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The Alien Assassin’s Convenient Wife: An ‘In The Stars’ Romance

Page 9

by Dixon, Ruby

  I've never had a boyfriend talk to me—or my pussy—the way Jadzion talks to me. It makes me squirm even as it arouses me. He tosses aside my skirt and panties as if they offend him, and then runs a hand reverently along my thigh before moving to my knees and gently pushing them apart.

  I moan aloud, unable to help myself, and reach over my head, looking for something to hold onto. My hands find a strange, sausage-like pillow and I grab it, clenching tight as he bends down and rubs his mouth lightly along the inside of my thigh.

  This. Is. Killing. Me.

  I dig my fingers into the pillow, holding my breath as he kisses his way up the inside of my thigh. When he finally gets to my pussy, I let out the most unladylike grunt, a mixture of relief and nerves and need all at once. Jadzion only chuckles at my reaction and rubs his face against my most sensitive parts. He groans, hiking his hands underneath my hips and tilting them up for his mouth. "This is mine," he murmurs.

  And then he claims me with tongue and lips.

  I can't stop the cries I make any more than I can stop the way my hips move with each stroke of his tongue. He glides it over my folds, then dips through them and explores every bit of my pussy, lavishly tasting and lapping at each inch of skin until I feel like I'm going to go mad from the ticklishness of it. It feels good, but god, I want him to go for my clit. So, so bad. "Jadzion, please," I whisper. "I need you to—"

  "Shh," he tells me. "I'm taking my time. Let me enjoy the taste of my mate. It's a first for me."

  I want to ask if this is his first everything, but then his tongue grazes over my clit and my body feels electrified. I cry out, arching up off the bed. He groans, excited at my response, and teases my clit over and over, working me with his tongue and lips, until I'm writhing against his face. I come hard and fast, my entire body clenching in release, and I'm shocked at how fast that was. I've never come so quickly.

  Jadzion isn't done with me, though. He continues to lick my pussy, dragging his tongue over my folds as if he could stay down there all day. He looks up at me, then, satisfied I've caught my breath, begins to work me over again until I'm crying out with my second orgasm. This one comes with toe-curling swiftness, right on the heels of the last one, and it's like my body didn't even come down from the first one.

  When he lowers his head again, I put a hand on his shoulder. "Jadzion, wait."

  He ignores me, and I notice his skin is flushed so deep a red it looks painful. "You're mine," he tells me, voice ragged. He bends his head again, clearly intent on claiming me once more.

  "Then take me," I exclaim. "Make me yours." And I reach for him.

  He lifts his head again, his eyes crimson with need. "Jenna, I won't be able to stop—"

  "Don't care. I want you," I tell him, brushing my fingers over his scorchingly red cheek. "Claim me. Take me. Make love to me."

  Jadzion gets to his feet, and as I watch, he strips his clothing off. They come free in an instant, the fastenings practically coming apart at a touch, and then he’s naked before me. I knew his chest was glorious but his cock takes my breath away. It’s magnificently huge, thick and yet elegant, the crown wet with fluid. The base of his cock is encircled by a neatly trimmed nest of stark white curls, but the most shocking thing is the blatant, vibrant red of his cock. The rest of him is flushed with color, but it’s concentrated here and so red that it leaves me speechless.

  “Does that happen every time?” I ask when I can manage to form my thoughts.

  He glances down. “It will always be this hard, yes.”

  I can feel my face heating. “I meant the color. It’s so…bright.”

  “The red will fade once I claim my truemate.” He grins broadly at me. “Which should happen any time now.”

  I love how pleased he is. “What are you waiting for, then?”

  With a low growl, he moves over me, his mouth hot and hungry on mine as he claims me in another kiss. All the playfulness has disappeared, leaving nothing but need. Eagerly, I kiss him back, wrapping my legs around his hips. He feels so good on top of me that I want him to stay there forever. But then, he shifts between my thighs, his cock at my entrance, and I decide that lying on top of me can wait.

  "Yes," I tell him, lifting my hips. "Please."

  My alien surges into me, and then we're one. I gasp in shock, because his cock's bigger than I anticipated, and I feel stretched to my limits around him. He goes still, pressing small kisses to my mouth and whispering things in a language I don't understand, but they sound sweet and loving. Jadzion brushes his lips over mine once more and then begins a slow rhythm with his hips that leaves me moaning.

  I've always heard that it's not the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean. Clearly they're liars, because this beast that Jadzion is using against me is incredible. Of course, his ocean's motion is pretty fucking good, too. I close my eyes, lost as he pushes into me with steady, pounding movements that make me feel so incredible and yet leave me aching deep in my core. I already came twice, of course, but apparently my body hasn't gotten the memo, because the more he thrusts into me, the more I need. Soon, I'm gripping his hips and gasping his name, a melting sort of hunger pooling in my belly. I've never felt anything like that—most orgasms are quick and brutal, but this one seems elusive and deep and I know that if I catch it, it'll be amazing.

  Lost in sensation, I only moan encouragement when Jadzion moves faster, because it makes that coil of pleasure in my belly tighten even more. He pumps into me harder, and then instead of a coil in my belly, it's intense bliss exploding all through my body. I'm coming again, and it's ten times stronger than before. Gasping, I manage to cling to his shoulders as another climax ripples through me, making everything clench up.

  "Jenna," he groans, and grabs a handful of my hair, holding me against him as he presses a kiss to my mouth. His hips continue to surge against me, and Jadzion holds my gaze as he rocks into my shuddering body. It's the most intense thing I've ever felt, and I swear I come all over again when he grits out my name and I feel the hot spill of him inside me, filling me with his seed.

