by Lisa Rogak
Newton, Huey, 48
New York City, 37, 199
stories based in, 134–35
New Yorker magazine, 164, 182–83, 242
New York Times, 155, 188
Nicholson, Jack, 106
nightmares, 16, 18–19
Nightmares and Dreamscapes (collection), 177
Nightmares in the Sky (commentary by SK), 160
Night of the Living Dead (movie), 46, 117
Night Shift (collection), 86, 98
Nodd’s Ridge, Maine (fictional), 186
North Carolina, 142
North Cumberland Memorial Hospital, 203
North Windham, Maine, 75
novels, SK’s
errors in, noted by fans, 111
first, 41–42
first major sales, 72
rejections, 59–60
of a single chapter, 113
too horrible to publish, 94, 130
“trunk” novels, 236
number 217 (room), 77, 106
Ochs, Phil, 36
O. Henry Awards, 184
Old Town, Maine, 52–53, 73, 103
Onan (magazine), 49
One on One (Tabitha Spruce King), 176–77
On Writing, 5, 187, 202, 206, 209, 213–14
Orono, Maine, 40, 57
Orrington, Maine, 93
Osprey, Fla., 219, 237
The Other (movie), 71
OxyContin, 207
painkillers, SK subjected to, after accident, 204, 207, 208
paperback rights, 73–74
parties, SK at, 36–37
Pat’s Pizza, 45
Patterson, James, 116
Paul Sheldon character, 153
Paxton, Tom, 36
PayDay candy bar, 111
peace movement, 42
Pearson, Ridley, 171, 172, 173, 178, 218–19, 235–36, 242
Peckinpah, Sam, 188
Peltry, Maine (fictional), 186
Penguin, 190
Penzler, Otto, 114–15, 214, 217, 237
Percocet, 204
Pet Sematary (book), 138
publication of, 123, 129–30, 131
writing of, 94
Pet Sematary (movie), 162
Philtrum Press, 151, 211
Phippen, Sandy, 120, 127, 131, 142, 170–71, 215
Pietsch, Michael, 116
Pillsbury, Carolyn (SK’s aunt), 9, 12
Pillsbury, Ethelyn (SK’s aunt), 9, 11, 19, 21, 30
Pillsbury, Guy (pseudonym briefly used by SK), 83
Pillsbury, Guy Herbert (SK’s grandfather), 8–9, 19
death of, 37
Pillsbury, Guy Jr. (SK’s uncle), 9
Pillsbury, Jonathan (SK’s ancestor), 8
Pillsbury, Lois (SK’s aunt), 9, 13
Pillsbury, Mary (SK’s aunt), 9
Pillsbury, Mary 2 (SK’s aunt), 9
Pillsbury, Mollie (SK’s aunt), 9, 11
Pillsbury, Nellie Ruth (SK’s mother)
birth of, 8
death of, 5–6, 76
influence on SK’s stories, 26–27
lessons taught to SK, 15–18
marries Donald King, 9–10
musical career of, 10
pregnancy of, and tar eating, 155–56
struggles for survival with menial jobs, 11–21, 40, 59, 74, 147
Pillsbury House, Scarborough, Maine, 9
Pineland Training Center, New Gloucester, 74
The Pit and the Pendulum (movie), SK’s adaptation of, 26–27
Pitlor, Heidi, 237–38
plagiarism, 120
The Plant (book), 151, 211–12
The Plant (e-book version), 211–12
Plantation, Fla., 228
Plymouth Fury, 125–26
Poe, Edgar Allan, 20, 75, 238–39
polio epidemic, 17
Poltergeist (movie project), 176
popular culture
references in SK’s writing, 6
SK’s depth of knowledge of, 172–73, 222, 240
laws against, 142, 149
SK’s feeble attempts at, 63–64
Porta Potti, 238–39
Portland, Maine, 8, 10, 101, 102, 185
Presley, Elvis, 22
Prize Stories 1996: The O. Henry Awards, 184
promotional tours, 99, 100, 108
Prouts Neck, Maine, 8
pseudonyms, SK’s, 83–84, 86, 137–39
PS Publishing, 226
psychics, SK’s belief in, 105
public service announcements (PSAs), by SK, 212
advances and royalties, economics of, 191
SK’s dealings with, 59–60, 81, 143, 190–91
Publishers Weekly lists, 116
pulp magazines, SK’s collection of, 28, 46
Purinton, Lew, 27–28, 31–32, 33, 38, 40
Putnam, 97, 190
“Quitters, Inc.,” 217
rabies, 112–13
racism, SK’s, 108
radio, music played on, 35–36, 129
Rage (Bachman book), 83–84, 86, 89, 138, 140, 194–95
taken off the market, 195
Ralph Roberts character, 179
Ram’s Horn coffehouse, Orono, 50
Randall Flagg character, 87
Random House, 42
rats, 39–40, 76
Red Sox, 3, 107–8, 133, 150, 201, 209, 219–20
The Regulators (Bachman), 188–90, 240
Reiner, Rob, 176
rejection slips, 26, 30, 32–33, 42, 59–60
religious beliefs, SK’s, 189
religious fanatics, 29, 65
Richard Striker character, 99
Riding the Bullet (e-novel), 209, 210–11
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, 175
Roadrunner cartoons, 118
The Road to the Dark Tower (Vincent), 5
