Stripper Confessions 2 : The Complete Series

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Stripper Confessions 2 : The Complete Series Page 8

by Solae Dehvine


  Chapter 10


  I thought about what Syd said all night before I came up with my plan. If I wanted Guy to get rid of himself, he needed to be somewhere that I knew he couldn’t hurt me.

  He had called me all night leaving messages, demanding money, handing out threats. I was ready to go insane and thanked God I didn’t tell him where I was moving. Even though I was missing money, I decided that it was best if I stayed away from the club until I knew he was locked up.

  Surprisingly Blu stopped calling me and her daily text messages to say hi stopped as well. Go figure, I didn’t put anything past any bitch and Sydney had no reason to lie. If he was fucking her, he could keep that neon colored bitch. I just wanted both of them out of my life.

  All night I worked up the nerve and with the dawn of a new morning, I took my kids to school. I planned on driving home and possibly looking for a new job and changing my phone number, but I couldn’t run from him.

  Instead, I went to Guy’s house and waited to see something, anything that I could use to get rid of him. Unsure of what I was going to do, but when he came out the house jumping into his car, I followed him. I felt like some kind of private detective as I weaved in and out of lanes and staying further back so he couldn’t spot me.

  What I saw made my stomach turn. Not too far into the ride, he stopped at a high school, picking up two girls. Even from where I was parked, I saw their caked up makeup, short tight, skirts and backpacks were sure signs of two teenagers that were living too fast. Guy didn’t seem to care because he sped away from the school and driving them across town to a motel.

  Now I sat in my car numb from what I was seeing. As the sky began to turn dark, I was parked in a nearby lot with a perfect view of the motel where he was.

  I thought tonight I would just be scoping things out, but I felt like I had stumbled across a gold mine and I couldn’t pass this up. I called Mel a long time ago and asked him to pick the girls up from school, and I was glad I did. What was going on here looked like it was going to blow up and I couldn’t lose my chance of eradicating this psycho from my life.

  The girls were young, their tight miniskirts and spritz hair-dos weren’t fooling me.

  He went inside the motel office briefly and came out pointing the girls to a door handing them the keys.

  “Does he do this all the time?” I tried thinking about things he told me about his other clients

  I work with all kinds of women managing them in dancing, performance, and some musicians.

  Maybe when he said performing he meant underage girls or possibly drugging women and allowing them to be raped.

  The girls walked into the rooms, their backpacks slung over their shoulders as if they were going to do homework.

  I waited, not sure what to do as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it I was ready to call the police until I saw her. I couldn’t miss her Mermaid locks, tied up in a bun today but her ass was unmistakable.

  I would have shed a tear as they embraced, him pulling her close and kissing her. But I had no love for Guy just as he had none for me when he drugged me.

  A man walked behind her, an older gentleman with a Hawaiian collared shirt on and black slacks. They all talked and then Guy did the unthinkable, he pointed to the motel room where the girls were. I had enough. That wasn’t a fucking aspirin and tonight I was going to repay the favor.

  All I needed to do was call the police.

  “Yes, I would like to report a sex trafficking violation.” I sat in the parking lot of the restaurant next to the motel watching Guy and Blu talk as his new customer walked into the room with the girls and shut the door. I had already seen a guy go into the room; it was similar to what he tried to do to me, except he got me a hotel. How thoughtful of the asshole to allow me to be raped in luxury.

  The operator asked questions and that’s when I put on my award winning performance.

  “Yes, he is going to be leaving with them soon. Please hurry. He said he would kill me if he found out I told,” I fake cried, sounding hysterical, giving out the motel room number that I strained to see from across the street.

  “Tell me more about these people ma’am?” The operator sounded like a drone like robot asking the questions.

  “The man’s name is Guy Tramon and the woman’s name is Blu. I don’t know her name but she has aqua colored hair and she works at Club Fantasy.” They were both going down as I explained briefly what they were wearing and what cars they were driving.

  “We have an officer close- y ma’am.”

  “Thank you. I have to help these girls.” I kept up the theatrics saying my goodbyes and hanging up. I waited, slouched down in my car waiting for something to happen.

  A few seconds later, sirens in the background made my heart beat faster. They stopped talking looking around as the sound got closer. Blu felt it; I could tell by the way she swiveled her head trying to see where the sirens were coming from. When the first car swooped into the lot, Guy took off running.

  “Shit,” I screamed to the inside of my car as if I was watching this on some type of screen.

  “Stop... Police.” I heard from the car’s loudspeaker as the car sped around the building chasing Guy.

  Blu took off running herself, jumping into her car and burning rubber out of the parking lot just as the second car was pulling in.

  She peeled off heading straight for the freeway entrance that was only a half a mile away.

  Within seconds, the lot was filled with police cars and the officers were beating on the hotel door and walking Guy back around the corner in handcuffs.

  I laughed as he walked with his head down to the police car.

