The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3)

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The Unexpected Series (Unexpected #1-3) Page 21

by Amy Marie

  The doorbell rings. Let the chaos begin.


  Our daughter is spoiled. Not only with the insane amount of gifts she received but by the love of our friends and family. We’re so lucky to have everyone so close. My dad moved here a month ago and is living with Deliah until he can move into his new condo down the street from me. He and Erin’s mom have become close since she knows what he is going through. My mom has been gone over a year but he is still not the same. I don’t know what I would do if I lost Erin.

  After all the gifts, cake and games, the house starts to clear leaving just close friends and family hanging around in the living room. Savannah passed out an hour ago and is now starting to stir. I get up to my feet but Erin beats me to it.

  “I’ll get her. I need to give her one more gift,” she says before racing out of the room.

  “Erin! You are worse with gifts than I am,” I yell towards her back, making everyone in the room laugh.

  “It’s technically a gift for all of us,” she yells back.

  A few minutes later she carries a still sleepy looking Savannah in, a huge smile adoring her face.

  “What did you get her?” I ask reaching my hands out for my baby girl.

  “A shirt.” She points to Savannah and sets her down.

  When she turns to toddle over to me, my heart stops and tears instantly sting my eyes. Gasps erupt, and I look at Erin whose face is nodding confirmation.

  My beautiful, dark haired, green eyed little girl is sporting a purple shirt with the words “Big Sister” prominently displayed over the front.

  My feet move faster than my mind and I wrap Erin up into my arms swinging her around.

  “Are you serious? Tell me it’s true.”

  I’ve wanted another child since Savannah was born. She told me she wanted to wait. Nothing would make me happier than to have a houseful of kids running around stealing my heart the way their mama did.

  “Insanely serious.” She kisses my lips and I take it deeper.

  I pull away when Savannah wraps her arms around my leg. I pick her up kissing her on the cheek. “You’re going to be a big sister!”

  “We’re going to be preggo buddies,” Erin states looking over my shoulder.

  When I find who she is looking at my mouth drops, but I knew it would happen sooner or later.

  “See, Noe,” I say. “I told you someone would sweep you off your feet and knock you up.”

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  For now...

  Please enjoy the first chapter of Noelle’s story “Undone” due to be released Fall of 2014.

  Chapter One: Noelle

  I really hate this song. I mean really and truly hate this damn song. Why do they play this kind of crap in a coffee house? Ugh! Come on, Starbucks lady. I’m all about you wiping that counter clean but I want to order my damn coffee!

  Like a Virgin. Hey! Touched for the very first time, Like a VIIIIIIR...okay, that’s enough. COFFEE LADY!

  I really need my caffeine fix after that brutal cycling class. My ass feels numb.

  “Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you?” Shyanne, according to her name tag, asks looking bored out of her mind.

  “Can I please have a grande white mocha?” I say trying to hide the annoyance in my voice, so she doesn’t spit in my drink.

  “Name?” She barely looks at me as she places the tip of the marker on their trademark white cup.


  After giving me my total, I pay for my coffee and shake my head irritated with the fact that she probably sharpie scribbled my name wrong. I fix my loose blonde ponytail looking around and tension immediately leaves my body when I’m graced with a vision greater than Ryan Reynolds’ naked scene in The Proposal. A hot piece of man candy is at my three o’clock, and I’m looking for a sugar rush...or a diabetic coma.


  Wow! It just isn’t fair to look that amazing. I bet he rolled his toned ass out of bed, ruffled his short blonde hair, skipped the razor, and threw on the first thing he spotted. His dark wash jeans, gray t-shirt clinging to a chiseled and bulging chest, and wrap me up tight biceps. Not a wrinkle in the fabric. He looks like the kind of guy any woman would like to ride into the sunset...literally. I mean I’m restraining myself from doing it right now.

  The Starbucks God catches me gawking. I can’t help it. You shouldn’t expect to walk around like that and not be undressed with my eyes. He flashes me his perfect white teeth and his smile scrunches up his face giving me a glimpse at his irises. He has some seriously sexy, smoldering green eyes.

