

  His grasp tightens and he aggressively pushes his mouth to mine, persistently kissing me. My fingers come up and wrap around the belt loops of his jeans pulling him into my greedy, hungry body. Walker groans and I can feel myself getting worked up. I want to push him down on the bed and replay last night’s events together. He gently frees my lips and looks down at me cutting my thoughts short. “You’re so beautiful, Erin.”

  A blush runs through my cheeks as his thumbs run across them. “Thank you.”

  “Glad you agree,” he comments, entwining our fingers and pulling me to the bedroom door. “On all accounts.”

  “What?” He says nothing and I continue to allow him to lead the way to the kitchen, the sweet chocolate aroma distracting me. “Wait. No. Not my boyfriend. You’re not.”

  “I am, Erin. Live it. Love it. Accept it.” He lightly pushes my shoulders down to sit in the kitchen chair. “If you want it to be asking and all that crap, it won’t happen. It would give you the opportunity to say no. I’m not going to let the mother of my child date anyone else but me. No other man will be touching you or even come close ever again if I have anything to do with it.”

  Is he serious? Even if I wanted to date someone else, what man in their right mind would take on a woman who is pregnant with someone else’s child? But the thought of last night has me squirming in my chair.

  Think clearly, Erin. Don’t let him push you around.

  “I don’t plan on dating anyone else, Walker. So, there is no need for all of that.” My teeth bite down on a crispy piece of bacon as Walker pours syrup over my pancakes.

  “So, if you plan on being with me only then it means we are exclusive, which in turn means that you are my girlfriend. And as my girlfriend and the woman pregnant with the heir to my throne,” he pauses to wink at me and then continues, “you need to eat.” Pointing to the syrupy soaked heaven in front of me, he smiles. My stomach decides to make the choice for me.

  “We can label it. But if I am going to be your girlfriend you have to stop being so pushy. Stop assuming that I’m going to go along with your crazy shit.” I moan a little as the first bite of chocolate hits my taste buds. God this is so good.

  “Not gonna happen, I’m a ‘push to get what I want’ kind of guy. The last time I didn’t go after what I wanted she ran out the door and out of my life for three months. Thankfully fate brought us back together so, no, I’m not relenting. Now eat.” He shovels a huge pile of food into his mouth essentially putting an end to the conversation.

  Looking at him, I lay my fears on the line. “I just don’t want to get hurt again.”

  “Never. I treasure what is mine.” His serious tone seeps into my body causing a shiver up my spine. “And you, Erin Decker, are mine.”

  His words are genuine and for the first time in almost four months I feel like there is hope for me yet. I just might be able to let myself trust someone and open up.

  “Okay, then.” I drop my fork down with a clang onto the plate. “Ask me.”

  His eyes look up from his plate. “You won’t say no?”

  I shake my head side to side.

  His smooth fingers lift mine up and bring them to meet his other hand. “Erin. Will you be exclusive with me and give me the title of luckiest fucking boyfriend ever?”

  Laughing I accept and seal it with a quick kiss.

  “So, what are you doing next weekend?” He asks taking a sip of orange juice.

  “Relaxing. It’s Labor Day weekend and I was just planning on hanging out around here.” God these pancakes are good. He was right. Best in the burbs. “Why?”

  “Go on a date with me, again. Friday night.” It’s not a question. It’s a statement.

  “Again with not giving me a chance to say no.” I shake my head not sure if his persistence will ever get old. “What time?”

  “Four. I’ll give you more details later.” He stands up kissing me on the forehead, takes his plate to the sink, rinses it off and tosses it in the dishwasher.

  I savor every last bite before standing to help him clean up but he finishes before I get the chance. How amazing is this man? He got up early, made breakfast and now is done cleaning it up? I’m not sure he is real, however, the soreness between my legs is telling me there is absolutely nothing fake about him.

  Five o’clock rolls around way too fast with the day spent lounging around, showering, stealing a few heated kisses, and getting ready for an evening of hell with my family. Once Noelle stopped laughing at Walker’s conversation with my mother, she said she wouldn’t miss this dinner for anything.

  I’m amazed at how comfortabl
e I’ve become with Walker in such a short time and even though I was practically bullied into becoming officially exclusive with him, he has proven with each passing hour that I won’t regret it. I’ve never felt so cherished or wanted as much as when he looks at me or kisses me. So loved. He has been nothing short of a doting father to be.

  Looking at Walker as he sits next to me, I can’t help but think about my daddy and what he would have thought of him. A college graduate, shaping the young minds of America, taking responsibility for an unplanned child with his daughter, and trying with all his might to make her an honest woman. He would love him, and if not for those reasons, for his love of football and baseball. Walker even played in high school just up the road from where I went at Glenbrook North High School.

  I only hope Walker can be even half the dad that mine was. I never felt like a burden to him. Even after long hours at work he would come home and talk to me about my day, what I did and play with all three of us kids on the floor. He never missed a recital, game, or school event. Every significant memory I have in my life has my father in it. A hard working man that valued his family over anything else. I can see that in Walker.

  I know that regardless of whether things work out between the two of us, our child will have memories of Walker and me cheering them on, supporting them with love, accepting them, pushing them to be the best they can be. Everything and anything I could want for them will be given to them.

  The drive to my mom’s house isn’t long, though the arguing between Walker and Noelle about who gets to be in the birthing room makes it seem like forever.

  “Do you really think Erin is going to let you in there over the child’s own father?” Walker asks completely astounded by her declaration that only she will be in the delivery room. “Or her own mother?”

  “I do, actually. I mean, I did clean up her puke for like three months and we’ve known each other longer. Besides, do you really want to see her shit on the delivery table?” Noelle blurts out, completely mortifying me.


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