  He groans and collapses on top of me when he's done, and I gleefully wrap my limbs around him again, enjoying the feel of his weight pushing me into the mattress. "Should I expect four orgasms every night, or was this just to hook me?" I ask, utterly exhausted and yet I've never felt better. Even my toes feel permanently curled with delight. "Because if so, well played, sir. Consider me hooked."

  Jadzion gives a breathless laugh, smoothing my sweaty hair from my face. "Is it normal to have fewer? I confess this was my first time. I'll do better with practice."

  "Your…first time?" I can feel my eyes go wide. He needs practice? "Dear lord. You're going to kill me with that dick of yours."

  He just grins and presses another kiss to my lips, and the movement causes his hips to twitch against my sensitive parts, and everything clenches up pleasurably again. Oooh. "Will you be sad to leave Earth behind?" he asks suddenly.

  "You're asking me that after four orgasms?" I ask dreamily. "Fuck Earth. If you promise me four orgasms a night, you can take me to any planet you want to, no questions asked."

  He chuckles and rolls to the side, and I'm disappointed to lose the heft of him over me—but then he pulls me against his body and tucks me close. Aww. I like this, too. "I'm serious, Jenna. I do not want you to have regrets."

  I think about it for a moment. "Honestly? I'm a little scared and nervous, but I don't think I can stay anyhow. And I want to go with you. I'll leave knowing we saved the world, and that makes me happy."

  "We'll figure out something else to do, together," he agrees, and presses a kiss to my shoulder. "We have plenty of time to figure it out. My payment for A’Dor's retrieval is quite large."

  "Maybe we'll go exploring," I tell him. "You can show me all the cool beach planets, and I can buy a bunch of intergalactic bikinis."

  "I know a few beach planets," Jadzion says, nuzzling my ear. "We'll go there first."

  I smile
and snuggle down against him. Is it possible to fall in love in one day? I'm not entirely sure, but this feels right. It feels good. And I have the rest of my life with this man to figure things out.

  Sounds good to me.

  Author’s Note


  This concept came about while chatting with my friend Michele Mills one night via email. She mentioned she was doing an In The Stars novella and my friend Celia Kyle was coordinating them as well. If you have read any of my author’s notes in the past, you know this is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

  I wanted to do one too. ;)

  So here we are! It was a really fun project and it was also fun to collaborate with another writer in regards to how our aliens should look and act, all the way down to guns and genitalia. Most of it involved me telling Michele “No it needs to be like this” because I’m a tyrant, but she took it like a real sport.

  (Ruby does not play well with others, which is why there are no IPB collaborations!)

  Michele wrote Heriot’s story (the staid, stiff older brother) and I loved reading her concept. Hers is way sexier than mine, so go read it! It is also in Kindle Unlimited and priced at $0.99. It’s a great time to try out another author, and I recommend her stuff. It’s fun and there were a few moments I laughed out loud, which is always a pleasure.

  I hope you enjoy these stories as much as Michele and I enjoyed working on them! If you are so inclined, check out the other IN THE STARS novellas, which all take the usual romance tropes (Secret babies! Secretaries!) and put an out-of-this-world spin on things. Fun stuff. <3

  Next month – Sentorr!


  Ruby <3 <3 <3

  Want Heriot’s book?

  Need to read about the more serious of the two brothers? Got an itch to find out more about the R’Etor? You should try Michele Mills’s companion novella!

  The Alien Assassin’s Stolen Bride

  Hannah’s having a bad day. Her friends have ditched her, and she’s stuck going on a tour of Hearst Castle. And she ends up seated next to a muscle-bound, dangerous-looking man dressed all in black, with pearly-white skin and silver eyes.

  Heriot is an assassin known for his one hundred percent kill rate…and his grim disposition. He’s all work and no fun, according to his brother and partner, Jadzion. And he’s all business as he tracks down his latest target on some filthy backwater planet called Earth. He’s got two diurnal cycles to take out his target, so there’s not a lot of time for shenanigans.

  He didn’t expect to find his true mate during the middle of this hit. He didn’t expect her to be a stunning human female who could gentle his stern demands. And he didn’t expect to be reduced to a raging, rutting beast on this mission. Can he convince his innocent mate to return with him to his home planet before his time is up, or will he be forced to steal her?

  Also by Ruby Dixon


  Fire in His Blood

  Fire in His Kiss

  Fire in His Embrace

  Fire in His Fury

  Fire In His Spirit


  Ice Planet Barbarians

  Barbarian Alien

  Barbarian Lover

  Barbarian Mine

  Ice Planet Holiday (novella)

  Barbarian’s Prize

  Barbarian’s Mate

  Having the Barbarian’s Baby (short story)

  Ice Ice Babies (short story)

  Barbarian’s Touch

  Calm(short story)

  Barbarian’s Taming

  Aftershocks (short story)

  Barbarian’s Heart

  Barbarian’s Hope

  Barbarian’s Choice

  Barbarian’s Redemption

  Barbarian’s Lady

  Barbarian’s Rescue

  Barbarian’s Tease

  The Barbarian Before Christmas (novella)

  Barbarian’s Beloved














  Bedlam Butchers, Volumes 1-3: Off Limits, Packing Double, Double Trouble

  Bedlam Butchers, Volumes 4-6: Double Down, Double or Nothing, Slow Ride

  Double Dare You


  SHIFT: Five Complete Novellas

  Want More?

  For more information about upcoming books in the Ice Planet Barbarians, Fireblood Dragons, or any other books by Ruby Dixon, ‘like’ me on Facebook or subscribe to my new release newsletter.

  Thanks for reading!

  <3 Ruby




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