Husband's Friend

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Husband's Friend Page 2

by Sybil Laine

  So, every time John comes over. After we release from our embrace. I thank him for all he has done for me and Jake, then I see him off.

  Jake has been getting into fights at school. He’s been suspended for the second time this month. I’ve grounded him as a punishment. Even when he isn’t grounded, he’s been isolating himself in his room.

  "Jake, dinner is ready," I yell from the bottom of the stairs. There is no response. I go up and knock on Jake’s bedroom door and without waiting for a response I open it. Jake is sitting on the bed. He has a chef’s knife up to his arm and looks like he’s about to cut himself. I run over to him and rip the knife out of his hand.

  “What were you going to do with this?” I yell at Jake. He’s unfazed and just stares at the ground.

  “I just feel so sad that Dad is gone. I wasn’t going to do anything.” I sit next to Jake and take him in both arms.

  “I can’t lose you too. I’ll find someone you can talk to. In the meantime, you can tell me anything. Anything that is bothering you, okay.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  We have dinner in silence. I keep an eye on Jake. When I tuck him in for bed I leave his bedroom door open.

  What kind of mother am I? I should have got Jake help a lot sooner. All of the signs were there. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own head, I haven’t thought how Jake is handling Ryan’s disappearance.

  I open up some boxed wine. I’ve decided to drown my sorrows. I’ve always hated the taste of wine, but by the third glass, it doesn't bother me. I rummage through boxes in the garage. Trying to find the video recording of my wedding. I find the DVD discs and put the video on in the living room.

  I watch the video of my younger 18-year-old self. I look so happy. Ryan looks into the camera it feels like his eyes are looking right at me. I feel ashamed that our last meaningful conversation was a fight. About sex of all things. I wish I could take back all of the things I said to him.

  I imagine Ryan is here with me. He’s undresses me and lays me down. He kisses me on the lips, then my neck, between my breasts, and then my belly button. He gets down between my legs. I feel head between my thighs. Then I feel course hairs scratching me. Ryan doesn’t have facial hair. I look between my legs and John is staring back at me. His tongue lashes my pussy and brings a moan out of me. His tongue stiffens and delves inside my hotness. I’ve never felt anything this good before. The thought of Ryan is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want John to continue abusing my pussy with his mouth. I can feel myself getting closer to the cliff of orgasming. I can almost reach it. John’s tongue is now rubbing against my clit in a circular motion. It’s too much. I’m going to…SMASH.

  I startle awake. I can hear someone moving around in the garage. Someone's broken in. I can see the deadbolt on the door that leads to the garage and it's unlocked. I'm such a dummy. I was drunk and forgot to lock the door. I need to find my phone. It's upstairs. I rush up there and find the phone lying on my bed. The last person who called is John, it’s just a push of a button to call him.

  The phone rings three times and seems like an eternity. John answers.

  “John, it’s Amanda. Someone’s broken into the house. They’re downstairs right now. You have to come…” The phone dies before I can finish. I won’t be able to call the police.

  I rush to Jakes room trying to be as quiet as I can. I place my hand over his mouth and shake him awake. "There's an intruder downstairs. We need to hide until help comes." Jake nods his head indicating that he understands. I help him up and take him by the hand and we go down the halls and lock ourselves in the bathroom with the lights off. We can see a sliver of faint light from underneath the door and pray that we won't see anyone in front of it.

  Chapter 4


  I get Amanda’s call and the conversation was cut off. I throw on some clothes and rush out my trailer. I don’t bother locking up. My motorcycle roars to life, I turn the accelerator with my hand, my tire spins out, and I bolt down the road. There’s hardly any traffic this time of night. What cars I see I quickly overtake. I’m only ten minutes away but it seems like hours.

  I promised Ryan that I would take care of his family while he was gone. I’m the best at what I do. I won’t break that promise.

