Sting (Deceit and Desire Book 5)

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Sting (Deceit and Desire Book 5) Page 7

by Cassie Wild

  Break me in? I was torn between outright terror and fury. I wasn’t a fucking horse, and I hadn’t gotten away from Ephraim and the clan just to deal with shit like this, but one thing I was good at was reading the room, so to speak, and the room right now wasn’t exactly friendly. People were watching the interaction as it played out between Lane and the other guy, and I had no idea how this would go.

  The one safe place in the room seemed to be at Lane’s side, so I stayed where I was – and I stayed quiet.

  “The only reason you’re still the acting president is because I haven’t decided that I wanted the position…yet. Everybody here knows that my father is the real president, and I’m the one he wants to take over.”

  I resisted the urge to look up at him. Lane was going to be the president?

  Was that what this was about?

  Lane took my hand while I was turning everything over in my head. In a flat voice, he said, “She stays with me.”

  I said nothing as he tugged me along behind him, pausing by the bar to give a grizzled, gray-haired man a hard look. “Give me a bottle of Jack.”

  There was a door in front of us – hopefully, it was an exit. It wasn’t marked as one, but so what?

  My hopes were dashed as it opened to reveal a long, dark hallway. Lane wrapped an arm around my shoulders and dipped his head. For a moment, I thought he might kiss me. But he started to talk.

  “I want you to relax and just go along with me. That guy is bad news, but I’m not going to let him touch you. Just go along with me, okay?”

  Bad news? I almost laughed, but the sound would have come out choked and hysterical. “Yes.”

  He pulled me into a room and pressed me back up against the door. I opened my mouth, about ready to demand some answers, but he spoke before I could. “There are cameras in the room. I’ve got to make them think we’re in here fucking. I’m sorry about this, Trice.”

  I went stiff. I was shaking, and I couldn’t stop it.

  I almost asked him if he was serious, but I knew he wasn’t joking.

  He rubbed his lips down my neck, and despite myself, I couldn’t stop a shiver. His heat felt good, and if I hadn’t been so scared, I might have been able to listen to him when he murmured, “Relax.”

  It was a laughable idea.

  His big hard body was pressed to mine, and he was touching me in ways I’d never been touched. Not that I’d ever been touched, but this was nowhere near the circumstances I’d ever imagined myself getting my first taste of intimacy.

  “I’m not going to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he said softly. “Just…relax. We’ve got to make them think we’re going at it, okay?”

  “Oh – okay,” I managed to force the words out.

  But that wasn’t enough for him.

  “Put your arms around me, Trice. It’s okay.”

  He kissed me again, and I slid my arms around him, tried to forget what was going on, where we were.

  I could do that, couldn’t I?

  He tugged on my ponytail. “You’ve got beautiful hair, Trice.”

  He slid his tongue into my mouth, and I groaned, clinging to him a little tighter. Something hard pressed into my belly.

  I wasn’t stupid. I was just inexperienced, and it took me a few seconds to figure out that it was more than just his heavy belt buckle pressing against my belly.

  A throbbing settled between my thighs, and if he hadn’t been kissing me, I would have gasped.

  He pulled me closer, and I gripped him harder. I might have climbed right up his body just then if I could have. He broke the kiss then and lifted his head to shoot a look at me. “I’m going to touch you. TU may be watching.”


  Reality crashed into me, and I stiffened against him. I almost froze, but his words rang through my head, and my instinct for survival kicked in. Digging my fingers into his biceps, I gave a tiny nod then pressed the back of my head into the door, trying to ground myself.

  It was a wasted attempt because a second later, he slid one hand up over my hip, then higher, until it grazed the side of my breast. I gasped, the unfamiliar contact a shocking surprise.

  Heat jolted through me, and I jerked my eyes up to meet his.

  He stared at me from under his lashes, his head tilted low to meet my eyes. I licked my lips, and he made a harsh noise in his throat before kissing me again.