  “One down and one to go,” I told myself starting my car and heading to work. I knew it was only a matter of time before the mermaid got what she deserved. They had crossed the wrong person, and there was more than one way to skin a cat.

  Chapter 11


  My heart was beating out of my chest as I pressed my foot all the way to the floor scrambling away.

  “How the fuck did they know we were there?” I beat the steering wheel as I drove switching lanes.

  Quickly I thought back to every conversation we had, how we had made this arrangement in person.

  “Who the fuck would have snitched?” That’s when I remembered him screaming at that bitch over the phone.

  “That little bitch Toy!” I balled up my fist ready to slap myself. I was a total idiot to get involved with that fucker. He was too messy, leaving a vulnerable lovesick bitch like her around was a recipe for disaster.

  Jumping on the highway I weaved through lanes looking in my rear view to see if I was being followed. Just as I looked up, I saw police lights a few cars back. I drove faster trying to lose them as I jumped off at the next exit speeding to Club Fantasy. Cutting down an alley and cutting over to another street, I lost them. I needed to get to the Club but I couldn’t continue on in my car.

  Shooting up an alley behind the club, I jumped from my car leaving the engine running as I ran the next block to the club. By the time I reached the front door of the club I was out of breath, I needed help if I was going to make it.

  I burst into the club heading straight for Carl’s office.

  I made my way to the back. I needed help and he owed me. Getting to his office door, I knocked like a mad woman hurriedly twisting the knob.

  “Carl open up. I need help,” I called through the door begging him to open.

  “Who is it dammit? This is my quiet time,” I heard him scream right before opening up.

  “Carl... oh my God, I need you. The police are chasing me.” I was hunched over, hands on my knees scrambling for every breath.

  “What... the police. You got get the hell out of here then.” He grabbed my arm pushing me out until I yanked my arm away.

  “You owe me dammit.” He looked confused unsure of what the fuck I meant. “Don’t play dumb,” I told him.
  “I don’t owe you a damn thing. I let you come work here but I haven’t asked you for shit.” He must not know what I was talking about.

  “You remember Lollipop... The stripper that was killed. The one you killed. That was my Momma motherfucker.” His face went pale as he pushed the door closed.

  “Regina was your mother?” he almost whispered it to me as he stood with his back to the door.

  “Hell yeah she was. You had her killed, it was your fault and now you need to help me.” I planned on taking over the club, pushing Carl out but I didn’t have time for that. I needed to get out of this trouble.

  “I didn’t have her killed. She was my friend. Back then I was just security. Who told you that lie?” Now he was playing dumb. “Answer me!” He screamed searching my face for an answer.

  “My aunt told me. She said the whole time it was you and some other girl Frenchie. But she is gone now, my aunt has gone crazy that only leaves you.” He shook his head, walking to his desk and sitting down behind it.

  “You got it all wrong baby girl.” He lit his cigar, taking a long puff, as he pulled up a dark glass of cognac and swallowed a huge gulp.

  “Your aunt Bethany was always the one responsible. We told the police that but they didn’t want to believe us.”

  “No... no... she said it was you,” I screamed at him. He wasn’t about to turn this around on my aunt. “This shit drove her crazy.” He looked un-phased reaching his hand under his desk.

  “What are you doing? Are you pressing that fucking alarm button?” I lunged toward him when I heard the knocks on the door.

  I knocked over a chair, grabbing the bottle of cognac and throwing it towards the door.

  Furious knocks came to the door I panicked screaming throwing chairs towards the doorway. This was it. I pulled my gun from my purse just as Carl started screaming.

  “ She has a gun! Break it down!” Carl screamed from behind me.

  “Blu Stevens!” I whipped around hearing my government name. It was the police, two blue uniforms grabbing for their guns. I quickly threw mine to the ground putting my hands up.

  “Keep your hands up!” They screamed stepping towards me, roughly grabbing my arms. One of the security was behind them now going to Carl.

  “You should arrest him. He killed my Mother. He did it. You killed her!” I was crying now looking at him as he shook his head. “What the hell is going on? I didn’t do anything.” I tried wrestling out of the cops grasp. My bun was now gone, my hair was cascading down my face mixing with my tears as they carried me out.

  “Blu Collins you are under the arrest for sexual trafficking, exploitation of minors, and resisting arrest.” Shit, my mind raced trying to think of what to do.

  “Shit she’s bleeding.” Looking down, I saw blood oozing from my hand. I didn’t even notice I was cut in all the commotion. Wrapping a towel around my hand, they led me out of the room.

  “I want my lawyer,” I screamed as I walked out. Officers were on either side of me with one holding the towel on my cut hand.

  The security looked at each other and then looked towards me as they carried me towards the door. Past all of the girls and the customer’s they escorted me out like some fucking criminal. Right before they took me outside I saw that raggedy bitch Syd and Tori, both of the whores looking as tired as a homeless person. But Tori was smiling, her face filled with glee blowing me a kiss as I passed.