  A spike of guilt fills me. My thoughts are not all altruistic. I look forward to my checkups with Amanda. She has a body to kill for. Not like all the skinny models that the millennials want to imitate. Amanda has curves in all the right spots. Something to grab onto during a hot night of fucking. Whenever I hug her. I try to press her to me. I love feeling her huge breasts smashed up against me. As much as I try to hold back, my dick always responds and hardens when I feel her. The last time we hugged I tried to grab a handful of her sweet ass, but she grabbed my wrist and moved my hand away.

  My mind flashes back to the task at hand. Amanda’s in trouble. I need to hurry. I get my hog to over a hundred miles per hour and tear down the street.

  I finally arrive at the house. The ground floor lights are on. I go around to the side and see that a door that leads to the garage has been forced open. I pull out my KA-BAR, standard issue Marine knife. I move into the house from the garage. No one is in sight. Did they take off when they heard my bike pull up?

  I enter the living room. There’s movement to my right. A man bowls me over and I fall directly onto the glass coffee table, shattering it to bits. A piece of glass slices down the forearm of my knife hand causing me to drop the knife. The intruder bolts through the garage and out of the house. I get up and pursue him.

  I see him in the distance two yards down and hopping over fences. I feel warm blood running down my forearm and dripping from my fingers. I won't be hopping any fences with my arm all torn up.

  I go back inside the house. There may be another intruder. I retrieve my knife and head upstairs. I check the rooms and don’t find Amanda, Jake, or an intruder. The hall bathroom door is locked.

  “Amanda…Jake, are you in there? It’s me, John.”

  “Yes, we’re here. I’m so glad you came.”

  “Keep yourself locked in there. I’m going to do one more sweep of the house. Then I’ll come back to let you out.”

  "Okay." Amanda's voice is quivering with fear. All I want to do is hold her in my arms and tell her that she has nothing to fear when I’m around.

  I check under beds, in closets, and anywhere where someone may be hiding and find nothing. I secure the house the best I can and return to let Amanda and Jake out.

  As soon as the door opens Amanda falls into my arms. Her face buried in my chest. I wrap my uninjured arm around her and hold her tight.

  “I was so scared. I’m so glad you came.” Amanda moves away from me. “Oh no, you’re bleeding. It looks like a deep cut, you’re dripping blood everywhere.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Jake get the first aid kit. Come here John, sit down.” Amanda has me sit on the toilet seat of the small bathroom and she sits on the edge of the tub directly across from me.

  Jake returns with the first aid kit and says he's going back to bed, leaving Amanda and me alone.


  I get some hydrogen peroxide and wet a cloth with it and press it against John’s cut. He grabs my forearm with his good hand and winces. I can feel the roughness of his hands. This is a man that has been a laborer all of his adult life. His grip is strong and slightly painful but in a good way.

  “It’ll be easier if you take your shirt off,” I say trying to mask my desire to see him shirtless.

  John has a long-sleeved T-shirt on. He stands up. His crouch is directly in front of my face. I can see his pants are bulging where his cock would be. I imagine it to be big. John pulls the shirt over his head. He’s a hairy man. He has dark hair. Thick curly hair covers his wide chest and broad shoulders. It thins out to on the sides but remains thick down his midline going straight down to the edge of his pants. I imagine it goes straight down to his massive cock. I bite my
bottom lip. John sits back down.

  I clean his wound and apply a bandage. “I’ll look at it again tomorrow morning. You may need to get stitches.”

  “I can come back tomorrow morning.”

  “Actually, I was hoping you could stay here for tonight.” I hold one of his hands with mine. “In case that intruder comes back.”

  “You’re right I should stay here just in case. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “Thank you so much, you’re always looking out for us.” I lean over and give John a kiss on the lips. He accepts it. I linger longer than I should, not wanting it to end. I feel John’s hands on my hips. I slide my tongue past his lips and our tongues meet. John’s hands move to my ass. I want John right now. Then the thought of Ryan enters my mind. I break the kiss. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” I straighten myself out. I’m flustered and can feel myself blushing. “Ryan may have some night clothes that will fit you. Do you want to try them on?”

