Search (The Empire Chronicles #2)

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Search (The Empire Chronicles #2) Page 15

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I felt a tug on my hand and glanced over at him. He had a huge grin on his face. “Waterfall.”

  I smiled. “Sure.”

  We landed beside a roaring waterfall. It was tucked away in the mountains in one of those places a hiker could never reach, especially in the dark. Because of that, we knew we were alone.

  Neither of us said anything. Toby just reached over and pulled my cover up down over my hips. He scooped it up when I stepped out of it and tossed it along with his shirt onto a rock. He didn’t have to say it. We weren’t getting rid of our wings.

  He reached over and untied my string top, watching me intently as he removed the only fabric covering my chest. His mouth went to my breast before he’d even dropped the pink triangle top. I went to work on his swim trunks, eagerly untying them so I could free him from the fabric. Without moving his mouth, or the hand currently fondling my other breast, he stepped out of his trunks. I held him, gently stroking him as he finally dropped my top and started to pull down my bottom.

  His lips moved down from my breast to my stomach as his hands slowly slipped my bottoms off. I leaned my head back, loving the sensation of his lips on me. Then he stopped, stood up, and took a step back. For a terrifying second, I thought he was rejecting me until I realized he wanted to see me. The real me, wings and all. I’d never seen him naked with his wings before. It only accentuated his muscular body, and combined with his evident arousal, he looked more of a god than a man.

  His eyes devoured me as I watched him struggle to keep his hands at his sides. “You’re incredible. Look at you.”

  I looked down at my body. It was the same as always, but I felt beautiful and fearless all at the same time.

  “Why would they try to keep Pterons apart?” He reached out to gently stroke one of my wings. “How can this not be right?” The sensation of his hand on my wing felt just as intimate as when he touched my breasts. Being naked only made it more intense.

  “I don’t know or care right now.”

  “Me either.” His lips smashed into mine as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist, ready when he jumped into the water.

  We broke the kiss momentarily as the cool water splashed over us, only to return exactly to where we were. We remained a little off to the side of the cascading water.

  Toby repositioned us slightly before thrusting into me with a force so strong it would have knocked me over if he wasn’t holding me so tight. He rocked me to the core, moving his lips to my neck, and I had the distinct impression they were going to leave a mark. I tangled my hands in his hair, giving myself over to the sensation of pleasure spreading through my entire body.

  “Amazing.” Toby grunted the word as he continued to move inside me harder and faster than I’d have thought I could take.

  “Yes.” Nothing would ever compare. The sex with Jared felt like a distant memory as Toby pushed me over the edge twice. He released, and I thought it was over just as he started again. It’s like being in our Pteron form changed the rules. Sex didn’t have to have a set end. His mouth returned to my breast, and his teeth grazed me. The sensation thrilled me. I thrust my hips against him, letting him know I wanted more. I wanted everything he could give.

  Hours later, we settled on a rock at the water’s edge. I ran a finger down his chest, following the path of a drop of water running down from his damp hair. “That’s how I know we’re not human.”

  “Tell me about it. That was surreal.” He rested his hand on my back. We’d finally retracted our wings.

  “The craziest part is I’d be ready to do it again right now. How is that possible?”

  “If you haven’t noticed, I feel the same way.”

  I shifted away slightly. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “What do you mean?” He sat up and pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him.

  “After everything I did, I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you.” I buried my face in his shoulder, not wanting him to see the tears that were streaming down my face.

  “Stop. Stop beating yourself up about this.” He put a hand under my chin and made me look at him. “What happened with anyone else is in the past. Whether it was magic or not, I’d have forgiven you. That’s what life’s about. Accepting those you care about despite their missteps.” He kissed my forehead. “It’s what’s in here that matters.” He touched the place over my heart.

  “How can you say that? How can you get over it so easily?” My heart both swelled and hurt. I wanted to believe him. I wanted to believe he could accept me back, but I was terrified of being rejected by the guy I was falling so hard for.

  “Nothing about us is ever going to be normal or easy. I’m okay with that. I’m okay with what happened because in the end you came back. When the magic stopped, you willingly came back to me.”

  “And that’s enough?” I wiped a few tears away.

  “That’s everything. With all the crazy revelations in your life, you chose me to come to. And you didn’t just come for support. If what happened there,” he gestured to the water, “tells us anything, it’s that whatever is between us is real. It’s strong.”

  I leaned my head on his chest again.

  “We belong together, Casey. I know we haven’t known each other long, but that doesn’t matter. And come on, we’re like two peas in a pod.”

  I lifted my head slightly. “Because we’re both lost and confused in this Pteron world?”

  He ran a hand through my hair. “Exactly. Luckily, we have each other now.”

  The tears started again.

  “Please find a way to forgive yourself. That’s the one thing I can’t do for you, and you have to know I’d do anything for you.”

  “What’s going to happen to us? Can we really be together long term?”

  “Why can’t we? The only thing we have to focus on now is finding Vera and getting rid of the Murphy threat. After that, we don’t owe anything to anyone.”

  “I don’t want this moment to end.”