  I liked his kisses.

  If he’d just keep kissing me, maybe I could forget about all the craziness that lay behind this and maybe I could do as he’d asked earlier…relax. Or at least not stiffen up and freak out as he moved to palm my breast completely.

  The thin material of my bra wasn’t much of a barrier, and he circled my nipple with his thumb. I hissed out a breath as both nipples puckered up into tight, hard buds.

  Lane caught one of my hands and dragged it to his chest. “Touch me, Trice.”

  I didn’t know how. Afraid to put that into words, I hesitantly stroked my hand down his chest, then slid it back up before curling my fingers around his neck and tugging his lips back to mine.

  I soon forgot about the cameras.

  It didn’t seem like such a thing would be possible, but with his mouth on mine and his hands stroking over me, there was only room in my head for so much, and nothing outside this room even seemed to exist in that moment.

  I gasped when I felt his hand come in contact with my thigh, hard and hot and calloused.

  He’d pushed my dress up.

  Startled, I pulled back and stared at him.

  His eyes held mine, and there was a look of warning in them. It was enough for everything to come crashing back, and I nervously tightened my fingers in the front of his shirt as he pushed the dress a little higher. “Are you okay?” he asked, pressing his lips to my ear.

  I gave him another tiny nod.

  He pushed the dress a little higher. “Is this okay? Nobody can see you. All anybody can see if they’re watching is my back. Are you good?”

  If anybody is watching…

  That panic threatened to drive me to the brink again, and I grabbed his head, pulling his mouth to mine. “Don’t let me think about it, okay?” I whispered against his lips.

  If he could just keep me from thinking about why we had to do this, I’d be okay.

  I knew all about doing whatever was necessary in order to survive, and this wasn’t any different.

  Lane caught my ear between his teeth and tugged. Sensation crackled through me, and I shuddered, my spine arching. The hard wall of his chest crushed into my breasts, and I pressed myself more firmly against him.

  Lane kissed me, hard and fast, one hand yanking the band from my hair until it spilled down all around us.

  “Your hair, Trice…fuck, this hair is so damn sexy. So beautiful.”

  I blushed, but whether it was from his words or because he’d just shoved his thigh between mine, I had no idea.

  He began to move, dragging me back and forth over the muscled length of his leg, and I whimpered, the friction sending frissons of delirious pleasure spiraling through me.

  “You’re wet…fuck, Trice. Can I…I want to touch you. Let me touch you.”

  I nodded. I’d lost my mind. There was no other explanation.

  He lowered me back to the floor and slid a hand inside my panties.

  I gasped into his mouth as he pushed a finger into my vagina. I felt myself clench down around him, felt myself gripping him. I’d masturbated before – had brought myself to climax before. But I’d never felt anything like the pleasure I felt as he thrust his finger inside me.

  I cried out.

  He swallowed the sound down and continue to stroke me. I moved on his hand, clinging to the hard ridge of his shoulders.

  “Shit…Trice. This is crazy. Let me…” Lane panted against my lips. “Touch me. Take my cock out. I want to feel your hand on me.”

  Now, I was really blushing, but I didn’t hesitate to obey. Curiosity and want burned
in me, and I slid my hands between us, fumbling with his belt, the button of his jeans and the zipper. He stopped long enough to shove his jeans and boxers down just a little, and I stared, mouth going dry as his penis sprang free from the confines of his clothes.

  It was the first time I’d ever seen an aroused male.

  His cock was thick and hard, the head swollen. Under my gaze, it pulsed, a bead of clear fluid welling from the top. “Take me in your hand, Trice. And close your damn mouth before I beg you to take me there.”

  The blunt statement startled me into complying, and I wrapped my fingers around him, dragging my hand up, then down. He crowded me in against the door, his hand dipping back between my thighs.

  “I’m going to…ah, fuck, that’s good. Harder. Faster. This is crazy…Listen, I’m going to pick you up. I’m not going to fuck you, but it will look like it. I’ll make you come. I have to…” The rest of the words were muttered against my lips, and I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying.