  “No, I sleep in my underwear. Is that okay?” I think more than okay.

  "That's fine, I'll make up your bed on the couch. You can freshen up here. There's an extra toothbrush in the medicine cabinet." I reluctantly make an exit. What was I thinking? Kissing John like that. I hope he doesn’t take it the wrong way. A tiny part of me hopes he does.


  I'm woken up in the middle of the night. I hear voices coming from downstairs. Fear overwhelms me but then I realize that John is down there. I got halfway down the stairs and peek into the living room. John is on the couch. His blankets have been kicked off. He's wearing boxer briefs and nothing else. He's tossing and turning. John yells out, "Leia." He must be having a nightmare. What is he dreaming about and who is Leia?

  I debate with myself on waking John up. I should probably let him be. What I really want to do his curl up next to him and comfort him. Tell him that everything will be okay if he stays.

  I head back to bed. I don’t sleep a wink. My mind is full of images of John coming into my room with just his boxer briefs on. John sliding his boxers off and laying right beside me.

  Chapter 5


  I don’t know where I am when I wake up but I can smell bacon.

  “Are you awake? I’ve made breakfast for you,” Amanda says standing over me. I notice she is staring at my crouch. I’m spread out on the couch wearing only my boxer briefs. My cock is hard from morning wood and is pressing against my underwear. I take in Amanda. She’s wearing shorts that hug her wide hips and reveal her thick thighs. Her T-shirt collar plunges down revealing a good amount of cleavage from her ample breasts. I can see that she isn’t wearing a bra and her nipples are hard and poking through her shirt. I wonder if Amanda is cold or is as sexually excited as I am right now? My cock twitches in response to what I see.

  Amanda leans over to shake my shoulder and the last of my sleepiness from me. I can see down Amanda’s shirt and see her large breasts hanging in front of me. I’m mesmerized by them and all I want to do is rip off Amanda’s shirt, throw her on the couch, and fuck her tits.

  “I’m awake. You look beautiful.” I can see Amanda’s cheeks redden. “I mean I like your outfit. You should show off your body more often. You can really drive the guys crazy.”

  “I can see the type of reaction I’m getting from you.” Amanda sits next to me and feels my cock over my underwear.

  “Mom, is breakfast ready?” Jake yells from upstairs. Amanda quickly stands up and goes to the kitchen. I begin putting my clothes on.

  “Yeah, breakfast is ready. Come down while it’s still hot.”

  All three of us eat breakfast and try to make small talk. I meet Amanda’s eyes and I can tell there’s a conversation she wants to have but can’t with Jake sitting here. We finish breakfast and Jake excuses himself and goes to his room.

  “I’m sorry what happened back there. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never had someone give me such nice compliments on my body.”

  “I’m not sorry. I was telling the truth. I want you and I will have you. I love spending time with you and I want to explore every inch of your sexy body.”

  “I want it too but I haven’t moved on from Ryan yet. I’m sorry I misled you. I just feel so conflicted.”

  “I won’t give up. I want you to be mine.”

  “Jake is also having trouble coping with the loss of his father. He’s been getting into fights at school. The other day I caught him with a knife about to cut himself. I’ve tried everything, I just don’t know how I can help Jake. I think he needs a father figure to talk to. He needs a man to talk to.”

  “I’ll talk with Jake. Can you leave us alone for a few hours? Do you have any errands to run?”

  “I do need to pick up some groceries.”

  Amanda has Jake sit with me in the living room and then she leaves us.

  “What is this about? Are you sleeping with my mom? I can see that something is going on between you two. I’m not stupid,” Jake says in a frustrated tone.

  “We’re just talking. Your mother wanted us to talk. That’s all.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about.”

  "Your mother is concerned about you. She thought that you would want to talk to a man. You can tell me anything. This conversation can stay between us."