  Look away! Look away! He will trap you in his vortex of emeralds!

  I pull out my phone trying to look anywhere but at him and shoot off a text to my best friend, Erin.

  Me: Holy crap! Major hottie at Starbucks!

  Erin: Did you take a pic?

  Me: Uhm, no way! For my eyes only.

  Erin: SHARE NOE!...never mind, you’re too chicken anyways.

  Bitch! She knows I hate to be called chicken.

  I can do this. It can’t be that hard.

  I move my fingers across the screen giving off the vibe that I’m just texting with my BFF. I hit the button to turn the phone to vibrate so the sound of the shutter doesn’t give me away. Getting the perfect shot, I slightly point my cell his way and FLASH!

  OH SHIT! Rule one of hottie picture taking: TURN OFF THE FLASH!

  “Did you just take my picture?” Hottie McCoffee says directing his whole body towards me. He leans one of his elbows on the counter and clasps both calloused hands together.

  I’d love to find out what those rough hands can do to my body.

  “Uh, no. I don’t think so.” I try to compose myself, my face crimson like the color of the top I have on today.

  Would it look weird to fan myself right now?

  “Hmm.” He raises an eyebrow at me pointing at the offending cellphone in my hand. “Because I could have sworn I just saw a flash coming from your phone.”

  “Well, it does that when I get a text.” I lie, or try to.

  Really, Noelle? There is no way he is buying that crap.

  “Oh, well, I just thought that you wanted something to remember me by since you were just eye humping me,” he says with a wink reaching into his pocket.

  “First of all, I was not eye humping you and second of all...”

  FLASH! Did he just take my picture?

  “Did you just take my picture?” Anger blazes through me. I didn’t even get to smile for it!

  “Nope! I got a text,” he says laughing and then directs a smile at me that could seriously incinerate my panties, since I decided to wear them today.

  We stare at each other, neither of us speaking, and I can feel every cell in my body being turned on.

  “JACE!” Shyanne, if that is her real name, yells interrupting our foreplay.

  “That’s me. Gotta go,” Jace says as he casually strolls over and blasts Ms. Wait-Ten-Minutes-to-Take-Your-Order with MY panty melting smile and walks towards the door.

  Oh hell no!

  “Wait! Delete that picture!” I mean how rude is he not asking for permission. At least let me see if my hair looks okay. I did just workout.

  He turns his back to push the door open and the light hits just right. He looks like an angel which contradicts me seeing as I’m going to Hell for the thoughts running through my dirty mind. “No thanks,” he says and walks out.

  That just fucking happened? Okay, well at least I got a good picture of him to send to Erin. I plop down into the chair next to the window and send it to her.

  Me: Here he is...enjoy because this was the most embarrassing experience of my life!

  Erin: Damn!! Almost as hot as Walker. What happened? Forget to turn the flash off?

  Me: SHUT IT!.. but yes :( But he took one of me too when I wasn’t looking.

  Erin: Maybe for his spank ban

  Me: LOL. Probably! You know men spank it thinking of this body on a daily basis.

  I put my phone in my back pocket just waiting to post it on Facebook with the status update “Meet the man of my wet dreams!” I’m sure all my aunts, uncles, cousins and oh yeah, parents would love that. I mean who accepts their parents’ friend requests? Dumbasses like me, that’s who.


  “Noelle and I’m right here.” I pull a napkin from the dispenser and wipe down the counter. “Listen, Shyanne, is it? How can you not be drooling over all the hot guys that come in here?”

  “Jace is pretty gorgeous isn’t he? He is in here all the time. Same time every day, even on weekends.” Well, I guess she can be useful.

  “Gorgeous doesn’t even come close. I may have to come back tomorrow.” I smile to myself. “Maybe he’ll come in here shirtless and I can really get a good pic.”

  She giggles but cuts it short when she looks past me. Knowing the luck I’m having today he must be behind me.

  “Why wait when I can just take my shirt off for you now? You just have to ask nicely,” man candy whispers in my ear sending sexy chills down my body, and then I feel his hand on my ass. What the hell? “Here’s my number. You can use the picture you took as my contact photo,” he says slipping what I assume is his number into my back pocket.