Roadwork (Bachman book), 75, 86, 140
Roberts, Julia, 230
Rock Bottom Remainders, 171–73, 177–79, 218, 235–36
rock music, 129, 217
Roland Deschain character, 56, 116, 200, 214
Romero, George, 117–18, 181
Rose Madder, 184, 188
Rosemary’s Baby (movie), 71
Route 15, Maine, 93–94
Rowe, Robert, 68
Rowling, J. K., 237
Rubinstein, Richard, 117
Runaround Pond, Maine, 19
The Running Man (Bachman book), 117, 140
The Running Man (movie), 155
Russians, fear of, 17–18
Salem’s Lot (book), 71, 73, 82, 107, 123, 147, 196
publishing of, 80–81
writing of, 74–76
Salem’s Lot (TV miniseries), 99–100, 133
Salinger, J. D., 149, 231
Sarasota, Fla., 195, 219
Savini, Tom, 118
Scarborough, Maine, 8–10
scary stuff, SK’s exposure to, 16–19
Schilling, Curt, 220
Schiro, Jeffrey C., 116
Schneider, Peter, 189–90
scholarships, given by SK, 148–49
school shootings, 194–95
Schuman, Samuel, 91–92
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 155
science fiction, 15, 136
Scribner, 191, 201, 218, 220–22, 229–30, 237
séances, SK’s avoidance of, 105
Sebago Lake, 75
Second Coming (working title), 67, 71
“Secret Window, Secret Garden,” 163
September 11, 2001, events, 217–18
serialized novels, 187–88
serial killers, 21–22
Serling, Rod, 120
Seuss, Dr., 15
sex games, 168–69
sexism, 54
SK’s view of, 48–49, 63
SK’s writing about, 121
the Shamrock, 45
Shawn T. Mansfield S
tadium, 170
The Shawshank Redemption (book), 196
The Shawshank Redemption (movie), 182
Shelley, Mary, 75
The Shining (book), 7, 84–85, 108, 116, 124, 147, 196
criticism of, 84
idea for, and writing of, 78–80
publication of, 82, 84, 94
The Shining (Kubrick movie), 94, 100, 105–6
SK’s disappointment with, 106, 126, 193–94
The Shining (miniseries), 193–94
Shooter, Jim, 149
shootings, school, 194–95
short stories, SK’s
first commercial publication (not a sale), 33–34
first commercial sale, 42, 55
recent return to writing of, 238–39
sales to men’s magazines, 63–66, 68–69, 70–71, 85–86, 98
sales to small magazines, 114
SK’s onstage reading of, 49
sold to schoolmates, 33
The Shotgunners (screenplay), 188
signings, 162, 189–90
Silver, Warren, 3, 208
Silverberg, Robert, 81
Silver Bullet (book), 131
Silver Bullet (movie), 131
Simak, Clifford, 81
Simon and Garfunkel, 49
Simon & Schuster, 191
Singer, Isaac, 98
Singer, Loren, 59
on family life, 78
salacious, 200
Skeleton Crew (collection), 139, 143, 145
“Slade,” 58
small magazines, SK’s writing for, 114
small presses, SK’s work published by, 114, 170
small towns, tall tales in, 19
Small World (Tabitha Spruce King), 110
Smith, Bryan, 202–3, 205, 207–8
death of, 213
Smucky (cat), death of, 94
The Snake Pit (movie), 16
“Something to Tide You Over,” 117
Sometimes They Come Back (movies), 174–75
Sonderegger, Shirley, 140
Song of Susannah, 220
Spacek, Sissy, 82
spiders, 241
Spielberg, Steven, 176
Spignesi, Stephen, 154, 216
Springer Cabins, Orono, 54
Spruce, Joseph, 53
Spruce, Raymond George, 52
Spruce, Sarah (SK’s mother-in-law), 219, 234
Spruce, Tabitha Jane (SK’s wife), 16, 52–55, 96, 101, 153, 165, 169, 173, 202, 207, 218, 221, 236
on celebrities, 3
celebrity status of, 127–28
collaborations with SK not possible, 215–16
early married life, 62
fearlessness of, 214–15
health issues, 193
helps SK with writing ideas, 66, 67, 110
marriage health, 214
marriage to SK, 61
pregnant with first child, 54–55
second child, 68
telling SK to clean up his act, 96, 142, 154, 156–57, 159
third child, 86
work style as writer, 110–11, 177, 186
writing career, 54, 110–11, 128, 136, 176–77, 186–87, 232–33
Spruce (Pinette) family, 53
Sputnik, 18
Stalking the Nightmare anthology, 134
Stanchfield, Bethany, 93
The Stand (book), 5, 87–89, 111, 196
publication of, 87–89
writing of, 80, 86, 87–88
The Stand (miniseries), 181–82, 193
The Stand (movie), 117
Stand by Me (book), 196
Stand by Me (movie), 120, 176
The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition, 162–63
Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colo., 77–78