  “You wouldn’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like not having a dad.”

  “Actually, I do. I lost my father when I was just a little older than you are.”

  “Really? How?”

  “My father was a violent man and took it out on my mother. He would beat the living snot out of her for the smallest things. I remember her afterwards her face would be bruised and sometimes an eye would be swollen shut. When she talked to me or my brother she would still smile at us. My father’s anger would turn to me or my brother, my mother would always intervene and take a beating for us. One night my father came home late after getting piss drunk at the bar. He was in a foul mood. I watched as he hit my mother. She fell back and hit her head on the corner of the table. It knocked her out. I didn’t know that at the time. I thought my father had finally killed her. Her body dropped like a rag doll to the ground. I was in a trance, like a berserker from the Norse stories. I grabbed a cutting knife that was sitting on the kitchen table and went over to my father. I just kept stabbing him over and over. I don’t know how many times. They later told me that I had stabbed him eighty-six times.”

  “What happened to you?”

  “I went to juvie and stayed there until I was eighteen. I tried writing to my mother. I got one letter back. She said that she was scared of me and that she didn’t want to see me ever again. She forbade me from trying to contact my brother. I never saw them again. When I was released from juvie, I went right into the Marines. There’s nothing I won’t pay to protect the ones I love. Do you understand that? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you and your mother. I promised your father I would look after you two. Anything you’re going through you can tell me. I can help you get through it.”

  "I miss my dad," Jake says with tears streaming down his face. I take Jake in my arms.

  “You’re a good kid. It’ll be okay. You and your mom will be okay.”


  I pull into the driveway and see that Jake and John are in the front yard playing catch with a football. It reminds me of when Ryan would play with Jake. Jake is laughing, it seems like he’s having a good time. I haven’t seen Jake this happy since Ryan went missing. I wonder what John and Jake talked about while I was gone.

  Jake comes running over. “Let me take those in for you Mom,” Jake says and grabs the bag of groceries and heads inside.

  “Jake looks really happy. What did you two talk about?”

  “It’s kinda between us. I’m just glad that I could help. He’s a good kid. Just give him some time.”

  “I don’t know how I can thank you.” John grabs me by the hips and pulls me close. His mouth meets mine. I don’t fight it and
wrap my arms around him. The kiss lingers, I’m disappointed that it ends.

  “I need to go. I heard what you said earlier. I understand that you’re still dealing with Ryan’s disappearance. I’ll give you your space. Just know I still want you to be mine.”

  Chapter 6


  It’s been a few days since I’ve seen John. I can’t stop thinking of him. I haven’t felt this way since Ryan and I were dating. A lot of men can’t look past my weight. When John looks at me, I know he sees me as a sexual creature. I can see the hunger in his eyes. It scares me a little. What would he do with me if he had his way? My heart beats a little faster just thinking about it.

  The loud doorbell rings, it makes me jump out of my seat. Could it be John? I try my best to make sure my hair isn’t a mess and my clothes aren’t crumpled. I open the door wide and my expectations come crashing back down to Earth. A heavy-set man in a suit is at the door.

  “Can I help you?” I ask.

  “Is this where Ryan Peterson lives?”

  “Ryan’s been missing for months. I’m his wife.”

  “Great I got the right place.” The man pushes me aside and enters my home.

  “Excuse me! I didn’t invite you in. Please, leave.” Jake must have heard the disturbance and comes down the stairs to see what’s going on.

  “Your husband owes my boss money. He has some gambling debts that are delinquent. I’m here to collect. Give me my boss’s $25,000 and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “My husband is likely dead. I wouldn’t give you that kind of money even if I had it.”

  “That’s the wrong answer. I’ll have to tear this place apart to see if you’re not lying to me.”

  I get my phone out and start to call John. The suited man grabs my arm with force. I scream out in pain and drop the phone. The man stomps on the phone with his shoe. A loud crack is heard from the broken phone. “You won’t be calling anyone,” The man says.


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