  “It doesn’t have to yet.” Toby lay back, pulling me with him.

  “I’m glad.” We just lay there naked, watching the stars and listening to the waterfall. I rested my head on his chest, and his arms wrapped around me. I now had a new happy place, and it wasn’t the waterfall. It was being in Toby’s arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I nudged Levi as we sat at the hotel bar the night before his wedding.

  “I’ve been ready for months.” He sipped his Jack and Coke.

  Owen laughed. “Jared’s probably just happy that you’re officially off the market.”

  “I’ve been off the market for a long time.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know what happened to you, man.”

  Levi turned on his stool to look at me. “I met my match. That’s what happened.”

  I groaned. “You’re so far gone.”

  “You’ll meet someone eventually.” There was an unusually serious note to his voice. Maybe he was feeling bad for me about the mess with Casey.

  I didn’t need his sympathy. I had other things to worry about. “I should probably check in with all the sentries.”

  “See, that’s why I’m not worried about security. You worry enough for all of us.”

  “It’s my job.” Contrary to some of my recent behavior, I did take my job seriously. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to the royal family or The Society.

  “And that’s why I gave it to you.” Levi nodded before turning back to his drink. “Can’t it just be tomorrow already?”

  “You need help.” I punched his arm. “I’ll see you later.” I headed outside. I didn’t want to make my calls in front of Levi. It would just make him nervous.

  Ten minutes later, I’d checked in with everyone. Everything checked out, but that did nothing to get rid of the pit in my stomach. Something bad was coming. I just didn’t know when it would strike.

pter Twenty-Eight


  I’ve never been the sentimental sort. Weddings don’t usually make me cry. I wasn’t the type of girl to daydream about white dresses and roses and all that, but there was something about Allie and Levi’s wedding that simultaneously filled me with joy and broke my heart. Watching a love that strong is potent. It reminded me that no matter how good things felt with Toby, we’d probably never have that kind of happy ending.

  We helped Allie get dressed first, and it wasn’t just her mother who cried when she turned around to show us how she looked.

  “Wow. She looks beautiful.” Hailey watched Allie with an awe struck expression. Their friendship was a deep one. On top of my jealousy over Allie’s relationship with Levi, I felt the same way about her relationship with Hailey. The only person I’d ever had a truly close relationship with was my sister, and she’d been missing for years. To make matters worse, she may have left me intentionally. I sighed. I needed to stop the train of negative thoughts. This was Allie’s day. As soon as it was over we could go after Vera.

  I belatedly responded to Hailey. “She is absolutely stunning.” With her wavy hair cascading down her back, Allie looked like she’d just walked off a runway. A ruby red sash tied around her waist stood out against the rich ivory satin of her dress. Stunning was an understatement.

  “Are you okay?” Evidently, Hailey had noticed my pause. People worrying about me was starting to become a pattern.

  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  “Is it because she’s marrying your brother? Does it seem weird?”

  “No. I mean, I didn’t even know he was my brother until a few weeks ago.”

  “That’s what I mean. You just met him and now he’s marrying your boyfriend’s ex. It has to be a lot to take in.”

  I couldn’t help but smile when she referred to Toby as my boyfriend. I liked to think of him that way. “Just a typical month in the life of a nineteen-year-old, right?”

  Hailey laughed. “Because we all know how typical you are.”

  I laughed too. “Yeah. About as typical as you are.”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’m emotional too.” Her face didn’t show any sign of tears, but there was still emotion behind her eyes.

  “She’s lucky to have you.” I spoke the truth. Hailey was fiercely protective and dedicated to Allie, and that was something Allie would need in her position.

  “I know.”

  I laughed again. “You ready for this?”

  “Maid of honor? Sure. It’s nothing compared to the Lady in Waiting duties.”

  “I bet.”

  “By the way, you get one now too.”

  “What?” I asked with confusion.

  “You’re a princess. You get a Lady in Waiting.”

  “No, thanks. I’d take a friend though.”

  “Well, you’ve got several of those now.”

  “That you do.” Tiffany looped her arm through mine. She had her blonde hair pulled into an updo with ringlets falling around her face. I’d opted to go simple and only pulled some hair back and put in a pink flower.

  I smiled. “Thanks. Should we get dressed?”

  Hailey nodded. “Yes. Let’s give Allie some time alone with her mom.”

  I nodded. “Good idea.”

  I pulled my red sleeveless dress on. It fit perfectly. All the bridesmaids wore a slightly different style dress, but they were all the same color. The ruby red dresses matched the ruby sash Allie wore.

  “Is everyone ready for pictures?” Helen, Levi’s mother, called from the doorway. My heart nearly stopped. Seeing Helen was tough to handle. My existence had to hurt her.

  “Yes. Where do you need us?” Hailey asked, taking charge.

  “Out on the beach.” Helen gestured out toward the water.

  “I’m glad she’s doing the pictures beforehand,” Anne said as we headed to the door. “That way we can all enjoy the cocktail hour.”

  “Casey, could I talk to you for a moment?” Helen’s soft voice surprised me.

  I was too startled to reply at first, but eventually I choked one word out. “Sure.”