  “That was a text! You are so full of yourself. I don’t want your number and stop touching my ass,” I state as firmly as I can, but it comes out weak. His hands leave my body, and I’m left breathless.

  Shyanne starts giggling once again and I turn to see he’s gone. I catch a glimpse of him outside getting into a sexy black sports car, a pretty blonde in the passenger seat scowling at him. She must be his girlfriend.

  What an ass! Why would he give me his number if he has a girlfriend? Well, player your number is going in the trash, but that picture...that picture will stay safe on my phone.

  Okay, so that wasn’t my most embarrassing moment in my twenty eight years of existence. There was this time when I was bowling with my ex-boyfriend and walked up behind him after arriving late. I slid my hands around his body and started to grope him only to find out it was another guy. His wife looked like she wanted to murder me, but I was happy. The man had an eight pack and I reached down far enough that I almost found the end of the V. That should have been my first clue. My boyfriend had a keg. I mean full on beer belly. You would think that being on the college football team he would’ve been in better shape. Apparently, beer trumped working out. But I digress.

  Deciding to get my red face and coffee out of there I step out into the Death Valley that’s Chicago in July. A year ago I was getting ready to head to Cozumel with Erin. I need another vacation.

  Just as I get to my car my cell starts singing Sexyback by JT, my future baby daddy.

  “I hate you!” I answer.

  “That’s not nice. You know you love me,” Erin counters.

  I adore Erin. She is the best friend any girl could ask for but was handed a shitty deal last year when her ex cheated on her. Then she met Walker, one of the sexiest and sweetest men on the planet, and they just recently had a baby girl, Savannah. I get to be the maid of honor in their wedding this October, and I’m truly happy that she has found someone who treats her like a queen.

  “I do but that was so embarrassing! I can’t believe you called me chicken. You know how I get.” Turning on the car, I blast the A/C and take a peek into the rearview mirror, fixing a smudge underneath my light blue eyes.

  “I know.” She laughs. “What’s funny is that I knew what was going to happen. Either that or the shutter would click. As organized as you are you can be a total mess.”

  “Is there something you needed? I’m busy looking for a new best friend.” I threaten though I would never replace Erin. She and I have been friends since freshman year in college when we were paired up as roommates. We continued to live together throughout college and bought a house together in the suburbs of Chicago after we graduated. We just couldn’t stay away from each other. This past December she moved into a dream home with her dream guy, and now I own our house alone. It’s nice not to have someone else there messing it up, but every so often I miss her being around.

  “Yes, actually. First thing first, did you give him your number?” She asks.

  “Nope. He gave me his though...groped my ass while he was at it. I know it’s a fine ass but at least ask for permission first. But I tossed it. It seems the hottie has a girlfriend. Her name is Bitch, and she’s blonde. I shall call her Blonde Bitch,” I state firmly.

  “You’re a blonde!” She laughs. “Well, the girlfriend thing sucks. Anyways, besides that, the second reason I called is to ask if you want to go to a party at Trent’s tonight. Jason is visiting Alex’s parents for the night and Mom is watching Savannah so Walker and I can get a night out.”

  Trent is Erin’s brother. Saying he is hot is like saying the sun is just a flame. The man is a walking lady hard on. His short brown hair and brown eyes set my body on fire anytime he is in a room, but he is just so temperamental anytime I am around. We’ve barely spoken since Thanksgiving. Jason is his two year old son whose mom, Alex, took off just after he was born. It’s heartbreaking because Jason is the cutest little boy ever. She is missing out.

  “Uhm, Erin. Last time I went to one of Trent’s parties I ended up in his roommate’s bed.” I roll my eyes remembering that horrid night as I turn out of the parking lot.

  “Come on, Noe! Mike moved out months ago, and it’s not like you had sex. He just wishes you did.” She laughs. “And Trent wasn’t there. I know for a fact, if he was, that wouldn’t have happened. Come on! I need this night out.”