  Not that it mattered. My brain seemed to be melting out of my ears.

  All that mattered to me was his hands on me and the way his cock jerked and throbbed in my hands.

  Then he was pulling away.

  I whimpered.

  “Shhh…” He boosted me up and braced my back against the door. My skirt hiked up to my hips as he stepped between my thighs, guiding my legs to wrap around his hips. “That’s it…I’m going to…”

  He showed me instead of telling me.

  He rocked against me.

  I could feel the heated length of him, trying to nestle between the folds of my thighs, my panties a slick, wet barrier.

  I whimpered because it wasn’t enough.

  “Lane, please,” I whispered, the sound choked.

  He grunted as I arched and rubbed against him, tightening my thighs around his hips. “You keep this up, and I’m going to lose it, Trice. Unless you want to get fucked right here, right now…just…”

  “Lane!” I clutched at him as the sensations spread through me, settling hot and low in my belly. His cock passed over me again.



  He snarled and reached between us. I felt a jerking at my hips, and then the minuscule barrier that had been my panties were pushed to the side. Lane lifted his head and stared down at me, his gaze stark. “Tell me to stop,” he said, his voice hard and flat. “Now.”

  Instead, I pulled his mouth to mine.

  He shuddered as he thrust his tongue back into my mouth. He reached between us again, and I whimpered as I felt him touching me more fully. The head of his cock rubbed over me, and I gasped, then whimpered as he started to push inside.

  Pain threatened next.

  I shoved against his shoulders and tried to twist away – not from him, but from the burning pain.

  Lane stiffened and jerked his head up, staring down at me.

  “Fuck, Trice…are you a virgin?” he demanded.

  Horrified now, and utterly embarrassed, I nodded. He went to pull back, but something innate and primal drove me to tighten my arms around him. “You don’t have to stop.”

  “The hell I don’t,” he growled, but he didn’t pull away.

  “The damage is kind of done,” I said, trying to smile.

  He grimaced, a shudder wracking his body, and I whimpered as it caused his cock to pulse inside me.

  “I’m hurting you,” he said.

  “It’s not as bad now,” I told him. And it wasn’t. My mind was whirling as I stared up at this big, unknown man. “You don’t have to stop,” I repeated, tugging at his shoulders.

  “Fuck me all the way to hell.” The words seemed to come from some place deep inside him, but he didn’t stop.

  Lane slid his arm around me, braced it under my hips. A shaky breath escaped me as the pressure in my lower body lessened. “I’ll make this good for you,” he said.

  His mouth covered mine in the next heartbeat, and as he started to withdraw, his tongue slid into my mouth. His hand cupped my breast. He worked the nipple until it was back to a stiff point, and slowly, he sank back inside me. The sharp edge of pain flared again, but it wasn’t as bad this time.

  His kisses were enough to make me delirious, so I focused on those instead of the lingering burn of pain, and bit by bit, I relaxed more.

  As that happened, some of the pleasure returned, and I found myself moving against Lane.

  He noticed too.

  “That’s it…you’re so fucking sweet, Trice,” he muttered against my mouth. “Open for me…just like…”

  Hot, dirty words continued to roll from him, words whispered against my lips, into my hair or against my ear as I rocked against him. He slid one hand between us, and I jerked as he stroked me. I was stretched so wide around him, and while it wasn’t hurting as much, I wasn’t exactly feeling as much heat as I had been earlier either.

  At least not until he touched me. He touched, adjusted how he stood, and all of a sudden, when he moved, he was moving on me, each brush of his body riding up against my clitoris, and the change was…indescribable. I tightened against him, my head slamming back against the door as I stared at him in shock.

  A faint smile kicked up the corners of his mouth. “You like that.”

  I nodded, wordless.

  “Good. Give me your mouth again, Trice. You taste so good.”