  The other girls gave me encouraging looks before abandoning me. How was I supposed to have a conversation with Helen alone?

  “Want to sit down for a second?” She gestured to a couch in the sitting room of Allie’s suite.

  “Sure.” That seemed to be the only word I knew how to say.

  “You’ve been avoiding me.” She said it as a statement and not a question.

  “Yes, for obvious reasons.” I’d avoided both Helen and Robert at dinner the night before. Any other course of action would have caused a scene, and I didn’t want to do that to Allie. I’d walked off as soon as possible—and then Toby helped me forget all about it.

  “You don’t need to.” She seemed so sweet, so nice. That just made me feel worse.

  “I only came because Allie and Levi asked me to.”

  “And I’m glad you did.” She put a gentle hand on my arm. The action surprised me, and I startled. She removed her hand, and I felt bad—again.

  “You’re glad?”

  “You belong here. It’s important.”

  “You can’t be okay with it,” I spoke quietly. I didn’t want to say the words.

  “Do you think I blame you? Do you think I hold you responsible for what happened between Robert and your mother?”

  I shook my head. “No, but I’m proof that it happened.”

  “Now isn’t the time to discuss what happened, but none of it’s your fault. I’m not upset with you. I only hope you can become a positive addition to Levi’s life. He could use a sister.”

  “You can’t really feel that way.” I felt like I was in some sort of twilight zone. She should have been trying to find ways to get rid of me, not encouraging me to develop a good relationship with my half-brother. Once again, I searched for ulterior motives, but everything about her words and expression seemed genuine.

  “You’re good at telling me how I should feel.” She smiled. “I’m a grown woman, and I’ve had plenty of time to think about all this.”

  “Did you know? Before?”

  “As I said, now isn’t the time.” She stood. “I just don’t want you feeling uncomfortable today. It’s a joyous occasion.”

  “Uh, thanks,” I called after her as she disappeared through the door. My head spun. Did Helen really mean what she was saying? I didn’t have any time to think about it.

  “Casey?” Georgina stood in front of me.

  “Oh. Hi, Georgina.”

  “Grandma. It’s Grandma.” She held out a hand. “You need to come with me.”

  “Why? Is everything okay?” I wasn’t sure how much more I could take.

  “Yes. Everything is fine. I just can’t have you missing the family photos.”

  “Oh yeah, those.” I followed her out of the room and down the hall. “Aren’t the pictures outside?”

  “Most of them.” She pushed open the door to another room.

  I should have suspected she was up to no good, but she was my grandmother, what kind of trouble could she cause?

  “And you’re not coming out until you’ve talked.” She gave me a long look.

  “What?” My heart froze as she slammed the door behind me. I tried the door, but it was somehow locked from the outside. Memories of being locked in a jail cell flooded me. Those memories involved Jared and a lot of feelings I wanted to forget. What was Georgina up to?

  “She means what she said. She won’t open the door until we talk.” Robert’s deep voice had me spinning around. He was wearing a navy blazer and light colored slacks. His face was cleanly shaven, and the more I looked at him, the more I realized he bore a striking resemblance to Levi. If it weren’t for a shock of gray hair, I’d have thought he were younger than the sixty or so years he had to be.

  He watched me with a mixture of amusement and sadness. I struggled to come up with words.

  “Hi.” Not exactly elo
quent but it was better than the blubbering sounds I’d started with.

  “Hello.” He took a few steps toward me, but still kept a distance. “You look different from the way I expected.”

  What did that mean? Was I a disappointment or something? I looked down at my ruby red dress. Surely I looked good that day.

  “I guess that came out wrong. I just mean you look older. All grown up.”

  “That’s because I am.”

  “I suppose so.” He shifted uncomfortably.

  “Do you think this counts as talking? Will Georgina let us out yet?”

  He laughed lightly. “I take it you weren’t looking forward to this meeting?”

  “If you wanted to talk to me, you would have done it already.” I looked down. I couldn’t keep the eye contact anymore.

  “Casey.” He said my name carefully.

  I glanced up. “Yes?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for…”

  “I’m just sorry. I’m sorry you had to grow up with no understanding of who you are. That you had to grow up without me.”

  “I have a good dad already.” I thought about Chris. He’d always been attentive and caring. I’d have never imagined he wasn’t my birth father.

  “But you’re my daughter.”

  “Biologically speaking.”

  He walked close enough that my body went on alert. I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me, but his size and power were hard to ignore. “Your wings, your strength, your abilities, they come from me.”

  “Yes, but maybe nothing else. My mom is a big part of who I am.” I don’t know why I felt the need to throw it back at him, but I couldn’t ignore my anger and hurt.

  “That’s true, but your Pteron side is dominant.” He walked over to the window. “You’re not human, Casey.”

  Not human? Robert didn’t know my mom was a bear. I knew I needed to keep that to myself.

  “I’ve accepted that. I have wings after all.”

  He laughed. “Very true.” Then he seemed lost in thought. He opened his mouth and closed it a few times before continuing. “Did your mother ever tell you about me? Did you ever question what you were?”


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