  “Okay. But you’re DD. If your brother is going to act like a total douche to me again then I’m going to need lots of alcohol.”

  “Deal! We’ll pick you up at seven.”


  “I’m so excited you agreed to come tonight but why are you dressed like a hooker? My brother is going to go crazy!” Erin says taking in my outfit. I’m dressed in a skimpy black halter top with a jean skirt and fuck me boots.

  “I do NOT look like a hooker. I look like I need a man. Which I do! What does it matter to your brother?” I snap back. “And anyways, I’d rather look like a hooker than a nun.”

  Walker chuckles from the driver’s seat.

  “This is Old Navy thank you very much!” She looks at her pink ruffle tank top and jeans. I notice how awesome her new cowboy boots look but don’t comment on them just to irritate her.

  “And I ordered these boots from Country Outfitter,” she continues. “So shut your damn mouth. I look hot.”

  “Okay, Erin. Sure,” I say adjusting my top as Walker speeds down Lake Street.

  “You always look hot, baby.” Walker reaches over and grabs her hand kissing each knuckle. I’d gag at their display if I didn’t envy his love for her.

  We pull up to Trent’s house, which is ten minutes from where I live. He owns his own construction company at age twenty six. He makes enough to live alone, but ever since he moved here he’s always had a roommate. That was until Mike, his friend from DePaul, stopped paying his portion of the mortgage and “accidentally” lost the money to pay the electric bill. He really was a winner. I think maybe Trent learned his lesson with the roommate situation and now just tries to focus on raising Jason.

  His place is definitely a bachelor pad. A ranch brick house, two car garage, three bedrooms, three baths with an entire wall made up of windows that lead to a deck with a hot tub overlooking his enormous yard. With his building expertise, he also added an extra living space that has been turned into a game room. It has a pool table, a huge TV, every game system you can think of, and surround sound, which is currently blasting Bruno Mars, my other baby daddy.

  Erin and Walker take off towards the kitchen, and I spot Trent talking to a few of his friends.

  Trent is a handsome man. Okay, scratch that. The
man is a walking billboard for hotness and has starred in quite a few of my fantasies during my sessions with BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend, in case you were wondering.) He and Erin are two years apart and look almost identical with the exception of her huge boobs and his eleven to twelve inches over her five feet three frame. His brown hair is just long enough to grab onto, brown eyes the color of chocolate and with every inch of him cased in muscles he screams male. From what I can tell his dating life, or should I say sex life, is far from lacking. Construction does a body very good.

  “Noe, where have you been? It’s been so long since I last saw you. I was having withdrawals,” Trent yells from across the room, apparently already drinking as he staggers towards me and throws his arm around my shoulders. He smells like cologne and looks sexy as hell in a red polo shirt and khaki shorts. I can’t help the rush of heat that spreads throughout my body when he touches me. He is seriously sizzling.

  “Oh, you know, working corners, slappin’ hoes and binge drinking. The usual.” He rolls his eyes used to the crazy shit that comes out of my mouth.

  Stepping back his eyes take in my very inappropriate attire, clearly unhappy. “Speaking of prostitutes, what the hell are you wearing?”

  “Shut the hell up, Trent. I’m a grown ass woman and I make this outfit look good,” I angrily state. “Even a man like you can appreciate it.”

  His eyes, looking hungry, run up and down my body. I feel exposed and turned on. A shudder runs up my spine.

  “Noe. I’m serious. I really have missed you.” He places a hand on each shoulder and leans in so we are breathing the same air. Brushing my collarbone with his thumb, he whispers in my right ear, “You look fucking amazing.”

  Uh, what? He is definitely drunk. In all the years I have known Trent he has never said anything like this because if he had I sure as hell would remember.

  “Thanks. I think.”

  “You’re welcome,” he says quietly and pulls back looking at me for a dangerously long time.

  “SHOTS!” Erin announces as she brings three shot glasses from the kitchen all with what I can only assume is tequila. She loves tequila. Tequila, however, does not love me. Tequila makes my clothes fall off. Tequila makes me fall in roommates’ beds.


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