  I whimpered as his lips sought out mine, opening for him as if I’d been waiting my whole life to do that.

  My lower belly began to tighten.

  I recognized the sensation. I’d brought myself to climax before, but I could already tell this was going to blow away everything I’d ever felt before. My heart began to race in my ears, blood rushing and roaring like a freight train.

  Lane’s mouth was still on mine, and I couldn’t breathe.

  Tearing my mouth away, I sucked in air.

  “That’s it…let it happen, baby,” he whispered as he reached between us.

  He stroked my clitoris, quick, certain moves of sly fingers.

  I erupted.

  He crushed my mouth under his, swallowing down every sound I made as I thrashed between him and the door.

  The faint edge of pain blurred away until it and the pleasure merged, becoming one.

  I could no longer think. I could no longer see. All I could do was feel…and Lane was all there was. He became, in those few seconds, my entire world.



  She was shaking. Trapped between me and the door, she was probably having a hard time breathing, and her long, lithe body was trembling. It was just another stone I’d be carrying around on my shoulders, and the guilt I was starting to feel had the pleasure inside me turning to ashes.

  She’d been a virgin.

  Fuck, what had I been thinking bringing her here?

  I should have just taken her to the restaurant first, and fuck TU. If he chose to make an issue out of it, then so what? I would have handled it, just like I’d always done.

  Because I hadn’t wanted to let her leave just yet, Trice had paid the price for both my selfishness and TU’s asshole tendencies.

  I’d taken her virginity up against the fucking door.

  I guess it could have been worse.

  It could have been in that bed behind me where half the club had fucked countless women.

  The thought turned my stomach, and I made myself focus on the what had happened instead of the what ifs.

  What had happened…I’d taken Trice. It was done.

  Now, at least, I didn’t have to worry about TU trying to lay claim on her. He’d know if he pushed me, I’d push back. There was a lot of shit I didn’t fight over, but he’d know not to try to push this issue. She was safe.

  You asshole, I told myself. She was still pretty damn far from safe, and it wasn’t just because she was still wet from me and breathing hard from sex.

  I had to get her out of there, but if we rushed out, it wouldn’t make things a
ny better.

  Easing away from her, I hitched up my jeans, then smoothed her dress down, taking care to stay between her and the cameras until she was covered. “I’m going to…” I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder in the direction of the bathroom, then shook my head. Turning on my heel, I stalked in there and just barely resisted the urge to slam the door. She’d think I was mad at her, and I wasn’t.

  I was pissed off at myself, at TU, at Croft. At the whole damn situation, but not at her.

  I cleaned up in the little bathroom, trying hard not to think about the fact that I had semen and other fluids drying on my dick because I’d been too stupid to wear a condom.

  It was the first time it had happened, and I needed her to understand she didn’t have to worry.

  I wasn’t some careless manwhore who fucked just about anybody without gloving up.

  If she wanted me to get tested, I would. Whatever would make her feel better. But that was a conversation we’d have to have at a later time. We couldn’t even begin to get into it while we were here. Speaking of which, the sooner we got out of this little room, the sooner we could leave the bar, and I wanted that like I wanted my next breath.

  I grabbed a small washcloth, grateful to whichever girl took it upon herself to make sure the bathroom here stayed clean and stocked. After wetting it down with warm water, I took it out to the other room and offered it to Trice. “I thought you might want to clean up,” I said, feeling more awkward than I’d ever felt in my life.

  She blinked, eying the rag, then me. A blush spread upward from her neck to stain her cheeks a pretty, dusky rose as she grabbed the rag and hurried into the bathroom. I stood there, guarding the door with my arms crossed over my chest and bracing myself for what lay outside that door.

  Trice came out a few seconds later and glanced at me, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes, and I knew she felt every bit as awkward as I did. Probably more so. Her first time had been with a near stranger in a bar up against a door with people just a few yards away – oh, and let’s not forget the fucking cameras.


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