Stark, Richard, 83
Starkweather, Charles, 21–22
Startling Mystery Stories, 42, 46
Steel, Danielle, 240
Steel, Terry, 104
Stefko, Joe, 189
Steinbeck, John, 43
Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation, 148–49, 162, 169–70, 242
Stephen King’s Lawnmower Man, 175
Stephen King’s Rose Red (miniseries), 218
The Storm of the Century (miniseries), 199–200
Stratford, Conn., 13
Straub, Peter, 81, 90, 94, 139, 148, 201, 209–10, 217, 222
Students for a Democratic Society, 51
student teaching, 54
Stu Redman character, 87
Sturgeon, Theodore, 111
“Suffer the Little Children,” 64
suicide, 221
“The Sun Dog,” 163
Survivor (Tabitha Spruce King), 186–87
Swithen, John (pseudonym), 64, 177
Tales by Moonlight anthology, 134
The Talisman (joint venture with Peter Straub), 139, 143
The Talisman (movie project), 176
tall tales, in a small town, 19
Tan, Amy, 171, 177
Tasmanian Devil, 98
Tavern on the Green, New York City, 199
TBR (to be read) bookcase, 218–19
teaching, SK’s feeling about, 62–63
teenagers, troubled, and influence of SK’s books, 194–95
telekinesis, 66
censorship on, 133, 194, 200
SK adaptations for, 99–100
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (movie), 46
Thandeka (Naomi King’s partner), 212–13
therapists, SK’s fear of, 1–2, 156, 160
“They’re Creeping Up on You,” 117
Thinner (Bachman), 121–22, 137–38, 143
thirteen, fear of, 1
Thompson, Bill, 59–60, 63, 64, 67, 71–76, 87, 89, 111, 231
Thompson, Flip, 65
Time magazine, 148
flush, 27
outdoor, 238–39
Tolkien, J. R. R., 55–56
Lord of the Rings series, 55
The Tommyknockers, 148, 154–55
tongue covered with green fungus incident, 118
triskaidekaphobia, 1
“Trucks,” 86, 140
trucks, 140–41
“trunk” novels, SK’s, 236
Tutu, Desmond, 213
Twentieth Century-Fox, 74
20th Century Ghosts (Joe Hill), 226
Twilight Zone (Rod Serling), 120
twins, 161
typewriters, SK’s, 23–24, 81
Unitarian/Universalist faith, 212, 228–29
United Artists, 74
University of Maine at Orono (UMO), 38–55, 127
English Department, 42–44, 91–93, 97–98
SK’s activism at, 999
University of Vermont, 200–201
Unnatural Acts of Intercourse (working title), 242
unpopular girls as models for later SK stories, 28–29, 65
Uris, Leon, 87
Utica, N.Y., 228
vampires, 67, 75–76, 99–100
movies about, 99
Van Ronk, Dave, 36
vasectomy incident, 95
Vassar College, 184
Verrill, Chuck, 97, 142, 164, 182, 191, 230
“A Very Tight Place,” 238–39
Vicodin, 204
Vietnam War, 42, 50, 136
Viking, 89, 110, 151, 173, 189, 190–91
The Village Vomit (high school newspaper), 34–35, 39
Vincent, Bev, 4–5, 139
Vincinanza, Ralph, 210
censorship of, 194
urge to, 124
Virginia Beach, Maine, 142
WACZ, 129
Walken, Christopher, 126
Walsh, George, 110
Warner Books, 114
Warner Brothers, 193
Washington, D.C., 37
The Wastelands, 166
Wavedancer Foundation, 236
Webber, Gen
eral (ghost), 104–5
Weird Tales, 76
Wells, H. G., 8
We’re All in This Together (Owen King), 227
West De Pere, Wisc., 11, 12
West Durham, Maine, 11, 19–24
Westlake, Donald, 84, 218
White, Sarah Jane, 52
white guys, SK’s view of, 108
Whitney Museum, 161
Wiater, Stanley, 133, 139, 148, 210, 221
Wilder, Thornton, Our Town, 67
Wile E. Coyote, 118
Willden, Nye, 60, 64, 68, 71, 85
Willey, Brenda, 68
William Arnold House (Stephen King family home), Bangor, Maine, 103–5, 164–66
Windolf, Jim, 231
witches, 12
Wizard and Glass, 190
Wolves of the Calla, 220, 222
The Woman in the Room (movie), 175–76
“The Woman in the Room” (story), 77
women, and SK, 121
women’s liberation, 65
Wood, Patty, 185
work, as drug to SK, 221–22
World Series, 107–8
Worumbo Mills and Weaving, 39–40, 60
Wrightson, Bernie, 162
SK’s view on the utility of, 98
star, publishers’ pressure on, 116
writer’s block, SK’s overcoming of, 155, 180
SK’s book on, 213–14
SK’s theory of creation vs. unearthing, 180
WZON, 129, 161
The X-Files (TV show), 197
Yanko’s Taxi Service, 35
Yarmouth, Maine, 192, 228
York, Pennsylvania, 37
Zebra (publisher), 97
Zenith the Common Ivy, 211