  “Aww, Blu. I’m gonna miss you sweetie.” I knew what happened as soon as I saw her face.

  “You little newbie bitch. You snitched on me.”

  She chuckled looking innocent. “Who me? Never. I’ll make sure I send you a lawyer,” she screamed after me as they pushed me through outside to the doors of the club. There was no music as everyone watched me.

  I was the show tonight and as they stuffed me in the squad car I thought of what Carl said. That it wasn’t him. He knew her by name... her real name.

  In the back of the police car, with the dozens of people watching and the cherry lights blazing I tried putting the pieces together. What if he is telling the truth? It was a good question and if he was telling the truth, my aunt was going to pay for this. Whenever I got the chance and whenever I got free she was going to pay good with the only thing she had left... her life.



  I walked through broken glass and blood to get to his office.

  “Fuck this shit. I’m not doing this shit anymore.” I heard Carl’s voice weak and panicked along with items banging against the wall. Making it to his office, I saw what all the commotion was about. His office looked like a tornado hit it swirling his furniture, drinks, and blood all around the room.

  He looked up at me as I entered, stepping over even more broken glass and turned over chairs.

  “You see what this bitch did?” It was hard to miss it but I nodded at his question anyway.

  “I’m done with this shit Syd. That bitch jewels or Blu or whatever the fuck her name is.” He was so furious he couldn’t speak and frankly, he didn’t need to. While on stage I made up my mind.

  “I’m going to buy the club from you Carl,” I told him, letting the words sink in.

  “Bout damn time you decided because I’m done with this shit,” he said as a few security guards filing in with trash bags and brooms to clean up the mess.

  He was cursing, directing the security and throwing broken pictures into the trash bags himself. I stayed watching Carl but I couldn’t hear a thing. All I heard were cries. Tears of all the girls that had come in this building with a smile and left crying their eyes out. The cycle of negativity would have to stop somewhere and it would stop with me.

  “So I’m gonna have my lawyer start the process tomorrow,” Carl said, standing close to me breaking my thoughts.

  “You can keep the name if you want. I don’t want it,” he said, slapping his hands as if to clear his hands.

  “I don’t want it.”

  “Why not? What will you call it then?” I thought for a second for a name, something I toyed around with the last few days but nothing solid until just now.

  “The Syd Vicious pole dance school.” Carl turned his head looking like he didn’t understand so I decided to enlighten him.

  “You don’t get on that stage and you don’t know how it feels.” I started thinking of the first night that I danced. That amateur night months ago was the night that changed me from nervous and scared to a money making machine.

  “This place is a last resort, a black hole for souls and I’m tired of it. When I buy the club it will no longer be a club but a school for dancing and fun,” I told him, my hands on my hips staring through him seeing his soul and I knew he didn’t understand.

  “You do what you want as long as I get my money.” Carl said flopping down in his desk and grabbing a stack of papers and tossing them on his desk towards me.

  “Fill this out and the club is yours with my money of course.” He said sucking his gold teeth.

  I snatched the papers and reading over the paperwork. I was ready to end this place, change it into something else because this foolishness had went on for too long.

  No one probably would understand but that was okay. As long as I could sleep at night, knowing I changed a woman’s life, I would be okay with that. No one needed to be a stripper and if I had anything to do with it, they wouldn’t have to. This was the end of Club Fantasy and Syd Vicious. I was going to be simply Syd again and that was alright with me.

  Thank you for reading

  Thank You for Reading

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  Also by Solae Dehvine

  Abducted By Lust

  Abducted By Lust: Part 1

  Abducted By Lust: Part 2

  Abducted By Lust: Part 3

  Basketball Wives

  Basketball Wives: Part 1

  Basketball Wives: Part 2

all Wives: Part 3

  Love Lock Down

  Love Lock Down: Part 1

  Love Lock Down: Part 2

  Love Lock Down: Part 3

  Red Bottom Diaries

  Red Bottom Diaries: Part 1

  Red Bottom Diaries: Part 2

  Red Bottom Diaries: Part 3

  Stripper Confessions

  Stripper Confessions: Part 1

  Stripper Confessions: Part 3

  Stripper Confessions Series

  Stripper Confessions: Part 2

  What's Done in the Dark Series

  What's Done in the Dark: Part 1

  What's Done in the Dark: Part 2

  What's Done in the Dark: Part 3 (What Comes to Light)

  What's Done in the Dark: Part 4


  What's Done in the Dark: Part 1-4

  Stripper Confessions: The Complete Series

  Abducted By Lust: The Complete Series

  Red Bottom Diaries: The Complete Series

  Basketball Wives: The Complete Series

  Love Lock Down: The Complete Series

  What's Done in the Dark: Part 5

  Stripper Confessions 2




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